Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Reading the advertisement on the back page of the local papeer dated November 2, 2011 continued.
(Just realized I spelled paper with an extra e, a typo. But I think that probably fits, what do you think?
The editor has said he is Konnected, so couldn't that equate to a peer?)

Elk Konnected, LLC a privately owned company says, "Elk Konnected via ECCEF recieved $1195.92 from Parks and Rec for soccer and balls.

Now I believe Elk Konnected, LLC has stated they had partnered with the Elk County Community and Education Fund. So, how does ECCEF ask the County Commissioners for Parks and Rec fund when they
do not provide the County with any benefits from the money they get from the county.

It's apparent that someone from ECCEF must ask the County Commissioners for the money> So do they do it truefully by stating they are asking for money to give to Elk konnected, LLC a privately owned company which would be the honest thing to do. Dont you think?

So there again two County Commissioners that are Elk Konnected would still be voting on giving their organization Elk Konnected, LLC County taxpayers dollars. You don't have to be a member sitting on tteh steering committe or any other committe to be considered a member. Tey said you can be a member ti what ever degree you want to be. And Liz stated the Mr. Liebau was amember of a committee but now remains a strong supporter, that would seem to qualify as a member by her previous statements, wouldn't it. A cheerleader member is what I'd call it. Did the County Commissioners think up a way of getting around voting for their own cause, Elk Konnected, LLC? I don't think so.

And yes, folks it's your money and my money because it is in the County Coffers. And as taxpayers dollars  we each and everyone that pays property taxes own that money and have a say in how it is spent. Just because Elk Konnected may say it is a different thingy does not make it so.

I've got other things to do for now, but

I'll be back with more thoughts and personal opinion on the newspaper advertisement.


Reading the advertisement on the back page of the local papeer dated November 2, 2011 continued.

They said, "We want to have open, honest dialog whch creates a better Elk Konnectland ."
Wait a minute, wait a minute what a happened to Elk Konnected Community?

And what is Elk Konnectland?

I have never heard of Elk Konnectland, Is that like Michael Jackson's Never Land?

But let's back up to the original statement and ask where Elk Konnected, LLC is for the open, honest dialog?
Was that statement a lie?
If not where are they?
I read the statement right there on the back page of the newspaper.
Elk Konnected, LLC is your word of any value?
Or are you going to stick to your negative attitude of having an open, honest dialog with us on this media of your choice?

I'll be back with more thoughts, questions and personal opinion on the newspaper advertisement.

Feedback is welcome.


Reading the Elk Konnected, LLC advertisement on the back page of the local paper dated November 2, 2011 continued.

Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts and opinions and questions about the privately owned company Elk Konnected, LLC who has projected itself politically on to our County. I know they don't appreciate this thread, even though they have said many times they would use this Elk County Forum to Communicate with the Citizens of Elk County, they refuse to stand by their own words. Especially about an open, honest dialog. Otherwise where is it?

Elk Konnected, LLC says, "Not sure where the $80,000 came from."
(What doesn't Elk Konnected, LLC know what it's doing?)

That quote is word for word right out of their advertisement on the back page of the newspaper.

So, let's look at the numbers they provided in the very same advertisement.
Or do they think Elk County residents, taxpayers and concerned citizens are to lazy or to stupid to do so.

Please help me out and if I have made any errors with these numbers, yes please let me know.

In the advertisement the privately owned company shows recieving $45,705 from Elk County Community and Education Fund, Well, I think that's just dandy lor them. Terrific in fact. But they don't say how they are using a single cent on improving the quality of life in Elk County now do they? But the privately owned company with no leadership is really pulling in the dough for not having anything to sell or services to provide to earn the money. Boy wouldn't that be a great gig for everyone in Elk County, just hold your hand out and there you go tax deductable dollars in you hand?  

They then tell us they raised another $4,250 plus another $6,670, and another $3000 followed by anther $3,150 another $19,900 for their Wellness Center and another $1,650 and finally they list $1195.92.

Now let's add up the numbers:

So it appears to me the $80,000 number was wrong.

What has Elk Konnected, LLC actually accomplished?
They handed out a few of what I call LOLLIPOPS to appease in my opinion.
They started a Wellness Center and failed miserably in operating it.
Then there was the unauthorized use of County resources( to be politically correct) wasn't there?
Oh, isn't that also refered as theft?

A business that can't run a business, but wants to help start up business with information to help with their business, thats amazing? It was stated in this thread on an earlier page that people are to stupid to know what they are doning in business. How ironic is that. And they want to intefere in the business of communities in Elk County. Just thoughts.

Did, I read that right Elk Konnected, LLC  paid Public Squares Communities, LLC $10,750.00 WOW!
And our County Commissioner Hendricks founder of Elk Konnected works for Public Squares Communities, LLC.
I believe County Commissioner Hendricks when she says she does not benefit directly to any money,
but hey, what about indirectly in the sense of a pay check from Public Squares Communities, LLC ?

Isn't it possible that some of that $10,750.00 makes it to your paycheck?
And doesn't Elk Konnected, LLC have to pay Public Squares Communities, LLC a yearly dues?
And isn't that money suppose to be recieved by the four public squares including the School Boards (taxpayers dollars), The City Governments (taxpayers dollars) and  County Government (taxpayers dollars) ?

Didn't you and your Elk Konnected, LLC hire your employeer? Please come and let me know I am wrong.

Elk Konnected, LLC provided the numbers in the newspaper advertisement and I sure hope, I didn't miss any or add any by accident, but that advertisement was the worst I have ever read. Everything is so jumbled what kind of an attempt at journalistic advertisement is that?  Oh, and I hope my math is correct, any school teachers out there want to check my math paper?

Would anyone please double check my work and let me know if there are any errors, please?

Yes, Elk Konnected, LLC even call themselves a private company finally, but still don't own up to ownership or leadership, why?
Let's discuss that one later, okay.

I'm not asking about the so called Steering Committee we know who they are and even the fact one of them refereed to themselves as stupid volunteers at the meeting refereed to in the Elk Konnected, LLC Advertisement.

Elk Konnected, LLC I would appreciate a rebuttal to tell me I am wrong, supported with truthful provable facts. Would you please enter into this open, honest dialog with some positive input.


I wonder if you paid for a ad listing these findings in the local paper if you would be allowed to do such a thing.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: srkruzich on November 05, 2011, 10:28:10 AM
I wonder if you paid for a ad listing these findings in the local paper if you would be allowed to do such a thing.

It would have to be in a paper other than our local paper. Because our Editor has informed us he is Konnected.


Oh, heck! One more for today.

Is this a Word Twister or Twisted Words game?

Anything you might want to call it. it doesn't matter.

In my opinion it is very deceptive.

The question they were supposedly asked, "Elk Konnected would you still have qualified for that grant as a private company?LLC?

(Now how naieve or stupid does Elk Konnected, LLC really think Elk County citizens are?)

Their answer, "Yes - we would still utilize ECCEF to qualify for grants. It is not uncommon for organizations to utilize their foundations in this way.

Wasn't the question ---- Would Elk Konnected, LLC still have qualified for that grant as a private company?

The question was not if ECCEF qualified for a grant now was it?

Isn't the truthfull answer, that Elk Konnected, LLC itself would not qualify for a grant?

You could then follow the truth up with -- we use ECCEF if you want.

Now wouldn't that be closer to being truthful and honest?

Oh and that statement, "It is not uncommon for organizations to utilize their foundations in this way.", I am trying to find some sort of documentation for this statement.

I just can't bring myself to trust a statement like that without documentation or proof.
This statement just sounds unethical to me.

If I find out otherwise I will post any documentation supporting the statement but perhaps Elk Konnected, LLC would provide the documentation supporting the statement.

Of course if Elk Konnected, LLC truely wants an open and honest dialog here is your chance. Do you want to see me eat crow, show some substantial proof to that statement that can be verified and I will EAT CROW.

" There are always individuals or very, very small groups of individuals who try to distort facts by subjectively using them out of context, or in the case of empirical data, changing parameters of a statistical analysis so the numbers will fit a predetermined outcome with no names to support the data.

When these individuals try to hide behind a cloak of one way communication such as a newspaper, then others must ask why ? "


How's that $150.00 a team baseball tournament coming along?

The same way as the Wellness center?

Talk to us Elk Konnected?

What is that Elk Konnectedland thingy?


What's happening with that Elk Konnected Baseball Tournamnet how's that shaping up?
Was this a product of Elk Konnected's many visionary's?

Is everyone signing up for $150 per team tournament? I'd like to hear more about it.

Was that thought up to raise the living standards or raise the quality of life or whatever all their visionary's think up next for Elk County?

We use to have that Elk Konnected Wellness Center but that failed, didn't we?

So, I hope everyone is rushing out there with their $150 to make this baseball thingy work for Elk Konnected!
We need a better Elk County don't we?

Well, anyway, perhaps we can rely on that that Elk Konnected thingy for the salvation of our county.

And we got that Elk Konnected Community, and more recently Elk Konnectedland, to fall back on don't we?

Or is it all fantasy?

Perhaps Elk Konnected and their associate ECCEF can tell us what is happening?

If not then we must assume it is all fantasy, right?

After all Elk Konnected said they wanted open and honest dialog but fail at that too.

And where is the transparency?

For real fantasy, I'd like to suggest Elk Konnected take their facebook page to Cityville and they can make themselves mayor and it's their very own town and their very own rules. Here is the link to help them get started.


Quote from: Ross on November 05, 2011, 12:45:27 PM

Their answer, "Yes - we would still utilize ECCEF to qualify for grants. It is not uncommon for organizations to utilize their foundations in this way.

IF we were to do this, the IRS would call it deceptive business practice and tax evasion
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: srkruzich on November 12, 2011, 04:51:29 PM
IF we were to do this, the IRS would call it deceptive business practice and tax evasion

Not too far off from what an attorney in the IRS division responsible for tax free organization tax compliance told me last month.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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