Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Wilma on May 19, 2011, 04:47:30 PM
Do you have an issue with ANY organization asking the commissioners for money to help with some program for the good of the community?  It does happen quite often and the money is budgeted for that purpose.  Why shouldn't EKLLC ask for the same thing that other organizations are granted?
There is a lot about Elk Konnected, LLC that we don't know or understand.
But the issue is the denials which is a polite way of saying lying.
The second is not having a clear line between our elected officials and Elk Konnected, LLC. Therefore a major conflict of interest.

I haven't said they shouldn't ask but to deny receiving taxpayers dollars right after receiving money from the county commissioners, is a blatant lie in my way of thinking. How can you trust some one that will do that?
A lot of folks still seem to think they are Elk Konnected, LLC which is a privately owned company and they are not privileged enough to actually belong to it. They are simply volunteers and nothing else. They are simply used to make Elk Konnected, LLC look good.

They claim to have been organized before the wind farm got started. I don't buy that because of the insider information of the preplanning stage of the operation which could have taken as much as two years or more. That is further deception.

But, I also pointed out the deception of what transpired at the County Commissioners meeting either by the county commissioners or the newspaper in an attempt to protect either Liz Hendricks or Elk Konnected , LLC or both. I don't know which. Did you miss that? I don't like being bamboozled.

This is my opinion and you are quite welcome to your opinion.


Quote from: mayflower on May 19, 2011, 05:36:49 PM
Absolutely, Wilma!  This has gone on too long and everyone is getting very tired of it.  It borders on harassment.

Since when is a having a decent conversation or asking questions harassment. Or is it that the truth is harassment?
Since when do you have the authority to say a conversation has gone on to long? Do you own this forum? Is anyone forcing you to be notified that a response has been posted on this thread?

You choose to be a part of this thread just as everyone else that is on here does.



You don't ask questions.  You make unfounded accusations and insinuations, and phrase them as questions.  You seem to operate on this principle: 

Rule #1 Ross is always right. 

Rule #2  If Ross is wrong, refer to Rule #1.

You say you are just asking questions, but what you are doing is declaring Liz and Elk Konnected guilty, and instead of actually having to prove the guilt, Liz and E.K. have to prove their innocence, and if they don't prove their innocence ithen you claim it proves their guilt.  And even if Liz and E.K. do prove themselves innocent, they will still be guilty because Ross says so.

And earlier this evening you insinuated that three county commissioners and one county clerk have colluded to twist your words.

We're tired of hearing your accusations and insinuations.  Prove what you assert, or move on already!

"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


Quote from: flintauqua on May 19, 2011, 06:44:18 PM

You don't ask questions.  You make unfounded accusations and insinuations, and phrase them as questions.  You seem to operate on this principle: 

Rule #1 Ross is always right. 

Rule #2  If Ross is wrong, refer to Rule #1.

You say you are just asking questions, but what you are doing is declaring Liz and Elk Konnected guilty, and instead of actually having to prove the guilt, Liz and E.K. have to prove their innocence, and if they don't prove their innocence ithen you claim it proves their guilt.  And even if Liz and E.K. do prove themselves innocent, they will still be guilty because Ross says so.

And earlier this evening you insinuated that three county commissioners and one county clerk have colluded to twist your words.

We're tired of hearing your accusations and insinuations.  Prove what you assert, or move on already!

No sir that's not true, you are in my opinion twisting the facts, but again you are entitled to your opinion.
You are not forced to read anything on this thread, are you???????

#1 And #2 tickle me, but that's not true either, that is an old but bad argument. It was originally written as a joke.  But I am an honest person and that does fit.

You have the choice to move on if you so desire but I would never assume that have a right to tell you to do so. Or be so rude. Please yourself.


Ross - curiosity question -

What would you like to have happen?

When writing a letter of complaint to a company, the recommendation is to always offer a resolution.

What is your suggested resolution?


Quote from: Mom70x7 on May 19, 2011, 08:00:56 PM
Ross - curiosity question -

What would you like to have happen?

When writing a letter of complaint to a company, the recommendation is to always offer a resolution.

What is your suggested resolution?

I'm not writing a letter of complaint to a company am I? I am conversing and informing at least two other people on this forum.
But I do believe a I have made it clear I would like to see Elk Konnected be upfront and open and truthful. Why they even tried to tell me right here on this forum that I am a member of Elk Konnected, LLC. Which is not true at all. Is it that difficult to see the game they are playing?


Quote from: Mom70x7 on May 19, 2011, 08:00:56 PM
Ross - curiosity question -

What would you like to have happen?

When writing a letter of complaint to a company, the recommendation is to always offer a resolution.

What is your suggested resolution?

Deb, with all due respect, the same question could be asked of everyone who has participated in this thread. For myself, I would rather see a county commissioner resign from either one post or the other, so that there may never be a conflict of interest either evident nor implied. Personal gain should never be a possibility for a public servant, and the public served should never be discriminated against. Surely the oath of service included service to the people of Elk County?

Wilma, I know that you think the world of Liz, and can understand your defense of her. However I do think she has made a mistake in this matter. Sorry.  :P


Ross:  I am not saying I necessarily agree with your methods of questioning , however I do understand where you  are sort of coming from:
You wish the results to be the same, but the methods of how the funds are distributed are questionable.   That concern is reasonable.  Unfortuately, by reading all 15,000 threads on this Elk Konnected LLC it boils down to "technicality".
Technically the commisioner can be a member of an organization that distrubutes funds to his or her own county.  I would think out of professional courtesy he/she would abstain on that particular vote. 
You seem to continually bring up some letter of praise from this commisioner wrote as a 'pump our organization up' of which he/she belongs.   Well, that reeks of a pompous action if it can actually be proven that he/she wrote it personally or from a proxy.  Those are strong acusations.   
How am I doing so far....or perhaps it is none of my business?????  From an outsider viewpoint, some comments are the reasons this contry is breaking down. 
I will not address the taxpayers dollars funding a corporation as it may be too convoluted or just an assumption.   There needs to be more legwork and proof, other than supposition.   
My .02 worth


Ready, I don't see it as taxpayer's dollars funding a corporation.  I see it as an organization that is trying to do something good for the community, asking the county for a few dollars to help in that endeavor.  This isn't the only organization that is asking the county for money.  In the last two months two summer baseball organizations have asked for money and received it.  I don't see the difference.  Summer baseball can have money from the county coffers, but EKLLC can't?

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