Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 05, 2011, 05:41:38 PM
How did autistic savants get into this? I grew up with a right sided savant.....what do you want to know? And why would anyone think the information about the CIA is a "parody?" Very ordinary people become extremely good operatives because they seem so ordinary.  Especially the couriers. FBI is no different in many ways.

Hi Diane,

It was sarcasm. aimed at certain people. Me being one of them.
No harm intended towards anyone else.


What Elk Konnected regestered members/owners do not communicate?
Is there a problen that they are unable to have a conversation?
Do they even show up for their publicized Community Conversations
that really are not community conversations.

They are not even round talble conversations, they have no tables.

Who are the registered members/owners of Elk Konnected?
Will even one of you have the nerve to speak up?


Quote from: Ross on June 05, 2011, 07:45:22 PM
It was sarcasm. aimed at certain people. Me being one of them.
No harm intended towards anyone else.

When used in public discourse or debate, such tactics are diversionary.  Detract from the original question and maybe the clock will run out on the original question or the dialogue will be diverted to some unrelated ussue..  Used often when a valid answer is not available to the one diverting.  Fortunately, there is no time clock on this forum...or the unanswered questions.

Or, it could just be a backhanded insult.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Knock, Knock?
Who's there?
No one!
No one who?

No one who is an Elk Konnected registered members/owners.
They won't come out and play.
I don't know!!

Who are the Elk Konnected registered members?
                                                                                                                   Please won't someone from Elk Konnected speak up?


Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 05, 2011, 05:41:38 PM
How did autistic savants get into this? I grew up with a right sided savant.....what do you want to know? And why would anyone think the information about the CIA is a "parody?" Very ordinary people become extremely good operatives because they seem so ordinary.  Especially the couriers. FBI is no different in many ways.

You don't have to tell me about right-sided savants, Diane.   Manny Scopenberg has a 47 year old son who is a RS savant and lives with Manny and his 4th wife Beth, here.  He calls himself "Scopy Doodle" as this nickname came from Manny's 2nd wife, the mother of Scopy, now deceased.  Scopy's mother dropped him on his head when he was a baby. 

One of his favorite sayings is: "Like the old adage, measure twice, cut once."  Scopy is a decent left-handed golfer and you will hear this saying at least 10 times before he putts or hits the ball.  I asked him once about why he repeats this and he said,"I question and think about everything I see and read, and don't take things for granted.  When I was young and screwed up, my father would always ask, 'why didn't you do it this way, it's much easier?'  After that I would always think if there was a smarter and easier way of doing things that's the way I would go."  Scopy's a smart man in his strange way... he can he can repeat the history of this country better than the History Channel can do.  He can name every golfer who won and the year they won it of the British Open and the Masters.  He's very knowledgable about golf and other sports.  If you want to know who won and what year, ask Scopy.  But, Scopy has one big problem.  He feels there is a group of people behind all the HOA's in Arizona that relate to "1984."  and he gets quite upset about this because he cannot put his finger on who they are and what their agenda is.  He says they "just get worse and worse..."  He drives his parents batty with this.  Anyway as to answer your question, Ross reminds me somewhat of Scopy in pursuit of "1984." 

As to the CIA.  My great aunt worked for them for 37 years.  I have friends associated with them.  You don't have to tell me about the CIA.  Now take the FBI... in most cases it sucked during Hoovers reign because Hoover went against the law countless times.  Today's FBI is somewhat better... but that depends on who the U.S. Att. Gen. is at the time.  In many cases they have their hands tied because of this and, believe it or not, PC.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Quote from: Warph on June 06, 2011, 02:55:55 PM
You don't have to tell me about right-sided savants, Diane.  
Why you compliment me like that. I got no smarts. I'm just a crazy old fart, that has been brained by the edumaction and military brained washed into believing that honest tax paying, voting veterans and citizens have the right to free speech and that right includes asking who is spending my tax dollars. And that might include private companies with made up names. Which by the way leads me up to the question?  Down a couple of lines.

Please leave the austic savants out of this, it is just plain nasty to talk about those that can not defend themselves.
Next you will be picking on the hearing impaired or persons witth other types of handicaps.
Or are you representing Elk Konnected and thats the way you play? It is totally uncouth.

Who are the people behind by official ownership/membership Elk Konnected.
Everyone out here knows you are watching and reading this forum so you might as well come out of hiding.



Quote from: greatguns on June 06, 2011, 08:40:13 PM
Talk about beating a dead horse! :P
What the registered members of Elk Konnected?
Who are they?
Do you know?


Quote from: greatguns on June 06, 2011, 08:40:13 PM
Talk about beating a dead horse! :P
It's apparent you don't know anything, but I'll indulge you anyway.

Does anyone out there have any knowledge who the registered members of Elk Konnected are?


So none of you out there have any idea who you are supporting?

You really have no idea who the registered members of Elk Konnected are?

I guess tha means you just follow along blindly. That's why they refer to their volunteers as followers, so I have heard,
while they laugh in the back room. Think about it. They have to be laughing. I just imgine, them saying we got them to jump through hoops er from circle of hairs to circle of chairs like monkeys. And they don't know who suggested what or haw many suggested what, ha, ha. We can do what ever we want and they buy it.

That's just a suggestion.

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