Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: redcliffsw on March 03, 2015, 05:51:40 AM
By the way, what is Rolling Prairie Extension?

(What I have been able to find is the following and I have inserted my personal opinion in this fashion with brackets and blue lettering and occasional red lettering.)

Rolling Prairie District - Home

The Rolling Prairie District covers Chautauqua and Elk Counties and is a great resource for finding the information you need. Extension programs present useful information related to agriculture, home economics, youth development, family life, business and economics, healthy living, and much more. We take programs to schools, gardens, community centers, and other places.

(Most of this information is available by doing a simple search of the internet, and usually there are numerous sources available on the internet. So I really don't see where taxpayer money is needed to provide this info,)

Our philosophy is to help people help themselves by taking university knowledge to where people live, work, play, develop, and lead. We work at being responsive to the needs of the people by focusing our resources on providing quality information, education and problem-solving programs for real concerns. With locations in Sedan and Howard, we're here to help answer your questions about Crops and Livestock, 4-H & Youth Development, Lawn & Gardens, and Health & Nutrition.

(It seems everyone has a philosophy to help people help themselves if there is a government handout of taxpayer money, But where are the results of such expensive help?)

A community's sustainability depends on its long-term ability to meet residents' needs. One of our goals at K-State Research and Extension is to provide technical assistance and evidence-based programs to citizens who want to make sure their communities survive and prosper.

(Utilizing the very same talking points that are cliche with all taxpayer money grubbing beggar NGO's !)

K-State Research and Extension can play a key role in helping people create a vision across traditional geographical, sociological, and political boundaries. As Henry Ford said "Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success."

(There is that "Vision" thing again that NGO's like to freely used with no meat to it. LOL)

(Despite the lucrative government contracts, Henry Ford refused to participate in FDR's 1933 National Recovery Act. (Let's not forget that Ford Motors was the only "big-three" automaker to decline the recent government bailout.)

(Henry Ford Quote:

"It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand
our banking and monetary system, for if they did
I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."

And yet we continue to do the same old things.)

Statements and Disclosures

Kansas State University has compiled various resources for prospective students, current students, employees, parents, and the community about Kansas State University in accordance with the Higher Education Opportunity Act (2008) and other federal/state regulatory agencies.

The information has been divided into 11 categories for easier navigation, and provides links to specific web sites or downloadable reports. Any questions or comments regarding the information presented on any of these pages may be sent to kstate@k-state.edu or 785-532-6224.

(They say, "provides links to specific web sites or downloadable reports", I say big deal, do a google search.)

(From what I can discover Rolling Prairie is nothing more than any other NGO except it is a University Program funded by State and Federal Money. Money that could have perhaps could have gone to local districts, especially since the state wants to keep cutting taxpayer funding to the school districts.)

(Rolling Prairie has been around apparently since 2008, but 4-H has been around since Clark County, Ohio, in 1902. Rolling Prairie lists 4-H on their web site I guess only as a form of information. You know, like calling the information operator on your telephone. They tell you what the 4 H's stand for and have a calendar about 4-H. But these days just about everyone has their own web site so just what their involvement is eludes me. I don't see where Elk County has benefited fro the taxpayer dollars the University has received.)

(They also have a Community Development Web page --- but don't all of the thousands of NGO's ?  They Simply want to give you advice for your local Government business that is readily available by doing a few google searches ca accomplish as long as they can collect your taxes.

(They seem to have forgot Economic Development for some reason. But I'm sure their Economics is fine from receiving taxpayer dollars through State and Federal Funding.)

(But I don't see any real or tangible benefits for communities other than lollipops and rousing advertisement for their own movement.

(Like most self interest groups they look out for their bottom line. The bottom line is the taxpayers dollar.)


The following map is West Elk USD-282 Voting Districts Map.
There are no numbers to indicate which is District 1, District 2 or District 3.
Unless I missed the labels.

We voted 2 years ago to permit for three districts vs. six districts and the School District just now received this map. I mean come on two years to get a simple map made. And not even numbered that I can find. I picked my copy up at noon today and here it is for you.

I am running for District 3, position 3 as L.W. "Ross". I live just west of Moline therefore we can determine  that gray section to be district 3.

The edges of the map have been slightly trimmed because it was to large to go through my scanner. Also the printing is blurred because that is the way I received it.

I hope some of you find this information helpful.


Yes, I'm running for a seat on the West Elk USD-282 School Board and for all the right reasons.

Yes, I care about Elk County and I feel Elk County Citizens and taxpayers deserve better treatment than the old Status Quo has provided.

Some people don't appreciate the truth or the facts. I do!

Over time, I have tried to provide information for you, so you could follow what is going on in Elk County and the West Elk School District. And at my own expense.

I just added a folder of Elk County property tax levies.
There is plenty of information so if you live in the West Elk School District you can figure out for yourself where the tax break the County gave you went. This information also includes Townships, Towns and Graveyard mil levies. This information was provided politely by our County Clerk after I filled out a Freedom of Information Act form. Vicky Wedman has been a pleasure to work with.

The information is in pdf form and is too cumbersome to post on the forum so I put it on box.com. Consequently you must use the following links to open the files.

You might want to make a copy of this list for future use.

Elk County Levy Sheets

Voice Commisioners 11215 (This was about reading a rather insulting e-mail about the county on county property.)


West Elk USD-282 Audit for 2013-2014

Piper Jaffery Financial Handout to the West Elk School Board

Elk USD 282 Public Records Information

Elk County - County Commissioners Meeting

West Elk 2013-2014

West Elk School Board Meeting Minutes

West Elk Site Council Minutes

USD 282 District Voters Map

Common Core Map

West Elk USD-282 Board Positions by Date of Election 3-24-14


I hope some of you find this information useful.

Good Night Everyone.


"A community's sustainability depends on its long-term ability to meet residents' needs. One of our goals at K-State Research and Extension is to provide technical assistance and evidence-based programs to citizens who want to make sure their communities survive and prosper."

Whatever happened to "self-sufficiency" in America?  K-State says that you can't make it without their direction.  Send them your money to support Rolling Prairie District.  Pay now.



Quote from: redcliffsw on March 05, 2015, 08:00:23 AM

"A community's sustainability depends on its long-term ability to meet residents' needs. One of our goals at K-State Research and Extension is to provide technical assistance and evidence-based programs to citizens who want to make sure their communities survive and prosper."

Whatever happened to "self-sufficiency" in America?  K-State says that you can't make it without their direction.  Send them your money to support Rolling Prairie District.  Pay now.

It is all about collecting Government (taxpayer dollars) to give themselves another income.
That's all as I see in it.

They provide a lot of word service called advice.
But advice that is readily available on the internet for free.

All it takes is a little research and common sense.


A farmer told me that he gets his ag advice down at the coffee shop.




" ROSS "
I question everything!


Tens of thousands of of tax payer dollars have been squandered by the present
School Board.

I am not a member of the Progressive Liberal Elite Citizenry responsible for such waste.

They apparently believe they need to spend wastefully
and tax
the tax payer into oblivion.

Not me!
I am you!


A very interesting survey, I think every School Board member should give some thought to these questions!

School Board Candidate Questionnaire


 Yes  No      1. Do you believe schools should give primary emphasis to
                      teaching basic skills (e.g. reading, grammar, spelling, arithmetic)
                      rather than social or psychological matters?

 Yes  No      2. Do you support the use of intensive, systematic phonics to
                      teach first-grade children how to read?

Yes  No        3. Do you support the goal that children should be able to read by
                       the end of the first grade?

 Yes  No       4. Do you support the teaching of abstinence as the norm for
                       unmarried teenagers and as the only truly effective way to
                       prevent sexually-transmitted diseases?

 Yes  No        5. Do you believe the topics of homosexuality and alternative
                        lifestyles should be excluded from the classroom?

 Yes  No        6. Do you support teaching that the use of illegal drugs and the
                        unlawful use of alcohol are "wrong"?

 Yes  No         7. Do you reject classroom instruction that downgrades American
                         sovereignty, limited constitutional government, or private

 Yes  No         8. Do you support local control of education, with accountability
                         through the local school board, rather than federal control
                         exercised through federal and state bureaucracies and business

 Yes  No         9. Do you reject federal control of curriculum through the Goals
                         2000 and School-to-Work laws?

 Yes  No        10. Do you oppose the establishment of school-based health clinics,
                          which may perform examinations, provide immunizations and
                          medications, and dispense birth control devices and abortion
                          referrals, without parental consent or knowledge?

 Yes  No        11. Do you oppose the collection and maintenance of data on
                         student health, performance, attitudes, behavior, and family, as
                         well as academics, in computerized databases?

 Yes  No        12. Do you oppose allowing the school district to deduct money
                          from the paychecks of school employees and forward it to
                          political funds without the annual written consent of each


 Yes  No         13. Do you believe in the fundamental right of parents to direct the
                           upbringing and education of their children?

 Yes  No         14. Do you support a school board policy allowing parents the right
                           to inspect and review instructional materials and methods?

 Yes  No         15. Do you support a school board policy forbidding psychological
                           evaluations, testing, treatment, or physical examinations of
                           students without prior written parental consent?

Yes  No         16. Do you believe parental consent should be required prior to
                          giving information and care to students regarding sexuality and
                          reproductive health?

Yes  No         17. Do you oppose requiring students to answer nosy
                          questionnaires about sex, drugs, suicide, and family behavior
                          without prior written parental consent?

Yes  No         18. Do you support the right of parents to homeschool their


MAIL TO: Eagle Forum • P.O. Box 618 • Alton, IL 62002 • 618-462-5415


Something for thought.

Sometimes we need to look backward to the good ole days and remember what made them the good old days, in order to move forward.Those were the days we took responsibility for our actions.


Good Old Boys
Old Guard
Cahoot's, Conspiracy Theories, Distortion's, Compromises ?
Whatever term you wish to use !
They do exist !
Or there would not be words for them.

The wrong doings in our Country run Wide and Deep and Locally Close and Narrow in my opinion.

Every State, County, city has at least one NGO – Non Governmental Organization. Many of those are tax-exempt societies of sorts and typically receive thousands in funding from various community sources, government taxpayer sources, year after year. The people running those societies usually award themselves high-level salaries and run them as one would run a highly commercial corporation. A form of Begging is often used to solicit funds from actual Governments and Agencies. And for all the money that may be pumped over the years in those societies, It is my opinion not a single one has ever done anything really useful for the taxpayer or anyone else for that matter. With the exception of a very few.

The worst that could possibly happen for the bosses of these setups is that they would become known for what they really are. That being an organization, that thinks of our local governing body's as – the chicken that lays the golden eggs, if you will. Such Organizations are usually working hand-in-hand with other like-mind so called non-profit Organizations to accomplish and push their own desires and self promotion.

Some are listed with the Federal Government and State Government agencies as Non-Profit, some are not.
I can not find either Public Squares Communities INC or Elk Konnected LLC in any list.
I could not find an actual Kansas site, so I give you the following site: http://www.taxexemptworld.com/organizations/elk-county-ks-kansas.asp

Some NGO's are LLC in order to protect those involved from any personal financial responsibility for their Non-Governmental Organizations Actions. To me it says, "Hey I'm not responsible unless every thing goes good and in that case I am an intelligent responsible person." To me an LLC,  "Is saying, I am not expected to be responsible at all."

They all seem to use some form of Religion, Education, Health, Quality of Life, Family Structure, etc to beg for taxpayer dollars. And never say, how they can improve anything. Why? Because in my opinion, they are unable to do anything, even if you give them county taxpayer or any taxpayer monies they have no ability or expertise to do so.  Perhaps hand out Lollipops!

Let's review our very own Elk Konnected, LLC.

On their web page http://www.publicsquarecommunities.com/accredited-communities/elk-konnected/steering-committee/

They list the following:

Vision Statement
Strong families. Solid education. Superior Lifestyle. "Stay with us as we grow!"  (Grow What?)

What we actually have for Strong families are state and federal agencies for financial help for families, we have the "Kansas Department For Children and Families" with multiple programs to help. What has Elk Konnected actually provided? We also have the Four County Mental Health Center, Inc. a private not-for-profit licensed Kansas community mental health center providing comprehensive services for the ever changing needs of all populations residing within the southeast Kansas counties of Chautauqua, Cowley, Elk, Montgomery and Wilson.

Solid education.

What we actually have are several School Districts two of which have Governmental School Boards of Education within Elk County for Education provided by property owner and state taxes.
What does Elk Konnected actually provide?

Superior Lifestyle.

I have absolutely no idea what Elk Konnected means by this? Do they? What is "Superior Lifestyle"?
What is it superior too?

What do they actually have to provide?

Steering Committee


Liz Hendricks  (Elk Konnected,LLC & Public Squares Commuities, Inc. ?)

Dr. Dave Whetstone

Government: .

Yes, Elk Konnected does have Whetstone on one of the two two Boards of Education in  Elk County.
Is that perhaps a way of controlling and swaying the school board to have Elk Konnected influence the Boards way of thinking? There is more than one Elk Konnected member on the West Elk USD 282 School Board. Is his position on the School Board of Education in the best interest of Elk Konnected or West Elk USD 282 and it tax's payers?

He had to find employment outside of Elk County. Why didn't his own NGO encourage him as an entrepreneur? He is college educated and that is one of the things Elk Konnected said they wanted isn't it?

Didn't Elk konnected say they wanted to pay for High School Kids College, if they would sign a contract to return to Elk County as entrepreneur's and start businesses? It's just not that simple is it ?

Jennifer Montgomery

Well Jennifer was working for Elk County and for the City of Howard neither of which lasted very long.
Doesn't that mean this listing on their web page is no longer valid?
Does she even still live in Elk County? I have heard no!

Kenny Liebau

Yep, he is an elected official of the County. He has often said he supports Elk Konnected 100%, and always voted for whatever money Elk Konnected asked for. He should have recused himself from voting due to conflict of interest! It would have been the only ethical thing to do, but he failed to do so. So is his position on the County Commissioners Board in the best interest of Elk Konnected  or Elk County?

Human Services: Tommie Barnaby

What Human Services does Elk Konnected offer?
We already have the Council on Aging and we have the "Kansas Department For Children and Families" with multiple programs to help. We also have the Four County Mental Health Center, Inc. a private not-for-profit licensed Kansas community mental health center providing comprehensive services  for the ever changing needs of all populations residing within the southeast Kansas counties of Chautauqua, Cowley, Elk, Montgomery and Wilson. I do believe Elk County Commissioners already provide some of your property tax to support the Four County Mental Health Center.

What has Elk Konnected actually provided for Elk County?

What can Elk Konnected actually provided Elk County?

Can they do better than provide social gatherings for their circle of friends and so many of them can't even make it because they don't live close enough.

I know people on facebook that befriend anyone and everyone and have thousands of friends on their facebook. Does that mean anything substantial? Not to me!

You know what I think? Do you want my personal opinion?
Well I'll share with you, what I think of NGO's, okay.
It may offend you so if you don't want to be offended don't continue reading.

LOL My disclaimer, because I am not a protected LLC!

By Strolling beyond this point you agree to not be offended, Thank You. LOL

When NGO's operate a LLG's and LLG's that are Non-profits it is for self protection.
And it is for the purpose of keeping their finance's private !
In other words you can not look at the books to see who is drawing a paycheck or how large that paycheck is.

You don't understand that? Do you think they are all working for free?
Do you think they are volunteering to run a business? Think again?

Sure they tell "you'' to volunteer for them so they can take the glory for your work and efforts to keep collecting money to provide those pay checks to themselves.

I was accused during an Open County Commissioners meeting, by an Elk Konnected member of not volunteering and he asked, why I don't volunteer. I did not get the opportunity to answer because a member of the board realized things were getting too hot and moved the conversation on. A very good man by the name of Doug Ritz did that, he cut me off.

But let me answer that charge and that question.

First, I am not answerable to Elk Konnected and it's secret membership. 

Second, his accusation was based on nothing more than Elk Konnected's limited vision, as if the citizens are answerable to Elk Konnected.

Third, I have done plenty of volunteering, which is none of his business.
I would not want to dignify myself by divulging how I have volunteered at the cost to the people I have helped and at the same time dishonor them. Thank you Mr. Black.

And this is why I question everything !

Please Check out this web site:

And check out the short video
The following isQuoted from the Web site:


Product Description

Why did Dorothy follow the yellow brick road? Filmmaker Joel Gilbert journeys across America to find out what's at the end of the "progressive" rainbow – Utopia or something far worse? From the ruins of Detroit to the slums of Chicago's South Side, and from Denver's illegal immigration invasion to Newark's urban removal project, Gilbert pulls back the curtain. He confronts progressives on his quest, and he takes us deep into their political fantasy of paradise on earth, investigating:

Why amnesty for illegals is bad for the black community.
Why the Democrat Party wants Americans dependent on government
How Islam is expanding into Detroit and other cities devastated by progressive policies
Why Peggy Joseph, the 2008 voter who said Obama would "pay for her mortgage," DOES NOT support him today
How political correctness is silencing American free speech
The roots of the progressive agenda for Utopia on earth
Why Chicago and Newark are becoming the new Detroits
Why Barack Obama is the real-life Wizard of Oz – a charlatan full of empty promises
The "vast left-wing conspiracy" in America today
"There's No Place Like Utopia" is a humorous and horrifying exploration of progressivism, amnesty for illegals, race relations, Islam in America, political correctness and Barack Obama himself, who promises to "remake the world as it should be." But is Utopia a real destination for America? Or does the true path to happiness still remain faith, family and hard work – back home in Kansas?


"Joel Gilbert takes a serious theme – how socialism (disguised as progressivism) threatens to destroy our freedom and prosperity and fashions it into an imaginative, creative, biting and yes, genuinely funny movie. There's No Place Like Utopia manages to be both instructive and entertaining. It should be to the current elections what Dinesh di Souza's documentary 2016 was to the 2012 elections, only this time, given the very different atmosphere, Gilbert's film could have a real political impact." – Rael Jean Isaac, The Wall Street Journal

"Joel Gilbert dissects what many Americans think of as a benign desire for a perfectible universe, and in doing so exposes the dark totalitarian underside of utopian dreams. With insightful interviews overlaying a comic narrative, Gilbert brings to life our current day Wizards of Oz and their outsized plans to reorganize society and control behavior, while shrinking the freedoms we still – foolishly – take for granted. Americans need to wake up before they find themselves living in a very different country from the one they were born to." – Ken Timmerman, author of "Dark Forces"

"A great message to America accomplished with remarkable wisdom, dogged determination and exceptional patriotism. This film can turn the tide of progressive destruction. This movie needs to be seen by every American." – Gen. Charles Jones III, U.S. Air Force, retired

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