Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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  I would not approve if it is unlawful abuse of power or an illegal conflict of interest. Those have yet to be proved by any sort of document that I have seen.
I fear no one when it comes to the violation of the law Patriot and I know you don't either. So can anyone produce some kind of document proving either ? Ya can't prosecute on innuendo,dislike of a person or the postings on a blog. Arrogance is not against the law. You know how to build a case,and I haven't seen enough to do it yet. With your background, do you see enough for an affidavit of complaint?, Most I have seen is some valid bitching about special interest preferance toward EK .


Me thinks perhaps all the Elk Konnected followers have perhaps opened their eyes and have seen the light.
No more arguments. Makes me think Elk Konnected must also agree with what they have been reeadingotherwise why no response???

There has been a bunch of good information posted and no responses. Weird???

Have we become an Infantile Society, eager only to be coddled, burped and entertained, with noise masquerading as music, and nicks and bruises as deep cuts and real wounds and lollipops as good deeds.

Really Elk Konnected how about some answers to some really cool questions?

Who steers the steering committee?

Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected?

Who is their Leader?

How can seven people in an organization with no leader and no registered membership speak for the entire population of Elk County?  
In my opinion the lack of definitive answers regarding Elk Konnected, LLC reflects the reality that nobody knows anything about who owns them or who the admitted members are or the admitted members are ashamed of being admitted members? It would be nice to have some clarification.

Quote from: Ross on August 25, 2011, 05:24:24 PM
This weeks newspaper read the "Howard Chamber of Commerce" column.

What's that all about Elk Konnected and the Howard Chamber of Commerce wanting to ask the County fo part of the PILOT money????????????

To be used to help purchase event policiies for county events. What county event? The Elk River Festival is a Howard event isn't it --- to raise funds for the City of Howard, right?

An event was strongly discouraged by the company underwriter, Student Assurance which provides a policy for Elk Konnected, LLC-sponsered events, such as the rock-climbing wall which will cover children but not adults.
Now did you notice Elk konnected does at least have insurance to protect the children at Elk Konnected evoents.

Did you notice it said Elk Konnected, LLC events. I believe the Howard Chamber of Commerce insurance says something similar, i.e. Howard Chamber of Commerce Events, don't you think?

Therefore the Elk River Festival event is more than likely a Howard event, right?  To raise money for the City of Howard right?
And they and Elk Konnected, LLC are thinking of asking for PILOT money? Ever heard of counting your chickens before they hatch?
How about leaving the PILOT money alone

What is with that????

Since when does the Howard Chamber of Commerce or Elk Konnected, LLC qualify as holding county events and require county funds????

It seems to me that terminology is very loosely used, don't you  think so too?

As I read this weeks paper it appears that the event the Howard Chamber of Commerce is discussing is one that is put on to raise funds for Howard, please correct me if I am wrong?  Now, if that is true then it is not a County affair but a Howard affair?

So doesn't that make Elk Konnected, LLC a Howard privately owned company????

Oh I think I see the affiliation of our newspaper editor and Elk Konnected, LLC correct me if I'm wrong please?
Reading this weeks paper the front page has an article of old news but I think it's purpose is to keep  Elk Konnected, LLC in the limelight, really --- old news frontpage --- what do you think?

In my opinion the lack of definitive answers regarding Elk Konnected, LLC reflects the reality that nobody knows anything about who owns them or who the admitted members are or the admitted members are ashamed of being admitted members? It would be nice to have some clarification.

Yes, I quoted myself and not the first time.


Quote from: Humpy on September 07, 2011, 02:05:33 PM
Most I have seen is some valid bitching about special interest preferance toward EK .

Humpy don't you think that should be enough for people to pay attention?

Afterall for years people have failed to pay attention to government on the federal level and look where we are now. I just don't believe there is a single person out there that is happy about the condition our country is in today. Do you?
People everywhere were accepting lollipops in the form of mortgages they could not afford. Everyone, congressmen and such seemd to have their hand out for their own personal projects. And organizations across the country wanting handouts from the feds. It was spend, spend, spend and where has it got us?

The economy is bust, jobs are scarce, people are homeless? Why? Because nobody cared about what was going on!

Do we continue the attitude of apathy that brought our great country to the present day situation??

If we care, we ask, we talk and we vote.


The Tonight Show With Jay Leno

The football game will be on Thursday night, right after the season finale of President Obama.

Obama will give a speech on job growth. I don't think it will be a big speech.

According to the latest poll, a record 73 percent of Americans think the country is headed in the wrong direction. But the good news: Gas is so expensive that we'll never get there.

Mitt Romney revealed a 59-point job plan at a big auto dealership. That shows you how smart Romney is. He knows that a politician only looks honest when he's standing next to a car salesman.

Is any of that really funny??


Quote from: Humpy on September 07, 2011, 02:05:33 PM
  I would not approve if it is unlawful abuse of power or an illegal conflict of interest. Those have yet to be proved by any sort of document that I have seen.
I fear no one when it comes to the violation of the law Patriot and I know you don't either. So can anyone produce some kind of document proving either ? Ya can't prosecute on innuendo,dislike of a person or the postings on a blog. Arrogance is not against the law. You know how to build a case,and I haven't seen enough to do it yet. With your background, do you see enough for an affidavit of complaint?, Most I have seen is some valid bitching about special interest preferance toward EK .

I agree.  Patience, my friend, patience.  In the mean time, review the following links and then look at some recent, approved & published minutes for the Elk County Commission and talk to someone who attended recent meetings.  Then, wonder why I would bring it up. 

KSA 75-4319:  http://kansasstatutes.lesterama.org/Chapter_75/Article_43/75-4319.html

Attorney General KOMA Info.:  http://www.ksag.org/page/4-executive-sessions-when-can-a-meeting-be-closed-and-matters-privately-discussed

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


 Ross I think there are lots of people paying attention. The question from what I can gather is. Does EK and the county comissioners violate the law,and the obviously the peoples trust.Not to mention who are they? Who runs the outfit,who cashes the checks?Who writes their checks? Is most of their funding taken from the tax payer or from donations?
I have a hell of a time trusting government if for no other reason I worked for a small government for eight years. There was a pecking order there just like there is a social pecking order in Elk County. Mostly drawn on the lines of what can they do for me and what wealth level are they. I got friends that are worth lots and some that can't even pay attention.
Take a man for the his worth as being and acting like a man ,his word,and personal integrity. (it doesn'r hurt if he has a slight southern drawl either ).


Quote from: Humpy on September 07, 2011, 02:42:08 PM
Ross I think there are lots of people paying attention. The question from what I can gather is. Does EK and the county comissioners violate the law,and the obviously the peoples trust.Not to mention who are they? Who runs the outfit,who cashes the checks?Who writes their checks? Is most of their funding taken from the tax payer or from donations?
I have a hell of a time trusting government if for no other reason I worked for a small government for eight years. There was a pecking order there just like there is a social pecking order in Elk County. Mostly drawn on the lines of what can they do for me and what wealth level are they. I got friends that are worth lots and some that can't even pay attention.
Take a man for the his worth as being and acting like a man ,his word,and personal integrity. (it doesn'r hurt if he has a slight southern drawl either ).
I understand what you are saying Humpy but I'm no lawyer. I jsut don't appreciate what I have been seeing and reading and hearing. I to worked for government, federal government and there was a pecking order but ther was also a lot of lying and underhandedness in government I didn't appreciate either.

I would think if Elk Konnected found anything we have posted as wrong they would dispute it and/or sue. which has been threatened on this thread.

We know they are reading all this and we would like them to come forward and address the issues and questions.

I will continue to ask questions untill answers are forthcoming.



For instance things like:
Elk Konnected using our county government web site, how was that accomplished? It happened until a commissioners aunt brought it up at a commissioners meeting. Was that lawful? I don't know.

Elk Konnected using the county governments emergency call system, how was that accomplished? Was that lawful? I don't know.

Elk Konnected got their name on the Elk County Government grant for the County Summer Day Camp, how was that accomplished? Was it legal? I don't know.

Who do our county commissioners work for? All of the taxpayers or Elk Konnected? The line is really blurred don't you think?
Is it legal? I don't know. The one county commissioner said during a commissioners meeting she had a real problem keeping the many hats she wears seperated. She made it sound as impossible.  So is there a conflict of interest? I don't know.

Do ethics play any part in any of this? Just questions with no answers.


Quote from: Ross on September 07, 2011, 07:35:09 PM
The one county commissioner said during a commissioners meeting she had a real problem keeping the many hats she wears seperated. She made it sound as impossible. 

If there is that big of a problem keeping things separate, then maybe she should relinquish some of her "hats."




That sounds like the ethical thing to do. But do ethics play a part in politics today?

It's also as our newspaper editor described Elk Konnected as a loosly knit organization which I see as simply a play on words saying the organization is not really an organization. I sure wish he would clarify that one. How about it Mr. Editor would you care to clarify this for us? We know you watch the forum and your input is welcomed.

However, we do know that Elk Konnected is a privately owned company because it is Elk Konnected, LLC. Unless they care to correct us. How about it Elk Konnected would you care to clarify this information for us?

Perhaps our newspaper editor could answer a few questions to help Elk Konnected, do you suppose?

Who steers the steering committee?

Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected?

Who is their Leader?

How can seven people in an organization with no leader and no registered membership speak for the entire population of Elk County? 
In my opinion the lack of definitive answers regarding Elk Konnected, LLC reflects the reality that nobody knows anything about who owns them or who the admitted members are or the admitted members are ashamed of being admitted members? It would be nice to have some clarification.

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