Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Don't you just love the circle of truthes (trutheves)  many a truth?  It is a circle of circumvention.  Please do not pop that circle....it may explode/implode with gastroinomical abundance!   Wehewwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!   who let that one out?
or it may explode/implode with rotton tomatoes...well this one is done!
or, it may explode/implode with a truth....that it is nothing more than a circle of life   (good song by the way!)

Ross......lol you are ....so much....argghhh...<<<<spits, coughs.....I think a bubble is about to be popped!!!!!!!!!!!

lol    ducky



lol no problem....not unlike a a diversion:  a technique of shooting ahead of a moving target so that the target and projectile will collide

Off to do homeland security tasks:   sharpen my lawnmower blades...never know!!!!   


Quote from: flintauqua on May 24, 2011, 03:39:21 PM

Ross and Patriot - This is not Salem, Mass 1692.  This is the United States of America, 2011 - prove something or shut the hell up already!

You know what your more annoying than they are.  You have no right to tell them to shut the hell up. This isn't your messageboard and the last i checked Teresa doesn't allow anyone to tell someone to shut the hell up.   IF YOU Don't like it you don't have to read it.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: readyaimduck on May 24, 2011, 09:26:24 PM
ok Ross and Patriot:

The group in question ( Public Square) is and just happenss to be a group that works in a few counties...look it up.  And your commissioner is on that group.

REMEMBER this is a guy that makes over 70,000 for membership fees.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on May 25, 2011, 07:12:10 AM
CThe businesses benefit the city and the city have bills to pay to that business, the council members just obstains from voting.
That is a big problem.  When i used to work for Cox, Bellsouth, AT&T, I ran my business building computers and sold them but i was NOT allowed to sell them to the companies i worked for from 9-5 even though i could save them several thousands of dollars.
The issue was that it leaves a HUGE DOOR open for fraud and favoritism as well as embezzlement.  It doesn't mean i would have done it, it means that its a door thats there that has no accountability so therefore it was not allowed.  It should be exactly the same thing or those who work for government.   NO BUSINESS owner should be allowed to conduct business with the Government of that county if they are a part of that Government.  Its like this, either run your business or work for government. Choose a job.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


QuoteREMEMBER this is a guy that makes over 70,000 for membership fees.
I am not sure how that applies to a comissioner belonging to this group.  He can charge what he wants.
Unless you are drawing a parallelism with that group and the fact they hired the group??  Then, if so I see the connection.


Quote from: readyaimduck on May 26, 2011, 05:03:06 PM
I am not sure how that applies to a comissioner belonging to this group.  He can charge what he wants.
Unless you are drawing a parallelism with that group and the fact they hired the group??  Then, if so I see the connection.

Uh huh.....
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Someone said,
"ok Ross and Patriot:
The group in question ( Public Square) is and just happenss to be a group that works in a few counties...look it up.  And your commissioner is on that group."

No Pubic Square Communities, LLC's web site is at http://www.publicsquarecommunities.com/ They are nt the group in question they are simply the hired hands of Elk Konneted, LLC.

Elk Konnected, LLC is in Elk County.
Public Square Communities, LLC's is in Whichita County, in the community of Leoti, Kansas.
And they are not even known by Leoti, Kansas by the city employee I talked to on the phone.

They are the company that Elk Konnected, LLC sold an accredation to. As I said in a previous post Elk Konnected told the school board they would soon have state wide accredation. Lets look at that phrase state wide accredation shall we?

Are any of them able to  meet the Better Business Bureau of Kansas accreditation standards? No, or they would say so.
How can a company that has no accredation sell accredation to another company?

How can it be statewide with only 15 or 16 customers in just a few counties out of 105 counties?


Patriot, you have an awful lot to say about how Elk County should be run and by whom and yet you won't tell anyone who you are?  Are you serious about what you say or are you just pulling Ross' leg letting him think that you think the same as he?  Your posts and Ross', also, have just become the same thing over and over.  Let me know which insame asylum you finally land in.

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