Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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  Flint it is appropriate that you bring up Mc Carthy because he was right about the amount of communists that were working in congressmen's offices, clear up to cabinet offices.
Wikipedia should read the Venona Papers that name names of the communist infiltrators, before they put out such political left tripe. Then again they and Snopes are not friends of conservatives.


Quote from: Humpy on June 21, 2011, 11:02:27 AM
...he (McCarthy) was right about the amount of communists that were working in congressmen's offices, clear up to cabinet offices... Wikipedia should read the Venona Papers..

Perfect and valid observations, Humpy.  Thank you.

It reminds us that ignoring a reality doesn't make that reality any less real.

By the way, can anybody tell us who's lawfully responsible for the decisions, actions and finances of Elk Konnected, LLC?

What insurance company protects the volunteers and kids participating in the functions on which they spend taxpayers money.

For that matter, who pays if someone falls and is hurt at a 'community conversation'?  Or would that be the responsibility of Public Square Communities, LLC?

What you don't know can hurt you.  Stay connected, citizens!

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

jerry wagner

Quote from: Humpy on June 21, 2011, 11:02:27 AM
  Flint it is appropriate that you bring up Mc Carthy because he was right about the amount of communists that were working in congressmen's offices, clear up to cabinet offices.
Wikipedia should read the Venona Papers that name names of the communist infiltrators, before they put out such political left tripe. Then again they and Snopes are not friends of conservatives.

Yes, because let us not forget that in the USA you are only permitted the political beliefs of the self appointed conservative.  ::)


"self appointed conservative"? What the heck is that? I am just a down right, right wing constitutionalist.
  My problem is with the way the progressives spin and re-write history .Not to mention just flat lie . Todays history is not the history I learned in government schools. I think Boortz had it right when he said the teachers union was a bigger threat than terrorists, to the freedom and survival of the US
I value the input of both sides not just the radical right. Ya can't have an exchange opinions if yours is the only one . But I sure got one.    Do you Jerry?


Quote from: Humpy on June 21, 2011, 02:17:50 PM
Ya can't have an exchange opinions if yours is the only one.

I believe, this, in a nutshell, is why you have had Wilma, Flint, me and other moderates trying to lighten up the tone of this diatribe-ridden thread.  All we have been asking is why the loudest voices on this thread have done nothing to contact all of the leads they've been given.  You are sitting there, howling, kicking your legs and flailing your arms over the fact that no one from EK will openly engage you all in a meaningful conversation about what EK is, who EK is and where EK is headed.

Did it ever occur to any of you howling individuals that your approach negates their ability to be of any assistance to you?  What normal, sane person, interested in saving themselves the castigation from your set, is going to open themselves up to the lot of you?  If there is going to be a mature exchange of information and ideas, then the witch-hunt mentality has to stop.  Period.

No, I don't know who it is that you want.  But...Having dealt for decades with Elk Countians... ;D...I can assure you that your present manner will do nothing but send you back to the same mists of obscurity that you came from...With no more answers than you have presently.

Your choice.


Well said, Catwoman. This thread has been the biggest display of pure crap that has been on the Forum since it's beginning. Nothing but a witchhunt. They don't want answers that would end their witchhunt.


They are not hiding.  They are choosing to not engage you in this manner on this forum and that is their right.  What they do is quite public.  Reports of their doings include names and are published in the paper.  Is that hiding? 




Quote from: Catwoman on June 21, 2011, 02:37:21 PM
Are ya'all that larneded one rhat larned that thar big wurd from me. I's sory ta burdan ya wif that thar wurd.
But Iz can see ya'll don't read so well. Dem coledge degres are a waste huh?

We want them Elk konnected folks out in the open, and we know they area watching. did you read it before, did your read it now?

Elk Konnected needs to quit hidding.  Then they might be able to grow, don't ya think. And then their followers won't have to be abusive of every one. Simple solution.

Who steers the steering committee?

Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected.

Who is your Puppet Master?

What are your real goals?



Here's another big word for the closed-minded:

"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.

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