Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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QuoteThen please give yourself permission to not post anymore....promise?

May post.......may not.

Feel free to skip reading it if I do.


Ross, there for a little while I honestly thought you wanted answers.  But, you, sir, have turned down an honest offer to get your answers for you?  Do you or do you not want answers?  All you would have to do is present your request in a manner befitting a person of intelligence instead of a flamboyant barker.


Quote from: Wilma on July 09, 2011, 03:47:34 PM
Ross, there for a little while I honestly thought you wanted answers.  But, you, sir, have turned down an honest offer to get your answers for you?  Do you or do you not want answers?  All you would have to do is present your request in a manner befitting a person of intelligence instead of a flamboyant barker.

Once bitten, twice shy, Wilma. Review the flames in this thread over the last 60 days or so, some even from you.  To have someone 1500 miles away, who Ross doesn't know from Adam, show up and offer answers regarding recent local events is a bit unusual.  Perhaps if some credibility were established, the offer might be more readily received.  Of course, there's tons pf posts containing questions.  Perhaps sodbuster could offer answers to a few. 

Many here have tried to combat reasonable questions by making personal situations more important than the topic at hand and have gone to extremes to avoid any discussion of the issues.  I'm also a bit skeptical of the newly found interest and openness to discussion.  I've never known zebra to change its' stripes... especially overnight.  Your response here tends to support the validity of that observation.  The intelligence of those asking questions isn't the issue... the questions are.  But thanks for the input.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Wilma, why don't you want answers about Elk Konnected?


Quote from sodbuster:
ps. Ross your continuous mention of your military service on a topic where it is not relevant is considered very ill mannered by many veterans.

And which veterans would that be, if I may ask ? I know a few veterans myself and know of none that thinks it "very ill mannered". Why would you personally feel that way but do not have a problem with someone reminding you over---and over and over, that they are a teacher ,when most times it is irrelevant to the topic ?


QuoteWilma, why don't you want answers about Elk Konnected?

Perhaps it is a case of 'don't ask, don't tell."
Or, perhaps in this case it is:  "I am one, therfore I don't know, but trust?"

(No offense to your beliefs, Wilma.)


Quote from: jarhead on July 09, 2011, 04:33:07 PM
Quote from sodbuster:
ps. Ross your continuous mention of your military service on a topic where it is not relevant is considered very ill mannered by many veterans.

And which veterans would that be, if I may ask ?

Not me! I don't think it's ill mannered.
the older I get the more I know how little I knew when I knew it all


Hey Sarge, why are  you smiling so big in your  picture? That's the same smile you had on your ugly mug that night we were camping and you passed wind, then ran out of the tent and wouldn't let me out. If I remember right we had nothing but baked beans for supper that night. Aint that right, Stinky ?


I would like to have answers and I don't understand why an offer from someone that has connections here and might possibly be connected to the so called hidden members is turned down.  The only reason that I can see is that the questioner doesn't really want answers because he then wouldn't have any reason to monopolize this thread with the same posts, over and over.

I would like to have answers for the sole purpose of quieting the voracious quest for answers to something that isn't really the public's business.  What other private organization or business is required to come on a public forum and reveal their membership, name by name?

Perhaps I should repeat that I am not a member of this organization for the sole reason that I have nothing to offer them. except my support.  I could attend meetings, which would be a hardship for me.  I could volunteer, which would be a hardship for me but not an asset for them.  At my age, I have put in my time as supporter of public activities.  I have taught Sunday School and VBS.  I have volunteered at the school.  I served as an officer of the PTA.  I have already done what I could for the betterment of our community.  Physically, I am unable to participate any longer.  But I can support anyone that is trying to make things better for the children, etc.  How many of you can say that.


Those who can, do...Those that can't, talk about it.

Wilma...I know you've been very supportive of everything the kids (and adults) have done, for years now...And you are loved for it.  Would that everyone were as able to translate intent into action.

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