Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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This is getting to be an exciting voting year for our Country,
our State
and our Elk County Rural Governments.

The Presidential nominee may end up being a surprise and the outcome for President may become a shocker, depending on how far the RNC (RINO) Establishment is willing to go to control what the voters are permitted to have to vote on.

Kansas State Government may place on the ballot an option to limit School Boards and Administration from automatically raising property taxes 4 mill each and every year. They may limit the Establishment to raising property taxes to no more than the cost of inflation. This is one I hope every property owner votes for.  If the school board requires more money they will have to come to the voters with a request on the ballot.

And we will be asked to vote for a County Commissioner!
We will be asked to vote for the continuation of a Liberal behaving Konnected Kounty Kommissioner or hopefully a real republican and a man that is also a real conservative.

We could end up with a real man of the people, for the people and by the people !

A real man that understands his obligations to Elk County Government.

A real man that knows and understands his limitations as a County Commissioner.

We would be fortunate to receive the kind of change every Elk County Voter, Taxpayer and Citizen deserve !

A man that does not answer to any:
"Non-Governmental Organization"
"Good Old Boys Club"
"Old Guard".

We have a man like that on the County Commissioners Board now, but it is futile when he is the only conservative, so perhaps we can get him some help.

I hope to tell you, who the person I am speaking of in the near future..

We may also have a new person running for Sheriff.

Yep, it is an exciting voting year this year.



I wonder if you are even just a little bit like me?

Are you tired of all the liberalism in Elk County?

Are you tired of all the high property taxes?

Remember, Mr. Moore trying to convince you that the school wasn't getting enough money from the state to run the school properly?   
                                   He failed terribly in his attempt!
And I'm sure he was upset when the petition to stop a back door 8 mill was completed.

Last year two kindergarten teachers requested taxpayer dollars to pay for transportation and hotel rooms and meals to attend a convention put on by Common Core and received the funding while joking about going out gambling. I don't believe the school board even read the flyer to know it was Common Core. There was  a very liberal decision to pay their way --- but it is only taxpayer dollars --- so what --- they can raise taxes even more.

I can not see why a trip to Reno or Las Vegas to have a good time should come out of the taxpayers pocket. Especially, since they are suppose to be educated Kindergarten Teachers. And as such should be able to further their education out of their own pocket and I bet it would not be on a trip to and from Reno or Las Vegas for a Common Core Convention. If the need for real education if warranted and coming out of their bank account, they would most likely choose a university with college credits, to add to their resume'. That is if they are really educated.

Well, guess what!
They are back again this year!
Asking the Liberal School Board to pay for another out of the state Activity!
They don't say in the agenda what the Activity is , so I will be attending tonight's meeting to find out and report to you later!

You surely understand with all Mr. Moore's crying that the school has not received enough State money to operate, I would think he would advise the School Board not to approve the request. But, I doubt that will happen due to the excessive flow of taxpayers dollars and liberalism.

Now here is something good for the kids at Elk Valley USD-283 that will be discussed by Linda Adams of Elk Valley. A 21st Century Grant for USD-283. This educational  grant has been used by Elk Valley for summer school for a couple of years now. It may be very interesting to hear what she has to say.  This is not supported by another local liberal property tax hike.

If you wish to be a lliberal out of my bank account, I strenuously object ! If you wish to be liberal out of your own bank account, I do not object, I don't have anything to say about that, be as liberal as you want! and the same goes for me.

I don't know for sure, if I will respond tonight, I have to wait and see what time permits.


Well it was a typical 20th Century School Board meeting.
Poorly done as usual.
More like a private meeting than a public meeting!
sitting there facing each other and munching on goodies in front of everyone.
Looked like a large tray of very fattening cinnamon rolls!
Do those over weight people really need fattening food to devour in front of other people?

Do high school kids that are required to attend these meetings from time to time for class room credit
really need to learn how not to run a public business meeting. Where is the professionalism in this group of people?

Oh well ! What a way to be a Professional School Superintendent !

They discussed fertilizer for the Professional Football field they paid through the nose to build. And to maintain that Professional Football Field will cost the taxpayers $2,000.00 a year just for fertilizer and weed killer not counting yearly increases in the cost of the fertilizer and weed killer.

I wonder how many thousands it will cost taxpayers for watering and any other expenses.

The two Kindergarten Teachers requested to attend an out of state activity.
It is called an "I Teach K Convention" and it is being held in Los Vegas and they recieved consent.
It happens in July 18-22.
They stated they wanted to meet other people and wanted to see what other states do. They also stated it also includes first and second grade.

What difference does it make what other states do? Are they fully educated Kindergarten School Teachers? The conference is going to include things like writing lesson plans and I wonder is that taught to wanna be teachers in college? One of them stated something about teaching sight words, how difficult can that be for an educated Kindergarten teacher?

The web site that the school board did not look at says, "Discover the content, strategies, inspiration, networking, and excitement you are looking for to help improve your impact in the classroom!"
Which begs me to ask why you want to network so far away from home?

How about trying a little closer to home and drive a school vehicle and save tons of money for the same event? I'll get there in just a minute!

Another of their web pages says, "Join us for five fun-filled days!"

But why Los Vegas which is 20 hours by highway or a round trip airline ticket for two at approximately $600 to $1000 for two.

Verses a three hour drive to Blue Springs, Mo for the 2016 SDE Conference for Kindergarten Teachers during the period of Jul 14-15 for an estimated cost of $120.00 for gasoline. This provides a savings of $480.00 to $880.00 depending on the airline ticket cost. And another big plus would be networking with other teachers here in our area. And most likely less expensive hotel/motel accomodations.     http://www.sde.com/PD-Events/Conferences/1533

The out of state event right next door in Missouri is for two days see at http://www.sde.com/brochures/B34616/B34616bro.pdf

Does the school board even care what it costs? In Los Vegas?
Here is the price list for the event from http://www.sde.com/ITeachK/Tuition
Conference Tuition   Any 1 Day    Any 2 Days   Any 3 Days   Any 4 Days   Encore*
Per Person                   $305             $465                $579                $599              $99
Note: All prices are per person; registrations cannot be shared.

*Free Principal offer does not apply to DI or Math Encore post-conference events.

If this is really worth while send the principal you get three educated for the price of two !
Or tell me he does not need this extra education?

And if the Principal doesn't need this extra education please explain why his teachers need an all expense paid vacation in Los Vegas? Or in Blue Springs, Mo ?
The event in Blue Springs, Mo cost
—ONE DAY—              —TWO DAYS—
One Person                      One Person
   $242                                  $388

Principals Attend Free! see page two of pdf at http://www.sde.com/brochures/B34616/B34616bro.pdf

Enjoy state-of-the-art facilities, unmatched service, and amenities, all on the heart of the Las Vegas strip. http://www.sde.com/ITeachK/Location `
Special Overnight Rate*
$153 ROH Suite** single/double, $188 triple, $223 quad
$168 guaranteed two-bed Bella suite single/double, $203 triple, $238 quad
(*plus tax and a mandatory $20 per night resort fee; rates based on availability. Through June 15, 2016)
**ROH—Suite with one or two beds based on availability at check-in. Requests accepted but not guaranteed.

A considerable savings over Los Vegas without asking for a discount.
In Blue Springs, Missouri:
Hampton Inn Kansas City/Blue Springs  
rated 4.3 on google.   3-star hotel
$119 per night for two adults
Address: 900 NW S Outer Rd, Blue Springs, MO 64015
Phone:(816) 220-3844

Is it about education or an all expense paid vacation for, two supposedly already educated Kindergarten Teachers.

The company involved in this special training also does the same thing for other grades. Which begs me to ask why no other grade teachers show an interest in this type of education?

Is it just frivolous spending by a liberal School Board that just plain doesn't care to know what they are being sold?     

Food for thought!

Well I am tired so I wish you all a Good Night.


Well, Well, Well
Elk Kon nected Kounty Kommissioner Kaminska
is still Hell Bent on
Liberal Socialism
giving taxpayer money away.

It is listed as a subject for action I guess!
It is not listed for Open Forum like the last meeting.

So I have to assume Elk Kon nected Kounty Kommissioner Kaminska doesn't want to hear any more dissent from the taxpayers. But that is exactly why there is an "Open Forum".  At "Open Forum" you are permitted to have your say on any subject !

Folks it's your property tax dollars she wants to give away.
She can call it the Wind Farm P.I.L.O.T. money or any thing she wants, she can even call it her money BUT

it is still taxpayer money, because it is in the County Taxpayers Coffers.

It is still taxpayer dollars that are to be used for county business only.
Will you folks that voted for her, be voting foe Bernie Sanders?
Are you folks that voted for her Liberals?
Are you folks that voted for her Democrats?
Will you folks that voted for her be voting for Hillary?
Do you folks that voted for her believe in free money for everyone except the taxpayers?

If you could answer no to any of the above questions, I encourage you to show up at the County the County Government does not need money      Commissioners meeting and tell her NO during the Open Forum.

We have a local Government that is out of control just like the Government in Washington.

Elk County Government wants to give money, I suggest they return money to all the taxpayers not just a select few taxpayers. That is exactly what Kaminska is doing. Returning taxpayer dollars to a select few taxpayers.

In other words Kaminska is STEALING from some County Taxpayers and giving it to select other taxpayers!

She stated during a recent County Commissioners Meeting that she made the rounds of the cities asking the cities what they wanted. Even though not a one of the City Mayors or City Councilman Have appeared before and in front of the County Commissioners Meeting and asked for a single dime. Not one person.

This is called back door politics and is neither fit or proper and lacks ethics and honesty. Is this what Elk County really is.

If not show up Monday at the County Commissioners meeting for open forum!

Do we continue down the path of taking from one mans pocket and putting it in another mans pocket?

Do we continue down the path of Federal Government of sneaky and corrupt politics for personal gain?
Yes, Personal Gain of Self Importance ! I have seen it many times in my life time. I personally experienced it, but got it corrected in very short order, and realized, I was part of a team and hired to have certain ethics and decency and not self-importance. Self Importance has no place in Government because in my opinion it leads to corruption.

Below is a copy of the County Commissioners Agend for this coming Monday at 1:00 pm.

I sure hope to see Concerned Property Tax Payers show up and let the Commissioners know where you stand on this Liberal Action
by Elk Kon nected Kounty Kommissioner Kaminska  !

Please encourage you friends and relatives and neighbors to come to the meeting.

March 14, 2016

Public Hearing
1:00 p.m. – 5-Year Solid Waste Plan

Regularly Scheduled Meeting
1:1 0p.m. - Call to Order
          Minutes Approval – Februray 29th Regular Meeting
1:10 p.m.    Public Forum
1:20 p.m. – Department Reports
(Department Head meetings:  8 AM; Thursday before each Commissioner Meeting)   

Old  Business:
   Wage Scale
   Handbook Changes
New Business
1:45 p.m. – 
2:00  p.m. – Road Dept. Update
2:15 p.m. – Wind farm PILOT money allocation to cities
2:30 p.m. – Fair Housing Proclamation
2:45 p.m. – 
3:00 p.m. – 

Abatements: State Assessed Utilities
   Caney Valley Electric Coop - Abatements 2016-18 thru2016-42
   Kansas Electric Power Coop – Abatements 2016-43 thru 2016-45
   Radiant electric Coop – Abatements 2016-46 thru 2016-49 and
                                   2016-51 thru 2016-56
Presentation of Claims

Future Events:  April 14: SEK District Meeting at Franklin Co Courthouse, Ottawa, KS

What has happened to Kansas Conservatism?


Dog Gone It!

I don't know if i will be able to make it to tomorrows County Commissioner Meeting tomorrow,
I have personal urgent business to attend to and I may have to miss the meeting.

I wanted to ask
Kon nected Kounty Komissioner Kaminska
during the Open Forum where the idea came from that the County can give away taxpayers money.

I also wanted to ask where she acquired consent or authority to go visitin the cities and ask how much free money they wanted.

I also wanted to ask that they put the idea to the voters on the November Ballot because it should be a decision of the people to give their tax dollars away.

Of course if they realize that playing a Bernie Sanders is wrong and that the voters will tell them no they won't want to take it to the voters.

I hope someone else that might make it to the meeting, might ask a few questions of her, because it appears to be her idea and her idea only. Sure Liebau goes along.

Of course if
Elk Kon nected
is involved the chances of a vote of stopping Socialism and Corporate Welfare in Elk County are slim.

If anyone can record the part of the meeting pertaining to " Wind farm PILOT money allocation to cities" I would appreciate it.

There is really no equitable way to allocate a fair and equal distribution of funds for infrastructure in the various cities.

I can assure you that Howard will get the largest amount of money any direction you look. As usual an unfair advantage. This is yet another reason County Government should stick to their own business and let the cities stick to their own business.

The infrastructure of the cities are the responsibilities of their elected officials of the cities and they should have a business plan and a budget to take care of those responsibilities. Is it that they lack the business knowledge and leadership abilities to do their job. And is it the job of county government to give tax payer money to cities that lack the knowledge, leadership and ability to plan and budget for their own needs?       Will the money be wasted by people that appear to lack  knowledge, leadership and ability to plan and budget for their own needs?

Is this fair treatment of all property owners that pay taxes?

Just give it some thought please.


I have to ask!

How much money are Kon nected Kounty Kommissioners Liebau and Kaminski willing to provide out of their own wallets or savings account for the infrastructures of the Cities?

I don't think is it necessary to wait for an answer, do you?

Of course like good little liberal socialists they only use other peoples money, right?

Why should Elk County permit these people to destroy County savings --- money?
Lots of Money ! Taxpayer money!

Instead of giving money away how about returning the money, the County has no use for, to the property owner taxpayer?

Because, Liberal Socialist Kon nected Kounty Kommissioner Kaminiska said most of the money would leave the county. That absolutely has nothing to do with being fair to the property owner taxpayers. Nothing at all to do with the county not needing the money and giving it away. It is the taxpayers money and the only fair and decent way to deal with the money is to return it to the people that pay it in.

Then the cities educate, elected officials could raise the individual cities property taxes, IF their respective citizens chose to let them and build their own business plans to take care of their individual cities  infrastructure.

This is the only fair and equitable way of distribution of property owners tax dollars. A non-socialist. non-liberal way.

When you are willing to give other peoples money away, you are saying you don't need it.

The County could be saving the money and make intellegent investments and draw interest on it and possiblu eventually be able to operate the county on the interest income or at least lower county property taxes considerably.

I read of a city that came into a wind fall similar to pur wind farm windfall and did just that. They invested the money and now have no property tax and operate on the Wind Fall interest income.

Doesn't that make more sense than giving money away like a liberal socialist?

Elk County Citizens whether they be property owners or renters need to speak up and have their voices heard
it is too late.


Would the gentleman that sat beside me at today's county commissioners meeting please send me a
private message, so I can send you my phone number. I'd like your consent before I do something.

Thank You,


This is not word for word perfect but close.
Sorry, I am not a secretary.   

Elk County Commissioners Meeting

After a short hearing about recyclable waste and approval of the last meetings minutes. the Commissioners went to Open Forum.

The first man to speak was there to address the road gravel. Elk County citizens have been working very hard to get the Commissioners attention.

Now mind you, what I am posting is not word for word.

The gentleman was very polite and direct with his message aboout the conditions of the roads.

    I am no secretary, sorry about that.

He said they put gravel at each end of a road and patches of  rock in the middle of a road.

He said the county came out and put gravel it was the big rock, it tears the tires up. He said it would be fine for a base if they put smaller gravel on top. He had been before the commission several times asking for a safe road he could drive.

He was driving to Independence he said his tires felt like they were out of balance and anybody that drives dirt roads a lot know that dust collects in side the rims and you have to take them off once in a while and clean them. He thought that it was perhaps a chumck of mud that fell off and threw his wheel out of balance so he went on ahead and went to Independence. He came back and the next day took his tires off to clean them and what he found was that a rock had penetrated his tire, but not enough to flatten his tire, but it ruined the integrity of the belts and it had a big ole bubble on it JUST WAITING TO BLOW OUT.

He said that hit a sore spot with him because we had some fatalities last year from an unexplained blow out. He said he doesn't want his family or anyone else's family to have to go through that again. And I know for a fact it was the big gravel on the road, I know when it happened on my car.

He said, my mail carrier has recieved two flats since the gravel went down. My dad has recieved a flat since the gravel went down.

Kaminska say she talked to a bus driver, that said it is tearing up the bus tires and the man says it is, it is. That is a sad point to be hauling a bus load of kids with faulty tires, because of the big gravel that got put down.

Kanminska brought in a sample. And the gentleman said he had brought samples in and Kaminska interrupted him saying I know, I know. Kaminska pulled out a very big rock and said she had actually picked up a smaller one but brought this one in.

Rock in Red Rectangle

Kaminska's question is, is this what we are really ordering? Do we really want a truck load of this dumped out on the road? Or is there something wrong with the screening process at the quarry?
Kominska asks the gentleman, is there anything else?

I am going to stop right there until I get consent to go further.

My personal remarks from this point on.

No solution was provided.

I may be back tomorrow with information about the Taxpayer giveaway of money.
You know the socialist attitude of some people in this county.

Good night folks. It has been a very long day for me, but a beautiful day weather wise.


My separate remarks are enclosed in parenthesis ()

County Commissioners Meeting
Open Forum

Now folks I am no slick tongued politician and I don't speak like they do. I don't speak Politician.
                          I call things what they are, not what I want them to be.
        So my conversation is a bit rough but honest. I'm just a redneck and proud of it.
                            I have nothing to gain by lying like politicians often do !

So, I start out saying during Open Forum, at the last meeting during Open Forum {speaking to Kaminslka) you said you went around to the communities soliciting people to take free taxpayer dollars, I was wondering if that was authorized by this County Commissioners Meeting? Kaminska asked, "What did I do?"  Me, "You put it in other words, but it amounted to going out soliciting people to accept taxpayer dollars. She said, I believe you are referring that we talked about allocating wind farm money to the communities. Me, yes ma'am!  We had already discussed that at the board. I asked, Were you authorized at open County Commissioners Meeting to make these solicitations. Kaminska says I am an elected official! I asked if it is County Business? Kaminska said, "If you are not going to listen to me, I'm not going to respond." I said, "You are not answering the question! Is it business, is it county business?"

(Kaminska continued redirecting her answer to avoid answering the Questions, just like a Washington, D.C. politician. Is this what Elk County has become? Washington, D.C.?)

She continued saying they have talked about allocating wind farm money to the communities by population.
(As if talk is authorization to do county business by going out and soliciting people to accept taxpayer dollars for free. Was there a vote of approval by the County Commissioners. I don't think so. Apparently Kaminiski thinks being elected to office gives her free rein to do as she wants, just like the big politicians. There is No need to answer to the taxpayers or the commission by an authorized vote. I think we as a county are in trouble.)

Kaminska finally did state no one authorized her to attend City Council Business Meetings. (Kaminska does not call them business meetings, but that is exactly what they are.) Kaminska said once we put it on open forum and all that (like that is some form of approval, which it is not) She said, I because I represent Elk Falls and Longton, I went to the Elk Falls City Council Business Meeting and the Longton City Council Business Meetings    Of course she did not refer to them as Business meetings but folks these are business meetings just like the County Commissioners Meetings are Business Meetings}   and Kaminska said we have been kicking this idea around and both communities said, yes we would DEFINITELY like to take ADVANTAGE of some of that funding. (That is doing County Business at City Councils and no County Record of it. It's a protocol and ethics situaton that is very questionable !  Much like previous Kon nected Kounty Kommissioners. )

Kaminiska said the County Commissioners had talked about allocating money to the various communities based on their population for their infrastructures and roads.

(Was there ever a motion and a second and a vote taken to approve the action being taken before this date?}
Kaminska said she attended two City Council Business Meetings because she is their representative and she wanted to get feedback from her constituents. 

Are the Mayors and City Councilmen her only constituents? Just asking? Is it just politics? These were Business Meetings and she was SOLICITING them to accept free taxpayer dollars and as a representative of the Elk County Commissioners.

(Folks the wind farm money is no longer wind farm money once it enters the County Coffers -- it is taxpayer dollars and nothing more. To call it Wind Farm Money is a politician muddying the real issues ! Forget calling it wind farm money, because IF it was wind farm money it would not be in the county coffers and the County Commissioners could not be giving it away for free.

I asked why the Communities can't come to the County Commissioners Meetings to do business with the county? And boy did the excuses fly! However, we had the company of a woman from the Elk Falls City Council present!      Go figure.

And I would like to remind you at the previous County Commissioners Meeting during Open Forum, I asked how many of the City Mayors or City Council Members had come before the County Commissioners Board asking for money and the answer was NONE ! So they had to be SOLICITED!

Folks I'm done for today and I will try to finish this tomorrow but in closing this reminds me of the attempts by Elk Kon nected trying to control the County Coffers and by that I am referring to page one of this thread. This is a bailout of poor government business planning on the parts of elected officials of the communities in my opinion, yep that is exactly what it is.)

Good Night All


County Commissioners Meeting
Open Forum
Continued Part 2

(My personal remarks and opinions not made during the Forum are in parenthesis.)

I asked why does the county have to go to the City Councils to do business? Why don't they come to the County Commissioners Meeting to do business with the county. Kaminska said it is not always convenient for them, they have meetings in the evening and may have jobs and can't get off. (Just excuses.)

(Now folks if you as an individual want to do business with the County Commissioners and can't get off work, do you think they will come to your house to hear what you have to say? Was it convenient for the numerous folks to come to the Commissioners Meetings, numerous times about the roads to get their attention? What has convenience have to do with doing Business with the Elk County Government? (Maybe Kon nected Kounty Kommissioner Kaminska thinks the County should operate business like an NGO. A bit shady in my opinion! You know maybe like Elk Kon nected ? Instead of at a documented County Commissioners Meeting!)

I asked, why can't you save that money and invest it and collect compounded interest on it and let it grow, so it can pay the county an income, so taxes could be lowered --- lower taxes for everyone. Why don't we do something smart for the county as a whole? You don't want to return the tax money to the taxpayers because most of it will leave the county you said. (This was because at the previous forum, I said if you don't want or need the money give it back to the taxpayers.)

Kaminsks said it's not money that's going to be handed out like candy.

(Sure it is, it's free taxpayer dollars that belong to the county.) Kaminska repeated it's mot just money to be given! (Was that to try to convenience me and the audience of something? It didn't work. Free taxpayer dollars are free taxpayer dollars.)

Kaminska continued it's going to be used as an investment in the community's for roads and water systems, etc. (I said etc. because I could not understand what else she said.)   She continued, It's to do things the communities don't have the capacity to do. (Is she saying the elected officials are incapable of long term planning and incapable of applying for Community Block Grants from the Federal Government? Why, do they lack the education? Instead they will accept money taken from the County Government to do what their City Government should be able to do, right?)

(To me it is not an investment, it's a bailout! It is a disposal of County Coffers! It's an Elk Kon nected call, check page one of this thread. It's a bailout for poor business planning on the part of the elected officials of the community's to plan and save their own tax money for their own needs. Just like the Howard swimming pool, Howard thinks everyone in Elk County should pay for it's repair. Nope not an investment, a bail out, maybe, at the expense of all County Taxpayers. It is also poor planning on the part of the County Commissioner for long term planning for the county as a whole. This year they give away $100,000.00 and maybe next year since they get away with it, they give away $200,000.00 and the next year $500,000.00 where will it end? Oh yes at the previous Open Forum they said next year and the next year. Haven't we heard enough from the federal government about bail outs?  Even though those bail outs were suppose to pe paid back, most people did not approve!.)

Kaminska continues with,  I know where you live. You live right on the highway and you don't have no road problems, you don't have no sewer problems. I said, I do drive the back roads occasionally but that has nothing to do with it, you are giving away taxpayer dollars.(She sounds just like Elk Kon nected doesn't she?)   I don't care what you call it, call it wind farm money or PILOT money. It's called PILOT money because they don't have to pay their fair share of property taxes but, it is still taxpayer dollars. (PILOT means payment in lieu of taxes, translation payment instead of being taxed their fair share. Oh and I did have a sewer problem! My septic tank stopped working and backed up into the house. I didn't ask the County to pay to have it pumped. I paid for it, because it is my responsibility. Just like the sewer is the responsibility of elected officials of the communities.)   

I stated the Wind Farm doesn't pay the same taxes I pay or he pays (meaning an audience member). The State just collected $1,000.000.00 and the state only charges 1 mill (I double checked it is actually 1.5 mil) Kaminska wanted to argue she didn't know what the state got, and I said the people down stairs just received a letter stating the $1 Million, and the county charges how much? It is a whole lot more than the state, how many times more? Kaminiska said I think it is 103 mill. (She is right, I just checked my property tax form and it reads 103.491000. I'll leave the math up to you to figure out what the real amount of taxes should be on the Wind Farm.  Whatever that number might be the County only collects a portion of it.)

Kaminska asked is there anything else? Once again I asked why can't you guys do something smart and save that money and invest it and let it pay an income to the county, then you could lower taxes for everyone? Kaminska said bring me something that would show me how long that would take and how that would work. How long would it take to produce, you know? She said with interest rates so low on savings, it won't make much money. I said there are other investments and surely you have someone in this county that knows about investments. (Is her knowledge limited on investments to a savings account?)

(Folks I'm not talking about instant gratification and I am sure every one understands the Wind Farm money will eventually stop coming. Either at the end of 20 years or possibly sooner. What if a tornado were to wipe the wind farm out, what then? The county officials should be taking into account all possibilities and do some long term planning for everyone in the county, while they have this annual windfall! And there are other reasons for long term planning and one is brought out during this Open Forum by Kaminska herself.

Okay I'm going to stop for today and carry this Open Forum to part 3 tomorrow, if I have time.
Bye-Bye for now, I have some work to do.)

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