Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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This mornings County Commissioners Hearing this morning was pretty interesting.

I don't have time to go into it right now because i am headed for the 1 pm meeting.

But talk about narrow mindedness it really showed this morning.

Later i will elaborate.

Gotta get lunch and head out.


Quote from: W. Gray on October 13, 2015, 10:57:15 AM
Go back and read your own posts on this subject. You might learn something. If you can't do it have someone do it for you.

No thank you.


This mornings Commissioners meeting had several very good points brought out about the chosen location of the proposed EMS Building.

But observing the two Kon nected Kounty Kommissioners actions and attitudes of narrow mindedness was Very disheartening. You could tell nothing would change their minds about the location. I guess the remark by Kon nected Kounty Kommissioners Kaminski about the 8 miles closer to her mothers home really meant a lot to her. And apparently it meant a lot to Kon nected Kounty Kommissioners Liebau as well.

It was pointed out by numerous people the danger of placing the Building at the rodeo grounds as a place that druggies might invade for narcotics and the dangers to the EMS people. Where as if it were in town they might be better protected. Even the EMS people are concerned for their safety.

I suggested if it was built in a community a flashing rotating light could be placed on top of the building which could be triggered to draw attention to send the Sheriff. This was something I experienced in San Diego used by a retailer. But, this would do no good at the rodeo grounds where as in town it could be very helpful.

Others said they didn't care which town the EMS was built in, just put it in a town.

I explained, I open carry on my property all the time because a person never knows what type of person might drive in off the highway.  The thing about the rodeo grounds they would be located on two highways.

I explained, I had lived here for several years and never dreamt of a drive by shooting in Elk County. Yet it did happen. Remember the drive by shooting in either Elk Falls or Longton and how they then continued on to Elk City? They came from Wichita to do their drive by shooting.

My neighbor suggested a safe room for the people working in the building in case of trouble. That idea was at least taken to heart.

After lunch was the hearing for the Grant.
And there was more discussion about a different location than the rodeo grounds and a few more ideas were proposed.

The building they are presently in is owned by the county and could be expanded and upgraded.

It was said that the Harrods were in the process of buying the old high school and demolishing it.
That site was suggested for the new building.

Someone suggested the site of the old Swinging Bridge Café.
There were no arguments about which town to put it in, Pretty amazing huh?

Kon nected Kounty Kommissioners Kaminski pointed out that she and Kon nected Kounty Kommissioners Liebau had voted 2 to 1 not to spend any money for land. Now you gotta ask yourself, why would they do that? Land here in Elk County is not that expensive. Was that just a move to control and build where they want with out concern for the employees and the voters and the taxpayers. Do they believe building this thing sticking out like a sore thumb for the lawless make them extra important. Will they want a monument with their names on it placed on the site?

What if Mr. Harrod wanted to donate the land the old high school is on, would they tell him no?
Just because?

It was also pointed out that utilizing the building they inhabit at the moment and adding on to it would be cheaper and the insurance on the building would be cheaper. It was pointed out that they have gas and water and utilities and sewer already in place. At the fair grounds there is no natural gas and they would have to heat with electricity, it was pointed out that they would have to build a lagoon and various other things..

It wasn't really mentioned but they would have airplanes flying in and out and possibly over the top of their building carrying farm chemicals.

Get a load of this Kon nected Kounty Kommissioners Kaminski says it isn't costing us anything?
Yea, it's not costing the taxpayers anything. The money is coming from the lawsuit concerning some wells that never paid proper taxes for years. Not costing us anything really? Every dollar in the County's treasury or coffers is taxpayers dollars, every dime belongs to the taxpayers. And during the time that the wells were not paying who picked up the slack? Why of course the other property owners. I have to make a call to verify how much money the county has or will receive from the lawsuit. I thought, I heard $5 million, but I'm not sure.

Remember the editorial in the Prairie Star that stated when property owners are delinquent in paying their fair share of property taxes everyone else's taxes go up to make up the difference. Remember that?

Well this was a hearing for the grant and the grant has to be approved and signed I believe they said by the 14th. So a motion was made by a Kon nected Kounty Kommissioner and seconded by the other Kon nected Kounty Kommissioners and the third County Commissioner called for a vote. The two Kon nected Kounty Kommissioners voted aye and the third County Commissioner voted nay.

County Commissioner Hebb as the Chairperson refused to sign it and informed the other two that our county counselor had told him he did not have to sign it. Kon nected Kounty Kommissioners Kaminski when into a speal about how the vote was two to one for it and it was his responsibility to sign the paper work because of a majority vote. County Commissioner Hebb said he had no objection to the grant but he would not sign as long as it was to be built on the rodeo grounds. I fully support County Commissioner Hebb's decision as long as the Kon nected Kounty Kommissioners are unwavering to the interest of the people that showed up at the meetings, that is both meetings.

You see this has to be done right now or wait until next year to apply for the grant. Wouldn't it make more sense to get more input from the citizens and the voters and the taxpayers and get a proper floor plan and have everything figure out before applying for the grant?  Why the big rush and big push at the last minute?
I acquired a picture of a floor plan (posted above) but Kon nected Kounty Kommissioner Kaminski informed me that it is not the latest floor plan. Sorry folks, they just don't have their act together?

The man hired to do the grant showed frustrations and left the building.

I guess we will have to sit back and wait and see what happens next.

Well this is from my view point and my contains my personal opinions and nothing more.

I'm sorry I am having problems with the picture, I'll try tomorrow evening to get it up.

Mr. Hebb don't you deserve a fishing trip for a few days?


I'm sorry, I forgot to mention the subject of land stability at the rodeo grounds was once again addressed.
It was said at the time that they wanted to build the West Elk High School out there, that the ground was determined to be unstable due to blasting at the quarry.

What do you suppose has changed? They are still operating the quarry and still blasting out there, aren't they?

Was the ground being reported as unstable as lie to avoid placing the West Elk School out there?

Can the land be tested for stability? Shouldn't the land be tested as long as there is a question about land stability? I just answered my own question, yes the land can be tested. Here are a couple of internet links on the subject:  http://www.level.org.nz/site-analysis/site-conditions-and-ground-stability/

When I built my home I was required by our county Government, to pay to have my land tested, in order to install a septic tank! Shouldn't the County Government itself be required to test the land for stability especially since they are spending taxpayer money.
Someone mentioned that the buildings out there now, have been there for a long time and have had no problem. The problem i have with that, is those are most likely not 1/20th the weight of the proposed building.

Do you think it wise to build an $800,000.00 building on land you are unsure of?
Or just chance it and possibly end upp with big cracks in the building and other unseen problems. After all when everything is said and done it's only money, $800,000.00 plus.


Why is the County government be in the EMS business in the first place? 

Government was not organized to own businesses - at least in this country.


I know of no place that the Local or County Government does not run the Ambulance Business. If it was run by Private enterprise the cost would be staggering to many users and my guess is the service would not be as good. I have had some experience with the Elk County EMS and it has been excellent.


Right on Frawin, it is the same here. Thankfully Red doesn't get to make those deceiscions or we would all be in trouble.


I think that if you read what is written on the sides of ambulances, you will find that most of them are named for a county.  i.e. "Elk County EMS", "Sedgwick County EMS", "Montgomery County---".  Does that not say who owns the ambulances and for whom the emergency workers are working?  Besides, the county EMS is not a "for profit" business, any more than the Elk County Register of Deeds is a for profit business.  The ambulance service provides a service, collects for that service and turns the proceeds over to the county.  Enough said?

W. Gray

Quote from: redcliffsw on October 14, 2015, 06:13:59 AM
Why is the County government be in the EMS business in the first place? 

Government was not organized to own businesses - at least in this country.

Where did you get your information concerning government was not organized to own businesses in this country?

You might want to look up the definition of a Municipal Enterprise Fund.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


Mr Gray, where did you get your information, don't you know that Mr Redcliff is always right like Mr Toss.

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