Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Is there a single soul who is surprised that an Engineer came up with this 10,535 pages reduced to 4 sentences?


4 simple sentences

Great summary by a Notre Dame University engineer.........

Here are the 10,535 pages of Obama Care condensed to 4 simple sentences..

As humorous as it sounds.....every last word is absolutely TRUE!

1. In order to insure the uninsured, we first have to un-insure the insured.

2. Next, we require the newly un-insured to be re-insured.

3. To re-insure the newly un-insured, they are required to pay extra charges to be re-insured.

4. The extra charges are required so that the original insured, who became un-insured,and then became re-insured, can pay enough extra so that the original un-insured can be insured,so it will be 'free-of-charge' to them.

This, ladies and gentlemen, is called "redistribution of wealth" or, by its more common name, SOCIALISM, or "PROGRESSIVE", the politically correct names for COMMUNISM!

Here in Elk County, county commissioner takes away $100,000.00 from the taxpayers coffer and gives it away to the City Governments. One commissioner actually went around soliciting the City Councils to accept free County Tax Payers. Then raises everyone's taxes 8 mil. Can you see the resemblance to the above analogy. That simply demonstrates a lack of ethics, because that action is not the job of a County Commissioner. She claimed the Longton City Government is one of her constituents. That is just plain stupidovernments are not constituents. City Council Meetings are function of City Governments. She had no business going to all ot the City Council Meetings in Elk County.

And then says she is not required to answer taxpayers Questions. What happened to Government of the people, by the People and for the People ?

We are the employers of the County Commissioners and we pay them $900.00 a month for two meetings a month and provice them with Health Insurance and this is how they treat us ! THINK ABOUT IT!

I am a private citizen and not a member holding any elected office or position and I posses more ethics than what is being demonstrated byself importance of the particular County Commissioner who is chairman of the board. Don't we deserved better elected officials in Elk County?


Your county commission is pretty liberal.  It just takes a few Republicans with a few ideas to follow the path of socialism. 

Republicans and Obama are much alike.  They don't talk about stuff like that but that's how they are.

As for Hillary, well there's a likeness for best of Republicans.  That's a close match for sure.  How can one even begin to see any differences?

You can't.


I am still in touch with the Kansas State Attorney Generals office concerning West Elk USD-282 illegally raising our property taxes last year.

Initial intake told me to take it to the Governor and I told them it is aready in the Governors office. I also informed them i have no directly contacted the Governor's office by telephone. But that i would if the Attorney Generals office does not handle it.

I said, I would be forced to file a complaint against the Attorney Generals Offic for failing to enforce Kansas Statutes.
I informed them the Resolution in the newspaper is a legal document authorized by KSA (Kansas Law Statutes}
and that the Opposition Petition also a legal document authorized by KSA and was certified by the Elk County Clerk. I told hm I provided the legal document submitted to the Elk County Clerk to raise our taxes which violated the Opposition Petition KSA.

Well the case has finally been moved up the chain from initial intake !

Progress is slow!

But if they think or anyone else thinks Governors office is the last stop, think again.

I will continue to encourage the Attorney Generals office to do their job as long as feasible.

Theft is theft, lying is lying and I don't care who takes the fall for it.


This community's so-called City Leaders really weren't Leaders.
The word Leaders is over used and abused.
And to call the town conservatives is very farfetched.
They did not understand the word conservative as shown in the article.
What they had was attitude, BAD ATTITUDE. We are the boss!
We are here to spend money and make policy ---- BAD ATTITUDE !
I do believe we have a County Commissioner that made that very statement,
"We are here to spend money and make policy".

We have a County Commissioner who thought she could call for an executive session as a citizen in the audience before she was appointed. She also did not know the County commissioners across the state are regulated by State Law until I told her.

These so called leaders don't know their place. They don't know their jobs.

Just like the West Elk School Board illegally raising our property taxes. 
I believe that makes them all thieves.
They stole your money as illegal property tax.
Do any of them have a conscience?
Do any of the possess any ethics?
Or do all of them believe they are too important to possess those qualities.
I personally would be ashamed of myself and resign if I were involved in such despicable activity.
I would also personally apologize to the property owners for such despicable activity.
I personally would distance myself from such despicable people!
Do we have any people of ethics on the School Board? Let's wait and see !

These people are harming the dynamics of Elk County.
Economic Development in reverse if you will.

A conservative would be saving $100,000.00 instead of giving it away as bail out money for city managers.  They should get some business sense and take care of the business they were elected to do, County Business Only. Then they would not be playing Socialists and raising everyone's taxes, thus harming the county.
Driving the county into the poor house.

Here is a wake up call for them! I hope they read the following article and learn from it.

Virginia Politics

City on the brink:
Petersburg can't pay its bills,
and time is running out

A display window at the Siege Museum in Petersburg, Va. The museum, which had been popular with Civil War buffs, is closed and in need of expensive repairs, but work has been put on hold because of the city's severe budget problems. The town south of Richmond is teetering on the brink of insolvency. (Michael S. Williamson/The Washington Post)

Belton, 38, the interim city manager, was about to step in front of the City Council and a packed hall of residents and tell them they had to make drastic — even shocking — cuts to city services. Reduce funding for schools whose students are already among the lowest-performing in the state. Cut fire and police services in a city that has an unusually high rate of violent crime. Close departments, shrink city pay, shut down museums. Even withdraw support for the summer league baseball team.

Read the complete article from top to bottom at:https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/virginia-politics/city-on-the-brink-petersburg-cant-pay-its-bills-and-time-is-running-out/2016/09/04/9327c962-6ef9-11e6-8533-6b0b0ded0253_story.html?postshare=2781473123460428&tid=ss_tw

The attitude here in Elk County's Governments are leading us down the same path.
If they keep raising County Property taxes just because and because they give away money,
And if the West Elk School District keeps up being spend thrifts and raising property taxes,
your property would be worthless, who would buy into this farce? Meaning you could not sell your home if you had to.



KASB, school lawyers ignore reality in naked money grab

Dave Trabert September 1, 2016

Like teenagers lobbying their parents for new stuff, the Kansas Association of School Boards and taxpayer-funded school lawyers want hundreds of millions more from taxpayers, and claim that student achievement hangs in the balance.

Teenager:  You know, my grades would be a lot better if you buy me a new phone to record notes.  And if I had a car, I could get home sooner to study.

Parents: You said your grades were among the best in your class.  Now they're low?

Teenager: Well, the school just records my grades but that isn't fair.  I have my own methodology.  And you know, some kids do a lot worse so compared to them I'm doing great....but you don't want my grades to go down, do you?

Parents:  And you expect us to believe that just spending more will improve your grades?

Teenager:  Not spending...investing.  Don't you care about me?

Believe it or not, this is the circular logic employed by school lawyers and KASB.  In a recent court brief, the lawyers admit that low income kids are doing much worse than their more affluent peers and since the gaps are wider now, they believe that that proves funding is too low.  It's like saying there were more rainy days this year, so we need more sunshine to get better grades.

KASB has a different view, saying outcomes are #10 in the nation, even though per-pupil funding is ranked #29.  Their methodology is bogus but their contention refutes the notion that spending more causes outcomes to improve.  Of course, they claim citizens need to 'invest' a lot more or outcomes will decline.

The truth is that Kansas doesn't have a single top ten ranking in actual achievement performance.  National ranks on ACT are in the 20s (White, Hispanic and African American) and proficiency rankings on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) range from the mid-teens to the mid-30s.  But KASB says if you count some students twice and throw in a lot of things that don't measure actual learning levels, Kansas magically rises to #10!   That's some mighty fine teenager logic...or if you prefer, husband rationale for not cleaning the garage today (I've seen me do it).

There is much more about the schools lies, read more at:


New School Formula
Should Include District Accountability

by Nick Gosnell on September 5, 2016

The President of the Kansas Policy Institute believes that accountability for the use of state funds for schools should be a two-way street as part of a new school funding formula.

"There's always been accountability for legislators to provide funding," says Dave Trabert of KPI. "But, there's never been accountability on school districts, either to make efficient use of taxpayer money, or more importantly, to produce better outcomes."

Trabert contends that schools that don't get the job done don't have any consequences.

"If schools fail to close achievement gaps, whether across the board or with individual students, nothing happens," Trabert said. "They just ask for more money."

Read more about the lack of consequences for the inability to teachand lack of efficiency at:

Brownback seeking opinions, ideas
on Kansas school funding
By Craig Andres Published: August 31, 2016, 11:17 am

KSN vidoe on web site.

TOPEKA, Kan. – Gov. Sam Brownback is asking the public for input on how to fund our schools. Two years ago the governor and key Republican lawmakers said the school finance formula was broken. Now, they are asking for help in formulating a fix of the system.

"It's time for us to work together to develop a school funding system that works for Kansas students for their parents and for educators," Brownback said at a news conference in his ceremonial office on Wednesday. "Today, I'm asking education leaders in Kansas and the education community and across the nation to work with us on developing a new education funding system proposal to put in front of the Kansas legislature this next year."

But, some education leaders, who are experts on finance, are asking what took so long to get to this point. It's been 18 months since lawmakers, led by Governor Brownback, scrapped a school finance formula that had been refined each year for decades.

(I am skipping the rest of the article to go to the last sentence for you benefit.)

The public can send comments to the governor by emailing them to studentsfirst@ks.gov.

See the whole article at:



Quote from: proelkco on September 07, 2016, 08:35:01 AM
Ross, your post #6998 was absolutely disgusting.

Oh i agree with you whole heartedly, it is disgusting, what took so long for you too say so!
The truth hurts doesn't it?

Here is that post of which you speak. A durn good piece of writing if I do have to say so myself!
An I hain't even got no degree. LOL
Thanks for acknowledging it proelkco.

Quote from: ROSS on August 30, 2016, 08:24:44 AM

I want to ask the Citizens and City Councils and Mayors of Elk Valley, Elk Falls, Moline, Greenola and Howard a few questions.

How does it feel to be screwed with no lubricant by receiving free money from the County Commissioner?

First the County Commissioners state that you pay County Taxes and states you deserve more benefit for those taxes.

Well folks, you receive the very same benefits as I do, why do you deserve more?

Your property taxes provide you with an airport on which to land your personal airplane free of charge?
What? You don't have a personal airplane?
Neither do I !

You are provided county roads to drive on, just like I am !
I live on the highway, so I am not forced to drive on those raggedy county roads, people are always complaining about,
but I can if I choose to !
So can you!
Or am I entitled to a tax rebate for not being forced by circumstance to use them?

You are provided with Ambulance services!
Oh, you aren't having a heart attack every day and don't use it.
Neither do I

You are provided the County Fire Department !
What you don;t have a fire every day and don't use it?
Well, I have had to use the Fire Department when my barn burnt down.
All they could do was prevent the fire from spreading and causing catastrophic damage to other peoples property.
That is a very big deal, stopping the spread to other peoples property.
I lost everything in my barn which amounted to about $6000.00 worth of equipment and hundreds of bakes of hay that was not insured. No, I do not blame the fire department for being unable to extinguish the fire inside my barn, that was an impossibility. I do praise them for preventing the fire from spreading  to other peoples property.
I pray you never need to use them, but you never know.

You are also provided protection offered by the Elk County Sheriff's Department.
You say you never use them? Well be thankful for that? But what if you do need them some day.

You are provided all these services just like the people that live in the rural areas, for the money you are taxed, you do not deserve more than the rest of the taxpayers in Elk County!

Now this is where the screwing comes in! One County Commissioners solicited your City Mayors and councilmen to accept free County Taxpayer Dollars and now your property taxes are going to be raised 8 mil. Kounty Kommissioner Kaminska said each mil brings in $25,000.00 for the county, so lets look at that. 4 mil times $25,000.00 amazingly equals $100,000.00 ! Doesn't that equal the $100,000.00 free dollars given away by the county.
Isn't that amazing!
Only they will continue to tax you that much every year for year after year.
How does that Free Money Scam feel now?

I have heard Moline City Council is raising their property owners property taxes this year as well, that has got to hurt
and increasing whatever utility rates they control.

You see, folks the County could have lowered property taxes for everyone and each individual City could have raised their own property taxes with out so much pain. But no, now you have multiple property tax increases coming at you.

And hang on to your hat. West Elk USD-282 will most likely be on the ballot in the November election asking for a 6 mil property tax increase. Depending on how the voters vote, you may be it with another property tax hike !

Yep, like we use to say in the Navy, we are getting screwed, chewed and tattooed.

But not to worry all you senior citizens have been seeing large increases in you Social Security, right ?
You can really afford all these property tax increases, right?
What do you mean, "NO" ?

Oh well, that;s all right your friends and neighbors you elected to office don't care.
You might just move out of your home and into a nursing home as far as they care.

Now how about you Elk Valley , I hear you are going to get hit with a massive property tax hike from the Elk Valley USD-283, are you also going to be hit with a city property tax increase?

Elk Falls, Grenola and Howard are you also being hit by City property tax increase as well?

Share with everyone, so everyone can see the big picture, please!

I really hope some of you will respond to the question of City property taxes in order to complete the big picture.
I don't believe we should have to choke on the phony statistic's that prove nothing from Kounty Kommissioner Kaminska provides. I believe she really thinks like Obama, that we are all stupid.
Let's prove her wrong!

I hope every one has a great day!

I hope you have a great day proelkco, I am !


Quote from: proelkco on September 07, 2016, 08:35:01 AM
Ross, your post #6998 was absolutely disgusting.

It's disgusting for sure that the Elk County Commission is much like the rest of America.
Socialists!  They prefer tyranny over American liberty. 

Government is no help and it has no solutions and certainly the Elk County government is no different in that regard.

Elk County is a Republican stronghold.  Republican = socialism, not conservatism

If true conservatives are elected to office in Elk County, or elsewhere, the Republicans will vote them out in the next election.  Republicans don't want a conservative America.


Ross, looks like you're on the right track.  Stay right in there!

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