Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Government was not established to grant benefits as some like to think and prefer. 

Nowadays it's a constant call and demand for government to do something for another party.

With Republican County Commisioners, they can give money away as easily or moreso just as Obama and the Democrats do.  This goes all the way back to their victory over America in 1865 just as the Bolshevik's victory in Russia in 1918. 

From all I've read on this issue, Ross is right.  Can anybody get ahold of what Ross is saying or is this country too far gone? 


Quote from: jprxmkt on February 29, 2016, 09:59:49 PM
So those of us that own property in a town who also pay county taxes are not supposed to expect help with our roads (and other infrastructure) like everyone else who lives out of town expects? The cities don't collect city taxes so where is the money supposed to come from for the millions of dollars needed to upkeep the basics of civilized living? Why can't the wind farm money benefit everyone, not just the ones who live out of town.

Thanks ever so much for asking.
I know you believe in honesty, morals, principles, responsibilities and ethics.

The County Government already subsidizes the small towns considerably in various ways. This was pointed out at at an Elk County Commissioners meeting!

The County has a separate government from the small towns and the folks in the towns prefer to govern themselves and therefore responsible for their own infrastructure.  Where is that responsibility showing through in asking for a hand out and Welfare.

The money from the Wind Farm is in lieu of regular property tax (if it the Wind Farm was fully taxed at commercial rates, it would probably be ppaying the County nore like $3 Million). But what money they pay is still a tax and is in the County Coffers and is not free money. If the Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners don't need the money their responsibility is to return the money to the tax payers. They have on right or responsibility to create a Welfare or Socialist  Community with in Elk County. There is nothing ethical or moral about such attempts.

If they return tas money to the tax payers the communities could raise their property taxes to carry out their responsibility to provide for infrastructure repairs and maintenance. That is the only proper, ethical and morally right way for the Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners to handle taxpayer money.

I am going to include here right here parts of a blog which explains, why I think the city elected officials need to be more responsible for the positions they fill and wanted. It is really simple, "Stand on their own two feet!".


Moral Hazard in Flint, Michigan
What the Democrats are proposing is terrible policy for a number of reasons.

There's a term economists use called "moral hazard." It describes a situation in which failure is made less costly, with the result that people are more willing to fail. By signaling that the federal government is willing to intervene in local crises to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars, mayors, governors, and state legislators have less incentive to make sure their policies are good ones. If something goes wrong, the federal net will be there to catch them. The result of this will be a lot more cities like Flint in the future.

Such a move in Flint would set a poor precedent. If the Senate bails out a single ailing city, they will soon have to beat back an army of cities insisting that their own situations merit a similar bailout. There will be no end to the flood of money that will have to flow from Congress to the states, because failure to comply will be seen as uncompassionate, or worse in the case of cities with high minority populations, racist.

Read the whole story at :

It is not being un-compassionate to require the towns officials to assume responsibility for their actions or in-actions towards failure !

If the Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners continue down the path of socialism and welfare for the cities the asking for money will never cease and responsibility will continue to fade away. And in my opinion  Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Kaminsaks'S remarks concerning it being an economic factor is pur bunk! Plain and simple !

Why" Because Elk County had a professionally educated Economic Development Employee who was not successful in growing Elk County, no I am not talking about Jennifer as the part time employee who was working for two Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners ? ? That is why!

Oh durn! I just had the rural water department drive up looking for a water leak. They found one, I absent mindedly left an outdoor spigot turned on all night. Ouch, there goes my water bill. Since  Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Kaminsaks is wanting to give taxpayer money the socialst way, how about bailing out my water bill? Some Welfare please?

Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Kaminsaks where is your compassion for people in need for people that goof?
Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Kaminsaks
where is your compassion for people in need for people that need life saving medications they can not afford?

Isn't that Wind Farm  Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Kaminsaks money for everyone?

How about the person that cant pay their property tax?  Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Kaminsaks is wanting to give taxpayer money the socialst way, use the Wind Farm money to pay for life saving prescriptions as a bail out? Will she provide Welfare for life saving reasons?

How about the Elderly couple that can not afford to pay for their medical prescriptions?

I have to get outside and enjoy the weather and get some work done.


It seems that many do not understand where the various taxing entities get their money and for what purposes that money is supposed to go for. PILOT means Payment In Lieu Of Taxes. If the wind farm was taxed on its assessed value, the money would go to the county because the wind farm is in the county. I feel the same as Ross on this issue. The money is county money and should stay with the county.

Maybe some of this money should go for a building to house the county ambulances at the now closed Howard nursing home. It looks like this facility would also have plenty of room for the Elk County Health Dept as well.


Why is the county in the ambulance business or any business?

Looks like the government ought to be the government instead of getting involved in enterprises.


Elk County Government Taxing Property Owners
To Run Elk County Governments Business


Giving Those Tax Dollars Away
As If It Is FREE Money



It would simply show an Elk County Government Out Of Control !
Robbing Tax Payers to provide for someone else.
It would be Kon nected Kounty Kommissioners
Behaving like Socialists to serve their own interests.

Lets wait and see if the (socialist behaving)
Kon nected Kounty Kommissioners
strive to prove their socialist attitude with taxpayer dollars !

Oh and it has absolutely nothing to do with Economic Development,
that is just false justification!

Diane Amberg

Perhaps the Ambulance station could be built right into the old Twilght Manor. It wouldn't be much of a deal to tear down a wall or two and create a couple of bays and living areas etc. That would have to be cheaper than starting fresh on new land.


Well So Much For
Truthfulness in
Elk County Government

At the opening of the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners meeting
Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Kaminska stated that remarks
during the open forum discussing the wind farm money would be part of the record!

So why or what excuse will they come up with for altering what is printed in the news paper?

They printed that I asked, "L. W. Ross asked which city council members have asked the county for
money. The commission stated that no City Council members have asked."

In actuality, what I asked is which City Mayor or City Council member has appeared in front of the County Commissioners meeting asking for money.

I then informed Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Kaminska that I was told that she went to a Howard City Council meeting saying the county had a lot of money if they needed any. And I asked if that was true. She immediately said no. More on this in a minute.

I then stated since my property taxes were involved in this, I want to know why do you want to turn the Elk County Court House into the Elk County Welfare Office. No response was forthcoming.

I guess as, I turned to sit back down she got awful mad and was about to go off on me. Anyway that is what two people in the audience told me, because I did not see it.

They also failed to mention Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Kaminska remarks on closing the open forum session where Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Kaminska said she had been going around the communities offering financial help.

As I said:
Well So Much For
Truthfulness in
Elk County Government

In the words of a true Socialist:

Free Money, Free Money, Free Money, Free Money, Free Money, Free Money, Free Money, Free Money, Free Money, Free Money, Free Money, Free Money, Free Money, Free Money, Free Money, Free Money, Free Money,


You're too nice by calling your County Commissioners socialists.

A Polish friend left Poland before the fall of communist rule there.  He was raised and lived under communism and recognizes it quite easily.   He's a very conservative American, like a Jeffersonian Democrat, and he describes the local County Commission in his area as communist.

So again, it looks like you're being too nice by only calling them socialists. 

Stay right in there and stay on 'em.


I want to try to clear something up about the County Government wanting to be Socialist or a Welfare Agency or a LiberalCounty or an Enabler of Bad Business Practices !

I was accused by an Elk Kon nected member that I never volunteer! He was dead wrong speaking of what he does not know.  He did not say I had to volunteer for
Elk Kon nected's work but that was exactly he was doing. I believe he was trying to shame out of his own ignorance and because he felt it was his duty for
Elk Kon nected to take such action. What I do voluntarily and personally is none of his business.

Like many of you out there that voluntarily help out your neighbor or other people and do it without pay and being a braggart you can understand I volunteer in the same manner.

I have shared my experience with some of my nieces and nephews over face book that live from Alaska to Hawaii to Florida and every where in between. And they too have started helping others by personally volunteering and I am real proud of them.

Helping has many intangible rewards and if it cost me a few dollars it's no big deal.

However, it is not the job of Elk County Government to do volunteer work with taxpayer dollars for cities that are possibly incapable of taking care of their own business. It is not a function of Elk County government to voluntarily give taxpayer dollars away for any reason. It is not the job of an elected official to go around to these communities volunteering Elk County Coffers (taxpayer's money) for free. It is not the elected officials money to do with as they want, but to use for the County business only.

If the Elk Konnected Kommissioner Kaminska or  Liebau want to donate their own money from their private funds and not everyone else's money, to put a feather in their hat, I'm all for that. But I would not expect them to do that!

If the County really wants to be FAIR to all the taxpayers, because they don't need or want the money, return the money to all the taxpayers by lowering their property taxes!

Then if the cities want more money to do their business, they can individually decide if and what projects they want to do. Then they can raise their own property taxes according to their own wants and need.

Leaders and business people should be able to understand their position as politicians and be able to plan and  budget for their own needs. Apparently they have failed to do so! And giving them welfare will only enable the continuation of the poor planning and budgeting and everything will simply fall apart again. Don't make Elk County a Welfare Office and an Enabler of Bad Practices.

If the Cities really want supposedly wind farm money they should talk with the wind farm owners or the talk with the people that are being paid very handsomely. Try that. ask the land owners for a few hundred thousand dollars and see how far you get.

As far as the Howard city swimming pool, try asking the local businesses for each of them to pay an equal share of the cost of repair of the pool and see what they say! Or pro-rate the amount based on how much money each business takes in, and see what they say.  Make it voluntary, but let them know, if they don't volunteer that they should be ashamed of themselves. The same attitude that was attempted with me by an
Elk Kon nected member at an Elk County Commissioners meeting.

For all you folks that voluntarily help a neighbor or a stranger, keep up the good work and pat yourself on the back.




Since they claim that you don't do enough "volunteering", does that give them a right to make your decisions to volunteer your money? 

Could it be that you're not smart or kind enough to be volunteering so they'll have to do it for you - by force, by and thru government. 

Maybe you don't have to do good deeds, they'll do it for you with your money. 

When Castro took over Cuba, he took everything but the chickens. 

Our founders gave us a Republic and the Constitution.

Stay with the founders.  Stay on 'em.

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