Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Diane Amberg

Mr Ross, I hadn't planned on posting again on this thread, but you opened the door, so here I am. If you go back and read what you quoted from me, reply#2670, I said some, not all..You were the "not all".
  Some don't even try to be civil to me and it's always very personal. For some reason it is now fashionable to use me as one of several whipping people on the political threads. 
  Apparently one person's comment or complaint is another person's whine, depending on who is part of the "IN" crowd. Perhaps they are the ones who should toughen up and learn to take it for a change. Big people underwear and all that. IMHO.
By the way, what you have scrolling across the bottom of that post is exactly what my question was about. I had a question about details on that and I thought I had made some error and made Teresa mad, so I deleted it. Apparently that just made it worse and set things off. Calling me whiny is a very easy cheap shot
  My question was was NOT about local politics, as that scroll is national.  I cared then, ask if I care now. Phooey.


Quote from: sodbuster on September 02, 2011, 01:12:02 AM
That is true Patriot you are beginning to repeat myself. LOL.  You should really rest.  Do not doubt the power of Elk Konnected.  Their will to do good for Elk County will trump your outsider ways of doing things. You all will not beat the old guard of Elk County who are established since the early 1900's. You are the outsider, not me.


Quote from: sodbuster on September 02, 2011, 01:12:02 AM
Do not doubt the power of Elk Konnected.

What does that mean David?? That's funny.
What power does Elk Konnected, LLC have???
Power to do what???

It appears to me they are to weak to come out of hiding and live up to their word to communicate with the citizens of Elk County, why do you suppose that is???

In 2007 they had a nine person steering committee and today they have a seven person steering committee.
In late 2009 they had a Wellness Center today they don't.
How can seven people in an organization with no owner, no leader and no registered membership! It appears to me that they are dwindling away, where is the power David?

Quote from: sodbuster on September 02, 2011, 01:12:02 AM
You all will not beat the old guard of Elk County who are established since the early 1900's. You are the outsider, not me.

Wait a minute, do my eyes deceive me?
Did I read the "Old Guard" in your statement??
Yes, I did. Wow!!!
What exactly is the old guard besides old???
Is the "Old Guard" running Elk Konnected, LLC , is that what you are saying??
Speak clearly, please.

How much more of an outsider can you be, how far outside of Elk County do you live, David???
Or are you talking some other kind of outsider? Perhaps you are taking outsider as not belonging to a certain clique?  Just the same  please explain your definition of Outsider?
You see this is a much different world today than in the early 1900's, the world has changed, not just Elk County.  People have changed as well.

You can't back up what you say can you David?

Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected?


Quote from: srkruzich on September 02, 2011, 09:46:19 AM
Its a threat Ross.
A threat, I don't believe in threats. It's a bullys way of trying to instill fear and nothing more.
It does not work with me.

Remember Steve the back handed death threats, or at least that's what I considered them.
You know like running this thread and posting on it isn't good for my health.
Didn't bother me --- all hot air. They are too timid.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 02, 2011, 11:13:01 AM
For some reason it is now fashionable to use me as one of several whipping people on the political threads.  Apparently one person's comment or complaint is another person's whine, depending on who is part of the "IN" crowd.

Diane, that's because the people in question never matured beyond being a 7th grader..."Let's all gang up on the unpopular one, even if she happens to be right".  What is funny here is that the "in" crowd in this case is nothing more than a bunch of big mouthed bass in a very small pond.  Don't even give them a second thought...They are not central to your existence (THANK GOD).  Now...Hope your three day weekend is an enjoyable one!!!  ;D 

Jo McDonald

Good grief.......Diane and Catwoman  ~~~~~~~~ You two are a pair to draw to !!!

  Laughable !


Quote from: Jo McDonald on September 02, 2011, 03:48:15 PM
Good grief.......Diane and Catwoman  ~~~~~~~~ You two are a pair to draw to !!!

 Laughable !
Right on Jo. I was laughing so hard it felt good.

Diane Amberg

Hey, I've been trying so hard not to be rude to anyone (even though some of you have really tried to bait me into it), especially to someone I respect, or would if I'd be allowed to. Don't push your luck.  The Golden Rule don't ya know? I'm not a naturally mean person but I'm no doormat either.


Quote from: Jo McDonald on September 02, 2011, 03:48:15 PM
Good grief.......Diane and Catwoman  ~~~~~~~~ You two are a pair to draw to !!!

Laughable !

Thank you, Jo...It's good to know that I don't have to revise my opinions... ;D...You've always been a snarky one...You've just finally gotten around to aiming it at me.  NO surprise there...And before you go whining about how cruel it is that I've talked like that to you...Physician, heal thyself.


YOU,of all people saying someone else is snarky ?? How funny.


My God...There are a real bunch of bullies anymore on this Forum.  Essentially, the Politics board has ceased to be a public Forum and has now become a private club.  I only entered this fray because I don't believe in staying silent when bullying is present...Silence implies permission...And I refuse to give permission to all of you who bludgeon others with your words in order to maintain dominance.  Diane, on behalf of those who are incapable of doing so, I apologize for the way you've been treated.  You are an educated, intelligent person who has the right...Just as much as these other yahoos...To voice an opinion.  The fact that you have had the stamina to not be completely run off is amazing to me.

And Jar...If you actually knew me...Had spent any time AT ALL in my presence...You would know that what I have been posting, in the last year, isn't typical of me.  It has taken quite a bit of changing on my part in order to keep this crap up...I am a quiet, independent individual who only, in the past, has posted a few compliments and a variety of poems.  It was only when a small handful of unpleasant individuals began dominating and bullying that I decided to end my silence.  As far as I'm concerned, it's a losing battle...Ignorance...And being PROUD of that ignorance...Is more of a battle than any one person can fight.  Diane has hung in there, trying to bring a rational opposing viewpoint to some subjects...And has suffered some pretty vicious verbal attacks for her efforts. 

If I HAVE been snarky...It's because I am just flat sick and tired of the bullying.

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