Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: mtcookson on October 10, 2011, 03:56:12 PM
I wouldn't say completely on their wishes and views (when you do that we get the problems we have now). More so the wishes and views of citizens, among other things, that are in accordance with the U.S. and State Constitutions. Don't they have an Oath of Office when entering office? For example, here's one from Butler County, KS:

I, (name), do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Kansas, and faithfully discharge the duties of Butler County Commissioner.  So help me God.

The Constitution is great because... it works. Notice how the U.S. and local governments starting getting worse and worse as time went on... as they kept getting further away from the Constitution? Exactly.

I asked at the court house to see the oath our people take and I do not remember reading anything about faithfully discharging the duties of Elk County Commissioner or any form of allegiance to Elk County. They use a generic oath for all employees or so I was told.

Definition of ALLEGIANCE:
the fidelity owed by a subject or citizen to a government 
devotion or loyalty to a person, group, or cause


A rerun for County Commissioner Hendricks in case she missed it the first time.
Quote from: Ross on October 10, 2011, 06:06:14 AM
A question for Elk County Commissioner Hendricks

Would you be good enough to tell the Community of Elk County
Exactly how much money is available in the Elk County
Parks and Recreation Fund that is available for the use of the individual Cities?

Since this is public information and readily available to you as County Commissioner it should be a
relatively easy question for you to acquire the answer to.

Thank You Commissioner Hendricks.


Quote from: Ross on October 10, 2011, 06:06:14 AM
A question for Elk County Commissioner Hendricks

Would you be good enough to tell the Community of Elk County
Exactly how much money is available in the Elk County
Parks and Recreation Fund that is available for the use of the individual Cities?

Since this is public information and readily available to you as County Commissioner it should be a
relatively easy question for you to acquire the answer to.

Thank You Commissioner Hendricks.

Why not call the county offices and ask yourself? If the information is available to the public, then it's available to you.


Quote from: Mom70x7 on October 10, 2011, 08:43:48 PM
Why not call the county offices and ask yourself? If the information is available to the public, then it's available to you.
I understand the books aren't all that easy to understand.
Besides what is a County Commissioner for if they can't answer a simple question.
And too, it would be an official answer coming from a County Comissioner and not hear-say.
Don't you see?

Or perhaps our County Commissioner just doesn't care about the Elk County Citizens request and concerns ?


I have not read one simple direct answer from Elk konnected, LLC or our County Commissioner, I wonder why that is?

Okay, I'm pushing this one, but it should be very easy for her due to the fact that Elk Konnected, LLC IMHO is utilizing the Parks and recreation more and for more money than any one else ??? Would you be good enough to tell the Community of Elk County Exactly how much money is available in the Elk County Parks and Recreation Fund that is available for the use of the individual Cities?

Okay, I'll change it to approximately how much because of a few variable involved in the calculation of the funds.

But, also she was either unable or unwilling to tell us what other Company or LLC in Elk County is using the Elk County Parks and Recreation fund, why is that? She spoke of community organizations but no LLC's or companies? ???
Real answers would be greatly appreciated, don't you think?

And I wonder why the volunteers on the steering committe feind what was, was it  ignorance or being stupid volunteers? Do you suppose it is because they are kept in the dark and just follow the boss' orders?

And we recieved absolutly no report on the accomplishments or information on how Elk Konnected is actually making Elk County a better place to live and I wonder why, don't you?

So, here we are another day and no real answers, do you think we will ever be able to get real answers?

Maybe today ???


Okay I forgot yesterday was Columbus day.
But today isn't, so perhaps today we could get some answers.
Whatcha think?


Quote from: Ross on October 10, 2011, 09:03:13 PM
I understand the books aren't all that easy to understand.
Besides what is a County Commissioner for if they can't answer a simple question.
And too, it would be an official answer coming from a County Commissioner and not hear-say.
Don't you see?

Or perhaps our County Commissioner just doesn't care about the Elk County Citizens request and concerns ?

Sorry, but I still think that's a legitimate question for you (or any citizen) to ask. Coming from the County Clerk's office, it would not be hearsay. It would be very official.


Quote from: Mom70x7 on October 11, 2011, 03:55:26 PM
Sorry, but I still think that's a legitimate question for you (or any citizen) to ask. Coming from the County Clerk's office, it would not be hearsay. It would be very official.
It would be hearsay if I posted it on the forum.
However, if the County Commissioner posted it, it would not be hearsay because we are suppose to be able to
trust our elected officials, right?

Which brings to mind why isn't information posted on our official Elk County web site.
Now there is an image maker.
And our web site is very uninformative and lacks creativity.
Many, many counties across the country have  very, impressive web sites.
Try this web site with a lot of County Information on it. And it's information is geared to the residents of the county.
What's wrong with our County employees updating our web site?


Speaking of Elk Konnected and their Grenola conversation... We did learn that the following government bodies have contributed tax money to Elk Konnected for their use in paying membership/consulting fees to Public Square Communities, LLC.:  Longton, Moline, Severy and Elk County.  We also learned that the portion paid by Elk County was paid out of the Parks and Recreation budget. Wait... Elk Konnected reminded us that those budget monies, according to state law, can ONLY be for parks and recreation related activities in the county.  Of course they also said it isn't tax money... it is, it's just nor derived from property taxes.  Oopsy.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Patriot on October 11, 2011, 05:02:50 PM
Speaking of Elk Konnected and their Grenola conversation...

We were also informed by Dr. Whetstone that Elk Konnected had gotten the 2009 and 2011 Summer Day Camp grants (some $27,000 worth) from the Kansas Health Foundation.... until it was pointed out that those grants were applied for by and paid to Elk County.  Other steering committee members verified that fact.  Elk Konnected, of course, had carte blanch when it came to spending those monies.  When asked by a visitor who the grant writer was, the steering committee unanimously identified Jennifer Brummel, Elk County Economic Development Director/Youth Development Coordinator.... but she said she charged and was paid nothing to write the grant applications.... unless, of course, you consider the wages we, the taxpayers, give her every month 'pay'.  Dontcha kist love the play on words?
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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