Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: readyaimduck on July 09, 2011, 02:07:34 PM
Then please give yourself permission to not post anymore....promise?
That would be your thatsMRS 2ยข to you.

Pam, I know you can appreciate the MRS 2 cents to you. Because of my new found fact that I might have dyslexia. I realize that ready I'm a duck is actually Ready aim duck. No need for you to sick the she wolf on the duck.

Breathe deep the gathering gloom,Watch lights fade from every room.Bedsitter people look back and lament,Another day's useless energy spent.Impassioned lovers wrestle as one,Lonely man cries for love and has none.New mother picks up and suckles her son,Senior citizens wish they were young.MoodyBlues


LOL...Oh, David...It's been too long since you were on this Forum... ;D ;D...I had to laugh when you were called a "newbie"...Just goes to show you who the REAL newbies are! 


Quote from sodbuster:
Jarhead, good point, but I am not sure who you mean. It does bother me. Angie, Wilma (I don't know if you were a teacher, but you used to correct my spelling like one), Catwoman, Diane, and Warph my favorite teacher and veteran\low level State department employee( Even though I know you were a spook ).  May you all be admonished because Jarhead says so.


David, you are such a funny little boy-------but---I would appreciate it if you didn't say I said certain things when that's not what I said. I asked you a simple question but like a good Liberal hypocrite you spun it. Funny you didn't know who I meant but then you list all the teachers you know. And you call Patriot a whack job.


Quote from: sodbuster on July 09, 2011, 11:38:53 PM
Patriot, you are an intelligent well spoken person. You are also, a whack job. Continue your diatribes with out the slightest attempt at actually resolving the issue.


Thanks for the compliment.  As for your whack job assessment... time will tell.  What we clearly see now is that you have (had) nothing much to add to the original topic.  The personal attacks and defamatory labels tossed out by others have had no positive effect so far, and it's doubtful your name calling will  either.  I had hoped you were more sincere.

Resolutions?   Nothing will actually be resolved here, that's a given.  This venue is only a window of insight.  Real change happens in the real world.  In the last 90 days, it has become  obvious to a considerable number of average citizens in Elk County that there are a number of specific issues that need  to be addressed by the taxpayers & voters.  Each passing day brings to light how many people are watching, listening, and talking about the many things you and others here simply blow off as the rantings of a couple of nutjobs.  We shall see.  

Bear in mind that the questions posed in this thread are by no means the only ones being asked.  The public at large are not as ignorant as some seem to think.  You might be surprised, perhaps even shocked, at the changes that are already in the works.

Enjoy your weekend.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Patriot on July 10, 2011, 07:47:55 AM
Thanks for the compliment.  As for your whack job assessment... time will tell.  What we clearly see now is that you have (had) nothing much to add to the original topic.  The personal attacks and defamatory labels tossed out by others have had no positive effect so far, and it's doubtful your name calling will  either.  I had hoped you were more sincere.

Resolutions?   Nothing will actually be resolved here, that's a given.  This venue is only a window of insight.  Real change happens in the real world.  In the last 90 days, it has become  obvious to a considerable number of average citizens in Elk County that there are a number of specific issues that need  to be addressed by the taxpayers & voters.  Each passing day brings to light how many people are watching, listening, and talking about the many things you and others here simply blow off as the rantings of a couple of nutjobs.  We shall see.  

Bear in mind that the questions posed in this thread are by no means the only ones being asked.  The public at large are not as ignorant as some seem to think.  You might be surprised, perhaps even shocked, at the changes that are already in the works.

Enjoy your weekend.

I think the main thing is to keep the issues up and in the public eye. That way when voting time comes around, there will be some changes made.  Personally toss the bums out, re-elect new ones, and don't vote in anyone over 2 terms.  Simple solution.  It keeps the politicians more honest when they cannot make a career out of it.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: sodbuster on July 08, 2011, 06:10:10 PM
As some of you know I use the term "Sodbuster", Kansas Boy, etc. with the sense of pride that it deserves.
That's your opinion and you can have it.

Quote from: sodbuster on July 08, 2011, 06:10:10 PM
 When I came to California I used to hear: Are you from the South (You have to be kidding I don't have an accent)? Kansas, isn't that flat? (Not where I come from). Hey is it like the movie Deliverance? (No, that's more like Arkansas). I spent years fighting to convince people that it wasn't just a bunch of inbred rednecks. Maybe I have been out here too long or maybe all they said was true?

Perhaps you presented your self wrong or couldn't take a teasing. I have never encountered such a problem about being from Kansas.  And I have lived in cities from San Diego to Seattle and from Corpus Christi to Chicago and places in between.

And for you to diss people from anywhere is just acting like an inbred redneck you are referring to, don't you think?

So perhaps you are the unsophisticated hick you are calling us in the next quote.

Quote from: sodbuster on July 08, 2011, 06:10:10 PM
Right now this thread is doing nothing to dispel the incorrect notion that you all are unsophisticated hicks.  ??? :o ;) :-[ ::) Is there a holier than thou button on this thing?

It would be a waste of your time if they did have a holier than thou button. You keep shooting yourself in the foot.

Quote from: sodbuster on July 08, 2011, 06:10:10 PM
If I can figure out how to do a poll on my post I will, I am hoping I can offend 100% of you currently posting on this topic.
You have proved that you won't offend everyone. I believe that is called being two faced, but perhaps I am wrong. Anyway I am not offended by you. You need to work harder at it, to back up this statement.

Quote from: sodbuster on July 08, 2011, 06:10:10 PM
p.s. Ross and Patriot you don't know me. I can get you the information that you desire. I have family members inside of Elk County that have been involved in its governance and building it from a frontier.
Please enlighten us and answer the very first question! Who are the admitted members who own and run Elk Konnected? That's your first challenge. Are you as sophisticated and knowledgeable as you claim?

Quote from: sodbuster on July 08, 2011, 06:10:10 PM
Though reading papers filed by your state Senator, I see that you all have undone what my family did to bring Kansas out of the frontier in the 20th Century. Why did the State of Kansas designate you all as a "frontier" ? All kidding and teasing aside can we get this alll back on track. I think it is an important topic.
This is a very important topic both locally and nationally, wherever these type of things are happening. It is important to the taxpayers in their respective communities. Why you may ask? Well if the local governments lacks over sight by their citizens and runs out of control, how can these same people expect any kind of oversight of value on the national level.?

Quote from: sodbuster on July 09, 2011, 08:29:32 PM
Ross just an offer of help because I support your questions and want to know the answers too.
I appreciate the fact that you support our questions. And I say "our" because I am not the only one on this thread asking. And I'm sure there are a lot of people watching this thread that are not participating but are awaiting some serious answers. Your help is welcome.

Quote from: sodbuster on July 09, 2011, 08:29:32 PM
Patriot and Ross you are two very paranoid conspiracy theorists.
I can't speak for patriot, but if by being a concerned citizen and asking a few question is being
Paranoid, I am proud to be Paranoid.

Neither one of us has used the word conspiracy, except to deny using the word in this thread. It appears to be a favorite word of you Elk Konnected followers. Please tell this hick what is intelligent and sophisticated about calling us conspiracy theorists or any other names. That is simply bullying. It also blows holes in everything you have posted, in the opinion of this un-papered hick.

Quote from: sodbuster on July 09, 2011, 08:29:32 PM
you were having trouble getting answers to your questions. They are available if you really want them. I get it you don't want my help.
You may help all you want?  Just type away.

Quote from: sodbuster on July 08, 2011, 06:10:10 PM
Though reading papers filed by your state Senator, I see that you all have undone what my family did to bring Kansas out of the frontier in the 20th Century. Why did the State of Kansas designate you all as a "frontier" ? All kidding and teasing aside can we get this alll back on track. I think it is an important topic.

This is a very important topic both locally and nationally, wherever these type of things are happening. It is important to the taxpayers in their respective communities. Why you may ask? Well if the local governments lacks over sight by their citizens and runs out of control, how can these same people expect any kind of oversight of value on the national level.?

Quote from: sodbuster on July 08, 2011, 06:10:10 PM
Though reading papers filed by your state Senator, I see that you all have undone what my family did to bring Kansas out of the frontier in the 20th Century.
I ain't guilty of that cuz I just moved back to Kansas. Must be them followers you are talking to. Sorry folks he said it.

Quote from: sodbuster on July 09, 2011, 08:29:32 PMRoss, regarding my remark about you stating your military service in a situation where it was  not relavent. It was hypocritical of me because my remark was not relavent. Ross, I apologize to you. Carry on boys.

Your remark was hypocritical but it appears to me that the majority of your post comes across as hypocritical. So I'm sorry, I can not honestly and in good faith say I accept your apology, I'd be lying.
But I will not carry a grudge over it.

I was asked what gave me the right to ask questions of my county government and I respectfully answered.
I'd like to add to that I have twenty years of service to our country. Ten years as a veteran and ten as a civil servant. Have you served our country? It's not really necessary or required to be a good citizen, or a taxpayer or a voter, I am just curious.

Now you go on, go right ahead and slap me down. I can handle it.

But in the mean time can you answer five easy questions? You claim to be sophisticated enough to do that. And you claim to have family well connected and able to get the answers. Let's hear them, please. Are you as sophisticated and knowledgeable as you claim?

Oh yea, I'm a whack job too! Now you don't have to call me one.

Who steers the steering committee?

Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected?

Who is their Leader?

What are their real goals?

How do they plan to meet their goals?

Diane Amberg

If the group that is "watching" suddenly got all their answers, or answers that they would accept, what would change?
Would a new set of questions be created? Would the listed people be attacked verbally or physically? If a "good ol' boy" network does exist, does that automatically mean they are wrong? If some were business owners, would their businesses be boycotted? Why do the "watchers" need to have their questions answered here on the forum? Isn't it all public knowledge if one would just go get it?
Are some of you planning to run someone out of town? Literally or figuratively? One pair said that on an another issue; they were working on chasing someone out of town. Is that really how thing are done there? ( And I don't mean the Murray business.) Are some being smug and judgemental for no reason other than they like to have a reason to be angry as often as possible and point fingers?  Just unlabeled freewheeling green eyed Jealousy?
Of what good is the information after all these weeks? Are charges going to be brought? Against whom and for what? What proof? Ya can't take anyone to court for not necessarily making the best choices, if no laws are being broken.
  I'm amazed how many people jumped on board AFTER  Mr. Ross brought this up as a relative newcomer. Where have the rest of the complainers been for the last four years? Do you all assume that just because someone could skim or reroute money that they would do it? No honor out there? Would you if you thought you could get away with it? Why? In Kansas we never locked our doors, house or car. Should I now rethink that?This whole business makes me very sad. Taking a break to go talk to my tomato plants.They need some encouragement.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 10, 2011, 10:33:33 AM
If the group that is "watching" suddenly got all their answers, or answers that they would accept, what would change?
Would a new set of questions be created? Would the listed people be attacked verbally or physically? If a "good ol' boy" network does exist, does that automatically mean they are wrong? If some were business owners, would their businesses be boycotted? Why do the "watchers" need to have their questions answered here on the forum? Isn't it all public knowledge if one would just go get it?
Are some of you planning to run someone out of town? Literally or figuratively? One pair said that on an another issue; they were working on chasing someone out of town. Is that really how thing are done there? ( And I don't mean the Murray business.) Are some being smug and judgemental for no reason other than they like to have a reason to be angry as often as possible and point fingers?  Just unlabeled freewheeling green eyed Jealousy?
Of what good is the information after all these weeks? Are charges going to be brought? Against whom and for what? What proof? Ya can't take anyone to court for not necessarily making the best choices, if no laws are being broken.
 I'm amazed how many people jumped on board AFTER  Mr. Ross brought this up as a relative newcomer. Where have the rest of the complainers been for the last four years? Do you all assume that just because someone could skim or reroute money that they would do it? No honor out there? Would you if you thought you could get away with it? Why? In Kansas we never locked our doors, house or car. Should I now rethink that?This whole business makes me very sad. Taking a break to go talk to my tomato plants.They need some encouragement.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 10, 2011, 10:33:33 AM
In Kansas we never locked our doors, house or car.
Diane that was then this is now. I bet there was never a drive by shooting in Elk County untill just a few months ago either.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 10, 2011, 10:33:33 AM
No honor out there?

Our country as a whole would be far better off if there was. Our financial world would not have destroyed our economy if there was any honor. Alot of the upper crust, the elite, the respected would be in jail if there was any honor in this sensless distruction. And why has all that happened, because nobody questioned what was happening.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 10, 2011, 10:33:33 AM
If the group that is "watching" suddenly got all their answers, or answers that they would accept, what would change?

The group that is "watching" are the ones we are asking to come out. But I doubt they will, they must be hiding for a reaseon unbeknownst to me. Untill our questions are answered, there are no questions that I know of thar can be answered. However you are alluding to violence --- which is something I abhor. And I don't feel that it is necessary to bring to this discussion. Althogh what I feel could be called back handed threats that have been made towards myself, I have tried to ignore.
IMHO we should avoid such talk. Thank you Diane.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 10, 2011, 10:33:33 AM

Are some of you planning to run someone out of town? Literally or figuratively? One pair said that on an another issue; they were working on chasing someone out of town. Is that really how thing are done there? ( And I don't mean the Murray business.) Are some being smug and judgemental for no reason other than they like to have a reason to be angry as often as possible and point fingers?  Just unlabeled freewheeling green eyed Jealousy?

Like a good ole southern saying, he just needed killing...... If they need chasin out of town, the chase em out of town.  I remember when that half baked idiot from new york, al sharpton came down to my neck of the woods, dawson county georgia, stirring up trouble along with the witch of the north oprah, they both got run out of town on a rail.   Their sole intent was to make dawson and forsyth counties look racist because they were predominately white.  The simple truth was there was no bus lines up there and therefor no transportation for anyone that couldn't afford a car.  The few blacks that lived there were professionals and contributed to the community rather than sucked off the teats of the taxpayer.   

Most of N GA is predominately white, because of that very reason.  And the land and housing prices are so high, that only the middle class on up can afford to live there and commute to work down in atlanta.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Sodbuster;  first I want to thank you for including me in the list of teachers.  I am honored to be ranked with such as Catwoman, Diane and Angie.  However, my formal education ended when I graduated from Piedmont High School in 1948.  I did work two years as a teacher's aide in the Special Education class at Severy.  Does that classify me as a teacher?  I don't think so because when I read Catwoman's posts I can see how much I lack in the scholarly department.  Ditto the others.  Would I have liked to have been a teacher?  I don't think so.  I can't stand the br------um.  I am off subject again.  Must go.

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