Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Wilma on June 07, 2011, 11:03:11 AM
You know, Patriot, you should find a good private investigator to find your answers.  If he can't any answers, then they don't exist.  Remember, PIs can use methods that are illegal.
NO they can't.  ANYTHING they find in a illegal act is tainted evidence. Sorry but your advocating the commission of a crime.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Wilma on June 07, 2011, 11:03:11 AM
You know, Patriot, you should find a good private investigator to find your answers.  If he can't any answers, then they don't exist.  Remember, PIs can use methods that are illegal.

And who's to say I haven't?  But there's a more important matter in your post.  That would be the misconception about the realities of lawful acts.

To paraphrase, "Illegal acts are OK if done by a PI." Ignorance must be bliss.  Surely you are unfamiliar with K.S.A. 75-7b et seq.  I presume you also think that illegal acts therefore can only wrong when committed by non-PIs.  Wow... just wow.  Your advisers sent you down the gilded path to Goofyviille with that one.  

First it was the county attorney, then the attorney general, now PIs because you think they can use illegal methods.  What next, the trooth fairy?

While were having this fun facts chat, do you know how many admitted members/partners there are in the Elk Konnected, Limited Liability Company? Or whether they collect and remit sales tax on items sold under their company banner at city wide 'garage sales'?  Or if items 'donated' to them for a city wide garage sale will be reported on their federal tax return as inventory with no cost of goods? reflected?  Or if the donations were receipted to doners as a tax deductible donation?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


To begin with I didn't say that evidence that is collected illegally can be used in court.  If it is used in any way whatsoever, and it leads back to the person that obtained it, then they are in trouble.  But surely a good PI can cover his tracks.  He just can't use what he finds.

Why should EKLLC have to do something that the rest of us don't have to do.  Goods that are sold at yard sales are not sales taxable.  Goods that are sold by non-profit organizations are not considered income and since it is all donated, it is considered a donation, which is not taxable.

Are you going to try to shut all the yard sales down, too?  You might have a lot of angry people after you if you do that.


Quote from: Wilma on June 07, 2011, 01:32:42 PM
To begin with I didn't say that evidence that is collected illegally can be used in court.  If it is used in any way whatsoever, and it leads back to the person that obtained it, then they are in trouble.  But surely a good PI can cover his tracks.  He just can't use what he finds.

You said PIs can use illegal methods... which, on its' face, is not true.  Now you are trynig to cover your misstep with the 'crooked used care salesman' defense.  Sorry, play again later.

Quote from: Wilma on June 07, 2011, 01:32:42 PM
Why should EKLLC have to do something that the rest of us don't have to do.  Goods that are sold at yard sales are not sales taxable.

EKLLC, unlike you, is a business, and it acquired its' 'products' from other than their own garage (yard).  More stinky stuff.

Quote from: Wilma on June 07, 2011, 01:32:42 PM
Goods that are sold by non-profit organizations are not considered income and since it is all donated, it is considered a donation, which is not taxable.

So, you are confirming that Elk Konnected, LLC is structured and reports to the IRS as a not for profit company?  Great!  Progress!  Then that would mean you have some official knowledge, right?  As an admitted member?  Or are you being advised by someone who is?  In any event, if your information is reliable, then production of the Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) or other valid tax ID number for the non-profit should be a piece of cake.  We'll be waiting in anticipation.

Quote from: Wilma on June 07, 2011, 01:32:42 PM
Are you going to try to shut all the yard sales down, too?  You might have a lot of angry people after you if you do that.

Not at all.  Where would you get such a silly idea?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


QuoteI believe readyaimduck is an educated man while I am a stumble in the dark, learn as you go man. I believe readyaimduck is a young working man while I am a retired old fart. 
I do feel, although Ross complimented me...I must point out a few corrections as to not call him a liar, however a mistaken identity on his part which was not of his doing.
I am female and I am 'just under 60'  :-\.
  However, I do believe, you Ross are indeed a 'fart'.  ;D That being said...I firmaly believe that those too should be 'let out' and explored as to the issues.  ("I am NOT a Doctor, Jim!"   :o)

I read the studies on Grants, and I have since lost the link.  However, Grants CAN be monies set aside from the Revenue of Taxpayers monies.  Some grants are also personal endowments.  Some have to be 'matched' by the entity requesting thus my question to someone who may know this:
1.  If the County requests a grant to be dispersed, and it needs a matching donation that they don't have, I imagine the taxpayers would have a vote on it?
2.  If the CITY asks for one, same as above? and, if they DO have the funds....we just get to sit back and watch it being spent?
3.  Is the County or Elk Konnected planning on asking for anymore grants?


I am not confirming anything because I do not know.  How can you take my statement that goods sold by a non-profit organization are not considered income as confirmation of anything?  I suppose that yard sales of donated items conducted by churches should be taxed and that receipts for the purpose of charitable donations should be given out.  I am sure that any non-profit organization would give a donater a receipt if they requested one.

Now you are trying to shut down all kinds of money raising activities.  You are beginning to appear non-American to me.  Long live yard sales.

If you can prove that EKLLC is a business for profit, why don't you do it?  Why don't you prove anything that you say?  All you do is talk and try to discredit whatever anyone else says unless they agree with you.  And some of you who agree with Patriot? and Ross, think again.

Oh, and that PI thing, how do you know so much about the way a PI practices?  All I know is what I read in Kinsey Millhone mysteries.  And my soap operas of course.  They can always do all sorts of things but they know that it can't be used. 


QuoteAnd some of you who agree with Patriot? and Ross, think again.

Excuse me ma'am.  I haven't made up my mind about Elk Konnected LLC nor the allusive Elk Konnected.
Until I do, I assure you....YOU will be the first to know!

Just because we agree or disagree with someone is not up to YOUR standards or par...well, this is a conversation, albeit heated and pationate and personal and somewhat quirky, I admit. 
I enjoy it, so if you hate our 'arguing' so much, then they have the Soap Operas on Hulu on the computer....
going to bed before I combust! >:(
not ready just yet


Quote from: readyaimduck on June 07, 2011, 06:15:13 PM
I do feel, although Ross complimented me...I must point out a few corrections as to not call him a liar, however a mistaken identity on his part which was not of his doing. I am female and I am 'just under 60'  :-\.
Hello darlin, my sincerest apology. My pleasure to apologize too.
Well, I think I got the educated part right.
I aint flirting anymore than I do with any other young women.
I save the good stuff for my wife of 19 years.
I told her happy anniversary today --- a day late and she said what?
We missed it again?
Next year come hell or high water it is going to blow her socks off.
We have such a life that really every day is important.
I just couldn't quite figure you out and now I know why.
It should have lit a light bulb having grown up with six older sisters.
I'm slippin, to much tin foil.

Quote from: readyaimduck on June 07, 2011, 06:15:13 PM
 However, I do believe, you Ross are indeed a 'fart'.  ;D That being said...I firmaly believe that those too should be 'let out' and explored as to the issues.  ("I am NOT a Doctor, Jim!"   :o)
Ya forgot old in front of that fart. I am no longer required to buy a fishing license, yeah!
I gotta get in for a full physical soon and leave my tin foil hat at home when I go.

But I am still going to ask, "Who are the registered Elk Konnected registered members."

Is it a secret society with evil thoughts and plans, will they be tying someone to the railroad track that they want to maintain?


Quote from: Wilma on June 07, 2011, 06:37:34 PM
If you can prove that EKLLC is a business for profit, why don't you do it?
I believe the main question on this thread is, Who are the registered members of Elk Konnected, not who are the followers.

Quote from: Wilma on June 07, 2011, 06:37:34 PM
Why don't you prove anything that you say? 
I personally have included links with many of my remarks. Those links either took you to EK web site or Public Square Communities web site.

Quote from: Wilma on June 07, 2011, 06:37:34 PM
All you do is talk and try to discredit whatever anyone else says unless they agree with you. 
If the truth is told it can not be discredited, now can it? We are asking who are the Elk Konnected registered members and no one knows. We are not asking who are the followers. But I guess the followers don't know whom they are following. So the followers just try to cover up for that lack of knowledge by using any kind of diversion.

Quote from: Wilma on June 07, 2011, 06:37:34 PM
And some of you who agree with Patriot? and Ross, think again.
Is that an instruction from Elk Konnected?? It has a ring of a threat to it, who will carry it out?
Or is that based on those mysteries you read and those soap opera's you say you watch? Does the statement carry some kind o weight or is it fictional?

Quote from: Wilma on June 07, 2011, 06:37:34 PM
Oh, and that PI thing, how do you know so much about the way a PI practices?  All I know is what I read in Kinsey Millhone mysteries.  And my soap operas of course.  They can always do all sorts of things but they know that it can't be used. 
Fiction is not to be taken seriously. No one has a license to do illegal things unless perhaps they are a political diplomat. Then they have diplomatic immunity.

Try to have a good night.

Who are the registered owners/members of this non existant Elk Konnected???


Quote from: Wilma on June 07, 2011, 06:37:34 PM
I am not confirming anything because I do not know.  How can you take my statement that goods sold by a non-profit organization are not considered income as confirmation of anything?

Thanks for confirming your status as uninformed on the issues at hand.  Your repeated statements about 'non-profit' mated with a discussion about Elk Konnected come cross as linked.  If you don't know their tax status, then it might be wise not to make such an inference in your retorts to the questions being asked.

Quote from: Wilma on June 07, 2011, 06:37:34 PM
Now you are trying to shut down all kinds of money raising activities.  You are beginning to appear non-American to me.  Long live yard sales.

There's a twisted response right out of the modern socialist playbook.  Non-American?  Bunk.  Long live honest capitalism!

Quote from: Wilma on June 07, 2011, 06:37:34 PM
If you can prove that EKLLC is a business for profit, why don't you do it? 
Why don't you prove anything that you say?  All you do is talk and try to discredit whatever anyone else says unless they agree with you. 

No, the point here is to seek the very answers you accuse us of not having.  That's circular logic at its' best.  When the answers are forthcoming, the current questions will stop.  Sorry you can't comprehend that point.

Quote from: Wilma on June 07, 2011, 06:37:34 PM
And some of you who agree with Patriot? and Ross, think again.

You tellem how to think, Wilma.  They surely need your help, and I'm positive they'll love that plan.

Quote from: Wilma on June 07, 2011, 06:37:34 PM
Oh, and that PI thing, how do you know so much about the way a PI practices?  All I know is what I read in Kinsey Millhone mysteries.  And my soap operas of course.  They can always do all sorts of things but they know that it can't be used. 

We'll consider your sources... and disregard.  As for mine, I try to research the applicable statutes, not fiction.  Your fantasy world processes won't work in the real world other than as entertainment.  Methinks that Magnum PI is not reality.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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