Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Ross, you say you started this thread and Elk Konnected said they would use the forum to the fullest.  Just maybe they have already used it to their fullest and don't find it necessary to continue to post again what they have already posted.  i.e., the organizational information.  I remember seeing a list of committees that would be working different communities and projects.  If that hasn't changed, why should it be posted again?  Besides why should they do what you think they should do?  Are you some kind of control freak?

You say that a lot of people agree with you, but I don't see a lot of people posting that on this thread.  I will bet there are just as many or more that support EK's silence, but just aren't posting.

Why is it that when some group tries to do something positive, there is always someone that tries to tear them down? 


I don't blame people for not answering Ross and Patriot, who knows what these guys really want the names for. They are both anti-Howard, anti  community programs that help youth groups, anti Liz. People reading this thread that are not familiar with Elk County, would really get a bad impression of it, thanks to these two.


Quote from: ELK@KC on June 05, 2011, 12:44:47 PM
I don't blame people for not answering Ross and Patriot, who knows what these guys really want the names for. They are both anti-Howard, anti  community programs that help youth groups, anti Liz. People reading this thread that are not familiar with Elk County, would really get a bad impression of it, thanks to these two.
Oh come on, bring on the trash talk. I am not anti - anything about Elk County.
I am a taxpaying, voting, citizen of Elk County. I am also a veteran who did his duty and have earned the right to ask who wants my tax dollars.
I give my neighbors a hand when needed, and many other things. And I am not the least bit offend by your trash talk.
It's no different from the trash talk from Elk Konnected about one of our communities.

As a taxpaying citizen I have a right to ask who these Elk Konnected official registered members are that want my tax dollars. And who these people are that want to control my counties government by submitting their ideas to the county commissioners. Especially when one claims to be the founding member and another appears supports these people at the County Commissioners meetings.

I am entitled to know who Elk Konnected official membership is just as our County Commissioners our elected officials do.

So trash me all you want, that is the Elk Konnected way isn't it? If someone falls ouside the control of Elk Konnected's your job as a volunteer is to trash me and be demean ing and to lie about them right? And to make them the person look stupid, right? To get them to go away, right? Guess what it's not working.

Sir, are you an Elk konnected registered official member of Elk Konnected?
If not are you an Elk konnected follower?

You sir have just done more harm to Elk County, Kansas with your trash talk then I could ever do by simply asking, "Who are the registered official members of Elk Konnected?"

My momma alwasy told me, "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never harm me."
Oop's, the sticks and stones aren't next are they?

May, I have more trash please?

"Who are the registered official members of Elk Konnected?"


Ross... why don't you give this a try and see if it will help you findyour answers to Elk Konn:

Becoming a clandestine service operations officer, as the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) refers to its agents, is a lengthy and grueling process. Prospective CIA agents should be aware that it can take over a year from the time a resume is submitted to the moment an agent walks through the doors on the first day of work, and that only a small fraction of applicants are accepted for any position at the CIA, let alone a clandestine service position. Someone who wants to become a CIA agent should be prepared to be very patient.

Good preparation for candidates who want to become a CIA agent starts with foreign language education. Candidates may want to take languages which are politically relevant, such as Arabic and Chinese, although fluency in any foreign language will be useful. The CIA also strongly recommends that candidates hold an undergraduate degree, which can be in any field of interest, with a high grade point average. One must also be a United States citizen to become a CIA agent.

Once someone has fulfilled the basic requirements, he or she can file a resume with the Central Intelligence Agency. The CIA allows applicants to file resumes online, encouraging people to file for specific job openings, rather than to send in a generic resume. For someone who wants to become a CIA agent, the resume should be filed for a position in the clandestine service area of the agency. The CIA can take up to 45 days to review the resume and contact the applicant; if an applicant is not contacted after this point, the resume will be held for a year in case the agency thinks it may be useful.

If the Agency approaches an applicant with a request for more information, the applicant can prepare for a round of exhaustive interviews. He or she must also undergo a background check, which includes medical exams, drug testing, and a review of the applicant's past. It is not possible to become a CIA agent with any evidence of potential conflicts of interest, or if an applicant has a past which suggests that he or she may be a security risk. Once accepted for training, a clandestine service operations officer will also undergo clearance, which determine the level of information that the agent will have access to.

There are some shortcuts in the process. The Agency often recruits at American colleges and Universities, looking for bright candidates who could have strong careers in clandestine service, and students should consider attending job information sessions and job fairs to get into contact with CIA representatives. Prior military service can also be an advantage when applying to become a CIA agent, although it isn't an assurance that a candidate will be accepted.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Ross...has it ever occured to you that people won't give you the stasifaction?   Irrespective of right or wrong, ethical or not I am now leaving you to fight your own battle.   I was interested only as to the interest/functions/funding  of the 'group'

That has been reitereated over and over.  

I am no longer interested in Elk County...

I just watched a movie from 2008 called "Visoneers".  I watch it on my computer through Hulu.
That movied just made more sense that this thread.

Have fun all. :-*


Quotealthough it isn't an assurance that a candidate will be accepted.

and questions are not allowed...
loved the post Warph.... ;Dwhat a good imagination, in all seriousness  (refer to parody) :P


I too enjoyed your post Warph....

TaTa readyaimduck, have a great life.

"Who are the registered official members of Elk Konnected?"


What is An Idiot Savant

An idiot savant is a somewhat derogatory term for a person who has significant mental impairment, such as in autism or retardation. At the same time, the person also exhibits some extraordinary skills, which are unusual for most people. The skills of the savant may vary from being exceptionally gifted in music or in mathematics, or having a photographic memory.

Most often, the savant is a person who suffers from extreme autism. In autism, the idiot savant cannot reach out to other people in a normal way. He or she may find it extremely difficult to express emotions, to communicate through spoken language, or to use inflection while speaking. Severe autistics function best when they have predictable routines.

Not every person who is autistic has idiot savant abilities. Some appear to be more intelligent than others, but few autistic people are mentally retarded. In fact because of the dependence on the brain's right-sided functioning, facility for certain things, like mathematics, memorization and creative ability may be greater in the idiot savant.

Some studies have shown that people who have purposeful interruption of the left side of the brain can develop idiot savant skills. However, few people wish to participate in such experiments. There are many excellent reasons for not undergoing unnecessary experimentation on one's brain.

The savant skills are often called splinter skills. Kim Peek for example, on whom the film Rain Man was based, has a photographic memory. Several recognized artists could be termed idiot savant. These include Richard Wawro, Alonzo Clemens, and Stephen Wiltshire. Several people with idiot savant skills are recognized for their musical gifts, including Matt Savage, an incredibly gifted jazz pianist and composer, and Hikari Oe, a skilled composer.

The term idiot savant dates back to the concept of the "village idiot" who might be tolerated because he or she exhibited certain uncommon skills. In other cases, the exhibition of savant skills, particularly in the Middle Ages was apt to be considered witchcraft. Unfortunately, a savant cannot necessarily control demonstration of such skills, and some "village idiots" were chased out of their villages or killed.

Today, we more clearly recognize that the idiot savant is special because of brain dysfunction. Yet not all brain impairment or dysfunction leads to savant skills. The term idiot savant is outdated and inappropriate. Virtually all savants have a high degree of intelligence and are thus not idiots. Most people now prefer the term savant, or autistic savant to the insulting idiot savant.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Oh, you bet I will.  Wouldn't have it any other way!!!!!!!

Diane Amberg

How did autistic savants get into this? I grew up with a right sided savant.....what do you want to know? And why would anyone think the information about the CIA is a "parody?" Very ordinary people become extremely good operatives because they seem so ordinary.  Especially the couriers. FBI is no different in many ways.

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