Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Maybe one needs to take a deeper look into the projects and how they are being done.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 11, 2011, 10:31:18 AM
I'm back from our trip in Baltimore, just made myself a bowl of popcorn (hypothetically) and I'm catching up on this very entertaining thread.
 Mr. Ross, "the technical title" of those nice law enforcement folks would be Elk County Deputy Sheriffs... No apostrophe, not possessive, simple plural. (Poke ,Poke ;)) Be careful, I'm one of those spelling police... ;D  and yes, I do know a typo from an error.
 Mr. Ross, and secondarily Patriot, at this point, so long after the original questions ,IMHO you are just being ignored. I think they have just moved on to work on the projects that are up and running. Some of the ideas from those earlier posted interest lists were easy to get started on, others would have to be long range planning objectives, like economic improvements. I know one interest had to do with encouraging new blood to help with projects that have indeed gone on for years. It's been the same few people over and over again. They needed and wanted help. Perhaps the committees have gotten some new interest as the result of those group sessions. I'm just guessing, someone would have to say as to whether I'm right or wrong. Even something one enjoys can get old after too many years of doing it with little new interest or enthusiasm. Been there done that!

Well I ain't to good at that proper puctuoation stuff. so pardun this redneck hick. LOL You definitly could assume something of the order you are suggesting, but I don't.

I lived in a small community in Texas that was about 2000 people. They too had a pretty hgh levy. So the city told every one they were going to raise the values on their properties to the present day value and cut the levy by 1/2. Sounds good right. Now your property is worth a whole lot more money but your taxes remain the same. The city said now we look a lot more affordable for people that may want to move here, we have the lowest tax levy in the state. I tried to warn the people in the community what would happen. But they voted for it anyway. A year later the city came back and said we have the lowest tax levy in the state so we are going to raise your taxes. And they did it year after year. What a bargin, huh.

What exactly is this private groups plans? I'm speaking of the group of people that are staying hidden. I can't believe it is just to hand out lollipops using county resources. We have effectively shown on this thread that they are not doing anything new except praising themselves. What, what, what?


Quote from: Ross on June 11, 2011, 11:38:28 AM

I lived in a small community in Texas that was about 2000 people. They too had a pretty hgh levy. So the city told every one they were going to raise the values on their properties to the present day value and cut the levy by 1/2. Sounds good right. Now your property is worth a whole lot more money but your taxes remain the same. The city said now we look a lot more affordable for people that may want to move here, we have the lowest tax levy in the state. I tried to warn the people in the community what would happen. But they voted for it anyway. A year later the city came back and said we have the lowest tax levy in the state so we are going to raise your taxes. And they did it year after year. What a bargin, huh.

That goes to show a majority of people are sheep.  Dumb as a rock.   We used to use that to our advantage in sales.  Present them with a offer, stir up the natural emotion that invokes greed, then hit them with a fear of loss and they fall for it every time.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

  Mr. Ross, that's ain't " too'' good at that proper....sorry, the devil made me do it. ;) I'll be good, honest. :-X  Well, for now at least.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 11, 2011, 12:26:30 PM
  Mr. Ross, that's ain't " too'' good at that proper....sorry, the devil made me do it. ;) I'll be good, honest. :-X  Well, for now at least.

I'd knowed that, just fergot fer the momentum.
Ha, ha, LOL.
If we can't laugh at ourselves we can't laugh at nuten'.
If ya can't have fun, ya can't have nothing.
Keep smiling. :D :D :D :D :D :D


Quotemore condescending crap.

Well, now if that isn't calling the pot black...I give up.
anyways, back to the topic at hand:
Perhaps it's about using county resources for things that the county has already been doing.
Am I wrong on this?


I am not concerned about who is Elk Connected is, rather then what are they up to.
  Are they riding on the tailcoats like most politicans do, of the active citizens of Elk County  and double dipping into funds that aren't right there in this time? 
Can anyone spell H-A-N-D-O-U-T-S at the taxpayer's expense? 
Ok, that was hypothetical?


QuotePresent them with a offer, stir up the natural emotion that invokes greed, then hit them with a fear of loss and they fall for it every time.

just like categorically politicians, churches (if not sincere), car salesmen and Avon Products.

Ok, computer techs may have an edge just to make a piont.


Let's try digesting this.

Quote from: Arc fault on May 18, 2011, 02:57:09 PM
We are just like a sheep need to be herded.  If Sam says "no wind" we will now be pro road-apples and saddle up.

I think the visioning is the same as steering.  A group of government and industry people in a structured meeting with published itinerary conversing about guiding the public towards a more positive future.  It consisted of grandstanding the numbers of the projected tourism dollars.  Looking at national trends and local assets and trying to unify an entire third of the state shifting the negatives of the proposal to accentuate the positives.  Even had the gall to suggest, from one of the largest recipients of wind energy moneys in the state, that we name our personally branded bovine as Flint Hills beef to be a tag worn with honor with a promise of better relations with the ranchers if we increase the value of their toil by 20%.  

Who sponsored this event and what day did they publish their blah, blah, blah?
Talking about sheeple????  Guiding the public???? And a structured meeting???? Grandstanding???? Forget the negatives and accentuate the positive???
Promise better relationships????

Quote from: Arc fault on May 19, 2011, 09:42:37 PM
October 2007

For those of you who live in Elk County (and the surrounding area) and didn't attend the Elk Konnected Conversation meeting in Longton last night...YOU MISSED OUT.  This was an AMAZING event put on by a steering committee of local people who want to turn Elk County into a place of of the future; not a dying county of the past.

The first instructions we received from the conversation leader, Terry Woodbury, was that we have to start expelling all the negative thoughts and perceptions of the past.  We also have to think like a COUNTY COMMUNITY, instead of each city.  Because; if we don't work together, ALL the cities will fade away.  Our second instructions were that we were not there to point out the problems or to point fingers... we were there to start thinking about SOLUTIONS.
Steering Committee??? Dying County???? Place of the future???? Instructions???? Exspell the negative???? Cities will fade away????
Don't point out problems?????

What's the difference between the States Steering Committee and Elk Konnected's Steering Committee???
What's the difference between the States sheeple and Elk Konnected sheeple????
Isn't it all about control, that's what Steering committee's do and what facilitators do.
Isn't the man saying that is what the state did to stop wind farms, it appears the same thing is happening with in Elk Konnected.

What's with that??

Centralized Unified Government just like the Centralized Unified School Campus


Why didn't you post the rest of the quote that tells about the rest of the meeting?  Doesn't the rest of the meeting meet your standards for criticism?  If anyone wants to read the whole post, you can find it on pages 26 & 27.  The date of the post is May 19, not May 18.  Help yourselves to the truth.  Don't just take someone else's word for what was posted.

Ross, you really reached back for this one, didn't you?

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