Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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What freedoms do we have to up to give feel Konnected?
Do we give up control of our county government, our elected officials, our county employees?
Do we give that up to Elk Konnected?

Do we have to give up freedom of speech?
Would that make the Elk Konnected followers happy?

What does Elk Konnected really want besides total control at Community Conversations?

Well the owner of this forum is the only one with the power to turn me off or to censor me.
And I would respect her wishes as she also has the freedom to do that.

However, you can censor me for yourself simply by not returning to this thread, you have that freedom.

But, I am still looking for answers to questions and I am being very open about it.

Who steers the steering committee?

Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected?

Who is their Leader?


I've just put 5 bucks on at least 10 more pages...Keep going Mr. Ross or you're going to lose my money for me... ;D


Why don't you toss your money to the EK organization since you believe in it so much?


If I had the extra funds to do so, I would, Red.  They are trying to improve the living experiences of your children that are trapped down there with very little to do other than farm or school pursuits...They're trying to promote a cooperative spirit, since you all down there have to rely on each other, being so cut off from the rest of the world.  These people aren't trying to "get away" with anything, from what I've read here on the Forum...They're DOING rather than just TALKING ABOUT IT.  Not a popular concept, I agree, with those who sip their coffee and become armchair quarterbacks late in the game.  My funds, however, are as always encumbered by the needs of not only my own children but also the needs of my own classroom.  NO, the school doesn't provide me with enough to make my room the way it needs to be to inspire and motivate my students, so I spend my own money.  BUT YES...HELL YES...If I had money, I'd give it to them.  God bless them for continuing to try to do good for Elk County kids, in spite of the backstabbers and anklebiters.


I do think I'll up my bet, though...I think, thanks to the blowing as we're going here, we will actually make it to the extra 10 page mark...Good job, Red...You're going to make me enough money to be able to buy first day treats for my students!!!  ;D


Nothing like being on the winning side.  You won't need to send it to Ross because he's not creating an organziation
to take your money or the government's money.   

Ross is doing a great job and hopefully he keep using as many pages as he needs to keep up the good work.
These days not many Americans have as much common sense as Ross. 


Yup, I'm upping that bet... ;D

I'm glad Mr. Ross has a supporter like you, Red... ;D


Quote from: Catwoman on July 31, 2011, 03:24:22 PM
They are trying to improve the living experiences of your children that are trapped down there with very little to do other than farm or school pursuits...They're trying to promote a cooperative spirit, since you all down there have to rely on each other, being so cut off from the rest of the world.
Trapped down there? What are you talking about? What the hell is down there suppose to mean? You make no sense?
Cut off from the rest of the world. I hope you don't teach geography because we are not an island. We are not cut off from nothing. We have Telephones, TV's, Cell Phones, Internet, Car, Trucks, Airport just like you. unless you live on another planet.

A cooperative spirt by saying shut up, sit down and do as you are told or you are not welcome here.
A cooperative spirt by having followers that know nothing about the organization. How does that work? Oh that must be that  miracle you conjured up right?
Quote from: Catwoman on July 31, 2011, 03:24:22 PM
These people aren't trying to "get away" with anything, from what I've read here on the Forum...They're DOING rather than just TALKING  ABOUT IT.  
Doing what? You can't answer that. Because have failed to answer that very question so many times.
Quote from: Catwoman on July 31, 2011, 03:24:22 PM
My funds, however, are as always encumbered by the needs of not only my own children but also the needs  of my own classroom.  NO, the school doesn't provide me with enough to make my room the way it needs to be to inspire and motivate my students, so I spend my own money.  BUT YES...HELL YES...If I had money, I'd give it to them.  
Now, that's a poor excuse not to be able to support such a great organization for only $10 a month. Just look at what all you can get, for only $19 a month. Oh, I don't know what you can get, but apparently you do. They have so much to offer ya ought to go for it.  What's $10, maybe they could help you get more money for your class room, what do ya think? Such a great organization aught to be able to do that for the children don't ya think?

Quote from: Catwoman on July 31, 2011, 03:24:22 PM
God bless them for continuing to try to do good for Elk County kids, in spite of the backstabbers and anklebiters.
There you go using them kids as a tool or a weapon. Why do you use kids that way? A teacher should know better.

If you are such an expert on Elk Konnected how come you have no answers?

Who steers the steering committee?

Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected?

Who is their Leader?


Quote from: Catwoman on July 31, 2011, 03:26:00 PM
I do think I'll up my bet, though...I think, thanks to the blowing as we're going here, we will actually make it to the extra 10 page mark...Good job, Red...You're going to make me enough money to be able to buy first day treats for my students!!!  ;D
Bribery was nevery necessary when I was in school?
I don't believe it is a necessary thing, is it?
The teachers didn't bribe us to behave in class or try to buy our friendship,
they taught class.

Some one was a dummy to bet on this thread, they lose.
Something rediculous was said on page 99 I think.
This goes on as long as the owner of the forum permits or answers are forth coming.

We are not quitters. Although Elk konnected appears to be quitters to me, they quit communicating with the citizens and taxpayers of Elk County IMHO? Actually I don't believe they have ever really have talked with the citizens and taxpayers of Elk County in my opinion. They set up Community Conversations and then don't follow through. Instead they set up a circus of circles of chairs and if you don't do as they say, you are asked to leave and if that doesn't work they ask for the sheriff.
They also appear to use peer group pressure to get what they want, whatever that may be. Where do you get a community conversation out of that?

But you are just a cheerleader for them with no knowledge of the organization, Right?
I. E. the following and any previous questions:

Who steers the steering committee?

Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected?

Who is their Leader?

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