Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Where's the big 'clapping hands' smiley? 

Thank you patriotdad!



Quote from: patriotdad on June 02, 2011, 11:47:11 AM
What is the Elk Konnected community?

Are you speaking to us as an official member of Elk Konnected, LLC.
I'm a bit confused are you saying that Elk Konnected, LLC is seperaye from Elk Konnected orsaying it another way two seperate entities?


There is no such thing as a official member of EK.  It is a community group. there are no requirements or fees to join. It a group of people that gave themselves a name.  The Elk Konnected name it's self was decided on in a group discussion where citizens chose it over other ideas that the same citizens came up with.   

The LLC was established for liability purposes only. It would be considered a "entity" by legal definitions, yes. Is it a off shoot rouge, corrupt corporation, no.  Is there a name or names on the paperwork to establish the LLC, yes I'm sure there are.  Does that mean that they are anything more than a member of a EK group, no.  They are just taking the responsibility on them to see to it that the wellness center is organized where nobody involved could be held liable in the event of a accident/lawsuit. 

Quit trying to make a controversy where there isn't one.       


Quote from: patriotdad on June 02, 2011, 11:47:11 AM

What is the Elk Konnected community?

Just another smoke screen with non answers, right? You are not even an official of Elk Konnected, LLC are you?
I have read better B.S. in childrens books. You have attempted to answer for someone else and have done a poor job. You don't even understand the difference between an affliation and a simple newspaper story. The answer --- One definition --- To adopt or accept as a member.

There is an old saying you can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time. And I believe it fits right here.

You indicate there are fewer of the community dissatisfied with Elk Konnected than satissfied with absolutly no way of knowing that. That is just more smoke, keep trying.

You speak of Elk Konnected community, which really is a non entity while I speak of Elk County citizens. No I do not speak for them, I said I speak of them, I hope that is clear.


What Patriotdad said is true and honest.  Give it up.


Quote from: patriotdad on June 02, 2011, 01:53:37 PM
There is no such thing as a official member of EK.  Quit trying to make a controversy where there isn't one.       

So you are saying Elk konnected is nothing, right.

And therefore you can not answer for Elk Konnected, correct?

Which means nothing you say holds water?

Therefore you are the one creating further controversy.

What a smoke screen.


Quote from: mayflower on June 02, 2011, 02:11:12 PM
What Patriotdad said is true and honest.  Give it up.
So sayeth you.
Give it up, give what up?
And to a smoke screen?
I don't think so. Nice try.


Websters New World Dictionary of the American Language, Second College Edition 1986:

"witch hunt - an investigation usually conducted with much publicity, supposedly to uncover subversive political activity, disloyalty, etc., but really to harass and weaken political opposition."

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