Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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There is no such thing as a "official member" and no such thing as a "Official" of EK.  There are facilitators and action team leaders and members but there is not official title to anyone.    

EK has no legal authority, taxing authority, nothing.  It just people getting together in a organized manner to work on things that they feel will improve peoples lives in our communities. Your giving them way more power then they have.  Ek is not trying to push things on people and undermine the local government.  

No one is trying to fool anyone any of the time.  It is what it is and nothing more.  



It looks like you are describing an "Elk Konnected, LLC" and an "Elk Konnected".

How can anyone be sure of anything? 


Quote from: patriotdad on June 02, 2011, 02:30:10 PM
There is no such thing as a "official member" and no such thing as a "Official" of EK.  There are facilitators and action team leaders and members but there is not official title to anyone.    

EK has no legal authority, taxing authority, nothing.  It just people getting together in a organized manner to work on things that they feel will improve peoples lives in our communities. Your giving them way more power then they have.  Ek is not trying to push things on people and undermine the local government.  

No one is trying to fool anyone any of the time.  It is what it is and nothing more.  

So you keep saying there is no Elk Konnected, therefore if anyone comes before any government entity wihin Elk County they should be turned down for any request for funds, right? That also means no more so called community conversations totally controlled by a facilitator. An unorganized, organization that's quite a feat.  What would the Kansas Department of Commerce who gave them a 3000.00 dollar school grant say about that? Pay it back. right?


Quote from: patriotdad on June 02, 2011, 02:30:10 PM
There is no such thing as a "official member" and no such thing as a "Official" of EK.  There are facilitators and action team leaders and members but there is not official title to anyone.    

EK has no legal authority, taxing authority, nothing.  It just people getting together in a organized manner to work on things that they feel will improve peoples lives in our communities. Your giving them way more power then they have.  Ek is not trying to push things on people and undermine the local government.  

No one is trying to fool anyone any of the time.  It is what it is and nothing more.  

May I quote you by copying and pasting this response it an e-mail to the Department of Commerce where Elk Konnected recieved a $3000.00 school grant? I'm not saying I will, I'm just asking your consent.


Ross, you have been given true and honest answers; but they aren't the answers you want because in fact they ARE true and honest.  You would prefer to keep the "witch hunt" going just because you enjoy it. 


Patriotdad has answered all of  your question, Ross?  Why are you still babbling?


Thank you, PatriotDad, Wilma and Mayflower, et al.

I agree with you!

:D   :D   :D


Quote from: Wilma on June 02, 2011, 03:32:37 PM
Patriotdad has answered all of  your question, Ross?  Why are you still babbling?

That's exactly what Patriotdad has done babbled, no real answers.
Have you read this weeks newspaper? Did you read about the real organizations in the county.
They are proud to list their board members. If Elk Konnected does not have a board or some form of organization they are not an organization, period and simple.

I'm waiting for a response from Patriotdad about quoting him.

Thank you for all the abuse and have a good evening.


QuoteOur County Commissioner Liz Hendricks is listed as a staff member of Public Square Communities, LLC which is hired by Elk Konnected, LLC. http://www.publicsquarecommunities.com/index.php What is our County Commissioners function as a staff member of Public Square Communities, LLC ? As our county commisioner and our employee this is a fair question to clear up any questions of possible conflict of interest.

and that has been my contention all along as an outsider questioning if Elk County Government was like the 'good ol' boys poker parties. 


Quote from: patriotdad on June 02, 2011, 11:47:11 AM
Again this was a goal/concern conveyed though citizens in a public meeting.  

Do you subscribe to the notion obtaining public 'opinion' used to influence government policy through consensus groupthink using the Delphi technique is a better method than holding open meetings & public debates that conform to Roberts Rules of Order?

Quote from: patriotdad on June 02, 2011, 11:47:11 AM
As far as using taxpayer and county government web site and crisis reporting call system with out proper authorization.  It not like someone from EK hacked into the county web site and posted community events on there.  The county commissioner are aware it is on there and if they had a problem then it would have been taken care of.

No, it was arrogant presumption of authority, plain and simple.  At least one commissioner was likely aware, (Mrs Hendricks is deeply involved with Elk Konnected LLC, I believe), and the web page in question wasn't removed until the fact that a private concern was using the space was brought up at a commission meeting.   Only after the potential conflict was pointed out by a wise citizen was the information quickly removed - without further discussion, I believe.  Apparently a lone citizen had a better understanding of the issue than did the commissioner or Elk Konnected or the government employee who set it up.  Or was there a hope nobody would complain?.  Sounds a lot like a kid that got caught red handed sneaking into the beer chest.

Quote from: patriotdad on June 02, 2011, 11:47:11 AM
Now if it wasn't voted on @ a commissioners meeting then maybe it should have been.  Do you think they would have not allowed it.

Probably should have been voted on, after discussion, public hearing and debate... and an 'approval' would have placed an official stamp on a wrong headed situation.  Though the whole mess might have been avoided in the first place had someone not thought they could do whatever they wished and good procedure were followed.

Quote from: patriotdad on June 02, 2011, 11:47:11 AM
Why wouldn't you want your county web site promoting events with-in your county. 

Public Events?  I generally would.  Promotions of a privately owned entity.  Not so much.  First, I don't think that is a valid function of government.  And if they were going to do that, would they be willing to so list every business & company in the county, including commercial agricultural concerns?  Equal treatment and opportunity stuff.

Quote from: patriotdad on June 02, 2011, 11:47:11 AM
I'm sure that Mr. Woodbury would put a goal of his company is to get @ all the money of the cities and counties in which he works.

I suspect the above quoted portion of your response is far more accurate than the balance of your explanation.  And at $1500 to $4500 per community 'helped' per year, plus other perks, he's doing just dandy.

Quote from: patriotdad on June 02, 2011, 11:47:11 AM
It would seem to me that the LLC was created for liability protection for the Exercise room that EK is operating in Howard.

Seem to you?  Are stating this as a matter of provable fact, or is this a supposition?

Quote from: patriotdad on June 02, 2011, 11:47:11 AM
Being that Ek is a volunteer organization it would be a shame if a injury occurred and individuals were sued or liable.

'Volunteer organization'... again supposition?  Yes, it would be a shame.  A even greater shame would be to find out that the LLC were only able to shield its' legal owners while the injured party (like a kid picking up trash on the highway when hit by an uninsured drunk driver) were on there own.

Quote from: patriotdad on June 02, 2011, 11:47:11 AM
A LLC allows EK to purchase a insurance policy and give everyone involved piece of mind that they would not be held liable in the event of a lawsuit.  

According to Kansas law, the LLC exists to protect its' admitted members from personal responsibility for debts of the LLC.  Admitted members are identified in very specific ways (natural persons, other partnerships, LLCs, corporations) and share in the LLCs profits/losses for tax purposes in much the same manner as a partnership.  It also provides for 'pass through' taxation much like a Sub Chapter S corporation. 

Are you stating, as fact, that they have obtained a liability policy that covers all parties who are present at or involved in one of their functions... a community conversation, for example?  If you know this to be fact, can you provide the name of the insurer and a policy number.... or is this supposition on your part also?

Quote from: patriotdad on June 02, 2011, 11:47:11 AM
They are not hiding.

Well, for such a controversil group in re this forum, there are one hell of a lot of 'defenders' coming out of the woodwork.  Yet where are the 'leaders' of this band?

Quote from: patriotdad on June 02, 2011, 11:47:11 AM
IT limits their liability.

'THEIR', according to Kansas law would be 'the admitted members and admitted managers'.  And only their personal assets are shielded.  Organizational liability projection would likely have be covered by an insurance policy (or self insurance).  Who are you including as 'THEIR'?
In short, the admitted members/managers have covered their collective personal asses pretty well.

Quote from: patriotdad on June 02, 2011, 11:47:11 AM
I'm not sure if the ECCEDF is handling the funds for the exercise room or not.  The ECCEDF is a 501c(3) non profit organization, which allows donations to it to be tax deductible for the giver and also mean that thier are financial documents that are created and maintained by them which allows them to keep their tax-exempt status.  If your afraid of miss handling of the funds then look in to it, don't just get on here and complain and claim corruption with out evidence.  

And what is the tax status of Elk Konnected, LLC?  Profit, not for profit?  And how taxed by the IRS?  Corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship?  If, as you asserted earlier, they formed the LLC to enable the purchase of insurance, they would likely need an FEIN and therefore an appropriate taxation election since the IRS doesn't recognize an LLC as a taxable entity.
Quote from: patriotdad on June 02, 2011, 11:47:11 AM
By organizing clean up days and supporting activities for the youth of the county.

And FFA, 4-H, Boy/Girl Scouts, The Rotary & Lions, etc. fit in where?  We need a new 'group'?  Why wasn't work put into energizing the others before running out for donations, grants and taxpayer handouts at the city, county & state levels to support a new group?

Quote from: patriotdad on June 02, 2011, 11:47:11 AM
Growth depends on your definition.  If your taking about population and jobs then EK is not going to help.

Finally!  So we're not going to hear any more BS about Elk Konnected being the answer to an economically depressed, business growth challenged, job & housing starved county with a dwindling population and where a fair number of children leave in bulk as soon as they can after they graduate?  Good!  Your statement is probably the most honest, transparent and accurate thing that's been said about Elk Konnected, LLC to date.

Quote from: patriotdad on June 02, 2011, 11:47:11 AM
But if your talking about growth in pride of community, health and wellness, experiences and opportunity for youth the EK is growingjust fine despite unwarranted criticism from  a even smaller portion of the communities.  

And unwarranted depends on your definition, to coin a phrase.  The growth of Elk Konnected is what it's really all about, isn't it?  The growth of Elk County is just a sideline.  Not stay with Elk County as we grow... just stay with Elk Konnected as they grow.  That's a sad commentary on their true intent, IMO.

Quote from: patriotdad on June 02, 2011, 11:47:11 AM
What do you want to hear?

Just some clear facts and truth held out publicly, warts and all, without all the salesmanship & blind cheer leading for a change.

Quote from: patriotdad on June 02, 2011, 11:47:11 AM
It's a group of people trying to make our communities a better place to live.  Not only to entice new people to our community...

Their marketing plan for that enticement (which you have admitted was not their purpose or likely result) is painfully lacking. However their marketing plan for self promotion and self aggrandizement is in full swing.

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