Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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I was just browsing other areas of this forum and read a little bit about attitude, positive and negative so let's see.
The Elk Konnected registered members expect positives out of their followers whilst they remain negative about facing the public.
The Elk Konnected registered members expect positives out of their Wichita County facilitator, but they remain negative by hiding and negative about talking with a taxpaying citizen openly at their so called Community Conversations.
How can anything being lead by such negativity possibly succeed.

Why should Elk Konnected be recognized at the County Commissioners Board meetings asking for taxpayers dollars as long as the registered members are hiding?

I'd like to ask our Elected County Commissioners are they registered members of Elk Konnectted? This is as good a place as any to talk to the tax payers. Please can we get a response?

"Who are these Elk Konnected registered members with such negative attitudes?"


A flash fire is defined by CGSB 155.20-2000 and NFPA 2113 as:

"A rapidly moving flame front which can be a combustion explosion.

Perhaps this is what happened to Elk County and Elk Konnected Members as well as your commissioner, Liz? (since you are quoting old posts lately from she)

Idea got started, then rose like a wildfire only to die out as quickly as it started.
Solution:  Who started the dang fire?



Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.



These are my personal opinion and questions, not Elk Konnected's, not anyone else's. I don't support wrong doing. But if you do that's fine with me just don't ask me to.

Would you hire a person with an outstanding letter of reccomendation that was so well written that it made you believe that they could almost walk on water? But then you find out they wrote the letter themselves. Would you keep them on the job?

But that's not all?

Lets say you are a decent enough employer to allow that person a couple of weeks to learn their way around the job site.  We all need a learning curve with something new right? And that's great, I agree with that.  But after several years with out doing anything but spending the company money and handing out lollipops and have only failed at jobs they thought mattered how long would you keep them employed. Especially when they stayed hidden in the broom closet? Who are these people/ Who are the registered members of Elk Konnected?? Why would anyone continue to support people they don't know? Or support an organization that fails at anything but abuses of the Elk County Government System and taxpayers.

Except for IMHO more propaganda from Public Square Communities. Just read the following. The business, I see is Elk Konnected trying to make our county Employee Jennifer Brummel their employee.

Just as they abused the County Government web site by placing their web page on it with out proper authorization. Oh, yea it was removed after complaints to the County Commissioners, by a county commissioners aunt.

Just as they abused our County Government telephone crisis calling system untill many phone calls complaining.

So now is Elk Konnected abusing our Elk County Government Employee Jennifer Brummel and using her their employee??? Read the following from Public Squares Communities web site.

Public Square Success Stories
Business     Who is getting the business?
Unique pairing creates new opportunities 2010-10-05

Elk Konnected has created a unique solution to a problem encountered by many small communities. Economic development and youth recreation programs are much needed, typically understaffed and underfunded in many rural communities. However, residents working with Elk Konnected have combined those needs to help serve the different towns in their region.

Jennifer Brummel has been working in Elk Konnected since March of this year. She has been hard at work in both fields gaining economic resources and creating programs for youth. Her dual role allows her to spend time working on economic development items like a grant just received to create new energy efficiencies for the sheriff's office, courthouse and extension office. She's also created youth recreation programs that reach out into the different cities in Elk Konnected like a summer day camp that rotated each day in order to go to where the children were instead of asking them all to come to a central location. Other programs like bringing a rock climbing wall to a celebration in one town and inflatable play gyms in another helps to bring new resources to smaller communities which may not be able to create these opportunities on their own.

Jennifer believes the pairing works in this small community. "It's a good partnership in a small town because both jobs in a small town aren't full time jobs. I love living in a small town and walking down the street and knowing everyone I see." The pairing seems to be working for Elk Konnected creating linkages between the need to build an economic future for our communities and towards creating memorable experiences for youth.  

The job Jennifer Brummel was hired for by the Elk County Commissioners is Economic Development and Youth Services for the County
and wasn't that in March? The very same position of Economic Development and Youth Services has been filled by other people before Jennifer Brummel, so it's not a new idea.

Is this a direct quote from the County Employee, "It's a good partnership in a small town because both jobs in a small town aren't full time jobs. I love living in a small town and walking down the street and knowing everyone I see." ???? If so is she saying her job should be part time???? Should Elk Konnected be paying half her wages???

The pairing seems to be working for Elk Konnected.
Economic development and youth recreation programs are much needed, typically understaffed and underfunded in many rural communities. Have you heard the whole world is in a financial crisis, including the US of A, the individual States, the individual Counties. Have you ever heard of overspending?

Who are these people in hiding that are registered members of Elk Konnected????b]
Just wondering out loud. In MHO none of it makes a bit of sense.


Isn't it an advantage to living in the country (rural) to get away from much of the controlled environment of the socialists?

Do you need a recreational director (or the gov't) to go camp out on the creek bank or to play on the ball team?


This new generation is very "connected" in ways earlier ones could never imagine. Facebook, MySpace, Elk County Forum and all manner of other Internet machinery. This is the 21st Century. And the great communicators of Elk Konnected, the registered members are not connected. What's with that???? Connect here on the forum like you said you would. Elk Konnected registered members what's the problem there is no better place for a good conversation than right here on the Elk County Forum. Or don't you want to be Konnected????

Come om in.


Make no mistake, the development of our youth is important.  But where does economic development come into the picture?  Between parents, schools, 4H, FFA, Boy/Girl Scouts and other private groups (yes, even Elk Konnected), it seems as if our youth are getting plenty of attention.  Providing 'youth services' is not a primary function of government.  Helping to grow and maintain a healthy economy is.  So why is Ms. Brummel spending such an inordinate amount of time involved in youth activities?  Why is she doing so seemingly at the behest of Elk Konnected?  What are her duties, responsibilities and accomplishments in the arena of county economic development.  It's almost beginning to look like Elk Konnected and county government are running a giant latchkey program.  

I noticed the mention of grants to "create new energy efficiencies for the sheriff's office, courthouse and extension office".  Grants, I presume that are A) Matching grants requiring county tax dollars to be invested also, and B) grants that are likely made up of other taxpayer money.  And ultimately you must ask, " What about gowth and development in the rest of the county?".  While government facilities surely need to be efficient and county employees comfortable, this is a brag about government helping government!  Somewhat self-serving, no?  What the hell are they 'developing' for the rest of the county?  Priorities?  Yeah, right.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


I've been doing some more thinking and studying on Elk Konnected's possible real goals and I keep bouncing back to their big idea's.

And since they won't come forward, I'll share my thought's and opinions with you.
I don't expect you to believe it. I don't want you to believe it.
I'd rather you gave it some thought and make up your own mind.

I do believe they are centered on the following. And if I am right in my thinking they will be holding their so called Community Conversations in the near future. The near future when you are my age is with in the next two years. How time flies.

When they finally decide to make their move they will bombard the county with their so called community conversations through out the county from community to community and they will be frequent. Maybe as many as 10 to 20 in a month.

They will definitely use the circle of chairs to prevent asking questions. They will tell you that if you live in a town you will not have to pay city taxes, a unified centrally located government will tend to all problems. You won't be permitted to ask who, what, why, when, where or how. You will simply be told what they want you to hear. In your circle you might come up with ideas that they want you to come up with idea's like better drinking water, better sewer, repair stores, better roads, storm shelters for everyone, grocery store in every community. Heck, how about a bowling alley in every community? Guess what, there is just not enough population in Elk County to support any of it. But that's what's great about Elk County. We don't have population over crowd. I bragged about that to my friends in Seattle right after I moved here.

But stop and think, how would Elk Konnected be able to back up any promises? Will they back it with a 200 million dollar bond or even a million dollar bond. Oh, you say they don't make promises, well then they give hope. Hope of what?  A better economy?
How do they back it up? Don't ask that's not permitted. Bringing in industry? How during the worst economic crisis our country has had since the great depression. Don't ask that's not permitted.

Really in my opinion, it's all about total control by Elk Konnected. They have been handing out enough lollipops to lull us in to submission and the time is soon to come to start another phase of their operation. Are you going to be ready for it.

I do believe they are centered on the following. And if I am right in my thinking they will be holding their so called Community Conversations in the near future. The near future when you are my age is with in the next two years. How time flies. When they decide to make their move they will bombard the county with their so called community conversations through out the county from town to townn and they will be frequent. Maybe as many as 10 to 20 in a month.

Really in my opinion, it's all about total control by Elk Konnected. They have been handing out enough lollipops to lull us in to submission and the time is soon to come to start another phase of their operation. Are you going to be ready for it.

Just look at what the big ideas are on their list:

Centralized community facility w/ transportation-Ig and sm meeting rms, commercial kitchen, fitness center, indoor pool,
(cont.) physical therapy (Moline Rodeo Grounds) (Big Idea's)

Centrally located county fairgrounds with 1 fair - 1 (Big Idea's)

Unified Gov't (w/in the county) to save money and become more unified (do away with city gov't, councils­
(cont.) all centrally located-one managing body) (Big Ideas's)

Centralized community facility w/ transportation--lg and sm meeting rms, commercial kitchen, fitness center, indoor pool,
(cont.) physical therapy (Moline Rodeo Grounds) (Big Idea's)

Don't we already have a centrally located County Government.

Think outside the box.

Think for yourself. That's all I ask. No, I'm nobody. I'm not a Cty Cuncilman, I'm not a County Commissioner, I am a taxpaying citizen of Elk County, I am a retired person, I am a veteran. I do believe in your right to question your government, and to protect yourself  from politicians and the wrong kind of political action committee.

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