Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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  These "people"...and I use that term loosely are mostly one FAMILY...the preacher is the father of most of them. I WILL be at the protest to block them. They disgust me. They are the nut-case side of "getting back to our Christian values"


Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on May 28, 2011, 06:25:16 AM
  These "people"...and I use that term loosely are mostly one FAMILY...the preacher is the father of most of them. I WILL be at the protest to block them. They disgust me. They are the nut-case side of "getting back to our Christian values"

They have followers, they are not outhere by themselves. I agree they, the leaders are disgusting. Did you hear about the follower, the mother that slit her two childrens throats so they would not have to suffer the end of the world. She failed with her own suicide. She wasn't thinking for herself, she was following what she was told. That church was the "ONE" for her, the group that lead her. She was a sheeple.

The group mentallity is to protest and that church thrives on it. To the tune of millions and millions of dollars.


Quote from: Ross on May 28, 2011, 07:07:27 AM
The group mentallity is to protest and that church thrives on it. To the tune of millions and millions of dollars.

Group mentalities are surprisingly easy to create with advanced techniques that employ the Hegelian 'consensus' process of leading people.  When people in a group are led by someone who only 'facilitates' and that 'leader' is well versed in group dynamics they can be rather easily led to believe an idea is theirs, then they will defend it vigorously.

Kinda like the way community conversations operate across the country.  Consensus or one mindedness is the goal.  Isolated small groups, likable facilitators, ideas brought up, dissenters ostracized as 'blocking the process', little pieces of paper carry individual ideas to the leader, group takes the leader's word on the final input tally (consensus), no open debate, group assumes leader is presenting the majority view so they follow.... or are mislead.  Of course, very few (other than the leadership) really know what was on all those papers. Do they?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


That's why I ask who is Elk Konnected,LLC, who runs the show. The followers/volunteers themselves should be interested in who they are following. I use  the word followers becaus I have been informed that is what the are refered to behind the closed door of Elk Konnected, LLC. So, why doesn't tell everyone who they are exactly?

Diane Amberg

 These will be my last comments on this subject because I can tell I am making a few angry which was not at all my intent
 You apparently  think the "followers" don't know they are being "led" and if they knew they would think differently? They can't think for themselves already? Perhaps they totally agree with how things are being handled and do know the ins and outs, have weighed the positives against the negatives and chose to go in the directions they are going with full knowledge. Perhaps they don't see anything sinister in the slips of paper and seating arrangements that apparently bother you.  Even Robert's Rules allow a secret ballot on sensitive subjects.
Not everybody is a John Hancock but that doesn't mean they are less capable. You have presented enough questions that people could go back and find out the organizational details now, if they didn't back in the beginning.  You could too, if you chose to look up the information up rather than just want your questions answered verbally. It all has to be in Kansas/Elk County record.  
  Again, money seems to be an issue. I would think that spending money ,even tax money sometimes, for those hot dogs and "lollipops" would benefit one of your local vendors and be good for the economy, as are the sales of the beans for the bean feeds and supplies for the fairs and 4-H events.  Even as a tax deduction for a donator ( I know some things have local sponsors.)    Those free movies that get shown might be rented somehow. Doesn't somebody make some local money from that? I could be wrong on that one. Aren't taxes meant to be spent? Is the real problem a difference of opinion as to how?
  For me personally, my family paid taxes there for much longer than any of us  on here have been alive. This is my last comment  unless someone asks a question I  feel I need to answer.  Hope you all are having nice weather for all your activities this weekend.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 28, 2011, 06:29:27 PM
These will be my last comments on this subject because I can tell I am making a few angry which was not at all my intent
  You apparently  think the "followers" don't know they are being "led" and if they knew they would think differently? They can't think for themselves already? Perhaps they totally agree with how things are being handled and do know the ins and outs, have weighed the positives against the negatives and chose to go in the directions they are going with full knowledge. Perhaps they don't see anything sinister in the slips of paper and seating arrangements that apparently bother you.  Even Robert's Rules allow a secret ballot on sensitive subjects.
Not everybody is a John Hancock but that doesn't mean they are less capable. You have presented enough questions that people could go back and find out the organizational details now, if they didn't back in the beginning.  You could too, if you chose to look up the information up rather than just want your questions answered verbally. It all has to be in Kansas/Elk County record.   
   Again, money seems to be an issue. I would think that spending money ,even tax money sometimes, for those hot dogs and "lollipops" would benefit one of your local vendors and be good for the economy, as are the sales of the beans for the bean feeds and supplies for the fairs and 4-H events.  Even as a tax deduction for a donator ( I know some things have local sponsors.)    Those free movies that get shown might be rented somehow. Doesn't somebody make some local money from that? I could be wrong on that one. Aren't taxes meant to be spent? Is the real problem a difference of opinion as to how?
   For me personally, my family paid taxes there for much longer than any of us  on this unless some one asks a question I  feel I need to answer.  Hope you all are having nice weather for all your activities this weekend.
You said, "are the sales of the beans for the bean feeds and supplies for the fairs and 4-H events." You are confusing the issues, These are not Elk Konnected, LLC functions yet. They are the functions of individual communities that have been going on for years. But it sounds to me like you want Elk Konnected, LLC to take full control of the county then those functions would be controlled by Elk Konnected, LLC.

You said, "Aren't taxes meant to be spent?" Yes, but not foolishly. The county has debts to pay and road machinery & fire department nd many other things tto maintain. Do you suggest because we have a county commissioner on Elk Konnected, we cater to them?

You said, "You apparently  think the "followers" don't know they are being "led" and if they knew they would think differently?" You just don't get it. There is a big difference between the us of the words one is used behind closed doors, think about that. The other openly. After letting that sink in, do you get it?

Let me explainit this way. In the service men would call their supervisors "fly" behind their back, what's signifacant about that. A fly is just a simple litttle insect, nothing significant, But think what does a fly do? Eats sh@t and bothers people.  Wake up.

You said, "It all has to be in Kansas/Elk County record." No, not all the information is.

We are interested in Elk Konnected, LLC's registered members coming out of the closet
and having a conversation. Who, who, whoo are you?

We had a pretty nice day and the reat of the weekend is suppose to be the same. I hope your weekend is clear and beautiful.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 28, 2011, 06:29:27 PM
Aren't taxes meant to be spent?

Absolutely. Only on Necessary Operational expenses of the Government.  Not some organizations personal slush fund.   Anything outside of necessary things like infrastructure, salaries of its people that work for it(even that is budgeted and watched), but not for as someone said football jerseys, and baseballs. Let the parents of the kids pay for those things or some company pay for it out of their pockets by sponsoring.   

This is why OUR GOVERNMENT Is out of control today at 14+ trillion dollars. Everyone is treating it as a personal slush fund.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


QuoteYou could too, if you chose to look up the information up rather than just want your questions answered verbally. It all has to be in Kansas/Elk County record.   

The only thngs that might be on record, is only to satisfy the requirements to file for an LLC, which was posted earlier.
The questions that being asked, IMHO are as to 1. who are the members (which isn't required at filing); 2.  The baseline INTENT of the goals; 3.  Exactly "whose" monies are being used, and is it the best interest for the County as a whole, and finally; 4.  Is Elk Konnected LLC representing the county as a whole, and not just a selected few?

I may be off base in the above, yet as an outsider I would questions the methods and procedures.
Our weather is beautiful here, enjoy your weekend!


Quote from: srkruzich on May 29, 2011, 07:27:55 AM
Absolutely. Only on Necessary Operational expenses of the Government.  Not some organizations personal slush fund.   Anything outside of necessary things like infrastructure, salaries of its people that work for it(even that is budgeted and watched), but not for as someone said football jerseys, and baseballs. Let the parents of the kids pay for those things or some company pay for it out of their pockets by sponsoring.   

This is why OUR GOVERNMENT Is out of control today at 14+ trillion dollars. Everyone is treating it as a personal slush fund.


Quote from: readyaimduck on May 29, 2011, 08:16:13 AM
The only thngs that might be on record, is only to satisfy the requirements to file for an LLC, which was posted earlier.
The questions that being asked, IMHO are as to 1. who are the members (which isn't required at filing); 2.  The baseline INTENT of the goals; 3.  Exactly "whose" monies are being used, and is it the best interest for the County as a whole, and finally; 4.  Is Elk Konnected LLC representing the county as a whole, and not just a selected few?

The names of the original officers have been posted on the forum, and the link to them has been posted as well. Several communities in the county were represented. Why isn't that sufficient? Have any of you guys gone and talked to them, one on one?

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