Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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From what most of you have told me, you don't believe half what Ross says. Also most ofyouhave told me you think the West Elk SchoolBoard is doing a great job. From all of the academics awards and Scholarships the students are getting it is obvious the West Elk Faculty is doing a great job.the best thing that has happened to Ross's posting is that he is being ignored. Ross is obviously Elk disconnected. Ross has ruined the Forum, with his negative crap and nasty remarks to anyone that disagrees with him.


Quote from: Joesue23 on May 15, 2015, 11:00:22 AM
From what most of you have told me, you don't believe half what Ross says. Also most ofyouhave told me you think the West Elk SchoolBoard is doing a great job. From all of the academics awards and Scholarships the students are getting it is obvious the West Elk Faculty is doing a great job.the best thing that has happened to Ross's posting is that he is being ignored. Ross is obviously Elk disconnected.

Hi Joesue, so you continue talking about imaginary people, huh?
Apparently your medication isn't working very well. I'm so sorry for you.

First, all schools hand out academic awards and scholarships, no serious point about how the school is doing.

Second, the state rates/grades West Elk as only average like most schools in the state.

Third, none of what you speak of addresses any of the school acamedic teaching standards.

And there is still so much more involved that you have no clue about.

The wasteful spending of taxpayer dollars does nothing for any of the above mentioned.

Nothing addresses the New World Order through the United Nations Agenda 21 Common Core testing being forced on schools across the nation either does it? Nor all the deception that goes with it?

You got one thing right and you will always get it right every time you say it ---- I am Elk Disconnected and very proud of that fact. Elk Konnected in my opinion is for sheeple often known as followers that are willing to be led by the nose. So yes I am proud to be
Elk Disconnected and be my own man.

You are quite wrong about my postings being ignored just take a look at the numbers at the top of the page.

I don't ask anyone to believe anything I post but my posts do provide food for thought.

Then there is you, who seems to lack that ability and only appears to only possess the abilities of a progressive liberal who doesn't approve of thinking for them selves and belongs to things like Elk Konnected.

But just the same it is always a pleasure to have you on board.


Gotta have a little humor before the scary stuff!

Click here
Quote from: ROSS on May 15, 2015, 03:44:33 PM

If you don't think Common Core isn't bad enough
Look what the the Education Secretary and
our Dictator Obama think
should happen !

This all started with the Liberal idea that It Takes a Village!

Scary: Education Secretary Sets The Stage For
'Public Boarding Schools'

"There are just certain kids we should have 24/7..."


Of course this matters not to those to whom the First Amendment is meaningless.

Indeed, one man's "hate speech" is another man's truth, and as I've often said, truth is hate to those who hate truth.

And boy do they hate it.

And so they mean to muzzle it.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2015/05/the-have-tos-of-the-despots-u-s-christians-under-siege/#3i4XkuLM35b3rZCk.99


The Forum has become the Ross and Redcliff Forum. All they oat are lies and crap.Ross thinks a lot of the people are reading his posts but the ones reading it are not forum members. Hopefully the Moderators will shut the Forum down shortly and stop the crap posting.


Quote from: Joesue23 on May 19, 2015, 09:14:20 AM
The Forum has become the Ross and Redcliff Forum. All they oat are lies and crap.Ross thinks a lot of the people are reading his posts but the ones reading it are not forum members. Hopefully the Moderators will shut the Forum down shortly and stop the crap posting.

Joesue23 you have my sympathy you apparently are a very ill person and off your meds.

Please seek help immediately!

I really do feel you really do deserve an improvement in your Quality of Life.

Perrhaps the experts in Quality of Life at Elk Konnected will volunteer to help you.

Please call them at # reality check or 7-325-482-4325, (not a real phone numberit is fanatsy)

Is everyone in Montgomery County as Liberal minded as you?

You are very entertaining, thanks for visiting.

Have a Great Day Joesue23 of Montgomery County.


Ross you are the sick one, and several people have agreed with that. You are the number one cause that few if any one posts anymore.


Quote from: Joesue23 on May 19, 2015, 03:39:29 PM
Ross you are the sick one, and several people have agreed with that. You are the number one cause that few if any one posts anymore.

Now, now, I suppose none of your friends from Elk Konnected volunteered to run to your aid to help with your "Quality of Life" .

Such a shame because the accused me of never volunteering. When, what they really meant was I didn't volunteer for their little Elk Konnected, LLC.
Tch, Tch.                                       And none of them volunteer to help you.

You are always talking about people and I have to ask are those people figments of your imagination?

You continue to fail to recognize the numdrous topics and threads on this forum and all the posting on them, you have my sympaty.

Please. please seek help !

Have a good evening over there in Montgomery County and I wll too here in Elk County.


One twisted individual, self centered and an Idiot. Ross you are always  babbling about the County Commissioners and the School Board, not hardly anyone pays any attention to you. You couldn't even get enough votes as Commisioner to say you ran.that should tell you what the people of Elk County think you , you are a liar and a blowhard and totally Full of Crap.


[quote author
Quote from: Joesue23 on May 20, 2015, 04:53:40 AM
One twisted individual, self centered and an Idiot.

Are you trying to bait me?

So sorry you are failing.

You sound very angry and hope I respond accordingly.

I'm sorry it ain't gonna happen.

Self-Centered you say, where do you come up with that?

I have only tried to let the people of Elk County know what is going on with their tax dollars and how the elected officials are wasting their money? The elected officials are acting just like the elected officials in Washington, D.C. and at least some of them are
Elk Konnected
affiliated. I don't ask that they believe anything I post, I ask that they consider and discuss the issues and be aware.

An idiot doesn't pay attention, are you paying even a little bit of attention?
Please keep reading.

Quote from: Joesue23 on May 20, 2015, 04:53:40 AM
Roses you are a,ways babbling about the County Commissioners and the School Board, not hardly anyone pays any attention to you.

Babbling – yes perhaps so --- to someone who is incapable of paying attention.
Did you even read any of the documentation I've posted? That is hardly babbling!

Quote from: Joesue23 on May 20, 2015, 04:53:40 AM
You couldn'tevenget enough votes as Commisioner to say you ran.that should tell you that the people of Elk County think you are a Liar and Full of Crap, Crap .

Why would I concern myself with what your two or three friends think, they are probably just as confused as you sound and they are probably those voices in your head. 
* I apologize for that, the devil made me do it.*

You really haven't been paying attention have you?

It must either be that Liberal education you received or lack of education, I don't know which, and would you share with us what education you may or may not have ?

Wouldn't I have to run for County Commissioner to receive any votes for that position?

Please pay attention:
I have never run for Elk County Commissioner, I have never had a desire to run for Commissioner.

And once again you are talking about those imaginary people that apparently hate me. Are those voices in your head still talking to you?  That is what that medication is for !

No Joesue23 (male, female, transgender whatever you are?) I think you may be very confused.

Me, I am not full of crap, read just a little of the documentation and educated yourself. That would be greatly appreciated!

Three little itty bitty questions for you Joe or Sue !

1. Do you believe taxpayer dollars should be squandered in the fashion that progressive liberals and socialists waste them?

2. Do you think it is the job of County Commissioners to give away taxpayers dollars?

3. Why does it matter to you as a resident of Montgomery County?

A couple of honest answers would be appreciated. I sincerely hope the questions are not to difficult for you.

As always it is a pleasure to entertain you.

Ta Ta for now JoeSue !

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