Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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You're not so much against Ross as you are solidly under the liberal and the socialist movement.  Their cause is your cause. 

Perhaps Ross is outnumbered in Elk County, but he's right and so are a lot of other Americans who don't favor the Obama types and the Republican types.


Blah Blah Blah Blah look at the Forum Ross no one posts anything anymore, you are the biggest cause of that. You are totally full of crap.


That's about all you can say - your defense of socialism is to talk of Ross.


It is no credit to Ross that he has you as a Supporter. You know absolutely nothing about my political  be.kefs and preferences. You are as full of  hot air as Ross.


You're right that I don't know about your beliefs. 

I'm thinking that you're a socialist and you keep showing to us that's the direction that you're leaning.  That's how it's looking from here.   


I am thinking you are an Obuma supporter in disguise.


Quote from: redcliffsw on May 20, 2015, 07:22:04 AM
You're right that I don't know about your beliefs. 

I'm thinking that you're a socialist and you keep showing to us that's the direction that you're leaning.  That's how it's looking from here.

I don't think so Red, I think she is just someone's puppet.
And I think you can figure out who is pulling the strings.
It is all very entertaining, but out of desperation in my opinion


Quote from: Joesue23 on May 20, 2015, 07:35:12 AM
I am thinking you are an Obuma supporter in disguise.

And your education doesn't teach you that conservatives are not Obama supporters !

So what good is your education?


Joe sue at least Ross does not hide behind a mask his opinion is the same to every one.if you are going to poke sticks at a wild animal at least have as biga balls as Diane,(Diane that's meant as a compliment).I hope this helps


Quote from: upoladeb on May 20, 2015, 09:49:04 AM
Joe sue at least Ross does not hide behind a mask his opinion is the same to every one.if you are going to poke sticks at a wild animal at least have as biga balls as Diane,(Diane that's meant as a compliment).I hope this helps

Thank you Upoladeb for the kind words.

I was just reading an article titled, "Do You Want A Communist America" .

From the article: The idea of a communist America – big C or small – was once the stuff of movie fantasies like "Red Dawn."

Not any longer. Not since the Democratic Party mainstream establishment began to embrace essentially the same political agenda as the Communist Party USA, founded as an arm of the Soviet Union before its fall, as well as the Socialist Party USA.

Today, the thought of socialism is no longer categorically rejected by a significant percentage of Americans, while communism, despite its genocidal history, no longer raises fears of gulags, tyranny and re-education camps. (there is more to read)

The article also asked the question, "How did this happen? How did we reach this state of affairs?"

I say, It's called apathy ---- Too few are paying attention to what our governments are doing. City, County, State and Federal governments are behaving like Liberal Socialists and the voters keep these elected officials in office. In my opinion it all stems from the Dumbing Down of America !

What can the citizen do --- Speak up and also vote the socialists elite out, that believe that tax payers dollars are to be wasted on wants instead of being used for needs. And encourage more people to be interested and more people voting.

The article can be read at: http://www.wnd.com/2015/05/do-you-want-a-communist-america/
This article is an excellent read with many very good points. What happened to God in America is but one question in the article.

I try to be as honest as I can be, but it's still just my opinion.

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