Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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OK, I'm going to reply to this trash one more time.  Last year the kids got paid $8.00 per hour for working day camp.  They were paid from a grant from Kansas Health Foundation which was through a hospital in Wichita.  This year no one had heard from the grant.....thought maybe they wouldn't get it.  So they were looking for volunteers.....adults or kids.  THEN the first of June the grant came in and they decided to hire a few kids, but some of the kids who wanted to work had already gotten good summer jobs.  Some are still available.  This year they will be paid minimum wage.  

I don't know who you "heard" all your information from; but buddy, they were wrong.  


Oh, yes...Elk Konnected volunteers get paid nothing.


Quote from: mayflower on June 10, 2011, 02:06:49 PM
OK, I'm going to reply to this trash one more time.  Last year the kids got paid $8.00 per hour for working day camp.  They were paid from a grant from Kansas Health Foundation which was through a hospital in Wichita.  This year no one had heard from the grant.....thought maybe they wouldn't get it.  So they were looking for volunteers.....adults or kids.  THEN the first of June the grant came in and they decided to hire a few kids, but some of the kids who wanted to work had already gotten good summer jobs.  Some are still available.  This year they will be paid minimum wage.  

I don't know who you "heard" all your information from; but buddy, they were wrong.  

So you are an Elk Konnected registered memeber, good.  But why is it trash, because if it ain't Elk Konnected talking it's trash. I happen to believe the person I spoke with and it's not nice to call what Elk County citizens and business people say trash. How does that make Elk County look. Just another put down of Elk County by Elk Konnected.

How do you keep tax dollars seperate from grant dollars?

I know you have been payig attention for a long while so, now that you have came out of the closet, can we have some real conversations?


Quote from: mayflower on June 10, 2011, 02:16:42 PM
Oh, yes...Elk Konnected volunteers get paid nothing.

But, Elk Konnected has been calling the kids volunteers in the newspaper.

Oh you mean the followers don't you?


Quote from: mayflower on June 10, 2011, 02:06:49 PM
OK, I'm going to reply to this trash one more time...

...I don't know who you "heard" all your information from; but buddy, they were wrong.  

Thanks for your gentile, ladylike response.

A recognition grant of $13,800 to the grantee, Elk County, was approved by the Kansas Health Foundation (KHF) on May 22, 2011 for the 'Elk Konnected Day Camp'.  The approved purpose of this recognition grant was for: " A Summer day camp for grade school kids living in Elk & Greenwood Counties.".   So the government entity, Elk County, was the applicant and grantee.

Previously, in 2009, Elk County applied for and received a recognition grant in the amount of $13,522 from the Kansas Health Foundation with the approved purpose being: "to support a six week summer day camp experience for 1st through 6th grade students that teaches good nutrition & the importance of physical activity."  Elk Konnected was not mentioned by name in the grant title or purpose.  

These facts raise other questions.  Those KHF recognition grants are available only to organizations that are tax exempt under IRS Section 501(c)(3), government entities or churches.  

Recognizing that EK, LLC was not formed until after the summer of 2009,  why did the county solicit the 2011 grant?

Is Elk Konnected, LLC a for profit company and therefore not qualified to receive these grants directly?

If it is tax exempt, why did EK,LLC not apply for its' own grant?  

Were any additional monies from taxpayer resources solicited or used for the current summer day camp program?

Simple, polite & factual, answers to those four questions would be would be appreciated.

P.S.  I realize that KHF monies are private and not public... so let's not waste time going there.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


What does EKLLC have to do with a grant that Elk County applied for and received?  I don't understand what you are asking.


Quote from: Wilma on June 10, 2011, 04:53:16 PM
What does EKLLC have to do with a grant that Elk County applied for and received?  I don't understand what you are asking.

Title of the 2011 grant: "Elk Konnected Day Camp"

Approved purpose of the grant: "A Summer day camp for grade school kids living in Elk & Greenwood Counties"

Grantee (applicant & recipient of the grant):  "Elk County"

Is EK, LLC not responsible for coordinating and putting on the camp?  Elk Konnected is taking credit for it, no?
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Wilma on June 10, 2011, 01:28:44 PM
The water district was started way before EKLLC came into being.  I hear that there are now meters, which means water, in the area where I used to live.  If it took EKLLC to make this happen, then more power to them.
I said Elk Konnected had it as a suggestion on their list they just turned into the County Commissioners. That means they are a bunch of days late. It was already a done deal. Elk Konnected had nothing to do with it. Nothing at all.


Quote from: Ross on June 10, 2011, 10:29:28 AM
I heard this morning that Elk Konnected has been paying the high school kids that volunteered to help Elk Konnected $9.75 an hour.
But I was also told they ran into a snag. One high school kid that volunteered was told they wouldn't be paid so the kid withdrew. Then there was enough of a ruccus about paying so much that Elk Konnected decided to withdraw paying the kids anything. Now that's a shame. I think the kids should recieve some compemsation, but I agree $9.75 an hour is way to much. Anyway the story I was told goes on to say because of no pay they had a lot of the kids withdraw from volunteering.

Which brings me to the question. If Elk Konnected was willing to pay kids $9.75 an hour, how much are they paying themselves?
By the word themselves I am refering to the Elk Konnected registered members, board members or whtever they call themselves.

And by the way how much is this so called summer day camp costing the Elk County taxpayers?

So how about it Elk Konnected registered members can we hear from you?

Quote from: mayflower on June 10, 2011, 02:06:49 PM
OK, I'm going to reply to this trash one more time.  Last year the kids got paid $8.00 per hour for working day camp.  They were paid from a grant from Kansas Health Foundation which was through a hospital in Wichita.  This year no one had heard from the grant.....thought maybe they wouldn't get it.  So they were looking for volunteers.....adults or kids.  THEN the first of June the grant came in and they decided to hire a few kids, but some of the kids who wanted to work had already gotten good summer jobs.  Some are still available.  This year they will be paid minimum wage. 

I don't know who you "heard" all your information from; but buddy, they were wrong. 

Quote from: mayflower on June 10, 2011, 02:16:42 PM
Oh, yes...Elk Konnected volunteers get paid nothing.

Quote from: Ross on June 10, 2011, 03:33:41 PM
So you are an Elk Konnected registered memeber, good.  But why is it trash, because if it ain't Elk Konnected talking it's trash. I happen to believe the person I spoke with and it's not nice to call what Elk County citizens and business people say trash. How does that make Elk County look. Just another put down of Elk County by Elk Konnected.

How do you keep tax dollars seperate from grant dollars?

I know you have been payig attention for a long while so, now that you have came out of the closet, can we have some real conversations?

So Mayflower  I guess since you wont respond to being a registered member of Elk Konnected, you mut be a follower that does not know the inner workings of Elk Konnected. Are they really a secret society?

oh, well since you don't know I guess the first quoote in this response must be true as stated and your must be the false statement.


Quote from: Patriot on June 10, 2011, 03:40:23 PM
A recognition grant of $13,800 to the grantee, Elk County, was approved by the Kansas Health Foundation (KHF) on May 22, 2011 for the 'Elk Konnected Day Camp'.  The approved purpose of this recognition grant was for: " A Summer day camp for grade school kids living in Elk & Greenwood Counties.".   So the government entity, Elk County, was the applicant and grantee.

Previously, in 2009, Elk County applied for and received a recognition grant in the amount of $13,522 from the Kansas Health Foundation with the approved purpose being: "to support a six week summer day camp experience for 1st through 6th grade students that teaches good nutrition & the importance of physical activity."  Elk Konnected was not mentioned by name in the grant title or purpose.  

So I wonder now. Does that mean Jennifer Brummel our Elk County Economic Devlopment and Youth Services employee is the one that should be recieving credit for the summer day camp? Is she also running the program? If so, I would say Elk County is doing a fine job for our youths. And with the summerball games of Peewee ball, Little League and Babe Ruth sponsered by all the little communities in the county, I think they are doing an excellent job. Oh, and the parents of the players pay for their kids uniforms, too.

So what is elk konnected doing? Besides taking credit.

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