Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 21, 2015, 06:40:49 AM
Ross, you are of course entitled to your opinion, but so am I. Those so called "elite" also pay taxes and feel they are entitled to input."Wasted " tax money is in the eye of the beholder.
Why was it necessary to stick it to me AGAIN? That question was asked and answered long ago. Stir that pot.

Sorry it is not in the eye of the beholder or we could return it. It is no longer in the accounting books.

No Diane wasted money is wasted money!


Well I had a little time to get out and gather a few more signatures and it was an interesting hour.

One lady told me she was only taxed by the County and not by the School District so I took the time to explain that the School District was a seperate governing group from the County Government and that the School District did in fact do their own taxing. I also explained that both entities were listed on the same tax bill that is mailed to her. She was happy to sign the petition.

I did recieve one refusal and it was as if the thought of a petition scared them. I told them it was alright and that i respected their right not to sign.

I stopped by an acquaintances home at about 7:45 pm. I was not aware they went to bed that early and they answered thedoor in their pajama's. I appologized for disturbing them and they asked what I was up to. I explained and they were very pleased and signed the petition and thanked me for coming by.

Tomorrow, I hope to get a lot more time doing my door to door and gather more signatures.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 21, 2015, 08:52:56 AM
Do you every share an opinion without sarcastically smacking someone else in the process?? That does not make your position stronger, ya know?

I learned from the best on the forum I guess,. And that would be you Diane, of course. LOL

Although that was not the intent.

The devil made me do this..   ;) :D ;D :angel:


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 21, 2015, 06:40:49 AM
Ross, you are of course entitled to your opinion, but so am I. Those so called "elite" also pay taxes and feel they are entitled to input."Wasted " tax money is in the eye of the beholder.

It's those so called elite that have been wasting the school kids money, insteadof putting it into the classroom. Why do you suppose they think they need to raise property taxes every year?
Why do you suppose they think they need to do an end play around the voters with a resolution to raise property taxes 8 mil?

Don't you reckon, that the school board might realize, because the taxpayers are feed up, they will vote it down, if brought to them?

Quote from: Diane Amberg link=topic=11780.msg226086#msg226086 date=1440160849
Why was it necessary to stick it to me AGAIN? That question was asked and answered long ago. Stir that pot.

Does the truth hurt that much?

As always Diane it is my pleasure to accomodate you.

Nighty Night.


State Aid excluding KPERS, Special Education and Bond & Interest Aid*                     
USD #   County                   School                                            2013-2014                   2014-2015                 2015-2016        2016-20117             
272   Mitchell   Waconda    2,442,998   2,352,579   2,361,492   2,380,179   -2.6%   
273   Mitchell   Beloit    4,968,457   5,226,442   5,237,019   5,276,454   6.2%   
274   Logan   Oakley    2,523,972   2,426,844   2,436,875   2,457,904   -2.6%   
275   Logan   Triplains    838,815   721,509   724,491   730,743   -12.9%   
281   Graham   Graham    2,514,255   2,532,178   2,494,835   2,514,854   0.0%   
282   Elk   West Elk    2,658,989   2,915,014   2,925,185   2,946,507   10.8%   
283   Elk   Elk Valley    1,481,895   1,534,974   1,540,678   1,552,638   4.8%   
284   Chase   Chase    2,500,692   2,521,492   2,531,895   2,553,705   2.1%   
285   Chautauqua   Cedar Vale    1,604,864   1,603,170   1,609,043   1,621,357   1.0%   

Apparently I am not showing the Chart for the Entire State for obvious reasons.

The purpose is to show only that West Elk USD-282 is scheduled to receive 10.8% increase in state aid.
Where as Elk Valley USD-283 is only scheduled to receive a 4.8% increase in state aid.
This part of the chart shows some schools that will experience a loss in state aid.

I have heard the argument that schools need money to operate.
This type of argument leaves out the fact the school it's self does not deal in operating cost but in teaching children.

It is the elected officials of the District School Boards that requires money to operate the school.

It is those elected officials that are responsible to the voters and property owners that they keep raising the property taxes on.

It is those elected officials that are responsible for the waste of taxpayer money and not getting the money into the class rooms for the children where it belongs.

It was claimed that the School District saved lots and lots of money shutting down the grade schools they could not afford to keep open. Where is all that saved money?

Why does the West Elk School Board insist on raising our property taxes every year?

Why does West Elk School Board continually waste money?

This chart above shows a 10.8% increase in State Aid over the next three years, they know this, but yet they choose and use and end run around you the taxpayer and voter to raise your property tax by 8 mil.

These are the people who are suppose to be working for you, so you can provide an Education for you children in a satisfactory manner.

Yes, you provide for your child's education by paying property taxes. Unlike Obama saying K-12 is free school, it is anything but free. You vote to put people on the School Board as your employees to handle the finances of the school on your behalf. Contrary to what they think isn't it?

Would you waste your money paying someone nearly $30,000.00 dollars to an outside company to do the job you had already contracted verbally a local business $7,000.00 to do the exact same thing. And bust your budget in doing so, which puts you in the red? Would that be a wise move on your part.

That's what the West Elk School Board did.
I have a serious personal problem to attend to so I am forced to stop this post short of where I want to go.

My Sincerest apolgizes.

Diane Amberg

My word Ross, do you honestly think I never post to anyone but you? My #6561 was a reply to Red, not you. My reply to HIM followed his post. You and your position was NOT the subject.
    Red, be careful, he's trying to take over and minimize you.  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 22, 2015, 07:18:30 AM
My word Ross, do you honestly think I never post to anyone but you? My #6561 was a reply to Red, not you. My reply to HIM followed his post. You and your position was NOT the subject.
    Red, be careful, he's trying to take over and minimize you.  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


Your post was at the top of the next page, which did not clarify who you were talking to.
But that's okay.

I had to bring my wife to the emergency room at. Jane Phillips Hospital. Her pancreas attack has turned severe. She is down getting a cat scan right now. So I have a few minutes on my kindle.

My wife always comes first over everything, so I may not be able to gather any signatures for the opposition pettition today.

Diane a question for you, if you please, before taxes were developed how did the federal government get their money to operate on?

This is an open book or open internet/google  one question quiz.

I will definitely be interested in your answer.


Diane Amberg

Of course your wife comes first. That goes without saying.Hope everything turns out Ok.
  As far as your question, easy, I had that back in Civics in 9th grade and I still remember...don't know why. We had import taxes called tariffs. The Gov't was much smaller then, as was the country.


Well I got my wife all fixed up and back home so all is well for the time being.

So I had time to go out and gather a few signatures.

I met an elderly gentleman who was on the School board back in the 1990's and he didn't have much good to say about the experience. In fact he had nothing good to say about it and the outside forces working against the school board members. He was very happy to sign the petition. And thanked me for allowing him the opportunity to do so.

A few more people down the road and I encountered my first bad experience.
I was talking to a couple of men that were working on a truck, and I explained the School Board resolution for an 8 mil tax increase, and how it allows for an opposition petitio, and that the petition would force the school board to come to the voters for approval. One man said he did not live in this school district and I said thank you anyway. Then the third man said his wife is on the school board and he became very irate. So, I politely said I am sorry to have bothered you, and was leaving when he yelled at me that any money for his kids education was fine with him. This totally explained his narrow minded thinking and lack of knowledge about where the tax dollars have gone! He apparently believes voters have no rights and that his wife being on the School Board affords her super powers. No, I did not say any of that to the man, only right here to you.

I did comment as I stepped into my truck that, money wasted and thrown away, does not go towards his children's education. But, I doubt he comprehends that. I have never seen him at any school board meetings. So what does he know about what happens there or where the money goes?

Why else would a person become so angry, except for the fact that they don't have a clue and only attempt to physically bully as the only thing they know?

Those three signatures would not have meant that much any way. Those three signatures would only have amounted to 4/10 of a percent of the required needed signatures. Actually even less because on man said he didn't live here. So no real loss.

I still have plenty of time to acquire the other 60% od signatures.

So I will continue to work at it next week. I don't believe I should bother anyone on Sunday.

Ya'all have a great weekend.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 22, 2015, 11:42:45 AM
Of course your wife comes first. That goes without saying.Hope everything turns out Ok.
  As far as your question, easy, I had that back in Civics in 9th grade and I still remember...don't know why. We had import taxes called tariffs. The Gov't was much smaller then, as was the country.

Very good, in fact excellent.

Wouldn;t it be nice to scale badk our federal government to a smaller scale once again.
Perhaos not that much. But instead of the Federal government taxing everyone so as to be able to control the money. Leave the money in their respective states and to the states to tax to repair their foads and such,
And stop giving billions away to governments of other countries.

Wouldn;t it be nice to ahve a small enough federal government so the reponsible people could be held accountable for their actions. Such as losing 6 billion dollars the State Department lost? And perhaps to have a balanced budget? And to show more respect for the money they have available?

Just some thoughts and wishful thinking.

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