Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: patriotdad on June 03, 2011, 11:10:09 AM
I said "Call the Dept. of Commerce"  so are you going to do as you said you would or are you going to just keep talking tough.
You also commented something to the effect that your words meant nothing.
I do not believe, I have ever done any tough talking> I do believe, I have been very polite in asking questions of Elk Konnected about it registered membership and no registered member will reply. That leads me to think they must be terribly ashamed of being registered members. How can they possibly instill pride about anything if they are not proud ot their own registered members.

Quote from: patriotdad on June 03, 2011, 11:10:09 AM
Threat or not threat do as you said you would and call the DoC.  Do it! I don't think you will because you don't want to know the truth.  
First, I reiterate I have made no threats ever and I never make threats.
Second, I never said anything about making a call?

Now about the subject of truth. I can't figure that out about you.
Quote from: patriotdad on June 03, 2011, 09:41:43 AM
You can quote me all you want my words mean as little as yours.     

I believe I said you can speak of your word but not of mine.
Just what does your word mean? Are you words to be taken lightly or truthfully?
These are confusing words, would you clairify them for me? Please.


Stop worrying about what i said and how i said it and go get your answers.  Again you made no effort to get your answers.  Just keep twisting and questioning wording and structure of a sentence.  Do something of substance. 

You said "May I quote you by copying and pasting this response it an e-mail to the Department of Commerce where Elk Konnected received a $3000.00 school grant? I'm not saying I will, I'm just asking your consent."

Yes you may, i give you my consent.  Do it.  Action Ross.  Action. 

let me help you.     

Kansas Department of Commerce
Main Office:
1000 S.W. Jackson St.
Suite 100
Topeka, KS 66612
you may call (785) 296-3481.

Actions speak louder than words. 


Quote from: patriotdad on June 03, 2011, 12:50:14 PM
Stop worrying about what i said and how i said it and go get your answers.  Again you made no effort to get your answers.  Just keep twisting and questioning wording and structure of a sentence.  Do something of substance. 

You said "May I quote you by copying and pasting this response it an e-mail to the Department of Commerce where Elk Konnected received a $3000.00 school grant? I'm not saying I will, I'm just asking your consent."

Yes you may, i give you my consent.  Do it.  Action Ross.  Action. 

let me help you.     

Kansas Department of Commerce
Main Office:
1000 S.W. Jackson St.
Suite 100
Topeka, KS 66612
you may call (785) 296-3481.

Actions speak louder than words. 
I feel that I have written precisely and correctly what I had to say and ask. I think you failed to comprehend what that was so i highlighted certain words to help you focus. And sir, I don't take orders from anyone. Thank you.


Quote from: Wilma on June 03, 2011, 10:57:43 AM
Nit picking again, aren't you, Ross?  You must be pretty bored out there on your minifarm.

No by all means no. I don't know anyone with nits.


So you are not going to contact the DoC.  Then why did you asked for my consent?

Again stop worrying about the verbiage of what was said and take action to get your answers.  

Send your email.  http://www.kansascommerce.com/emailpage.aspx

Contact the DOC and expose EK for the corrupt organization you say it is.  If you don't do this then we all will assume that you really don't want to know the truth.  

Yes we know.  We get it already.  Your your own man, one on tells you what to do, and you don't make threats or take orders. We get it.  Your not very good @ getting answers either.  



Quote from: patriotdad on June 03, 2011, 01:39:38 PM
So you are not going to contact the DoC.  Then why did you asked for my consent?

Again stop worrying about the verbiage of what was said and take action to get your answers.  

Send your email.  http://www.kansascommerce.com/emailpage.aspx

Contact the DOC and expose EK for the corrupt organization you say it is.  If you don't do this then we all will assume that you really don't want to know the truth.  

Yes we know.  We get it already.  Your your own man, one on tells you what to do, and you don't make threats or take orders. We get it.  Your not very good @ getting answers either.  

I have  no answers about Elk Konnected. Do you know who the registered members are?
I will try to type slowly so you understand.
Quote from: patriotdad on June 03, 2011, 12:50:14 PM
You said "May I quote you by copying and pasting this response it an e-mail to the Department of Commerce where Elk Konnected received a $3000.00 school grant? I'm not saying I will, I'm just asking your consent." [/color]
Please read slowly.
That was you quoting me, I said, "I'm not saying I will, I'm just asking your consent."
Pardon me for being a smart@ss.


You weren't being a smart ass, you were insinuating that you would call the DoC if you had my consent.  You have it. now your spinning it differently. 

You've had plenty of answers on EK.  Maybe you should asked better questions. 

I'm going to type slowly for you now.  EK probably has one or a few names on the LLC paperwork, other than that there is no registered member, no officials, no officers.  There are small groups of people that are working on projects through out the communities. 

I have been involved in EK activities, I have volunteered, I was on a action team, I've attend community conversations in howard, longton, moline.  Every meeting was organized in the same manner.  No hidden agenda, nobody forcing or stopping you from conveying your ideas or thoughts as long as you were civil and respected the structure of the meeting.


For all the bloviating in defense of a company whose ownership chooses to hide behind it's LLC status while taking taxpayer money, there are still no factual answers.  Who are the admitted members/managers of Elk Konnected, LLC?  Why are people here so afraid to say?  Or are they just unknowing and not wanting to be seen as blind followers?
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

bloviating, really? really? ;D ;D ;D Now I am impressed.You must be a writer or an editor.


Quote from: patriotdad on June 03, 2011, 02:41:07 PM
You weren't being a smart ass, you were insinuating that you would call the DoC if you had my consent.  You have it. now your spinning it differently. 
I have a problem getting through to you. Comprehension is the apparent problem. I was being a smart ass by saying I was typing slow. I did not say or insinuate anything about using your quote. I left that totally open.

Quote from: patriotdad on June 03, 2011, 02:41:07 PM
You've had plenty of answers on EK.  Maybe you should asked better questions. 
It's a simple question who are the registered members of Elk Konnected? And requires only a simple answer.
Quote from: patriotdad on June 03, 2011, 02:41:07 PM
I'm going to type slowly for you now.  EK probably has one or a few names on the LLC paperwork, other than that there is no registered member, no officials, no officers.  There are small groups of people that are working on projects through out the communities. 
You have no idea what you are talking about.

Quote from: patriotdad on June 03, 2011, 02:41:07 PM
I have been involved in EK activities, I have volunteered, I was on a action team, I've attend community conversations in howard, longton, moline.  Every meeting was organized in the same manner.  No hidden agenda, nobody forcing or stopping you from conveying your ideas or thoughts as long as you were civil and respected the structure of the meeting.
See you do not comprehend the difference between a meeting and a conversation. And IMHO I don't believe you would know if you were being used or not as a socalled volunteer. I am sorry my man but I will no longer discuss this subject with you. Perhaps another day and another topic. Thank you for your input.

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