Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: jprxmkt on August 18, 2011, 08:01:49 AM
Elk Konnected only acts as an advisory board to the community.  At the Community Conversations, if enough people say they would like to see something improved or changed in our community, Elk Konnected trys to get enough people who have the same interests or desires together to create of positive change for this place that we all love to live in.  They may act as an advisory board to the Commissoners, the school board, the city councils, the Chambers of Commerce, the churches, etc, etc, etc.  They have absolutely no control over any of these groups.  Yes, there are people in each of these groups or organizations who also "belong" to Elk Konnected, but again, I repeat-Elk Konnected has no authority or power over any of these groups.
So Elk Konnected is a non entity with only a few personal opinions that are used to influence our local governments. Which should qualify them as a political action committee, right? By advising, Elk Konnected in my opinion is influencing.
Isn't that part of the reason for closing schools.
Wasn't the goal to build a full school campus for the City of Howard?
Hasn't Howard and Elk Konnected attempted to influence Howard's move of their city limits to encompass the school?
Isn't the West Elk School campus frequently referred to as Howard West Elk especially on Elk Konnected's facebook. After all Elk Konnected says on it's Facebook  that it went to school at Howard West Elk Junior - Senior High doesn't it?
Someone even started a facebook page called Howard West Elk Junior - Senior High here is the link. https://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Howard-West-Elk-Junior-Senior-High/110732235613485 .
So you or your organization doesn't take responsibility of making it all about Howard I guess?
Oh, wasn't Elk Konnected trying to influence the $5.5 million bond issue? This during one of the worst economical periods of our times. How does that make sense? Today we are hearing that another recession may be starting and I don't believe we have came out of the present recession.

Quote from: jprxmkt on August 18, 2011, 08:01:49 AM
The website and emergency call system issues have been resolved long ago, as complaints were expressed and the issues got changed.  That's what Elk Konnected does!  Don't you get it?  When we work together, things get better.  As a taxpayer, not an Elk Konnected member, I ask you this, how did this abuse Elk County resources?  Did it cost the county anything to use these already established systems to inform the taxpayers of things that may interest them?  But since it was  frowned upon by some, the issues were resolved, so can you please just 'slet it go?
Yes I get it, no one is responsible. They do something wrong and then correct it because of complaints, that makes it all better, right. No body is responsible to apologize to the people they inconvenienced or to apologize to the taxpayer or community. It's just okay because a few, very few people do as they want ignoring rules and ethics. Okay I got it. It was not frowned upon by some but by many that are not Elk Konnected. Let it go, no apology to the county?  Okay, for now. But the emergency call system was not the only problem was it? What will Elk Konnected do next, especially when no one is responsible?

Quote from: jprxmkt on August 18, 2011, 08:01:49 AM
Who from Elk Konnected claims responsibility for what? What have they done?
Just because one person from a group says or does something doesn't mean that is what the group or even that person actually meant to say or do.  For instance, if one of my employees gets drunk, does that mean that my company condones it?  Unless it is said or done 'on the job' they two are not one. 
See paragraph above where you outline one wrong doing. We are not talking about drunks or your company now are we. We are talking about an apparent Political Action Committee per your above statements, I believe. Advisory group in my opinion equals influence, influence of school board's, County Government, City Council's equals a Political Action Group don't you think? But it has no membership and very few volunteers/followers what's with that?

Quote from: jprxmkt on August 18, 2011, 08:01:49 AM
Does having one or two citizens from each community mean that Elk Konnected thinks it has the full support of everyone in those communities?  No it doesn't, in the same way that electing a president doesn't mean that the whole county is in full support.  It is impossible to please everyone. It is unrealistic to ever get everyone on board with anything.  Elk Konnected's model of some from each community is a good way to at least try to reach as many different ideas as possible.
Elk Konnected was not elected now was it? It was formed with no one responsible for it actions.
Nobody know's who's ideas they are, why? Why is it all secret? Are you telling me everyone is ashamed to speak up and be heard, everyone except Elk Konnected? Elk Konnected appears to only want to please a few IMHO.

Quote from: jprxmkt on August 18, 2011, 08:01:49 AM
As for if Elk Konnected and Elk Konnected LLC being one, that has been addressed by me and others on this thread many pages ago.
I just read the head line n the front page of the paper that Elk Konnected closing their Wellness Center August 31st. That speaks volumes of their abilities. Open up what Elk Konnected thinks the community needs based on their own advise and it fails. Use grant funding to operate a business and fail. Shut it down. So this makes Elk Konnected's advice valuable to who? So I guess that ende Elk Konnected, LLC ---right?

Quote from: jprxmkt on August 18, 2011, 08:01:49 AM
As for what it means that the newspaper editor is "Konnected".  Maybe it means he likes our little community and wants to see the best for us.  Does it have to mean anymore than that?
I didn't ask if he is "Konnected" I asked what his affiliation is? The Merriam Webster definition is af·fil·i·at·ed adj \-lē-ˌā-təd\definition of affiliated : closely associated with another typically in a dependent or subordinate position <the university and its affiliated medical school. So, what is his subordinate position?

Quote from: jprxmkt on August 18, 2011, 08:01:49 AM
Why can't we be a positive community and work together to improve our community rather that negative and spinning our wheels?
That's an excellent idea. But is it a requirement to be Elk Konnected positive? After all, all that Elk Konnected positive is closing down a business they positively thought the community needed the "Wellness Center."

Can't we as individuals positively address our various governments or doe we positively have to have Elk Konnected speak for us. Is individuality suppose to die.

But two more question, what is positive about Elk Konnected taking credit for what the Elk County Government does? How does that improve the community?


Quote from: jprxmkt on August 18, 2011, 10:05:00 AM
Yes, Mr Fish, as has already been stated many times, filed the paperwork with the State.  I'm not understanding why this is a big deal.  Anyone that files with the state does not list all affiliated member when they file the paperwork.  Are you saying that all people who help or make the decisions in an organization have to have their name on that paperwork? That simply is not true. Just because Jefe doesn't belong to either organization doesn't mean he can't have an opinion.  That is why Elk Konnected is needed in this community.  It wants to hear all opinions and ideas to get the general consensus, the "heartbeat" of the community.
So Elk Konnected is an "IT", wow.
"heartbeat" ??? A very, very few people.
While using a facilitator

Rederick what an interesting word! Though the definition of "the disingenuous use of language to manipulate people" is often implied in the use of the word, "rederick". I could not find a complete definition of it, it appears to be a word that is no longer in use. That really sounds like a facilitator, right?
To quote Java:
Quote from: Jefe de vaca on August 17, 2011, 09:33:09 PM
The windfarm has nothing to do with your rederick .
I did remind him this thread is not about the windfarm per se.
I like the word, I think it fits don't you?


Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on August 18, 2011, 09:58:45 AM
actually it's the lack of what YOU want the answers to BE that keeps this goin..........You and Ross have decided you're Batman and Robin out to foil the Joker or Mr. Freeze LOL which one of ya gets to drive the Batmobile???  Which one gets the cool mask? Which one has to wear the elf lookin tights??

CLARIFICATION?!?! You don't want no steeeenking clarification!!! LOL

save the "cutting" sarcasm on my intelligence and lack of interest I see comin  ;D it will "detract from the purpose of this conversation" LOLOL
Welcome back thatsMRSc2u , always a pleasure to hear from you.
You my dear have apparently designated us as Batman and Robin which is quit comical.
We all need a laugh once in awhile and you my dear provide that, well.
Too bad you don't have any real answers.


Quote from: jprxmkt on August 18, 2011, 10:05:00 AM
Yes, Mr Fish, as has already been stated many times, filed the paperwork with the State.  I'm not understanding why this is a big deal.  Anyone that files with the state does not list all affiliated member when they file the paperwork.  Are you saying that all people who help or make the decisions in an organization have to have their name on that paperwork? That simply is not true. Just because Jefe doesn't belong to either organization doesn't mean he can't have an opinion.  That is why Elk Konnected is needed in this community.  It wants to hear all opinions and ideas to get the general consensus, the "heartbeat" of the community.
Is there still be a need for an Elk Konnected, LLC with the closure of Elk Konnected's Wellness Center on August 31st?


 Ross....seriously....DON'T call me dear or hon or any of those other names that drive me nuts...I'd just as soon you come right out and call me a stupid bitch as call me dear.

I have had some info and agreed to leave this alone so DONT patronize me.


Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on August 18, 2011, 02:59:22 PM
Ross....seriously....DON'T call me dear or hon or any of those other names that drive me nuts...I'd just as soon you come right out and call me a stupid bitch as call me dear.

I have had some info and agreed to leave this alone so DONT patronize me.

So you're allowed to patronize others but others aren't allowed to patronize you? ::) Ehh, whatever... carry on.


Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on August 18, 2011, 02:59:22 PM
Ross....seriously....DON'T call me dear or hon or any of those other names that drive me nuts...I'd just as soon you come right out and call me a stupid bitch as call me dear.

I have had some info and agreed to leave this alone so DONT patronize me.
I'm sorry but I could never be so rude as to call you such a thing.

Did you hear Elk Konnected is closing their Elk Konnected Wellness Center, August 31st?
How do you suppose they can pretend to know about county and city governments business when they can't take care of their own. And they made those decissions as a committee? Do you reckon they might shut down our county government with similar committee's and decisions and suggestions? Just asking you opinion?


Quote from: ddurbin on August 17, 2011, 08:54:45 PM
To: Ross, and all other Forum readers
Subject: Charles Durbin aka Flintauqua
In the last few days you have been using parts of a thread authored by Flintauqua from April, in what I can assure you, is fully out of context.
You have used it numerous times now in a way that makes it sound like he was critical of Elk Konnected for "hiding behind the cloak of anonymity".  That couldn't be farther from the truth.  His comments at the time were directed at Patriot, who to this day continues to hide behind such a cloak.  Oh, he has finally put out enough information about himself that most of those following this thread and others he participates in know his true identity, but I have yet to ever see him fully state his name on this forum.  If he has, and I missed it, I sincerely apologize here and now.
For the record, my brother Charles and I have not corresponded in any fashion for over 10 days, so do not think that he has put me up to doing this for him.  This post is entirely my own doing.
Dan D. Durbin
Winfield, KS.
The quote was not intended to make him appear to be critical of Elk Konnected. It was intended to show the Legitimacy of the questions on this thread. The reason for the quote was to provide credit for the person that provided the statement. I also explained clearly that I did not include any personal opinions. I believe everyone on this forum is aware of his defensiveness of Elk Konnected. I doubt even if I wanted to, that I could cinvence anyone other wise. Which would be foolish to even try.
I hope that clears thing up.


Quote from: Ross on August 18, 2011, 03:34:00 PM
The quote was not intended to make him appear to be critical of Elk Konnected. It was intended to show the Legitimacy of the questions on this thread. The reason for the quote was to provide credit for the person that provided the statement. I also explained clearly that I did not include any personal opinions. I believe everyone on this forum is aware of his defensiveness of Elk Konnected. I doubt even if I wanted to, that I could cinvence anyone other wise. Which would be foolish to even try.
I hope that clears thing up.

Ross, wether you used it to make people think I was being critical of EK, or to "show the legitimacy of the questions on this thread", you used my quoted words COMPLETELY OUT OF CONTEXT!  The words you quoted were about Patriots over-the-top desire for anonymity, and had absolutely nothing to do with EK. 

Do you even understand how underhanded it is to take the words of others out of context and then use them to try and justify a postion of yours on a completley different subject?    You say in your self-agrandizing manner that you don't "twist" words, yet you do it even when you are called out about doing it.

And yet you continue to wonder why EK wont be 'engaged' in a conversation with you, day after day after day, wasting more and more of Teresa and Kjells server space!  :P
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


Also in regards to this flight of fancy perpetrated by you earlier:  

Quote from: Ross on August 18, 2011, 07:10:19 AM
I ask questions and apparently that upsets you, why?
And again I quote your statement without opinions attached:
"There are always individuals or small groups of individuals who try to distort facts by subjectively using them out of context, or in the case of imperical data, changing parameters of a statistical analysis so the numbers will fit a predetermined outcome.

When these individuals try to hide behind a cloak of anonymity, then others must ask why."And the subject, "Topic: Elk County Hand Out At Commissioners Meeting on 4/25 ".

Which was in response to a statement by Jefe de vaca:

Quote from: Jefe de vaca on Yesterday at 10:33:09 pm
  You continually spew the same conjecture with absolutly no facts , or cl

I ask questions and apparently that upsets you, why?
And again I quote your statement without opinions attached:
"There are always individuals or small groups of individuals who try to distort facts by subjectively using them out of context, or in the case of imperical data, changing parameters of a statistical analysis so the numbers will fit a predetermined outcome.

When these individuals try to hide behind a cloak of anonymity, then others must ask why."And the subject, "Topic: Elk County Hand Out At Commissioners Meeting on 4/25 ".

I'm sure that this was just a tiny little mistake on your part, completely innocuous, and not a completly naked attempt to deceive people by insinuating that Jefe de vaca and flintauqua are one and the same!   :P  ::)  >:(
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.

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