Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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OH, and that Delphi theory that everyone gives  no face to:  it does exist.
now ready and out


Quote from: Patriot on June 15, 2011, 07:55:12 AM
It occurs to me, after review of this thread, how terribly little the staunchest supporters of Elk Konnected know, or are willing to share publicly, about the legally established, privately owned company behind the movement they support so strongly.  It seems that if one supports, works, or volunteers for a formal organization, they should at least know something about the 'people & processes behind the curtain'.

If so little detail is known by the long time supporters, why would the rest of the public want to jump on the wagon? 

Two old sayings come to mind:  All that glitters isn't gold.      Ignorance is bliss.

You know this resembles drug dealers.  3 main rules.  NEver use, never touch the product, isolate yourself from the minions that deliver with trusted controlled intermediaries.   Generally the bottom never knows whos at the top.  When caught they say i don't know, i just make deliveries
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 15, 2011, 08:38:28 AM
. Also to assume that all people who work in Gov't  are corruptible and not to be trusted is just not so and very unfair.

Thomas Jefferson hated government, he didn't trust it whatsoever, thats why the Constitution was written in the first place to control a evil that had to be put in place.  He never trusted any form of Government but recognized its necessity.  So created one that did the job that needed to be done and then chain it down so that it could do no more. UNFORTUNATELY we have leaders that ignore the constitution, knowing that REASONABLE men will not invoke the 2nd amendment unless they go too far in one step.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Actually, Ross, this "insult" you keep referring to is not in this thread or any other (and if it is, I didn't see it). The only thing I've seen is your intepretation of something you perceived to be disrespectful. Can you direct us please to the actual comment that was made by Commissioner Hendricks?


"In early 2007, Elk County was experiencing some events that made a resident wonder "What is the future of Elk County"? With a county population of only 3000, one tiny town spends time and energy wanting to pull out of the county wide trash service. Yet on the other side, members across the county come together for a "tablesetting" event that raises over $3000 for the local foundation."

If EK was wanting to "build up" the county, then why even add this one part of the sentence (that Ross keeps referring to)? EK is a group, not the individual cities' government. That "individual government" was elected to do what they believe is right for THEIR town, not for the County as a whole and certainly not for EK.

Andrea Arbuckle

Nancy Barker

Jennifer Brummel

Julie Englebrecht

Liz Hendricks

Tommie Provence

David Whetstone

Community Goals

Youth Development - Establish a coordinated youth development program in the Elk Konnected community

Physical Image - Create a coordinated, six-community appreciation day to clean up our physical image

Community Wellness - Create the infrastructure for a community wellness and enrichment network

Community Standards - Establish and enforce property maintenance standards throughout the Elk Konnected community

Communication - Develop a community-wide clearinghouse for publicizing activities and events to patrons




Quote from: kshillbillys on June 16, 2011, 07:14:48 AM
"In early 2007, Elk County was experiencing some events that made a resident wonder "What is the future of Elk County"? With a county population of only 3000, one tiny town spends time and energy wanting to pull out of the county wide trash service. Yet on the other side, members across the county come together for a "tablesetting" event that raises over $3000 for the local foundation."

If EK was wanting to "build up" the county, then why even add this one part of the sentence (that Ross keeps referring to)? EK is a group, not the individual cities' government. That "individual government" was elected to do what they believe is right for THEIR town, not for the County as a whole and certainly not for EK.

Andrea Arbuckle

Nancy Barker

Jennifer Brummel

Julie Englebrecht

Liz Hendricks

Tommie Provence

David Whetstone

Community Goals

Youth Development - Establish a coordinated youth development program in the Elk Konnected community

Physical Image - Create a coordinated, six-community appreciation day to clean up our physical image

Community Wellness - Create the infrastructure for a community wellness and enrichment network

Community Standards - Establish and enforce property maintenance standards throughout the Elk Konnected community

Communication - Develop a community-wide clearinghouse for publicizing activities and events to patrons

She actually said in the County Commissioners meeting when I quoted the article that they did not mean mean toslam Elk Falls. Actually using the city's name. However rget have not removed the article.


Quote from: kshillbillys on June 16, 2011, 07:14:48 AM

Community Standards - Establish and enforce property maintenance standards throughout the Elk Konnected community

How does a PRIVATE BUSINESS A LLC plan to ENFORCE property maintenance?  IF they are a private corp then they have no authority to ENFORCE ANYTHING.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Sure they can Steve! Especially when part of their steering committee is an ordinance officer, at least in the Longton area.




  By whos standards? Mine or EK LLC, or County ord. my dog Doc ??? Smacks of elitist micro managing . One mans trash is another mans treasure .
  I wonder how long I will have to establish a yard, if I build a new home, like we plan to do later down the road? Do I have to paint any block buildings like the little Hitlers in Wichita made me do. Helll the code enforcement officer was kind enough to suggest his favorite color. Nice additional service .
Is this what we have to look forward to ???? Or am I just getting excited over nothing?
I very much dislike controll freaks .


Quote from: kshillbillys on June 16, 2011, 11:41:20 AM
Sure they can Steve! Especially when part of their steering committee is an ordinance officer, at least in the Longton area.

Ya know kshillbillys, I like Longton and I like Elk Valley School and my son plays ball for LBA. And I like his coach.
I do not live in Longton but I am about 20 miles west of there. I like the attitude that I am always presented with from the people of Longton. Terrific.
That said in sincerity, what I am about to say and ask may get my son kicked off the ball team but I sure hope not.

I believe the Longton Ball Association actually ask for $500.00 in their letter to the county commissioners each year?
This year at the commissioners meeting when the letter was read Elk Konnected County Commissioner Hendricks said give the $1000.00. Now I am not absolutely positive of this information do to my hearing loss so if someone can verify what I have written here is right, I would appreciate it. I'm not complaining about the LBA, if anything I am happy for them. Perhaps because my son plays for them. Perhaps because it helps that community. But I must add because of the county's debt can we afford to just hand out extra money that is not asked for. I also feel I must ask why would the County Commissioners double the requested amount? Was something else bought that we don't know about?

Yes, I did say Elk Konnected County Commissioner and I will say Elk Konnected County Commissioner Liebo. Why? Because at the last County Commissioners meeting there was talk by both of them that sounded like an Elk Konnected Booster Club. And Commissioner Hendricks said she couldn't keep her different hats she wears separate.  That's my opinion a Booster Club for Elk Konnected.

And I do believe I am entitled  to an opinion and to ask questions.

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