Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Catwoman on June 13, 2011, 09:00:34 PM
LOLOLOLOLOL  OMG...You don't know Flint, do you?  LOLOLOLOLOL...Before you start assigning terms to people, it would be wonderful if you actually knew the individuals in question...

Flint not only encourages opposing views, I've known him to take the opposing view in an argument, whether or not he agreed with the supposed view he was espousing, just in order to promote a discussion.  Flint is a highly intelligent, engaged individual who doesn't meet a stranger and most certainly never demeans, isolates or suppresses the rights or views of those around him.  Elk County lost a jewel when he moved away with his pretty wife.  We are lucky he still keeps track of Elk County online.  His family still resides in Elk County, a member of which passed on not too long ago (and is sorely missed).

I can understand your wanting to know the information you are pursuing...I can't understand your penchant for personal attacks.  I responded in an unkind manner earlier this evening when goaded beyond my normal limits...And I hereby apologize for lowering myself to that level...Now, I am requesting that the personal attacks cease.  The information you are seeking can be found on the Coffee Shop board, on the Elk Konnected threads (there are two of them).  Read everything there...And some of your questions should be answered.

Stop with the personal attacks.  


i'm sorry who are you. You come on here on your first post to this thread with a smart alec remark. And then you say, " I responded in an unkind manner earlier this evening when goaded beyond my normal limits." Dear you asked to be goaded. You came here of your own choice and you can leave of your own choice any time you want no one can or will stop you. Your backhanded apology is worthless. And your suggestion to read what you suggest is worthless as well.

And then you have the audacity to order, "Stop with the personal attacks."

We have been told to, Shut the hell up. A remark was made that Ross is so polite, he  makes me want to puke. That's coming from the I assume Elk Konnected followers.

I believe the only persons that have the only right to give orders on this forum are the owners. And they have full right to do so. But not you.

I will try to explain once again we are not interested in who the followers are, we would like to know who the registered members are.

So if you would like to add some great input into this thread please answer the question. Who are the registered members of Elk Konnected?


Quote from: Catwoman on June 13, 2011, 09:00:34 PM
And I hereby apologize for lowering myself to that level...

Likewise, Cat, I'm sorry. 
(But the spelling challenge stands. LOL)

Quote from: Catwoman on June 13, 2011, 09:00:34 PM
The information you are seeking can be found on the Coffee Shop board, on the Elk Konnected threads (there are two of them).  Read everything there...And some of your questions should be answered.

I'm afraid that much of the specific information sought is not in those threads.  And, yes, I've read them carefully. 

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Patriot on June 13, 2011, 09:12:57 PM
Or you just filibustering again?

And it will take a 60/40 vote to shut me up this time! LOL
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


Quote from: Ross on June 13, 2011, 09:18:22 PM
i'm sorry who are you.

You know, there was a time when this Forum was a place for people interested in Elk County to come share information, debate issues, and generally joke and kibitz with each other, but in a manner devoid of hatred or even minor antipathy against a person for their views.

Something happened along the way.  People who were open to debating opposing viewpoints, many being members of the Forum since it's first year of existence, left or just stopped posting as a handful of extremist zealots joined and began to dominate the Forum.

At least that's the way I see it!
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


Quote from: Ross on June 13, 2011, 09:18:22 PM
i'm sorry who are you.
Quote from: flintauqua on June 13, 2011, 09:32:23 PM
You know, there was a time when this Forum was a place for people interested in Elk County to come share information, debate issues, and generally joke and kibitz with each other, but in a manner devoid of hatred or even minor antipathy against a person for their views.

Something happened along the way.  People who were open to debating opposing viewpoints, many being members of the Forum since it's first year of existence, left or just stopped posting as a handful of extremist zealots joined and began to dominate the Forum.

At least that's the way I see it!
Let's have it all, okay. Look what happened.
Quote from: Catwoman on June 12, 2011, 06:24:42 PM
Oh, for God's sake...90 pages of this...
Quote from: frawin on June 12, 2011, 06:57:49 PM
I agree Catwoman
Quote from: Ross on June 12, 2011, 07:20:09 PM
We are going for 90 more if necessary. But you aren't required to come here.
Do you happen to have any input worth reading?
I believe you have said something like, I think the US is waking up from the rhetoric-induced stupor that O put his followers into...At least, I am hoping so. Perhaps the same could apply to Elk County Citizens concerning Elk Konnected. What cha got?
Quote from: Catwoman on June 12, 2011, 08:05:37 PM
I am sure I couldn't add anything to your 90 pages of understated, selfless, erudite eloquence...So I will bow to your undeniable prowess and leave quietly before I can do anything to encourage any further verbage... ;D...
Quote from: Ross on June 12, 2011, 08:26:13 PM
Well thank you very much.
Have a great life.

Who are the officialiy registered Elk Konnected members???
                Why won't they Converse with us???
                       What are Their Real goals???
Quote from: Catwoman on June 12, 2011, 08:31:32 PM
Well, so much for not encouraging any further verbosity...<sigh>
Quote from: Ross on June 12, 2011, 08:40:50 PM
Well if you've got something to add.
I'm sure everyone on this thread would love to hear it.
Don't hold back now.
Tell us what you know about the registerd members of Elk Konnected, LLC. Who are they?
Why are they hiding?
Why do they call the so called volunteers, followers, when they think no one is listening.

I believe you said on another post, What a heaping load of horse manure...Not even well-aged/well-composted crap...,
and ii believe that is what you are heaping on us now.

Aren't you an teacher/educator?
Well educate us on who the Elk Konnected LLC Registered members are.
Quote from: Catwoman on June 12, 2011, 09:06:22 PM
::)  Yes, I am an educator...No, I'm not going to waste time and space by listing what you can easily find, here on the Forum, with a little research.  As far as you thinking you know me from a few "sound bites"...LOL... ;D...If you know me that well, then you know about how much patience I have with worthless verbal exchanges that have no bearing on how things progress.  My time is worth more than that...Hence, my absence from the Forum for the past 1-2 years.  But, don't let my lack of enthusiasm/reticence to get embroiled in online rhetoric dissuade you...Have at it.   ::)      
Quote from: Ross on June 13, 2011, 05:50:41 AM
Then why are you wasting our time with starting a worthless verbal exchange when you have nothing of value to add, and when you could simply say, "I don't know anything",  instead of it is easily found here on the forum.  You are more than welcome to move on.

I had noticed you had been in hibernation for a spell, so why come out to put people down? Is it to create a  for Elk Connected?

No edumcation from this edumactor, huh?

Who are the officialiy registered Elk Konnected members???
                Why won't they Converse with us???
                       What are Their Real goals???
Quote from: Catwoman on June 13, 2011, 07:19:53 AM
Wow...Scratch the surface and you come up with a schoolyard bully.  Well, Don Quixote, you keep on tilting at your windmills and the admirable personnages who make up the entirety of EK will keep on with their efforts to better Elk County.  
Quote from: Ross on June 13, 2011, 10:34:37 AM
That's the Elk Konnected way diss communities and citizens that don't buckle under to them. Call them names. Good job. But it doesn't work with me. I believe you are aiming your insult at the wrong person. Remember someone said, I was so polite it made them want to puke.

Elk Konnected has done nothing new except blow their own horn and I am not speaking of the followers/volunteers or the paid volunteers, I am speaking of the hidden registered members. Have you ever spoke to a registered member?

Just how is Elk Konnected with their efforts to going better Elk County. By dissing the commuities and citizens that don't buckle under to them --- I understand that. By using taxpayers money to do what --- hand out lollipops --- I understand that too.

Where did the money come from for the summer day camp. From Elk County not Elk Konnected. It's apparent that Ms. Brummell our County employee for Elk County Economic Development and Youth Development.  It is aparent Ms. Brummell doing the job we pay her for. Applying for and getting the grant money for the summer day camp. Elk County Economic Development and Youth Development, not Elk Konnected gets the credit.

Really who are the registered members, does anyone know? Now that's a reasonable question. And apparently nobody knows the answer. What?
Quote from: Catwoman on June 13, 2011, 10:43:37 AM
Hello to you, too, Mrs. C... ;)...I kind of disappeared when it became obvious that rude is the new "normal" (and yes, it is absolutely possible to get your point across without having to resort to being socially unacceptable).  I have noted that a lot of us, who are midline, not excessively right or left, have disappeared off of a number of the Forum sections.  It's sad when a few can ruin it for the majority...But we, the majority, were raised to not say anything if you can't say something nice...So nothing it has been.  I've missed reading you!!! :-)  
Quote from: Ross on June 13, 2011, 11:02:17 AM
And I suppose your momma said it's polite to enter a thread the first time with comments like:

Now that if I understand an educator properly that is what is known as being polite. I don't think so.

I'm very happy that you are not teaching my child with that line of thought.

Who are the officialiy registered Elk Konnected members???
                Why won't they Converse with us???
                       What are Their Real goals???
                              Questions Galore
Quote from: Catwoman on June 13, 2011, 04:03:51 PM
By the way, Patriot...It's a damn good thing I haven't been grading YOUR work since you joined the Forum...If I had been exhibiting the same lack of generosity regarding spelling, you'd have been pulling down a low C- on a good bit of it...Physician, heal thyself...
Quote from: Catwoman on June 13, 2011, 09:00:34 PM
LOLOLOLOLOL  OMG...You don't know Flint, do you?  LOLOLOLOLOL...Before you start assigning terms to people, it would be wonderful if you actually knew the individuals in question...

Flint not only encourages opposing views, I've known him to take the opposing view in an argument, whether or not he agreed with the supposed view he was espousing, just in order to promote a discussion.  Flint is a highly intelligent, engaged individual who doesn't meet a stranger and most certainly never demeans, isolates or suppresses the rights or views of those around him.  Elk County lost a jewel when he moved away with his pretty wife.  We are lucky he still keeps track of Elk County online.  His family still resides in Elk County, a member of which passed on not too long ago (and is sorely missed).

I can understand your wanting to know the information you are pursuing...I can't understand your penchant for personal attacks.  I responded in an unkind manner earlier this evening when goaded beyond my normal limits...And I hereby apologize for lowering myself to that level...Now, I am requesting that the personal attacks cease.  The information you are seeking can be found on the Coffee Shop board, on the Elk Konnected threads (there are two of them).  Read everything there...And some of your questions should be answered.

Stop with the personal attacks.  

Quote from: Ross on June 13, 2011, 09:01:07 PM
You know what. I don't really care who lives here an doesn't who doesn't. That doesn't answer the question.
Who are the registered members of Elk Konnected? And all the ugliness and bad mouthing proves nothing except the inability to communicate decently. All that is a control factor of a group hiding something and attmpting to disrupt the actual conversation. What a pathetic waste of time on their part because it is not working.

Let's play nice.

Who are the registered members of Elk Konnected?
Quote from: Ross on June 13, 2011, 09:18:22 PM
i'm sorry who are you. You come on here on your first post to this thread with a smart alec remark. And then you say, " I responded in an unkind manner earlier this evening when goaded beyond my normal limits." Dear you asked to be goaded. You came here of your own choice and you can leave of your own choice any time you want no one can or will stop you. Your backhanded apology is worthless. And your suggestion to read what you suggest is worthless as well.

And then you have the audacity to order, "Stop with the personal attacks."

We have been told to, Shut the hell up. A remark was made that Ross is so polite, he  makes me want to puke. That's coming from the I assume Elk Konnected followers.

I believe the only persons that have the only right to give orders on this forum are the owners. And they have full right to do so. But not you.

I will try to explain once again we are not interested in who the followers are, we would like to know who the registered members are.

So if you would like to add some great input into this thread please answer the question. Who are the registered members of Elk Konnected?


It is my opinion Elk Konnected is a fraud because.
They fraudently abused our Elk County Government web site until County Commissioner Liebos aunt called them on it.
They fraudently abused the Elk County Crisis phone system buy using it for their own purposes until a ruckus was raised.
They fraudulely claimed to be sponsering the Elk County Summer Day Camp.
The Elk County Summer Day Camp was set straight at the Elk County Commissioners Meeting. When the commissioners admitted that our Elk County employee in the position of Economic Development and Youth Development applied for the grant and when it was admitted to that she is also running the program.
When asked of the county commissioners why Elk Konnected  is claiming credit for the Elk County Summer Day Camp, County Commissioner Hendricks asked, "What difference does it make who gets credit?" That question only required an answer of DUH. But I was polite. It was stated by me, that I am proud of this county and the work our employee had done in setting this thing up. Odds are you won't read any of it in the minutes of the meeting because two board members are admitted supporters of Elk Konnected. I believe they have misguided loyalties, that's my opinion and I stand by it.

If you wish to continue to support people that diss our communities and take credit for what others do and abuse our government resources that is totally your option and no on is telling you other wise.
Who are the registered members of Elk Konnected that you followers follow?


If you were reading this thread, you saw my apology...And it even extends to you...As a Christian, I can do no less.  My initial statement came after wading my way through 90 solid pages of the same question being asked over and over again...And I lost patience at that point.  Again, my apologies.  I lowered myself to a level that I don't normally reach when I allowed myself to engage in senseless, demeaning exchanges with you...And it won't be allowed to occur again.      


Wow!  Some 500 views & 85 posts yesterday alone.  Many from folks who have not had much to say up to now, and some from folks who swore off this thread some time ago.  Lots of backbiting.  Some conjecture.  Plenty of distraction.  Even some open name calling...  Yet not one solid answer.

Did something happen out there in the real world to strike a tender spot and cause the uproar?  Perhaps time will tell.

In the mean time, are there any facts (as opposed to blind defensiveness, expressions of feelings and unclear generalities) out there to be provided?  How about factual, verifiable information about who owns (and therefore has personal liability protection within) Elk Konnected, LLC?  

Are county checks made payable to Elk Konnected endorsed for deposit into a private bank account by anyone who is also on the county payroll?  If so, by whom?

Are those monies deposited in a business account located at a local bank?  If so, which bank?

Who's authorized to disburse those monies once in the possession of Elk Konnected?  

I realize those questions are probably wasted keyboard ink, because Elk Konnected, LLC is a privately owned company that is not subject to citizen scrutiny under the Kansas Open Records Act.  But what the heck, while we're asking tough questions...

Goodness! The longer it takes to get really good answers to the easy questions, the more new & challenging questions arise.  

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


I forgot to mention. At the meeting yesterday when I asked the County Commissioners (and I did not single out any one of them) why Elk Konnected was taking credit for what the County is doing, Commissioner Hendricks asked, "What difference does it make?" I wanted to say DUH! That  would have been in order, but that would have been rude so there was only dead air.
Now, I ask where are the ethics and morals of Elk Konnected?

Oh yea, Commissioner Hendricks, Asked me why I could not ask her before the meeting, why can't you talk to me in private, why do you always have to have a public forum? Well folks I didn't answer that question either. I felt that she should be able to figure out the answer to the particular situation. First, I did not start the conversation, whoa an actual conversation not controlled by a facilitator hired by Elk Konnected. Very embarrassing for Elk Konnected. Second, doesn't Elk Konnected always want an Audience. Third, I would not trust being in private with her, so that would never happen. Fourth, I nor the lady that started the conversation were addressing Elk Konnected but the County Commissioners. County Commissioner Hendricks can not seem to distinguish the difference.

Isn't it time that Elk Konnected yield and let Elk County keep doing it's job? Or perhaps they might consider changing their name to Elk Diss-Konnected. Because they really are disconnected and because they diss the communities and people that don't agree with them. Aren't you tired of Elk Konnected using children and our County government resources as a tools to accomplish whatever personal goals they may have?

These are my personal opinions and I am just sharing them with you. However, I would never suggest that you have to accept them or follow them. You are entitled to your own opinion. Thank You for reading.

I don't believe I'll be attending Elk Konnected Community Conversations any time soon, because I have become familiar with the Delphi Technique methods. But I reserve my priviledge to change my mind. It all depends on circumstances.

Now lets get the slap in the face from the elk Konnected followers. I am ready---I think LOL

Who are these people, who are the registered members of Elk Konnected?


The Delphi Technique - Not for use by the government any more

Developed by the Rand Corporation for the US Department of Defense on the 1050's for use as a psychological warfare technique for manipulating groups of people to pre-determined outcomes at facilitated meetings....

The technique is amazingly effective and most attendees don't realize they've been manipulated.  Now being used across America to 'organize' communities & school districts.  Those who organize and facilitate the agendas by using Delphi can not withstand open public debate, and they only seek private 1-1 discussion or facilitated meetings.

Can't happen here or to you?  Think again.  Community conversations - do they look like this?  Read on, and you decide...

Your local newspaper publishes a notice that a meeting will be held one night next week to solicit input from the community regarding a proposed plan for community development. Being a civic minded individual, believing that community involvement is very important to the health of the community, you mark the date on your calendar and make a mental note to hold that night free of other commitments that you might attend this meeting to give your input...

...As you enter the room, you are further amazed by the setup. There are no tables and chairs for the panel at the front of the room, there is but one microphone positioned beside a podium at the front of the room, lecture style. Further, the room is filled with tables — round tables, with six to eight chairs around each table. For an open public forum meeting, you find this rather odd and ask the greeter if this is really where you are supposed to be. Yes, you are assured, this is where the meeting is being held. Somewhat confused, you take a chair. Others file in, some you know, some you don't. You note that others, like you, find this new layout for a public forum meeting "different". Soon a speaker calls the meeting to order.

After a short introductory speech the presenter asks for your cooperation in utilizing a new concept in decision making. Following a presentation regarding the new purposed plan, each table will participate in a discussion with the help of a facilitator. Each table will put on paper their thoughts and feelings about this new community plan — their likes and dislikes. A roundhouse discussion will ensue at each table from which will emerge a consensus of the group — a narrowing of the listed likes and dislikes to two or three that the group deems most important. These, you are told will be later synthesized. What is going on? You look around and note a look of bewilderment on several other faces. No explanation is offered; and you, feeling at quite a disadvantage but not wanting to look like a total ignoramus or fool, are hesitant to ask. You say nothing and go along. But the feeling of discomfort remains and continues to grow. What is going on?  

Who owns the private company Elk Konnected, LLC? 
Why do they employ the professional community organization services of Terry Woodbury?

More info:  



Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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