Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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That's OK Janet because sodbuster was hammering me, Sarge , Patriot and Ross as to why us VFW boys don't step up to the plate to do the color guard. The last I knew the color guard in Elk county were veterans from the American Legion. To my knowledge there is no VFW in Elk county since Grenola closed their doors probably 16-18 years ago. Now I sure can't speak for the other lads but I do not belong to an Elk County American Legion but do belong to the VFW in Independence---which I transferred to when Grenola closed theirs. All that talk about the color guard were WW-II vets but now too old is kinda mis-leading, don't you think? I know last winter I attended a funeral here in Longton that had the American Legion color guard do the military part. I didn't know all of them but did know "Tiny" W. ,Brad H., Russ J. ,and Jack H. and don't believe any of them are old enough to be WW-II vets, or any of the detail. I thought maybe Russ J (may Russ RIP) might be the oldest and he was a Korean vet. Please correct me if I'm wrong.


Quote from: jarhead on October 01, 2011, 08:26:35 PM
That's OK Janet because sodbuster was hammering me, Sarge , Patriot and Ross as to why us VFW boys don't step up to the plate to do the color guard. The last I knew the color guard in Elk county were veterans from the American Legion. To my knowledge there is no VFW in Elk county since Grenola closed their doors probably 16-18 years ago. Now I sure can't speak for the other lads but I do not belong to an Elk County American Legion but do belong to the VFW in Independence---which I transferred to when Grenola closed theirs. All that talk about the color guard were WW-II vets but now too old is kinda mis-leading, don't you think? I know last winter I attended a funeral here in Longton that had the American Legion color guard do the military part. I didn't know all of them but did know "Tiny" W. ,Brad H., Russ J. ,and Jack H. and don't believe any of them are old enough to be WW-II vets, or any of the detail. I thought maybe Russ J (may Russ RIP) might be the oldest and he was a Korean vet. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

I know of at least 2 other Korean vets in Elk county.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Quote from: Anmar on October 01, 2011, 08:37:49 PM
I know of at least 2 other Korean vets in Elk county.
And they would be 80 years or older, right?


Did I say that wrong ? I didn't mean that Russ J. was the only Korean vet in the county. Aint too many left though that I know of. When was the Korean war---1950 -53. That would make them great old vets getting up in the years


Quote from: jarhead on October 01, 2011, 08:45:12 PM
Did I say that wrong ? I didn't mean that Russ J. was the only Korean vet in the county. Aint too many left though that I know of. When was the Korean war---1950 -53. That would make them great old vets getting up in the years

I don't think you said anything wrong.  I was just trying to provide info.  There are still several Korean vets around, and as far as I know, in their 80's
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


I've got a question, why are our elected county commissioners allowing a so-called private organization to have such a large influence on how things in this county are run?  
I mean seriously, if EK is going to be allowed to tell us how to spend our money or run our county why in the hell are we paying for commissioers to meet twice a month?

Or is it that some of our commissioners just have REALLY close ties with EK?
I mean are the citizens of this county to stupid to have a discussion without an outside organization coming in to tell us how? Apparentlly the commissiners must think so, or else they would step up and do the job they were elected to do.
Maybe its because some of our commissiners are to afraid or just plain chickens@#$ to meet with the public, or it could be that they're (and yes I'm quoting one) "just don't want to deal with the bulls#!$"?

I think it is high time that those folks that ran for office and we voted for come down from their ivory towers and faced the people that put them in office.  It is time they started to answers questions TRUTHFULLY (for those commissioners that may be reading this post and wondering at the definition of the word "truthfully" it can be found by consulting websters dictionary.).

Franklly I don't give a damn who Elk Konnected is.  I am more concerned about why they are here, and why they are doing the job of elected officals.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


American Legion membership is open to all veterans of the armed forces.  There is no requirement as to age or war served during.  The American Legion in Howard does have members that are young enough to be a color guard in a parade and it is time that they step up and insist on doing their duty at home.


Quote from: Wilma on October 02, 2011, 07:26:20 AM
...The American Legion in Howard does have members that are young enough to be a color guard in a parade and it is time that they step up and insist on doing their duty at home.

Moreover, it's high time all of our citizens step up and start placing principle over personality and promise over power.  Looking not to blindly defending the status quo, but rather to upholding the practices of honest government that seeks the opportunity of prosperity for all rather than the special interests of a few.  Expecting transparency, fair dealing, and integrity from those elected to lead rather than burying their heads in the sand accepting the apathetic mediocrity that has become the norm.  Being willing to openly and honestly inspect that which they claim to expect.  And being bold enough to demand change.  With those foundations once again in place, then honest warriors might be proud and eager to honor their community by carrying the banners that represent liberty and freedom down its' streets.  Remember... it's ultimately not so much what is done during a parade that matters most, but what is done day in and day out by average citizens and leadership that determines our destiny.

Let's treat the problem, and the symptoms will take care of themselves.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

I just learned something too. I didn't know about those gaps.


Frank, I sure didn't know that either. Live and learn I guess.

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