Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Janet Harrington on June 19, 2011, 06:11:07 PM
Mr. Ross, You picked apart what I said to ask me if I really don't care why the diatribe? What I really don't care about is the identity of you or the identity of Mr. Patriot.  You guys are so funny. However, I do have a serious question that I will post soon.
Okay, here is the whole post you put up. The question is at the bottom. I did not mean to offend just to abreviate.
Quote from: Janet Harrington on June 19, 2011, 06:11:07 PMHere. Let me give you some information. If you think there is something that is being done illegally, that is unethical, whatever, and it involves the county commissioners, the county sheriff, the county clerk, the county treasurer, the county register of deeds, or the county attorney, the why don't you use the toll free number to Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt's office and lodge a complaint? Verbally or in writing, I really don't care. Tell the AG that this county needs to be investigated. After all, he is the TOP law enforcement officer of the state. I am providing you the contact information that I took from my good friend, Attorney General Derek Schmidt's, website.   Since corruption at the county level has been alleged, then it is up to our AG to investigate and either bring to light that there is corruption or put to rest the allegations.  I love getting a good investigation started.

Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt
Memorial Hall, 2nd Floor
120 SW 10th Street
Topeka, KS 66612
(785) 296-2215
(785) 296-6296 fax

On that same line of trying to find out who or what this Elk Konnected, LLC, is and who the office holders are and trying to allege that there might be some corruption, (Let's not call it "conflict of interest". Let's call it what you are saying it is, corruption), which is involving the commissioner that has had her name flung around this topic...have any of you thought about talking with the Elk County Attorney Kim King about this? Have you? She is newly appointed and should be able to hear your concerns with a fresh ear. Her office is on the top floor of the courthouse. She has a full-time secretary and her number is 620-374-3507.

I have stayed away from this topic just because it is one of the most boring topics I have ever read. Kind of reminds me of doing tax returns. Makes me want to throw up. However; I thought, okay, maybe some people need a little guidance here. Shine a little light to show these concerned taxpayers who they should be asking these questions of. The Kansas Attorney General's Office in Topeka has the tools and the teeth to see an investigation of this type all the way through.  Attorney General Derek Schmidt and his many, many attorneys and employees are paid by taxpayer money to investigate the things that have been alleged on this topic.

Oh, by the way, I am not nor am I affiliated with Elk Konnected, LLC. I don't work for the taxpayers of this county. I am not on disability, Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, or any other program that someone might construe as public assistance. I am not in anyone's "back pocket" or taking any money to say what I have said on this forum. The only land I own is the land that my house sits on. I pay my county taxes, my state taxes, and my federal taxes. I am no one's "lackey" or "puppet". I might, however; be a Puppet Master. BAHAHAHAHA

If you really don't care why the diatribe?

Janet Harrington

Quote from: Ross on June 19, 2011, 06:55:33 PM
Okay, here is the whole post you put up. The question is at the bottom. I did not mean to offend just to abreviate.
If you really don't care why the diatribe?

Ah, so now you put that question at the bottom of the message. How clever. BAHAHAHAHAHA

Janet Harrington

Quote from: Ross on June 19, 2011, 06:36:54 PM
So why is any of that on this link? Personal affairs should be left personal unless released by that person. And really this thread has nothing to do with the second admendment. So back to the subject. What's happening in our County? Why do a few people get so upset over a few questions about Elk Konnected? Is there something to hide?

So, if you write the Attorney General does that some how indicate that we may no longer express our concerns on this forum? I don't think so. If you don't like the banter back and forth why keep coming here? Even the Federal cops have no control over free speech on the internet.

I was only answering what Mr. Robert Walker put on here. I have the right to do that, don't I? Or are you wanting to censor what I write on here?

Janet Harrington

Quote from: Ross on June 19, 2011, 06:36:54 PM
So why is any of that on this link? Personal affairs should be left personal unless released by that person. And really this thread has nothing to do with the second admendment. So back to the subject. What's happening in our County? Why do a few people get so upset over a few questions about Elk Konnected? Is there something to hide?

So, if you write the Attorney General does that some how indicate that we may no longer express our concerns on this forum? I don't think so. If you don't like the banter back and forth why keep coming here? Even the Federal cops have no control over free speech on the internet.

In what I wrote, where do you get the idea that by my writing the Attorney General can keep you from expressing your concerns on this forum? Where? That is you trying to put words out there that I did not write. Why do you keep doing that?

As for the bantering back and forth, all I said was, I hate it. That's all. I'm not upset about what you are asking about Elk Konnected? Not at all. However; there are those who don't and those who do. I am a doer. I am going to write to the Attorney General and ask him what he thinks, ask him to investigate, ask that someone with some "teeth" look into all these questions that you all are asking. So my question to you is "What are you going to do? "


Quote from: sixdogsmom on June 19, 2011, 06:39:43 PM
You know, Patrick claims that Elk Konnected was not involved with the school closures, and on a previous post I mentioned that the same people were involved in that as were involved with Elk Konnected. In fact it was Dave Whetstone, Kate Perkins, Corey Reese, and others who went from town to town holding 'informational' meetings. I attended two of these; one that was led by Dave Whetstone. He showed us a board covered with yellow post it notes that were supposedly the results of a community consensus gathered at an Elk Konnected round table meeting a few months prior. It was claimed that these papers showed that it was a consensus of that meeting that both Moline and Severy schools be closed and a new school be built in Howard. At another meeting that was led by Corey Reese, he claimed that it was a done deal that Moline and Severy schools would be closed, when in fact the school board had NOT YET VOTED to close them. His very words were, 'It's a done deal"! These are the very same words he used to a channel 12 reporter when there was coverage done on the bond election, although he declined to appear on camera. Soon after these instances, Corey Reese appeared on the front page of The Prarie Star as a member of Elk Konnected. School employees were used to promote the bond issue, and many did, knowing that there was soon to be a large reduction in the West Elk work staff, and not wanting to lose out. Folks did not want to lose their jobs, and many were coerced according to a friend who worked for the school district at that time. She said that people were afraid to openly oppose the new school effort as they did not want to endanger their jobs. But people did in fact respond in the voting booth, and it is just too bad that is had to cost the people of Elk County for a special bond election. Maybe it was a good thing too; folks are paying more attention these days.

Interesting, six, very interesting.  Perhaps the unanswered questions are important, no?  As for people paying more attention, one surely hopes so.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


I will apologize for upsetting anyone or hurting their feelings. I seriously thought that people were threatening my wife in an offhand way and I won't tolerate that from anyone. She's been threatened enough lately for other things going on. No harm, no foul if no threats were intended.---MR. KSH




Quote from: Patriot on June 19, 2011, 07:13:34 PM
Interesting, six, very interesting.  Perhaps the unanswered questions are important, no?  As for people paying more attention, one surely hopes so.

I, too, find that very interesting Six. Think I'll go back and reread some of the things that were on here about the closing of the schools and see what I can come up with. I surely hope people with pay attention as well Patriot. Janet brought up our problem we had this past year at our school and people started paying attention and woke up about that matter until it was resolved. I only hope people will wake up and do their own research and not take everyone's word for what happens in this county from now on. We love it here and would do anything to help make it better!--------Jennifer



Janet Harrington

Thank you, Mr kshillbilly, for the apology. You wife was not threatened in anyway, but we are all good.


Quote from: Janet Harrington on June 19, 2011, 07:11:37 PM
In what I wrote, where do you get the idea that by my writing the Attorney General can keep you from expressing your concerns on this forum? Where? That is you trying to put words out there that I did not write. Why do you keep doing that?

As for the bantering back and forth, all I said was, I hate it. That's all. I'm not upset about what you are asking about Elk Konnected? Not at all. However; there are those who don't and those who do. I am a doer. I am going to write to the Attorney General and ask him what he thinks, ask him to investigate, ask that someone with some "teeth" look into all these questions that you all are asking. So my question to you is "What are you going to do? "
My full intentions was to raise public awareness and I believe that has been accopmlished. My job now is to sit in the back and share the responsibility with my friends and neighbors in Elk County.  That is accomplished with an actual conversation that is not controlled by anyone, no facilitator from out of county, no circle of chairs, no control by saying be positive, just open and honest. That's what I would like to see. I'd like to see a large turn out at the next County Commissioners meeting to show that the community is aware and watching. Maybe things can then straighten out. What's wrong with a community applying pressure and showing alertness. Why go out of county if the problems can be corrected at home. My intentions were never, never to go off the deep end.


Jennifer, I am sorry if you felt that my comments were in any way a threat.  I am only concerned about your safety as you are well known by name and vocation.  Maybe keeping a low profile and out of the limelight would be a wise move for awhile.  This doesn't mean that you can't continue to post under another name.  There are others that do, you know.

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