Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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       On the contrary, many of those paying increasing taxes here are not happy with it. Especially for unnecessary items.

       Those who were making fortunes before the revolution had no problem with England's taxes, until the king came after them and took away their fortune. Samuel Adams for example.

       For our government to continue to spend money it doesn't have is not acceptable, locally or otherwise. If building a new building is purely for location, it is purely unnecessary. Many here, Frank, don't have the luxury of your wealth. Enjoy it while you can, for if things continue the way they are, it won't last.

      To say that everyone is OK with it is idiotic. Ergo, the reason for Trump's popularity. Any business that was run the way government is would have been gone long ago. Unless of course they have the politicians in their pocket.

      If you don't have money for something you make do with what you have. You don't take money from others to get it.



Quote from: proelkco on October 12, 2015, 07:27:06 AM
How in the world can you accuse anyone of putting people down? Read your own posts.

Oh my, is that a 

                    NA, NA    NA, NA, NA  !

So where is Flintauqua's  answer about who paid for the Moline Fire Station?

                           Was it Moline or F.E.M.A. ?

And proelkco what have yu brought to the conversation?
Oh let me check, oh here it is:

Quote from: proelkco on October 12, 2015, 05:56:53 AM
This one made me laugh, JoeSue! You hit it on the nail head.

Shows Real intelligence, huh!
What was that about, well lookie here:

Quote from: Joesue23 on October 12, 2015, 05:16:47 AM
Flint, don't you know Toss is an expert on Fire Trucks and Fire Stations, along with being an expert on Ambulances. He probably invented the first Fire Truck and First Ambulance.  He is also an expert on School Facilities and the sizes needed. Along with all of that he is the number one Full of CRAP poster on the Forum.

A real intelligent input to a conversation?

I ask why 5,000 square feet  for 2 ambulances and this is the best you've got:

Quote from: proelkco on October 12, 2015, 02:38:10 PM
Please go take a tour of our EMS facilities.

I may just take your advice and go have a look see, since you lack the ability to put it into words?
Thanks for the suggestion!


   I've seen them. What's your point?

   That they aren't state of the art?

   Have they cost someone's life by being inadequate?

   You always seem to assume people don't have a clue about the facilities in this county or attend meetings

   Perhaps you need to tour facilities of other poor counties and compare.

   We don't have a level one trauma center here either, so I guess we should build one. :o


Quote from: proelkco on October 12, 2015, 07:27:06 AM
How in the world can you accuse anyone of putting people down? Read your own posts.

I asked a few questios and nary a one of you people had an answer.
So lacking the ability to communicate, you attack and I responded in kind.

Here are the questions again, care to try again?

Quote from: ROSS on October 10, 2015, 03:26:32 PM

I have had several questions brought to my attention to ask:

                    1. When was this planned?
                    2. When were bids taken for architects?
                    3. Where are the bids for the construction companies?
                    4. Why 5,000 square feet for two ambulances?
                                  a) Where are the floor plans?    
                                  b) Is there any conservative thought at all going into building this building?
                                  c) Why can't the size be cut in half to save on heating and cooling bills?
                                  d) Won't heating be provided by electricity --- the most expensive kind of heating?
                      5. Is it true that the public health office is going to be moved to the new location, because people                                               are embarrassed going to the court house for public health care?
                      6. Will employees be paid gas mileage's to drive to and from work just because their work location has been moved 7 miles?
                       7. Is a 5,000 square foot Taj Mahal a real requirement and why?
                       8. How much is it going to cost to furnish 5,000 square feet?
                       9. Is the land stable at the rodeo grounds with the blasting at the rock quarry?
                                        a) The land was at one time considered unstable due to blasting, when the West Elk USD 282 school building was built?
                                        b) What has changed about the stability of the land?
                                        c) Who has tested the land and when?
                                        d) Will the land be suitable for a septic tank or lagoon?
                                        e) Who and when was the soil tested for a septic tank or lagoon?
                                        f) Where will the new EMS building receive potable water from?
                         10. Has title to the land been acquired?
                                        a) Who has or will do the land survey?
                         11. Has the building grant been approved and in hand?
                         12. Is there a rush to build this EMS building?
                                           a) If so why?


     After all, it's only money.

     Other peoples money.

     Ask Mr Devlin to build one. See what his response is. Or Mr Winn, since he has plenty of money to buy property and pay inflated taxes.


Quote from: W. Gray on October 12, 2015, 09:06:52 AM

I believe everyone in Elk County, Kansas, and every where else would be very happy with the debt figures you mention.


I was off by a half a billion, so sue me.

W. Gray

Elk County and the rest of the country would be very happy with the national debt even if you were off by just half billion dollars or even a trillion dollars.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


     We're basically talking about a garage. One that keeps the vehicles ready to hop in and go.

     Ask anyone who is a first responder what is most important. I believe that would be response time.

     If the garage is ten or twelve miles, or more ,from those who man the vehicle, what does that do to response time? Do you realize what that could do to response time? Are you going to house personnel in the garage? Do you know that trauma doctors are required to live within minutes of the hospital they serve?

     I don't recall seeing any houses at the proposed site.

     It is the classic Elk county thinking that I have observed. We can get some federal money for something so lets go for it. No consideration for where the rest of the money comes from. An example is the amount of HUD housing in Howard, more than any other small town I know of.

     The lack of consideration for response time is a serious oversight. IMO If it can be shown that it would improve response time , I would like to see the math.


   I respectfully disagree, Mr Gray. Any debt larger than what can be covered at any time is not acceptable.

   A credit card bank does not allow you to get behind. They would have cut off your credit long before now.

   Business is business. The founders would be appalled that this is going on.

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