Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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I noticed last weekend that Batson's was out of tin foil.  I think I know who bought all of it.


nah, timber.  I bought all of it up to stop this thread... ;D
Looks like Ross went out of town to buy his hat.. ???
LOL Ross, I think you are on to something, if nothing...I haven't heard back from my person that was a 'member' yet.

Roma Jean Turner


QuoteYou know Ready.......I think you are Ross.

Oh Roma!   That is just so wrong on so many levels!


Quote from: Roma Jean Turner on June 07, 2011, 03:32:24 AM
You know Ready.......I think you are Ross.

Ross is Ross and no alias's on this forun. I believe readyaimduck is an educated man while I am a stumble in the dark, learn as you go man. I believe readyaimduck is a young working man while I am a retired old fart. Oh alos I'm not Sarah Palin answering myself or Elk Konnected writing letters to my self of self praise.

I have to share with you. ten yaers ago I adopted a little 3 year old who had been mentally and physically abused his first three years of his life. He had no idea what love was and was so full of anger it made me it made me cry, it made me angry it made want to strike out at someone, anyone but there was no one. That was a very tough situation but I learned a great deal from it. There are some very mean and ugly people in this world and it doesn't matter how handsome or pretty they are. What I am being hit with from Elk Konnceted registered members or followers does not compare and doesn't phase me at all.

I wasn't sure about how good a job I could do raising this little boy, at the age of 55, but I felt that anything I could do would be better than what the system was doing to him. I provided him with the love and affection no one else had given him. The foster adopt mother had him labeled with autism, mental retardation, ADHD, attachment disorder and so many other things, so she could collect $1500 a month from child protective services. I fought the system for a year and a half to get him out of it. And it was worth every minute and every dollar.

It has been difficult raising my son because of all the bad that happened during his first three years of life, but it has been well worth the effort.

At thirteen years old he went to town yesterday without anyone telling him to, he did ask permission. He took his lawnmower and went door to door looking for lawns to mow. He spent all day and got two lawns to mow. One paid him very little but he was very elated. The second lawn the lady said she had no money. His response, "I'll do it free."  I am extremely proud of him for doing that. Extremely. I am beginning to think, I may have screwed up and done something right. I'll keep trying to do the best I can.

He is also playing baseball and Elk Konnected is not involved. I paid for his uniform.

And Elk Konnected had nothing to do any with it.

By the way who are the Elk Konnected registered members/owners?


Quote from: crosstimber on June 06, 2011, 09:18:51 PM
I noticed last weekend that Batson's was out of tin foil.  I think I know who bought all of it.
Did you really need all of it.
Couldn't you have done better for your first post?
Are you a newbie with Elk Konnected? Or are you an Elk Konnected longstanding registered member?
Does Elk Konnected even have a longstanding registered member?
Do they even have longstanding followers/volunteers?
I here people quit on them frequently.
Am I wasting my time asking you? Probably. Oop's my tin foil hat malfunctioned.
Do you know anything about Elk Konnected? Most likely not.
My tin foil hat malfunctioned again.
Please for give me for answering my self, I don't think Elk Konnected wants to
give an honest answer. That's must be why they hide. Dang tin foil hat jus isn't working right.
Pardon me.

Welcome aboard newbie.

By the way who are the Elk Konnected registered members/owners?

Diane Amberg

Mr. Ross, The existence of EK or not had nothing to so with your having done a wonderfully honorable thing for that child. But wouldn't you feel sad if someone started firing questions on a forum about the "REAL" reason you gave him a good home? Especially after several years? Child slavery? More abuse?  Just to pocket state money? Could you prove it's not true? Would you want to have to prove it?
Of course I in no way believe any such thing, nor do I believe EK or EKLLC are up to no good either. Yes, I know they aren't the same thing, but people do gossip and try to make connections where there are none.  And there are personality types who, for some reason love to see someone else get kicked around. I guess that's why people gather to watch a fight, and even encourage them to "stay right in there." But not themselves of course.
 As far as your son, that's wonderful. I know it's none of my business, but I'd love to hear the whole story someday.  


Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 07, 2011, 08:35:55 AM
Of course I in no way believe any such thing, nor do I believe EK or EKLLC are up to no good either. Yes, I know they aren't the same thing, but people do gossip and try to make connections where there are none.

I think the bolded portion above says it all.  Apples and oranges.  Now what about Elk Konnected, LLCs detailed plan for community growth in Elk County...

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Ross, it's good to see that somebody will take the individual stand like you have.

And I believe that you're right about EK and/or EKLLC.  Stay right in there.   

Diane Amberg

So you think they're a bunch of crooks? Any proof or just speculation and hearsay, usually from quoting each other?  Are you always such a pessimist? You are another one that nobody knows anything about. Are you local? Do you even live in Kansas? You always find interesting conservative blogs for us to read but we know nothing about you...Male, female? Just curious.

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