Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 01, 2011, 04:41:27 PM
I figured if there was a financial problem with EK it would have been found out long before this. So, basically the wind farm and something that was said to /or about Elk Falls people is where the problem is mostly? I just have a hard time getting my head around this because there are so few of you. I've got more people on my side of Newark here than you have in your whole county!  That makes each of you and each of your opinions more valuable, but at the same time you can't have 2882 different ways of doing things and accomplish anything, plus the little towns are so spread out.  I'd hate to see all the hard work evaporate. Do any of you have any ideas on compromise here?

All these little communities are great places to live, the people are great. Sure they each have their differences but that's the way life is. They each have their own little celebrations which are unique unto them selves. Have you heard of the Elk Falls outhouse tour and contest. Unique.

There is no need for a compromise in myopinion. What makes you say that to me? I'm not in any battle or argument I have only asked a few simple questions.


Quote from: Ross on May 01, 2011, 05:29:27 PM
What makes you say that to me? I'm not in any battle or argument I have only asked a few simple questions.

"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.

Diane Amberg

Sorry Ross, it wasn't personal. Perhaps compromise isn't the right word. I'm not sure how to say what I mean, so I'll think about it more.


I too was one of more than 250 citizens who went to the wind farm conversation to share ideas. It was advertised quite publicly that it was to be a "conversation," not a "forum." I've been to many meetings in my life, where all the folding chairs are facing the front or a table on a stage, where all the people "in charge" sit and hear comments from the audience. I have never witnessed a constructive conversation during any of those meetings, because the atmosphere isn't designed for communication. It is the "all-facing-front" set-up where you might detect some leadership "control." How many people stand in front of a microphone to petition the leaders to sway a decision one way or another? If you yourself have stood before a council or other decision-making body, did you feel your ideas were heard? This meeting wasn't about decisions, it was about hearing ideas about what THE PEOPLE want to see happen. If you still insist this gathering was about "control," the you don't understand the word "conversation."

Next, suppose you were asked to share your ideas with the same people you talk to everyday -- neighbors, co-workers, family members, friends at the coffee shop -- how much new input would you or they be hearing? After a few of those conversations, would you not pretty much already agree with everyone in the group? Do you need your opinions mirrored back to you in order to feel validated? And why on earth would anyone be so resistant to talking with new people, people who have different interests and ideas, who experience life from a different perspective? Why is this viewed as a negative thing? Ross, are you and your wife so threatened in your relationship that you can't be separated for a few hours in order to talk with people you don't know? Had you taken a different approach, I'm sure the two of you could have sat together, but to take an accusatory stance before the meeting every starts -- are you really interested in what Elk Konnected is about, or have you already made up your mind?

Had you stayed that evening-- had you really wanted to know how the conversationunfolded, had you not already walked in with an opinion that was based on nothing but suspicion and paranoia -- you would have seen that Terry Woodbury did indeed facilitate the meeting but did not attempt to lead anyone to any sort of conclusion, and that he did not put forth any suggestions about how the PILOT funds should be spent. The only people offering suggestions were the ones who chose to participate in the conversation. I don't believe Terry Woodbury even cares about what Elk County does with the money. It's the decision of the taxpayers, not Elk Konnected, who merely hosted the event to give anyone with an idea a chance to be heard.

The commissioners' decision to give county residents a voice (which I understand is participatory government is about --  freedom of speech, by the people for the people, you know...the values our country's founders had in mind). It's true that those who wished to remain on the sidelines were not included in the conversation, but they did have that opportunity and instead chose to decline. There were no shouting matches in the conversation circles. People expressed their ideas, big and small, and for a short time, dared to dream. Anyone who says it's wrong to have a dream and share it out loud -- well, all I can say is they must have given up on their own a long time ago and find it easy to fault those who haven't.

I have an interest in the future of Elk County. This is where I make my living and where I plan to retire. Our county faces the same serious problems many others do, but they won't be solved by ignoring them and hoping they go away, and they won't be solved by questioning the motives of those involved in Elk Konnected and repeatedly insisting that those motives are sinister in some way.  I agree that it seems like the same folks are involved in several different groups -- but this shouldn't reflect poorly on them; rather, it reflects poorly on those who don't make an effort to make a difference. Problems get solved by those who get involved.


Where's the 'clapping hands' smiley when you need it.

Thank you!  :)
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


I have been trying my darndest to see the good for the county that EK has done. Since 2007 Moline has had their nursing home shut down by the county. Let's see, this directly benefited Howard whose nursing home received the residents from Elk Manor, thus assuring them capacity. Several Moline folks lost their jobs as a result, and Moline residents can no longer look to spend their final months/years in a facility in their home town. It may only be incidental that 2007 was the year that EK was organised.

Last year a group not calling themselves Elk Konnected began campaigning for a new grade school located in Howard. Funny thing though, these folks looked just exactly like Elk Konnected folks, and organised like Elk Konnected folks. In fact most of them were indeed members of Elk Konnected. They campaigned hard; handed out cut rate hotdogs and gave the kiddies t-shirts. School employees were used to help with the effort, and the school superintendant who is a member of EK did his part by donating school resources, appearing at public meetings and telling untruths to the people. As a result of all this, Moline lost their grade school, Severy lost their grade school, and Corey Reese got a sizable raise in salary this year despite these difficult financial times. Let's see now, that is Howard 2, Moline 0, Elk Falls 0, Grenola 0.

Now the school system in Elk county is known as Howard West Elk? What's up with that?

EK did organize an effort to establish a wellness center, but where to put it? Oh yes, put it in Howard, that is where all the real folks are, don't you know. And to establish this they had a fundraiser wine tasting event. This was held at Polk Daniels lake just outside of ---you guessed it; Howard. 'Course these folks who attended that never buy gasoline, soft drinks, headache powders or maybe just a hamburger. So maybe Moline, Grenola, or Elk Falls or Longton did not lose out. Now we are at another tally mark; Howard 3, Moline 0, Elk Falls 0, Grenola 0, and Longton 0.

So here we are at the crux of the matter; the smell of money. Since 2007 when the windfarm project began to take form, itches began to develope and only money could scratch it. And how to make the most of the opportunity? Funnel those monies where they will go to improve what EK perceives as the best direction. Funnel these funds toward Howard. Close down the fairgrounds at Longton, and rebuild the fairgrounds at Howard. Let the county fund a new water system for Howard and the surrounding areas, and pay for it with pilot funds. Just too bad that Moline, and Grenola did it on their own. Also, fund the demolition of the old Howard grade school. Howard also need new asphalt pavement for their streets, and they need a new storm shelter. Whooosh! Folks, that is not a tornado overhead; it is the sound of our tax dollars (PILOT=payment in lie of taxes) headed for Howard. Watch Us As We Grow!  ???


Don't ya love small town good ole boy politics.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: flintauqua on May 01, 2011, 05:04:42 PM
So, you are one of the 250 or so people that were at the Community Conversation.  Thanks for narrowing your real identity down a little bit there.  Must be nice to banty about claims of lack of transparency and conflicts of interest when you will not even acknowledge who you are.

Since I'm not soliciting any public votes or public monies, my identity is irrelevant to the topic, and your clinical obsession with my personal identity is at least puzzling.  At best, it's a sad commentary on your true interests.  As I've suggested before, if one is more interested in the messenger than the message or idea, then their shallow nature is self evident to intelligent observers.  If you doubt the veracity of any statements made as fact, then be a good student and go research them for yourself.  If you must obsess on identities, then I, personally, must discount you as lacking serious interest in the subject matter and possessing a limited ability to analyze it.

Great minds discuss concepts, average minds discuss events, weak minds discuss people.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Patriot on May 01, 2011, 06:42:58 PM

Since I'm not soliciting any public votes or public monies, my identity is irrelevant to the topic

Do you know the definition of hypocrisy?  Is the word even in your vocabulary?  Oh you must a dictionary that was written for and by the reactionary right.

How do we know you are not soliciting votes or monies? 

Since no one besides you knows who you are, you could be preparing to run against Liz Hendricks for county commissioner next year. 

Perhaps you own a construction company that has been denied a contract from the county or school system in the past. 

Maybe you own land adjacent to the windfarm and are ticked-off that you weren't included in it.

We, the open and honest members of this Forum do not know much about you, but it is rather apparent that you are so insecure in your method of debate that you have to do it from behind a mask.

If it were 200 years ago, I would challenge you to a honor deul, similar to Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton.  One giant difference - neither Burr or Hamilton hid behind a mask!
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.

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