Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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I am not saying boycotting their events at all. Just asking. No not really enjoying this fine day, book work for the government kept me pretty busy all weekend. Nice that our government wants to know how and when we make and spend our money isn't it! LOL
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


You're right, the government want's to know what all us poor people are doing.

Some people worry about the poor millionaires and billionasirs.

Myself, I'd like to know how much thr trillionairs pay in taxes.

I think those are the people that own the federal reserve and are continually devaluing our dollar
with their quantitative easing and loans to foreign countries that we don't know about.

Oh well, all is good here, and I have enjoyed this beautiful day immensley.

Diane Amberg

The top crust usually pay very little in what we call "taxes" because of their foundations and trusts and such. They do give away lots of money and support many functions but they stay in control of it.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on January 22, 2012, 06:26:43 PM
The top crust usually pay very little in what we call "taxes" because of their foundations and trusts and such. They do give away lots of money and support many functions but they stay in control of it.

That doesn't help the country a bit does it, I'm talking by not paying their fair share of taxes and simply keeping it to control as they want. Seems totally unpatriotic to mean. Just like organizations that have their hands out for a hand out to help to build their own reputation by handing out lollipops. Just seems unethical, but, because we are told it is not unethical we are suppose to believe it. Well, I don't believe it.

This is a problem clear across the country. The people of wealth are considered upstanding leaders of the community and can do no wrong and I totally disagree with that kind of thinking. Just read or watch the news.

I believe the Navy this last year alone threw out about 25 or more of the so called Officers and Gentlemen that were suppose to be leaders. Real leadership means much more then a title. A simple explanation is giving credit where credit is due and being responsible enough to truthfully carry the burden when something goes wrong, a person must also lead by example. And all of those features are very difficult to do properly, it takes a lot of self discipline and honesty and integrity. Somethhing seldom seen these days.


Ross, you're so right. 

Glad to see there are a number like you in Elk County who will stand for the principles of liberty.


Thanks Red,

There are a few that are connected with this thread and that follow this thread. They are the one's that have nothing to hide and are not afraid to have an honest and open two way dialog.[/b]

What is being hidden will eventually come out, watch and see.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on January 22, 2012, 06:26:43 PM
The top crust usually pay very little in what we call "taxes" because of their foundations and trusts and such. They do give away lots of money and support many functions but they stay in control of it.

True but thats every mans right.  No one has the right to take ones hard work and profit from that work.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Ya, know what, I'm still wondering what our employees are hiding from us.

Yes, they are our employees?
Who am I speaking of?
You and me and everyone else that pays property taxes, we are the employer.

Who do we employe?
Each and every County Commissioner, yes.
Each and every County employee.

I see our County Commissioner Hendricks since having the (giant) title of chairman given to her
is handing out a lolloipop in the way of her own little article in the newspaper about the County Commissioners meetings.

What in the world is wrong with the 21st century way of doing things? Like utilizing the very expensive electronics that have been installed in the court house and the County Web site. After all she wanted to use the County web site for her Elk Konnected, LLC until she was forced to remove it. So, why not use it for county  information?

Oh well.
Back to what are they hiding from us, that was the question right?
Our Economic Development employee, said she was working secretly with someone because they asked her to.
Now wait a minute?
Who pays her wages?
Who does she answer to?

Who do the County Commissioner work for?
Who do the County Commissioners answer to?

Where is the transparency in our local government?

What are they hiding, really?
Is it something that will line their own pockets?
Is it at the request of Elk Konnected, LLC?
Two of the County Commissioners admit to being Elk Konnected, LLC
and speak out that they defend Elk Konnected, LLC, don't they?
Even thought they never say what they are defending Elk Konnected, LLC from, now do they?

Who ever heard of some one building something, a business and wanting to keep it secret?
Usually they want plenty of advertisement before getting started, which generates more interest in what is happening.
This also get more business coming their way. Look at any new Dillions being built. The first thing that goes up before ground breaking is a big sign, "New Dillions Coming Soon".

So what is there to hide?

Is there an Elk Konnected County Commissioner we can trust if so, stop the secrets from your employees.

What is the big secret that our Economic Development employee is working on?

The only secrets that I am aware that our County Commissioners are required by law to keep from us is Executive Session concerning employee problems. If I am wrong please let me and everyone else know. There is just no information on our county web site that amounts to a durn thing.

Every one reading this is aware that at least two of the County Commissioners read this thread. So come on, let's have with open and honest dialog that Elk Konnected, LLC claimed in the past that they wanted and let's include it as County Commissioners as well and let's make it two way, Okay?


Economic Developers have a Code of Ethics.  Just like attorneys or CPA's or any of a dozen or so professions, they must maintain in confidence the affairs of any client, colleague or organization and can not disclose confidential information obtained in the course of professional activities.
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


Quote from: flintauqua on January 24, 2012, 03:29:13 PM
Economic Developers have a Code of Ethics.  Just like attorneys or CPA's or any of a dozen or so professions, they must maintain in confidence the affairs of any client, colleague or organization and can not disclose confidential information obtained in the course of professional activities.

Oh come on Flint.
That sounds like so much bull.

Can you show a link to such Code of Ethics for Economic Developers that says they are to keep secrets from the public that they work for, the same public that pays their wages? I can't find it.

If you can do that I will definitly and sincerely apologize for calling it so much bull.

So what are they hiding?

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