Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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On April 21, 2015 I stopped in at the West Elk USD-282 School District Office and filled out Freedom of Information Act Form requesting information specific to the reconstruction of the School for installation of Air Conditioning for the Gymnasium. I asked for either estimations or actual cost of the reconstruction and the same for the purchase and installation of the Air Conditioner.

What I received by mail was a copy of my request, a copy of the Minutes of the Special School Board Meeting of Tuesday, February 17, 2015. I also received a copy of the Bid Summary that lists all bids that were received by the school. This bid sheet shows nothing specific. And I received a copy of my own FOIA.

None of which answers my specific question I am left with asking WHY?

Why mail this info instead of having me come by the office and pay the mandatory $.25 per page as customary and also save the postage?

Did they fail to understand what they read on the request for information?
Did they fail to get an itemized billing from the contractor?
Are they trying to hide the extravagant cost of Air Conditioning the Gymnasium?

After all, the Gymnasium really does not need to be Air Conditioned does it?
A gymnasium is for working up a sweat through physical exercise in, isn't it?
Just how many kids are over weight?
And when was the School built?
Wasn't it built in the mid- seventies and never needed Air Conditioning?
And still doesn't need one today, does it?

The School Board had discussed it costing a Million Dollars just to repair the existing roof and Air Conditioners. So my main question is, is the Air Conditioning and re-construction of the roof for the Air Conditioner  costing nearly a half a million dollars?

But to Quote the Famous Liberal Hillary, "What Difference does it make now."

The truth of what difference it makes now is the same as with the Obama Administration, a lack of transparency.

What are they trying to hide?

When I asked under the FOIA about wages of all school employees including overtime and summer pay, they refused to provide the summer time and overtime wages, Why?

But they did make me drive to the office and pay $65. 00 for it?

I have never asked for any information that is not public information, so why do they fail to provide requested information?

Is it possible the books are missing some money?
Is it possible there is something else that needs to be kept hidden?

But to Quote Hillary again, "What Difference Does it Make?"

None, if as a property owner and property taxpayer, you don't mind the continual raising of your property taxes !

Did you notice your property tax break from the County last year? If you said no, you live in the West Elk School District, they sucked it up. Now if the county happens to stop giving that tax break every year what will happen will seem that the county is raising your taxes again.
"What Difference Does It Make?"

None if you don't pay attention and if you don't care that they keep raising your property taxes by the minimum allowed by law of 3 mils every year.

How do you think they are going to pay off a $1.5 million dollar note, how do you think they are going to pay the extra electric expense to run that Gymnasium Air Conditioner?

Out of your wallet that's how !

I don't believe the School Board knows the difference between want and need!

Do they show respect for how much of your money they spend or how deep they get you and me and other taxpayers in debt? 

The School Board behaves a whole lot like the Obama administration in my opinion.
They offer employees the opportunity to resign or be fired --- this alone is wrong on so many levels. Of course choosing to resign is almost always chosen because no bad marks against the employee.

Rumor has it, that a couple of boys were caught videoing something on school grounds and were suspended, however, they were permitted to play sports while on suspension. Just what signal are these educators and board members sending? It's okay to use school classroom time as discipline but not school sports. Didn't they effectively say suspension ends for sport practices and games and then restarts again? Doesn't that mean Sports is more important than education? Or are they saying join sports to succeed no matter what? Would anyone please correct me if this is wrong? It is only a rumor, but what if it is true? Can anyone confirm this information.

"What Difference Does It Make?"

None if Ethics matter little to you.

You can see this post and the documents discussed at: https://app.box.com/s/yh8x1rzcmyhwfj6baivuh3lxwp0ah8ye



Quote from: Joesue23 on April 28, 2015, 01:13:42 PM
Ross you are so full of crap, you are all negative.

Why thank you for your input Joesue whoever or what ever you are. Is that how you refer to the truth?

Your input is graciously appreciated.

It definitely shows the level of your edumacation and it reeks of many, many years of wisdom.

Please continue to entertain us with the depth of thought that you utilize.

You never cease to amaze us with your brilliance."

If you can be a "WE, I can be an "US", right? LOL We gotta have some humor don't we?

Is this this a continuance of the represention of Elk Konnected, just wondering.
I am refering to the brilliance on page one of this thread.

I hope you have a very good evening.   



Ross, you keep proving me right. You are what has ruined the Forum for so many.


Quote from: Joesue23 on April 29, 2015, 09:05:20 AM
Ross, you keep proving me right. You are what has ruined the Forum for so many.

Your extended exuberance and desire to mke your point is really admiral.

Quote from: Joesue23 on April 26, 2015, 08:56:28 AM
Ross, you still can't tell the truth, we never said we were a ybodys Aunt. You have ruined the Forum with your Trash and lies.

I must ask once again who is we?
How many of you am I conversing with?
Are you Elk Konnected?
Or are you a person with multiple personalities?

Multiple personalities would clarify the name you use of Joesue23, wouldn't it?
Or perhaps the 23 might represent 23 Elk Konnected members[/color], is that a possibility?

Joesue23 did you notice my avatar in the upper left hand corner ?

That tin foil hat protects me from your imagination and your insults, so keep throwing out them insults if it helps you in some fantazied way. I forgive you, especially if it helps with whatever problem you have, way over there in Montgomery County, Kansas.

I wish you a very pleasnt day today, because it is really a beautiful day. Bye-bye.


I submitted another request under the Freedom of Information Act to the West Elk USD-282 School Administration requesting the cost of re-building the roof i.e. the cost of metal pipe or metal framing and the cost of the extra large air conditioner for the gymnasium.

I received a letter and some documentation, which I have posted in PDF form at box.com for your convience,

The letter from the School Administration states, "SBA is not contractually obligated to provide a break down of cost for the gymnasium air conditioning as you requested in writing April 30,2015."

Perhaps that statement is true. But when has there ever been a contractual need to provide a customer with an itemized list of costs for doing a job. How will the Administration no if there is true need for cost over runs for the gymnasium air conditioning installation if they don't know what it is costing them?

Take a look at page two of the PDF to see the following figures:

   Demo interior                                                               $2,180.00
   Dumpster                                                                     $2,725.00
   CMU cutting and patching                                               $3,815.00
   Structural Steel Materials                                               $21,227.75
   Structural Steel Labor                                                    $23,980.00
   Suspended Ceiling Removal ad reinstall                            $35,970.00
   Paint Interior Material & Labor                                            $4360.00
                                                                                      $94.257.75 doesn't even include the cost of the A/C

I have to ass/u/me the above items are pertaining to the cost the Gymnasium Air Conditioner because the items would most likely not be required for just roofing and installation of all the other air conditioners.
This total does not even include the cost of the extra large air conditioner for cooling the gymnasium.

Just consider if this Air Conditioner for the Gymnasium is a necessity? The school has operated just fine for the 23, 30 or 40 years it has been in operation. Ask yourself if it is a need or someone's personal desire.
Ask yourself is it cost effective?

Ask yourself is it cost effective to borrow $1,476,000.00 for the overall cost of the job, when they have $1,000,000.00 on hand in unencumbered funds? How much will the yearly interest payment on the $1,476,000.00 be?

The best I can calculate without the entire proper bookkeeping and loan calculators is a rough estimate.
For a note of $1,500,000.00 at 2% interest for 10 years I come up with the following numbers:

Are they borrowing the money just as an excuse to raise property taxes even higher?

Monthly payment      $13,208.02
Monthly Principle      $11,302.02
Monthly Interest       $  2,500.00

For a note of $1,500,000.00 at 3% interest for 10 years I come up with the following (*rough) numbers:

Monthly payment      $14,484.11
Monthly Principle      $10,743.11
Monthly Interest       $  3,750.00

Are they borrowing the total amount, instead of using the $1,000,000.00 unencumbered funds on hand, just as an excuse to raise property taxes even higher?

Let's assume that they were to use the $1,000,000.00 unencumbered funds on hand and borrow the difference, what would happen to the loan?

For a note of $500,000.00 at 3% interest for 10 years I come up with the following (*rough) numbers:

Monthly payment      $   4,828.04
Monthly Principle      $   3,578.04
Monthly Interest       $   1,241.05

For a note of $500,000.00 at 2% interest for 10 years I come up with the following (rough) numbers:

Monthly payment      $   4600.67
Monthly Principle      $   3767.34
Monthly Interest       $     833.33

But what difference does it make if you can possibly save $200,000.00 to $250,000.00 in taxpayer dollars over the length of a 10 year loan?

Is anyone capable of providing better numbers?
Shouldn't the taxpayers footing the bill know how their money is wasted or used?
The information by law is public information.

*rough = guestimates

Documentation mentioned is posted at https://app.box.com/s/a423vkgxrsl4g1h5axc24rootueacekv


Last night's West Elk School Board Meeting

Beg, beg, beg for more money and use the children to coerce parents to pay.

The School Government doesn't have a Financial problem they are like our Liberal Federal Government they have a spending problem. Which translates to a lack of Critical Thinking and knowing the difference between what is actually needed and what is wanted which leads to spend, spend, and spend some more.

What the heck am I talking about beg, beg, beg and use the kids to coerce their parents into paying or as they call it giving donations?

I'm talking about the "Gift of Knowledge" presentation. Presented by Linda Scott, who said she doesn't much trust most stuff on the Internet? But this one she trusts, because her daughter-in-law and her daughter-in-law's brother started it. For Giving the Gift of Knowledge you sign up on line with your donation with a credit card for a monthly withdrawal of $5, $15 or $35 amounts offered or use a box that allows entry of any amount. That would be an automatic monthly withdrawal from your credit card

By saying use of your children for coercion I mean they will use Giving the Gift of Knowledge as a fund raise to get you and your relatives and friends to sign up and give the children a small reward for doing it. The school would receive 97% of the money to use at their discretion such as playground equipment that was mentioned. The web sight is www.giftofknowlede.org or www.givingthegiftofknowlede.org . I could not find the web site. Please let us know if you find it. Oh, there was a motion and a second to accept membership with Giving the Gift of knowledge and was approved.

Other talk from Superintendent Moore about the upcoming construction and roof repair and air conditioner replacement.

The School Office will be moved to the Superintendent's building for the construction. They will still have wireless connections to the school computers. Now that sounds like an excellent idea. Why not just make that a permanent move and utilize all the space efficiently? That would allow for more classrooms in the school building wouldn't it. How badly do they really want all the children inside the main building? Just food for thought. Does the school really have to waste space by having two separate offices?

Mr. Moore said they would place pictures of the work and receipts for the work, which they will receive as each phase completes in the drop box over the Internet. Anyone that has a password can check the progress there. Secret Public Information, hmmmm!

Why do they need the secrecy of public information in a drop box that requires a password?
Where is the transparency at West Elk USD-282?

This is not a private NGO or private business, it is a public entity, which means it is paid for by the property taxpayers and therefore owned by the taxpayers.

West Elk has us paying big bucks for all the computers and servers that provides a web site for dissemination of public information, yet they fail to provide information to the owners who they work for and receive a pay check from. Why? Why isn't the School Budget posted it is public information? Why aren't those pictures and receipts posted for the public? If they have the time and our tax dollars to post them privately they have time to post them openly to the public. Or are they hiding something. We have learned from the Federal Government about working secretly, as recent as Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation and how crooked they are using secrecy. Even deleting e-mails as Secretary of State. So how can a person trust all this lack of transparency?

It was stated that the Computer State Testing has ended. The testing Started near the end of March. Nice information to know isn't it? But they didn't tell you that the State Computer testing is simply Common Core Testing renamed did they? They also didn't tell you that you could opt your child out of the Common Core testing did they?

Take it all with a grain of salt or look into it yourself.
Some things you won't read in the School Board Minutes, because you don;t need to know !
This is just my opinion and views and nothing more.


If you want to talk about schools start a different thread. It has nothing to do with Elk Konnected.


Quote from: proelkco on May 12, 2015, 08:38:00 PM
If you want to talk about schools start a different thread. It has nothing to do with Elk Konnected.

Who are you to give orders?

Did you acquire ownership of the forum?

Where is your critical thinking?

Elk Konnected has at least 2 members on the School Board, perhaps all pf the Board Members are Elk Konnected but nobody wants to admit it.

People deny Elk Konnected by hiding their affiliation, in my personal opinion.

In the same way that i believe you do.

I'm entitled to my opinion --- you know that Freedom of Speech thing that Liberals hate and call name to try to stop freedom of speech.

Or is it you just want this thread with all of it's information to disappear?

Whatever the case, Keep trying. You have my fondness approval. LOL

Thanks for the visit.


VIDEO: Democrat Rep:
'You Don't Have a Right to Know'
What's Going on in Your Government

Isn't this the same attitude of the West Elk USD-282 School Board and Administration & Staff?

The School Board is a Government that Governs the School for the voters and taxpayers.

So why are they posting school business and information on the internet in a drop box that requires a password, to access this public information? Why the secrecy? Where is the transparency for the public, for the parents, for the voters, for the taxpayers? What are they hiding? We pay big bucks for all that technology and a very, very small part of it could be easily used to keep us updated, don't you think? They take the time to post the information in a secret drop box and rather than hide it the very same information provided to the School Board and Teachers and Coaches can just as easily be posted for everyone and not use any more computer data.

And all information with the exception of discipilanry action is Public Information.




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