Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Back to the ORIGINAL TOPIC....
Who are the admitted members who own, and run, Elk Konnected?

Who is your Leader?

What are your real goals?

Thank you Ross and Patriot!!!




Well, I'm not going to miss it...In the least.


Quote from: Mom70x7 on July 12, 2011, 05:10:48 PM
Cat -

He missed it.  ;D  ;D  ;D
You missed it.
These are the questions you have no answers for:
Who steers the steering committee?

Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected?

Who is your Leader?

What are your real goals?

How do you plan to meet your goals?


Call the county aprraisor, and ask for the classification of the Health Fitness Center, and the owner on deed.  If it is someone other than Elk Konnected LLC, then it may be an NP classification (Not for Profit).  If it is, someone would have to have filed an exemption order with the state.  Or, I can in my spare time!???????

Depending on the classification, would depict whether they are exempt from taxes or not.

Anyone can file an LLC, Ross.  Especially if it is a business....that would be a smart move for the liability aspect.

As far as the head of the Elk Konnected LLC is concerned, I would believe that is a mute point.  The ball is already rolling, and it is seeping into possibly the local government and/or creating a diverse county...not a unified one (as in we all work together, but not as a unified government).
  I think that is the concern we might need to focus on:  not what happened in 2009, rather as to,  was the Elk Konnected (Not LLC)  misrepresented, 'smoke and mirrors' per quote, or just abused within the powers it was given.

imo   ready

Diane Amberg

There are people who wish it really was a "mute"point. Sorry, but that's funny. If moot isn't what you meant then you made a great pun. (running to hide behind a door)



I'm not trying to pick a fight, or imply anything about you or your character.  But the last I knew, the working face of the quarry whose main entrance is on 400 east of Severy was in Elk County.  Maybe they have moved back north a little and are in GW county again, but the area that has been quarried straddles the GW/EK line.  Take a look at N 37.60747 W 96.17427 on Google Earth or try my favorite mapping site at http://mapper.acme.com/?ll=37.4695049,-96.263112&z=1

 Charles, I stand corrected because the biggest part of the quarry is in Elk county, but the office is in Greenwood--so, I was a little bit right. Trust me, this aint the first time I have been wrong---and won't be the last----------------------Damn, it hurts to say that because I know ol Sarge is gonna run away with it !!!


Quote"mute"point. Sorry, but that's funny.
Diane:  I just got my mistake/pun..   I meant to say moot.

Although I do love your sharp observances from so far away.     ;D

Diane Amberg


Quote from: Mom70x7 on July 12, 2011, 04:46:58 PM
Diane -

Ross has chosen not to talk with the people mentioned and share that information on the forum. He keeps insisting that only when they answer HIS chosen method of communication will he accept the information.

Have you ever watched the movie Lost Horizon? There's a song in there: Question me an answer, with these lyrics:

Question me an answer bright and clear.
I will answer with a question clear and bright.
Even though your answer may be wrong my question will be right.
Quote from: Mom70x7 on July 12, 2011, 04:46:58 PM
Even though your answer may be wrong my question will be right.
My question will be right.
Quote from: Mom70x7 on July 12, 2011, 04:46:58 PM
Ross has chosen not to talk with the people mentioned and share that information on the forum.
On the contrary. I am asking almost on a daily basis for them to talk with all of us. See the bottom of this post. We all know they are watching.
My posts would probably be refered to as rumor or second hand information or  and at best lies if I did what you suggest.
I would prefer they come out of hiding and share their own thoughts with everyone. Which makes perfectly good sense to me.
And everyone could join the conversation. See conversation definition below.
Quote from: Mom70x7 on July 12, 2011, 04:46:58 PM
He keeps insisting that only when they answer HIS chosen method of communication will he accept the information.
I do believe Elk Konnected has stated that they intended to use the internet to it's fullest. My questions still remain the same. Why won't they have a conversation, and on going conversation, a short conversation any kind of convesation? The so called Community Conversations are anything but conversations held in a very controlled and manipulated manner with circles of chairs and instructions on who you can sit with and what you can discuss. That is not conducive to an actual conversation. They should find a new name and leave out the word conversation or change the format to allow real conversations. IMHO.
Definition of CONVERSATION:
(1): oral exchange of sentiments, observations, opinions, or ideas (2): an instance of such exchange : talk <a quiet conversation> b: an informal discussion of an issue by representatives of governments, institutions, or groups
Definition of INFORMAL
1: marked by the absence of formality or ceremony <an informal meeting>
2: characteristic of or appropriate to ordinary, casual, or familiar use <informal clothes>

However, if you want a rumor. I heard one a rumor that one of our county commissioners said they use to be on the Elk County Forum but is no longer wanted here. And I would definitly like to dispute that rumor. I'd like to see each and everyone of them on this Elk County Forum. How's that? Do you still prefer second hand or third hand information? Don't you understand that information passed on that way can easily get twisted unintentionally simply because a word gets left out or accidently changed or used wrong?

So my questions remain:
Who steers the steering committee?

Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected?

Who is your Leader?

What are your real goals?

How do you plan to meet your goals?

Diane Amberg

Mr. Ross, why do you think "they" are watching? Who do you mean, the volunteers ,the steering committee or the "owner" or what ever you are calling it/him/her ? You said you aren't interested in the volunteers or the programs themselves. Have you filed any charges or have any provable evidence of legal wrong doing? Is this just a difference of opinion on how things are done? I really am trying to understand your viewpoint but I keep coming back to legality VS politics VS some grudge against Liz Hendricks. If EK and then EK LLC had good legal advice, then chances are everything is on the up and up, even if a few of you are soured on it. Perhaps they were advised to ignore you, because you have never said what you plan to do with the information you think you don't have.  It doesn't mean anything is illegal or wrong. It doesn't mean they are "hiding". I know you are very sensitive about how taxes are spent.  Do you feel you should ask questions and demand an accounting of how all tax money is spent to be sure none is "wasted?"

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