Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Diane Amberg


Bull, how are taxpayers going to benefit from the "investment"?

I'm thinking that Americans ought to have a government that stays out of their lives.

No government investments, no tyranny.


I submitted a FOIA to West Elk asking for the invoice for the crowning of the football field, because I had been told they paid $25 to $30,000 and I wanted to know the truth.

I just received this in the mail.

Here is what I learned:

Sunflower Farms of Cherryvale, Ks was apparently commissioned to use processed sandy-loam  at the cost of $8,000.00 and the labor was $12,000 for a total of $20,000.00.  Not near as much as was rumored but still almost three times what Harrod was charging without any form of contract and possibly without any specifications.

Is it worth it?
Was it worth telling a School Booster we don't like your work, without knowing what he was doing for a major loss of income?

Is it worth it over a couple of possible pebbles.

Not in my opinion !

When do they hang the chandeliers ? (sarcasm)


Characteristics of Sandy Loam Soil


Sandy loam soils are broken down into four categories, including coarse sandy loam, fine sandy loam, sandy loam and very fine sandy loam. The size of the sand particles is measured in millimeters and their concentration in the soil is used to determine which category a soil falls under. Sandy loam soils are made of approximately 60 percent sand, 10 percent clay and 30 percent silt particles.


Sandy loam soils have visible particles of sand mixed into the soil. When sandy loams soils are compressed, they hold their shape but break apart easily. Sandy loam soils have a high concentration of sand that gives them a gritty feel. In gardens and lawns, sandy loam soils are capable of quickly draining excess water but can not hold significant amounts of water or nutrients for your plants. Plants grown in this type of soil will require more frequent irrigation and fertilization than soils with a higher concentration of clay and sediment. Sandy loam soils are often deficient in specific micronutrients and may require additional fertilization to support healthy plant growth.


Plants that are grown in a sandy loam soil need frequent irrigation and fertilization to maintain healthy growth. The best way to improve a sandy loam soil for gardening is to mix organic matter into the soil. Incorporating a 2- to 4-inch layer of compost or peat moss over the area can significantly improve the ability of your sandy loam soil to hold nutrients and water.


From this information I think it can be deduced that this much more expensive soil will continue to cost taxpayers even more money in fertilizer and water than the same job that could have been done by Harrods. Because his soil even though it had clay in it just like sandy-loam would possibly have had a better ability to hold water and nutrients. Making it much more cost effective and efficient.

Just my opinion and nothing more.


I'm sorry to say, I missed the Special County Commissioners Board meeting yesterday.
I was busy taking my wife to a very important Doctors appointment.

Before I get started about that meeting I want to remind you
our Socialist's on the board decided to give money away
as Welfare to the communities that can not afford
to take care of their own business. Just $100,000.00 that's all.

Now about the Special County Commissioners Board meeting yesterday.
I recieved information from a very reliable source that the county may raise our property taxes
by 6 mill and they may take $100,000.00 from the Road Department's budget.

Really folks all that talk about repairing roads is worth what?
How about $100,000.00 that the Socialist's gave away as Welfare to the communities ? Just so they have to raise your property taxes. What a great plan and a great thing to do for the communities, huh ?

Socialists don't care, because it's all FREE MONEY?

They gave Welfare to people that don't even pay property taxes, how great is that ?

Nearly $1,000,000.00 from the wind Farm and it's all but gone and the county still has debts to pay off ?

The County Commissioners (or at least two out of three) signed a statement that thy have an obligation to the communities. Well, that is just plain false they have an obligation to each and every taxpayer/voter but not to the communities! That is simply LIBERAL talk and a Socialist's attitude, nothing more! The communities are already being subsided with county money which is not a responsibility of County Government. Isn't it time to quite subsidizing other Government Agencies?

The argument that the property owners in the communities pay property taxes and should get free money is BOGUS, SOCIALIST BULL SHIT! The taxpayers in the communities recieve all the ame benefits for their property taxes that I do and do not deserve extra , FREE MONEY. They have access to county roads, county ambulance services, county sheriff's services, county health department, and all other services provide for by the county

But giving money away is OKAY !
Because they can vote to raise your property taxes.
Don't ya love it?

Well are you just gonna sit there and take it !

I have a suggestion, attend the up coming  Special Board Meeting TOMORROW at 1:00 PM ! AUGUST 29 at 1:00 PM !
They will be having another budget hearing and probably be voting on their actions.

Let your voices be heard!

Oh, I know those of you that have jobs, working hard, so you can pay these
exhorberate property taxes are unable to attend. It's up to the rest of us to speak up for you.

Our property taxes keep going up, even with out raising the mill rate!

Did you know that? The school property taxes, the county property taxes, the city property taxes
all increase without raising the mill rate !

When the State of Kansas want's more of your property tax money they don't raise the mill rate !
No, huh uh!
They raise your property value which raises the amount each mill is worth Dollar wise?

That is just like raising property taxes, Plain and Simple ! Because you are paying out mor dollars to the school  for property taxes, to the county for property taxes, to the city property for taxes. Oh, yea! For the grave yards as well.

Let's take a look at the Elk County Valuation Growth Analysis
Assessed Value for November 2015. (the latest I could find)

Taxable Property Value w/o Penalty $24,749,388
Growth Change  $1,725,515
Percent Growth  7.49%
Source: http://www.ksrevenue.org/pdf/novanalysis.pdf

Now doesn't that represent an increase of [/color]  7.49%[/b]
in Dollar amounts to each taxing entity?


I stand corrected
the Property Tax Hearing
will not be tomorrow
but will be be August 29th.

Not July 29th.


I just received a letter from Randy Watson, Commissioner of Education pf the
Kansas State Department of Education.

All he had to say was take it up with the Office of the Kansas Attorney General or County Attorney or
District Attorney.

Well, I guess he didn't read my cover letter to well, because the letter stated a copy was sent to the Attorney General and the Governor.

But at least I got a response, albeit a lousy response.
    That's more then the School Superintendent got when he said he was contacting the KSDE Commissioner and would get back to us with the man's reply. Have you read anything from the School Superintendent about such a response.

The Commissioner of KSDE dated his letter July 22, 2016  but it was post marked July 27, 2016.
Nearly a whole week to get it to a mail box.

Now there is nothing to do but to sit back and wait for the Attorney General's and the Governor's responses.

I fully documented the ilegal property tax increase by West Elk last fall.

Perhaps the County Board will rethink raising our property taxes that discussed 6 mill.
The reason I say that is because I thought there was a state bill passed that doesn't allow an increas larger than the Consumer Price Index. Of course unless they do it with a Resolution posted in the newspaper or putting it on an election ballot.

I have already been approached by people asking if an Opposition Petition can be used to stop the County from raising our property taxes ! The only response i had was, we would have to wait and see what move they make and if they use a resolution we would have to read it and see if it allows for an Opposition Petition. That is the best I could tell them.

It appears the County budget has done nothing but go up since the Wind Farm, how strange is that? Just where is that nearly a million dollars going, it does not appear to be helping the county government ! Oh that's right it helped a couple of Commissioners play Socialist and give away $100,000.00, didn't it ?

Dig out your wallet every one wants in it.

With a nearly $6 million dollar budget, they need your wallet open wide.

Can they afford to build or remodel a building for EMS at the tune of $800,000.00?

Perhaps they should put that plan on hold for the sake of the property owner taxpayers !


The liberals need your money for their cause - socialism. 

They're in control of the government schools - you're not. 

Bolsheviks and Republicans - what else can one compare Obama , Hillary and the rest of the modern Democrats?

Good luck defending American liberty against that socialist bunch in your local schools.

Diane Amberg

And you are doing what to make it better? I mean really make changes, not just talk?

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