Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Diane, I know that you know this, but an accounting of the county's expenditures is done every year by an outside firm.  By outside firm, I mean one that is not based in Elk County and has no connection to Elk County.  They also advise on budget matters if they feel it is needed.  Now, before someone asks why an outside firm should be advising on the budget, the outside firm also does accountings for other counties and have an idea of where more money is needed and where possibly less money is needed.  And remember, I said advise.  They don't tell Elk County how to manage the budget, they just make suggestions.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 13, 2011, 02:58:47 PM
Mr. Ross, why do you think "they" are watching? Who do you mean, the volunteers ,the steering committee or the "owner" or what ever you are calling it/him/her ? You said you aren't interested in the volunteers or the programs themselves. Have you filed any charges or have any provable evidence of legal wrong doing? Is this just a difference of opinion on how things are done? I really am trying to understand your viewpoint but I keep coming back to legality VS politics VS some grudge against Liz Hendricks. If EK and then EK LLC had good legal advice, then chances are everything is on the up and up, even if a few of you are soured on it. Perhaps they were advised to ignore you, because you have never said what you plan to do with the information you think you don't have.  It doesn't mean anything is illegal or wrong. It doesn't mean they are "hiding". I know you are very sensitive about how taxes are spent.  Do you feel you should ask questions and demand an accounting of how all tax money is spent to be sure none is "wasted?"

That has been explained. But perhaps for the same reason you  are you watching. I have even been told all my posts are being printed and that their might be a lawsuit. Lord only knows why anyone would want to sue me, I have no money.
Quote from: Diane Amberg      link=topic=11780.msg168213#msg168213 date=1310590727
I really am trying to understand your viewpoint but I keep coming back to legality VS politics VS some grudge against Liz Hendricks.

I don't believe you are trying to understand anything. I beginning to believe you are just here to stir the pot. And by that I am talking of the words that you introduce into the mix, the other day it sounded as if you were advocating violence and today grudge.  Keep stiring and have fun.

I wish to make it absolutly clear I abhor violence and I have never carried a grudge, never. I have had people do me wrong but I do not carry a grudge against them. I simply will not allow them in a position to do me wrong again, they will simply never have my trust again. That is not a grudge, simply protecting myself from future wrong doing.  Grudge : a strong lasting feeling of resentment toward someone for a real or imagined wrong.  Resentment: a feeling of angry displeasure at something regarded as a wrong, insult, or injury. I have no resentment either, just questions.
Quote from: Diane Amberg      link=topic=11780.msg168213#msg168213 date=1310590727
Who do you mean, the volunteers ,the steering committee or the "owner" or what ever you are calling it/him/her ? You said you aren't interested in the volunteers or the programs themselves.

You need to go back to the beginning and start all over. It is all in the thread and I am not going to play this game with you. Sorry. Have fun re-reading.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 13, 2011, 02:58:47 PM
Have you filed any charges or have any provable evidence of legal wrong doing? Is this just a difference of opinion on how things are done?

Stir that pot.
I don't believe I have made any accusations of wrong doing, I am simply asking questions of an organizations that implies it represents me. It implies that it represents everyone in Elk County. Do you nderstand that? Try real hard.

I have also questioned the relationship between our elected officials and the organization. Pretty simple, right? Simply asking questions, understand? Not making acusations at all.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 13, 2011, 02:58:47 PM
If EK and then EK LLC had good legal advice, then chances are everything is on the up and up, even if a few of you are soured on it. Perhaps they were advised to ignore you, because you have never said what you plan to do with the information you think you don't have.  It doesn't mean anything is illegal or wrong. It doesn't mean they are "hiding". I know you are very sensitive about how taxes are spent.  Do you feel you should ask questions and demand an taccounting of how all tax money is spent to be sure none is "wasted?"
Where do you get this crap? Is someone advising you on what to say? What do you know of Elk Konnected that you are not telling?
Just because you don't live here doesn't mean someone can't be feeding you stuff? Open up and be truthfull?
I'm sorry to be truthful but your whole post stinks, it smells of someone else and this is not the first time this has happened on this thread. No I am not parinoid, the backhanded threats I have recieved on this thread haven't stopped me from asking and neither will this line of B.S.

Elk Konnected claims to be a community organization and that all of Elk County is their community.
They dragged us into this situation by putting us in their community, don't you see?
They express a desire to communicate with its community and here we are asking them to communicate.
If they are a legitimate organization why don't they have transparency?
Why won't they talk with the community about the organization?
Why won't the owners, registered members talk with us.
Who would advise them not to talk with the community they claim to represent?

This is an open forum and I have every right to ask questions and express my opinion to my friends.

You say you don't understand this thread and yet you know exactly what Elk Konnected is, has or will do.
Just how is that?

Who steers the steering committee?

Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected?

Who is your Leader?

What are your real goals?

How do you plan to meet your goals?


Quote from: Mom70x7 on July 12, 2011, 04:46:58 PM
Question me an answer bright and clear.
I will answer with a question clear and bright.
Even though your answer may be wrong my question will be right.

See what I mean? Our answers are always wrong.  ;)


Quote from: Mom70x7 on July 13, 2011, 05:44:09 PM
See what I mean? Our answers are always wrong.  ;)
Good quote, you are so right. Congratulations.


"Trust me, said the spider to the fly"

Another quote that reeks of 'good ole boy' politics!


QuoteWhy won't they talk with the community about the organization?

That is the main question I wish to be answered.  Not what they claimed to have done, but how is the organization intertwined with local politics, if it is .


Quote from: readyaimduck on July 13, 2011, 06:01:54 PM
"Trust me, said the spider to the fly"

Another quote that reeks of 'good ole boy' politics!
Can we gat an Amen and Hallelujah on that?

My fish haven't learned to walk. I just pulled 6 ten pounders out that were dead.
And still more heat coming.

Diane Amberg

Mr. Ross you can't possibly be serious. I can evaluate posts just as you can and I've known about EK since they were formed some 4 years ago. I think for myself .Who would be "feeding" me anything and for what reason? I may not live right there but you are the relative new comer on here and I know who I can trust and who I can't. Put your hackles back down and take your anger somewhere else. Stir the pot? Me? Not hardly. I'm not the one posting the same phrases over and over again ad nauseam. If you feel so strongly about it, I'll say no more. Look for your violence somewhere else. Are you now the victim?


Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected?

Who is your Leader?

What are your real goals?



Janet Harrington

Quote from: Ross on July 13, 2011, 06:08:39 PM
I just pulled 6 ten pounders out that were dead.

Now, that is just plain sad. I hope it rains soon, so you don't have to keep doing that. What is a pond/lake/river/creek without fish? And I'm not trying to be funny. It is sad when something like this happens and our wildlife die because of the lack of water. Are fish considered wildlife?

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