Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: mayflower on June 15, 2011, 08:33:37 AM
They know.  They are just not going to share with you or Ross because their words always get twisted.

'Their words' most often lack substantive, verifiable fact and are clearly conjecture based on popular opinion.  'Their words', had they been factual and revealing with hint of obfuscation, could have shut this down a month ago.

Quote from: mayflower on June 15, 2011, 08:33:37 AM
You don't want the truth....you want what you want to hear.....bad things.

That, Ms Mayflower, is a perfect example of the very twisting you ascribe to the questioners.  Your statement seems to be based on opinion, not fact.  What we want to hear are facts.  Simple, truthful answers to simple direct questions.  Not evasions, not opinions.  Now, if the facts end up pointing out 'bad things' then so be it.  If not, so be it.  Are you suggesting we live in the Walgreen town of Perfect where nothing bad exists?  Surely, in today's world,  we aren't so afraid of the possibility of 'bad things' that we must launder everything we see or hear.  Ignoring bad things won't make them somehow not exist.  I would suggest that the 'witch hunt' label might be an avoidance of the 'hiding from the boogy man' argument.

Quote from: mayflower on June 15, 2011, 08:33:37 AM
Those don't exsist in Elk Konnected.

Never a bad thing or unintended consequence in Elk Konnected?  Those affiliated with EK have achieved divine perfection and are devoid of all human failing or error?  I'm sorry you believe that.  Life and people must ultimately be very disappointing to you.

Quote from: mayflower on June 15, 2011, 08:33:37 AM
Also, a lot of those people don't even read the forum....just because they are working people and have no time to read junk.

'Those people'?  I adore such generalities.  As for reading junk, the numerical facts seem to counter your view regarding readership, and the pejorative 'junk' is your opinion.  I notice that you make the time.

Ultimately, questions avoided and unanswered (for whatever reason) do not invalidate the questions or the questioners.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Just giving you the facts....what you don't want to hear. 


Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 15, 2011, 08:38:28 AM
I know LLC laws differ from state to state, but I'd still think between tax records and the  Secretary of the State of Kansas ,the name (s), and I have a feeling there may be only one or two to make it legal, would be available there.

You are correct.  Delaware law, being the pattern for most states' corporate codes, does take on a unique flavor in different states.  For example, consider the following:

Many state LLC statutes provide for judicially ordered dissolution if it is not reasonably practicable to carry on the LLC's business in conformity with the LLC's operating agreement. E.g., Del. Code Ann. tit. 6, § 18-802. Washington's LLC Act is similar, but adds "or other circumstances render dissolution equitable." Wash. Rev. Code § 25.15.275. These statutes emphasize the role of the operating agreement in evaluating whether judicially ordered dissolution is appropriate.

The Kansas statute, by contrast, uses an "irreparable injury" test. Any member owning at least 25% of the outstanding interests in the LLC's capital or profits and losses may petition the court for dissolution and sale of the LLC's assets
Ref. http://www.llclawmonitor.com/tags/kansas/

The Kansas statutes regarding an LLC can be found in Article 76 of the Kansas Corporation Code:  http://kansasstatutes.lesterama.org/Chapter_17/Article_76/

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: mayflower on June 15, 2011, 10:54:28 AM
Just giving you the facts....what you don't want to hear. 

Still reading junk?  While you may be providing a fact (i.e. 'today is Monday'), your fact is totally unrelated to the question (i.e. 'What is causing the smell in the woodpile?).  Thanks anyway.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 15, 2011, 08:38:28 AM
 Ross, unless I remember the wrong name, in which case I apologize, you did  state, suggest, or otherwise accuse EK of being a fraud and did tell people not to go to their meetings, conversations or whatever anyone calls their group assemblies.Yes, you did secondarily modify your statements, but your meanings were very clear.

Diane, I was having a bad day and was not thinking clearly, just as I am today. I have nor had no right to make such an assinine remark and I removed it. Which again I am entitled to do. Correct a mistake if I chose to. I am having some serious trouble with an artificial knee and I am trying to get it taken care of before I possibly lose it. I'm having a little trouble with the agency that is responsible for the medical expense. Now I don't mean to be unloading my problems on you and I am sure I'll get the problem straightened out. My personal problem got in the way and I apologize for that.

What I was doing was asking and I placed a period instead of a question mark. I'm only human an full of shot. LOL
My personal opinion is they are frauds and I believe I am entitled to that opinion. Any way here it is.

Quote from: Ross on June 15, 2011, 05:05:52 AM
If everything is so bogus why do you hang around here? If elk konnected is all that an a bag of peanuts you should not have to find this thread as a threat and have to defend elk konnected would you.

But hey, didn't elk konnected  abuse Elk County resoursces by:

Didn't Elk Konnected fraudulently abuse our Elk County Government web site until County Commissioner Liebos aunt called them on it.

Didn't Elk Konnected fraudulently abuse the Elk County Crisis phone system buy using it for their own purposes until a ruckus was raised.

Didn't Elk Konnected fraudulently claim to be sponsering the Elk County Summer Day Camp.
The Elk County Summer Day Camp was set straight at the Elk County Commissioners Meeting. When the commissioners admitted that our Elk County employee in the position of Economic Development and Youth Development applied for the grant and when it was admitted to that she is also running the program.

When asked of the county commissioners why Elk Konnected  is claiming credit for the Elk County Summer Day Camp, County Commissioner Hendricks asked, "What difference does it make who gets credit?" That question only required an answer of DUH. But I was polite. It was stated by me, that I am proud of this county and the work our employee had done in setting the Elk County Summer Day Camp. Odds are you won't read any of it in the minutes of the meeting because two board members are admitted supporters of Elk Konnected. I believe they have misguided loyalties, that's my opinion and I stand by it.

I believe if our elected officials wish to be a Booster Club for people that abuse our County Resources they should at least show a bit of discreation and not do it during the County Commissioners meetings. Or wait a minute are they by chance registered members of
Elk Konnected?

How about the County Commissioner that claims to be the founder of elk konnected. She wrote a letter slamming at least one of our Elk County Communities and wrote another letter as a third person praising herself as Elk Kopnnected. Where are the ethics of Elk Konnected?

Elk Konnected seems only to have came up with the same old ideas and to have copied events that have gone on for years with in the different communities, nothing new, nothing innovative.

Who are these people, the registered members of elk konnected?

Thank you Diane for noticing. There should have been question marks at the end of the sentences. I would like to see some answers to the questions from elk konnected followers.

Diane Amberg

Ross, I'm so sorry you're having knee problems.  I now know at least 8 people who have had replacements and every one has turned out differently. Several have had a really hard time and have traded back and foot problems for the knee, several were great again in a very short time and most were somewhere in between, a long recovery but worth it and glad they did it. I hope yours does get straightend out soon, no pun intended. I didn't know you had removed your statements, sorry. As far as your being full of shot....uh, did you mean that or did you have another word in mind?  ;D



Quote from Wilma:
What is a registered member?

Damned if I know Wilma but I wish someone would just post the names of the members of EK. It's been said if the names are posted they will just be "trashed talked " Maybe so--maybe not.
  I only really know one of the people listed as a founding member and that is Richard Fish. I know Fish as a hard working, honest man and I feel confident Fish would not do any shady dealings at all----but Fish was only one name on the list and like I said---he's really the only one I know to any extent. Now before I get criticized, I see NO ONE saying Fish did anything wrong .
There---now about that loan I need Mr. Fish------I'm joking !!! ;D



Quote from: jarhead on June 15, 2011, 01:45:26 PM
Quote from Wilma:
What is a registered member?

Damned if I know Wilma but I wish someone would just post the names of the members of EK. It's been said if the names are posted they will just be "trashed talked " Maybe so--maybe not.
 I only really know one of the people listed as a founding member and that is Richard Fish. I know Fish as a hard working, honest man and I feel confident Fish would not do any shady dealings at all----but Fish was only one name on the list and like I said---he's really the only one I know to any extent. Now before I get criticized, I see NO ONE saying Fish did anything wrong .
There---now about that loan I need Mr. Fish------I'm joking !!! ;D
I've heard the samething that Mr. Fish is a fine person.
However, we have been told right here on this forum that his name is on the LLC license only for the purpose of having a name on the paper. And no one as tried or even thought of trashing him or anyone else.

So, Who are the registered members of elk konnected.

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