Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from Wilma:
Jarhead:  please forgive me for thinking that you had bad hearing.

Huh, did you say something ? Oh yea, I do have bad hearing Wilma. Like Ross ,the ol combat is kinda rough on the ears---BUT--the main problem with my hearing is ol Sarge. That's right---when I was a pup I let the moron talk me into letting him slap me upside the head--with both hands. He said if he smacked both ears at the same time that boogers would shoot out both nostrils with the same velocity of a Red Ryder BB gun---he lied---and I'm deaf !!!!


Quote from: Catwoman on June 16, 2011, 06:39:45 PM
Yes, Ross...In all seriousness, I agree with the Hillbilly...Thank you for your service to our country.  I have many people in my family who have served long careers in the military, in all the branches, including the Army Air Corps when it existed.  Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.  My point still stands.

Thank you. We all make errors, me to.


Quote from: jarhead on June 16, 2011, 07:58:19 PM
Quote from Wilma:
Jarhead:  please forgive me for thinking that you had bad hearing.

Huh, did you say something ? Oh yea, I do have bad hearing Wilma. Like Ross ,the ol combat is kinda rough on the ears---BUT--the main problem with my hearing is ol Sarge. That's right---when I was a pup I let the moron talk me into letting him slap me upside the head--with both hands. He said if he smacked both ears at the same time that boogers would shoot out both nostrils with the same velocity of a Red Ryder BB gun---he lied---and I'm deaf !!!!
Wilma, don't let him kid you on this, I think Joyce has had to slap him up side the head lots of times. If she hasn't she probably should have. I think he has selective hearing.


Quote from: Ross on June 16, 2011, 08:03:22 PM
Thank you. We all make errors, me to.

.emit eht fo %001 thgir m'I  !em toN
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


Does Jarhead kid?  I thought he was the serious type.

Flint, nobody is right 100% of the time.


Welcome back, Varmit.  You've been missed.  When you get caught up with all the reading, we'll send you a coupon for some Visine eye drops.

Oh, after you read the paper, see if you can help figure out who 'we' is/are.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

the shadow

It appears from what I have been reading on here that there is corruption in our local government. I submit for your reading pleasure, the code of ethics handed down by the Kansas County Commissioners Association to clarify the accusations of the wrongdoings of the Elk County Commission and founding members of Elk Konnected LLC. I would call for a full investigation from a state level on the funds disbursement from the Elk County Commission to Elk Konnected LLC, i.e. grants, and abstaining to vote when said commissioners and families stand to profit millions of dollars by voting yes to the creation of said windfarm. God help anyone who is "konnected." Please read the following very carefully, paying special attention to Principles 5 and 6.

Ammended by KCCA membership on 11/25/2003
Kansas County Commissioners Association
Code of Ethical Conduct for County Commissioners
The opportunity to serve the public as county commissioner is a high honor and confers a sacred
trust to the office holder. Stewardship of the public trust not only requires allegiance to the law,
but also obligates a county commissioner to act in ways consistent with the highest standards of
ethical conduct.
The Kansas County Commissioners Association has adopted this code of ethics as a means of
promoting the vitality of the democratic process in county government. The Association believes
that in carrying out the duties of public office, from time to time every county commissioner is
confronted with ethical dilemmas. The following principles are offered to encourage
commissioners to engage in ethical reflection in advance of decision making. Ultimately, the
ethical course of action for a county commissioner must be discerned by the dictates of
individual conscience and commitment to the public interest.
Principle 1
A county commissioner should be vigorously dedicated to the democratic ideals
of honesty, openness and accountability in all public matters involving county
• A commissioner should exert good faith effort to communicate the full truth about county
matters and avoid structuring information so as to mislead others or gain personal
• Accountability requires a commissioner to accept responsibility for his or her public
conduct as well as the actions of the county commission, especially when mistakes occur.
• A commitment to the spirit of open government is characterized by the broadest possible
provisions for public access and information sharing, and qualified only by those
instances when meetings or certain public records are shielded by state law.
• A commissioner has an obligation to report suspected illegal misconduct by another
elected official to the proper investigative authorities.
• The confidentially of executive sessions of commission meetings must be strictly
Principle 2
A county commissioner should model decorum, respect for others and civility in
all public relationships.
• The honor of public office requires a commissioner to behave with courtesy and respect
for the dignity of others in all public relationships with other elected officials; employees;
citizens, media and representatives of other units of government.
• Commissioners should affirm the value of services provided by government and maintain
a constructive attitude about governmental affairs.
• Meetings of the county commission afford a prime opportunity for commissioners to
promote conduct which enhances respectful civic discourse.
Principle 3
A county commissioner should actively practice stewardship of the county's
human, fiscal and material resources.
• A commissioner should conserve public resources and support the wisest and best use of
those resources consistent with the public interest and community need.
• The principle of merit should guide all of a commissioner's human resource management
decisions associated with recruitment, hiring, compensation, promotion and discharge.
• A commissioner should advocate for and encourage county employees to adopt practices
that promote the most efficient, effective and ethical county services.
Principle 4
A county commissioner should strive for excellence and continuous learning in
personal development and in all operations of county government.
• A commissioner, regardless of the length of tenure in office, should actively seek
opportunities to develop skills and acquire knowledge in order to perform the duties of
public office more effectively.
• A commissioner should dedicate the time necessary to adequately perform the duties of
the office of county commissioner.
• As a member of the governing body, a commissioner should advocate and appropriate
resources for a learning courthouse, a county work environment in which employees are
given opportunities to expand their performance capacities.
Principle 5
A county commissioner should perform the duties of public office with fairness
and impartiality so as to enhance public confidence in county government.
• Impartiality requires a commissioner to engage in conduct unswayed by public clamor,
without fear of criticism and without seeking personal financial gain or partisan
• A commissioner should make decisions free from the influence of family members,
private business relationships, or other personal relationships.
• A commissioner should promote county business practices which contribute to public
perception of the impartiality of county decisions.
• A commissioner should abstain from voting even if not required to by law if his or her
impartiality might be reasonably questioned.
• A commissioner should support the principle of equal employment opportunity and
vigorously oppose discrimination in county operations.
Principle 6
A county commissioner should neither seek nor accept any favor from any
source which may be offered to influence his or her official decision making.
• Commissioners should decline to accept anything of value that could be construed by a
reasonable and informed person as intended to influence the commissioner's actions.
• Avoiding the appearance of impropriety sustains public trust in democracy and is a
necessary standard for commissioners to consider in determining an ethical course of
For comments or questions about the KCCA Ethical Code of Conduct, contact:
Tim Norton, KCCA president: mailto:tnorton@sedgwick.gov

The Shadow Knows                                  do you?
The Shadow knows!

Roma Jean Turner

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