Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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I have held off saying for quite a while.
No, I haven't gone away. Just been very busy!

I'm wondering is Elk County going to continue being governed the way of the Federal Government is!
I'm talking about serving the self-interest of persons elected to office, instead of serving Elk County as a whole.  We pay these people, what, $800.00 a month to attend two meetings a month, for maybe 3 or 4 hours per meeting? Can't we expect better behavior on their part.

And as I have pointed out many, many times two of the board members appear to be
Kon nected to a private LLC.  That LLC is Elk Kon nected which was started and is ran by Liz Hendricks who I believe is considered one of the so-called elite.

Elk Kon nected appeared in their first few months to be Community Organizers, you know like Obama before he became a politician. This organization appears to serve only a few of the so-called elite of Elk County and nothing more. Now a days, we don't hear anything from them, But I feel certain they are still out there.

Do you Remember, Ms. Hendricks open letter on the internet about how they tried to filter out the "Old Guard" from Elk Kon nected ?
Remember, how I referred to Elk Kon nected as the "Old Guard" in a
"New Dress"? Well, I never did recieve any rebuttal that leaves me to believe it must be true.

We have a school board who's only goal appears to be to spend money and raise property taxes every year. This last year besides raising our property tax the allowable 4 mill which is allowable without a citizens vote, they tried to slip in another 8 mil via a resolution printed in the news paper. However that was stopped by an Oppositition Petition thanks to voters. Voters in Elk County do have a say if they want it. The school board also has people on it associated withElk Kon nected You see where this is going. Doesn't it sound just like a bunch of liberal demorates? Spend till it hurts. Forget having a budget and just raise the tax ceiling. What's conservative about any of that?

So what's my point?                Where am I going with this?                I am trying to get there.
Bare with me please. 

I had heard, at the court house months ago of giving County money to some community, so they could fix their streets. Well, I commented, that is not the purpose of County Government money, to give it away! I stated if the County doesn't want the money, reduce the County property taxes and return money to the taxpayers. And then if the communities, towns or cities want to increase their property taxes to get money to fix their roads they could do that. Remember all that?

Well, some time during the last couple of months, I heard that one of the two Elk Kon nected Kounty Kommissioners was seen and heard at a Howard City Council  Meeting concerning the closure of the Howard Nursing Home. I consider my source a very reliable source but I can't and won't disclose his name. But what he heard was the  Elk Kon nected Kounty Kommissioners offering County money, my money and your money to try to keep a losing entity open. A bail out just like the Democrat Federal Government did for the banks. She was heard telling them that Elk County had all kinds of money just ask. I understand this person is not a citizen of Howard and therefore in my opinion, she has no more say in Howard City Business than I d0. It appears she was in attendance as an  Elk Kon nected Kounty Kommissioners offering money she had no business offering. She apparently doesn't understand where the line is drawn? Is that highly educated or what?

Just consider how that nursing home was ran. They hired someone with absolutely no Managerial Skill of the magnitude necessary to operate it. They paid that person, I was told $60,000.00 a year, if my memory serves me right. They then hired someone with experience to train her, and boy, I know that was expensive. Of course they told her, she would have to reimberse Howard back for that expense. But where was the contract with her, that would be needed to enforce such a promise. Apparently after being trained she must have received a better job offer or something else happened and poof she was gone. Did they get reimbursed for the training xpenses? I doubt it !  Yet some more highly educated activity, isn't it?

It's was assumed the Kon nected Kounty Kommissioner probably had a relative living in the nursing home and it would be inconvenient for her, if her relative was moved to Independence or some other town. Is that a great way for a Kon nected Kounty Kommissioner to do business with your tax dollars. Self serving !

Now, think about that nursing home building for a minute. The city sold out the nursing home to cover some of their losses. And I really don't understand exactly what was sold but the city got to keep the building. Now think about the old school building that is finally being demolished after 30 or 40 years of deteriorating.

That took a private individual to buy the structure solely for the purpose of removing that blight in Howard. What is going to happen with the vacated Nursing home? The same thing as the old school building?
Or will it be sold cheap to an individual to turn into another restaurant and motel like the one in Moline?

But folks that is not the purpose of Elk County taxpayer money. By that I mean it is not the duty of one (1) Kon nected Kounty Kommissioner to offer a bail out to the City of Howard.

But let's just give some thought to Ms. Hendricks remarks about "The Old Guard".

So, I suggest to you as voters to be responsible and change your voting habits.

Stop voting the same people into office.

I also suggest to you that it does not take owning a business, it does not take a college
education to run for the positions or to do the job.

If you can balance your checkbook and maintain a budget at home and have some common sense you are more than qualified to do the job.

If an education were a requirement the best education might be in accounting or management or law.
How many of our elected officials have those degrees. I'd venture to say none. What's your guess?

How many might you guess, might be the "Old Guard".

Ask your friends, your family members, people you trust to take up the challenge and run for local office's. Make Elk County a better place to live ! Just by being honest politicians and not self serving politicians.

I again suggest it is time for change. Replace as many of the money wasting politicians that are always in office as possible. There will be more elections in Elk County.
Prepare for those elections with new candidates, start planning now.
I'm sure the Elite are.
Stay warm, stay safe and stay thinking.
And remember
you have the power
to make it happen.


I don't disagree except your Elk County Republicans had a pretty solid conservative County Commmissioner in Doug Ritz and voted against him in the Republican Primary.  Most Republicans in Elk County are not much different than Republicans elsewhere.  They're liberal and socialist.  Republicans like to say they are against Obama and socialism but they're not.

Ross, you're conservative and you do a good job of spotting and calling out the liberals/socialists.  You're outnumbered.  There's too many Republicans and re-constructed Democrats in Elk County and beyond for now.  I admire you for staying right in there.  Sooner or later, we win, they lose.


Doug wasn't there to kiss any butt and neither is Hebb.

Both men in my opinion were and are interested in the best for Elk County
not some special group.

I tip my hat to both of them.


Remember all the talk of children and how they were being used through out this thread?

Well look who is using and exploiting children now.

And I have to mention there is talk That Obama wants to be the world president.
And I have to mention there is talk he is veying for President of the UN.
I say:

Get The US out of the UN
Get The UN out of the US


FROM 11 TO 29 JANUARY 2016

Situation of Children's Rights in Senegal, Iran, Latvia, Oman, Ireland, France, Haiti, Peru, Zimbabwe, Maldives, Zambia, Benin, Brunei Darussalam and Kenya to be Reviewed
7 January 2016
The Committee on the Rights of the Child will meet at the Palais des Nations in Geneva from 11 to 29 January 2016 to review the promotion and protection of children's rights under the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and its Optional Protocols in Senegal, Iran, Latvia, Oman, Ireland, France, Haiti, Peru, Zimbabwe, Maldives, Zambia, Benin, Brunei Darussalam and Kenya.






Posted by David Dorsey on Monday, January 18, 2016

Nationwide report on education provides evidence that
Kansas students perform poorly in a nation of
mediocre achievement .

The results of this report strengthens two fundamental propositions of
Kansas Policy Institute regarding education: 
(1) that Kansas is doing about average in a nation that underperforms and
(2) there is no correlation between spending and achievement.




Government schools are everywhere in the USA.  That was the Republican goal after their victory defeating America in 1865.  And some of you think Obama is bad?  Obama is a prodfuct of the Republican agenda.

Ross, if you're gonna stay with the government schools, there's not much you can do except stay put and stay on'em where you are.

Just my thoughts on American socialism.


Quote from: proelkco on January 29, 2016, 10:04:26 PM
Then move to a different state

That is just about the most mis-guided remark, I think I could possibly ever read concerning valuable information.

I am appalled that you think moving to a different state is the answer.

There are people and groups that have been warning of, "The Dumbing Down of America " for decades. And here is the proof in this article.

Why do you think there are so many foreigners coming into the country every year on visa's doing very high paying jobs and taking the money home and coming back year after year? And there was congressional legislation passed in just the last few days that increases the number of people on visa's to continue to come here to work in these high paying jobs that require more education.

Perhaps, you did not comprehend the post.

The article states, it is a national problem.

The article also states, "A nation that under performs."

So, I ask what good does moving to another state do?

Even the Kansas Department of Education says our schools are only performing on an average level.
And I bet the other states DOE's say the same thing.

And how does that help the students in Kansas acquire a better education?

And if you are pro elk county, wouldn't you prefer a better education for children in Elk County?

It also stated, "there is no correlation between spending and achievement."

(Meaning that continually increasing property taxes is not going to improve education.)

In case you didn't read the article, it also says:
"And for those who want to blame it on some bogus claim that it all has to do with spending, consider this: data used by Quality Counts ranks Kansas 15th in spending and 41st in achievement."

Is the truth to difficult to deal with?

Or are sports more important than education to you?

Just asking.

The article being discussed is at: http://kansaspolicy.org/KPIBlog/131347.aspx

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