Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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I never watch the videos.  I am much better with the written word.


Janet Harrington

Quote from: kshillbillys on June 20, 2011, 07:28:04 PM
Doug Hanks, Sheriff
Danny Ferguson, Undersheriff
John Walker
Zeb Hare

See how easy that was to get YOUR question answered?

Well, you left out Joe Love. I know why you did because he apparently is going to work at the courthouse as the maintenance employee.  However; Joe has worked for Doug for several years, so, there you go Mother, there is your answer. And you didn't even have to call the courthouse to get your answer.


If you got answers to all the questions you are asking, what would it change?---Wilma, Re: Of Elk Konnected, wind farms & gorillas... Friends, Romans, countrymen...May 08, 2011, 08:29:47 am

You asked Who are the law enforcement officers. I gave you the answer. It has been stated on this thread that even if Ross and Patriot got their answers they still wouldn't be happy and would come up with more questions, which is exactly what you did, came up with more questions.

Yes, Janet. Joe Love used to be a Deputy but is now working maintenance for the Courthouse. We lost a damn good deputy in Deputy Love but we wish him the best in his future endeavors!




Elk Konnected followers just can't tell us who they are following.
That has got to be the height of sheeple dumb.

They can't seem to stay on subject either. That's weird considering they claim to be educated and even have a couple of supposed educator amongst their miidst.

Who steers the steering committee?

Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected.

Come on folks try a little harder to stay on subject, try to concentrate. Good night.


In modern terminology 'witch-hunt' has acquired usage referring to the act of seeking and persecuting any perceived enemy, particularly when the search is conducted using extreme measures and with little regard to actual guilt or innocence. It is used whether or not it is sanctioned by the government, or merely occurs within the "court of public opinion".

The first such use reported by the Oxford English Dictionary dates to 1932.  Another early instance is George Orwell's Homage to Catalonia (1938). The term is used by Orwell to describe how, in the Spanish Civil War, political persecutions became a regular occurrence.

The term is used when a hunt for wrongdoers becomes abused, and a defendant can be convicted merely on an accusation.

Use of the term was popularized in the United States in the context of the McCarthyist search for communists during the Cold War, which was discredited partly through being compared to the Salem witch trials.

From the 1960s, the term was in wide use and could also be applied to isolated incidents or scandals, specifically public smear-campaigns against individuals.
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


Red-baiting is the act of accusing, denouncing, attacking or persecuting an individual or group as communist,[1] socialist, or anarchist, or sympathetic toward communism,[2] socialism, or anarchism. The word "red" in "red-baiting" is derived from the red flag signifying radical left-wing politics.[3] The term "red-baiting" dates to at least 1928.[1] In United States history, red-baiting is most often associated with McCarthyism, which had its origins in the two historic Red Scare periods of the 1920s (First Red Scare) and 1950s (Second Red Scare).[4] In the 21st century, red-baiting does not have quite the same effect it previously did due to the fall of Soviet-style Communism,[5] but some pundits have argued that notable events in current American politics indicates a resurgence of red-baiting consistent with the 1950s.[6]

Read more at:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red-baiting
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


                                               Who steers the steering committee???
                                                    Why won't they Converse with us???
                                                         What are Their Real goals???
                                                                Questions Galore




McCarthyism is the practice of making accusations of disloyalty, subversion, or treason without proper regard for evidence. The term has its origins in the period in the United States known as the Second Red Scare, lasting roughly from the late 1940s to the late 1950s and characterized by heightened fears of communist influence on American institutions and espionage by Soviet agents. Originally coined to criticize the anti-communist pursuits of Republican U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin, "McCarthyism" soon took on a broader meaning, describing the excesses of similar efforts. The term is also now used more generally to describe reckless, unsubstantiated accusations, as well as demagogic attacks on the character or patriotism of political adversaries.

. . . . . . .

Since the time of McCarthy, the word McCarthyism has entered American speech as a general term for a variety of practices: aggressively questioning a person's patriotism, making poorly supported accusations, using accusations of disloyalty to pressure a person to adhere to conformist politics or to discredit an opponent, subverting civil rights in the name of national security, and the use of demagoguery are all often referred to as McCarthyism.[107][108][109] McCarthyism can also be synonymous with the term witch-hunt, both referring to mass hysteria and moral panic.

Read more at:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McCarthyism
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


Flint, no one is redbaiting anyone YOU YOURSELF said that EK is progressive agency. And its common knowlege that the progressive movement started in the 1800s and their main goal is a socialist nation.  With your admission that they are a progressive group, you admit they are socialist and have an agenda to destroy the constitution
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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