Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: redcliffsw on June 24, 2011, 03:23:03 PM
Goverment is not supposed to take other peoples' money and give it away.
That includes to "make" jobs or ball teams.

Quote from: Ross on June 24, 2011, 03:53:50 PM
It's like this windfarm thing.
I haven't done the research but I have heard plenty about the government financing renewable energy.
So I'd bet there is gov't (taxpayers dollars)vmoney in this windfarm.

Quote from: redcliffsw on June 24, 2011, 04:22:46 PM
Yeah - windfarms and ethanol.  Goverment promotion and funding really sounds good doesn't it?

Quote from: srkruzich on June 24, 2011, 05:11:55 PM
Time to defund the damn ethanol program.  When you can't get a bag of corn for less than 8 dollars a bag then we are getting screwed

Not sure, but without using the word 'subsidy' I think they did.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Ross on June 24, 2011, 03:19:58 PM
My kid is learning not to depend on grants and welfare. He is finding his own work and as an educator perhaps you can acknowledge the education he is recieving by this endeavor is far better than handing it to him on a platter. I did the samething as a kid.

There are so many grants out there that are provided by tax deductions which doesn't do anything for financing the country's debt, it's like welfare. Scientist getting grants, which pay their outrageous incomes to study wny on skunk stinks more than another skunk. O r to tell us eating eggs are bad for us and a ear later tell us eggs aren't so bad. Grants or earmarks to build extravagant buildings for different major cities if it's named after the Congressman that lives in that district. When actually the welfare systen that supports the really poor is probably a fraction of all that other stuff. All that also leads to cutting school budgets.

I am very happy that Elk County is able to do this Summer Day Camp for the children. But ask yourself what happens when all the freebies cease? I see it happening real soon. Federal Budget Cuts. State Budget Cuts etc.

uh..........I'm a construction worker not an educator .......except for my parenting.
uh..........I started workin....for money.... when I was 12......I was helpin my Dad log when I was 15...I worked one summer for the school when I was 13.....nobody ever GAVE me NOTHIN.
uh.........my oldest son got his first job on a pullin unit when he was 13 and my youngest son got his first job when he was 14.....washin hides...my daughter's first job was cleanin up job sites when she was 11

try payin attention and rememberin who is who.........


Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 24, 2011, 06:13:39 PM
I'm not sure how it's "taxpayer money" but I've said several other times there is just something wrong in using food to make fuel to go buy food.

Because the ethanol plants cannot possibly make ethanol without being subsidized by government.  The price they are paying for corn is testimony to that. 

Have ya ever made sourmash diane??   AIN'T no way they can make it cheap enough in the freemarket to use in gasoline.   In fact, by the time you add the corn add the sugar, and let it ferment, you have more money in it than you can possibly sell it for in fuel.   I looked into it a while back making my own.  I figured it up when the corn was at 5.00 a hundred, and sugar was a .31 a pound and i couldn't produce a gallon of sourmash for less than 3.75 a gallon.  At that time it was cheaper to make the whiskey and sell it for 40 a gallon for drinkin and buying the gas with the profit.   Now corn is up 3 times what it was when i was checking and sugar is double that it was back then.  So your looking at 9.00 per gallon to make it. Taxpayers are subsidizing the ethanol plants and the corn prices keep going up and up and up due to the fact the ethanol plant have tons of money to pay for corn cause Government is buying it.

Read something a coupld months ago that they have 18 billion bushals of corn produced this year, and only 1.7 billion is going to be used in the food market, that includes feed, for cattle ect and for humans.  It also stated that its almost 1 billion less than we had last year in the market for human and animal consumption. Farmers are getting greedy and selling us out.  They don't give a rats fanny as long as they get top dollar. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 24, 2011, 09:32:18 PM
So who said anything about a subsidy?
Subsidy's fall under handouts which falls under taxes the money the gov't takes from us.
The same goes for foreign aid, tax payer money as a handout to other countries.
It is spending money in an attempt at buying friendship. Have you ever bought a friend?
I was taught at very young age you can't buy friendship.
Any handout is welfare. Does Exxon need welfare? Does Russia need welfare from us?
Does it matter if it's Federal or State welfare? I don't think so.Do you?
Does it make any difference if it's called a subsidy, a grant, or an earmark if it is tax dollars or the result of tax dollars?
Just think if it's a grant that is generated as a tax break doesn't that mean someone didn't pay tax on that money?
I have read where major companies haven't paid a dime in federal taxes because of tax shelters and tax free donations.
What do those tax free donations do for the company do? They essentially buy tons of free advertisement in the newsmedia.

Who steers the steering committee?

Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected.

Who is your Puppet Master?

What are your real goals?


Well said.

It's certainly great to see you and others take a bold stand against the socialistic Elk Konnected.

I know that the liberal/moderate followers of EK don't like what you are doing, but you're doing right, so stay right in there. 


Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on June 24, 2011, 10:46:23 PM
uh..........I'm a construction worker not an educator .......except for my parenting.
uh..........I started workin....for money.... when I was 12......I was helpin my Dad log when I was 15...I worked one summer for the school when I was 13.....nobody ever GAVE me NOTHIN.
uh.........my oldest son got his first job on a pullin unit when he was 13 and my youngest son got his first job when he was 14.....washin hides...my daughter's first job was cleanin up job sites when she was 11

try payin attention and rememberin who is who.........
However, you made the point. There was no grants to provide a job for you or your kids isn't that right? I started working for money at 11 years old. My first job was given to me by a friend of the family. The job was short lived but I soon found my next job on my own. Newspaper boy for about 6 months. then pinsetter in the bowling alley until I graduated high school. But I also mowed lawns, drove delivery car for the drugstore and did odd jobs. I worked for a year after high school traveling as a lineman, yea climbing telephone poles and then it was the military -- Vietnam.

But that was the whole point, we took the inititive and found work. We didn't have anyone paying us to play with little kids from money provided by grants or subsidies or any such thing.


QuoteHowever, you made the point. There was no grants to provide a job for you or your kids isn't that right? I started working for money at 11 years old. My first job was given to me by a friend of the family. The job was short lived but I soon found my next job on my own. Newspaper boy for about 6 months. then pinsetter in the bowling alley until I graduated high school. But I also mowed lawns, drove delivery car for the drugstore and did odd jobs. I worked for a year after high school traveling as a lineman, yea climbing telephone poles and then it was the military -- Vietnam.

No actually I didnt make the point.......not yours anyway. I am very sure some of my and my husbands tax dollars down here go to programs that provide summer jobs for teenagers....whether its playin with little kids at a day-camp or weed-eatin at the school....IT DOESNT BOTHER ME....I'M ALL FOR IT give a kid a job, no matter what it is and they will be a better person...if their paycheck comes from my tax money well then I reckon they are just workin for me, takin care of one of my grandkids maybe or takin care of one of my grandkids schools. IT AIN'T welfare!

I do NOT agree with you.


Well my kid is learning. Learning to do for himself.
Instead of having it give to him.
That's what wrong with this country, it seems everyone is being trained
for hand out's. Everything has to be easy.
Grants, special funds, freebies, handouts, welfare, tax writeoffs, taxshelters.
And every working man and woman pays for the waste.

Who steers the steering committee?

Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected.

Who is your Puppet Master?

What are your real goals?


Quote from Ross:
Have you ever bought a friend?

To borrow a line from  Slick Willie Clinton----What is your definition of
" a friend "?  :angel:


QuoteHave you ever bought a friend?

To borrow a line from  Slick Willie Clinton----What is your definition of
" a friend "? 

I would say it is what "it" is...and I think that line of work is illegal, at least if soliciting the wrong person!  ;D

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