Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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I decided to e-mail Dollar General about the possibility of a Dollar General in Howard.
The Regional Manager responded with the e-mail below.

-------Original Message-------

From: Dale Stallings
Date: 8/27/2014 8:54:52 AM
To: Ross
Subject: RE: New Store Location

The process involved for us to open a new store is pretty involved and takes a long time. We have certain developers that do all the land contracting, construction, etc. and when they get a site under contract they'll submit it for our consideration. If we approve a new store in that location then they'll take the steps necessary to try to make it happen. I've driven the roads in Kansas pretty thoroughly and can tell you that I've been through Howard several times over the years on my way to other places. As of today there have been discussions about Howard, KS, but no site has been submitted to me for consideration. If a site is submitted to me I'll give it my full attention.

Thanks for thinking of Dollar General.



"Hello Elk Konnected"

We haven't heard anything from you is such a very long time, so  feel compelled to ask the following questions.

Are you still out there?

Where ever are you hiding? Yu are hiding aren't you?

Won't you advise Elk County on your take of the possibility of a new Elk County Commissioner?

She is Elk Konnected isn't she?

Won't you advise Elk County on your take of the possibility of a new Dollar General Store in Howard?

Won't you advise Elk County on your take of the possibility of the positive or negative effects  of a new Dollar General Store in Howard?

I guess if there is no response it will be safe to assume that Elk Konnected has no intelligent answers or intellegent opinions as to what is happening in the real Elk County Community, right?

What is Elk Konnected position and/or opinion on Obama's Common Core?

Elk Konnected Whatever happened to wanting to communicate with Elk County residences?

I don't seem to find any articles in the local newspaper or my monthly magazine from my Rural Electric Company any longer. What happened?

Is Elk Konnected only interested in their Elk Kounty Konnected Kommunity with County Borders or City Limits?

Don;t you care about Elk County any more?

Elk Konnected Is this a boycott of Elk County citizens? Is that why you won't talk us?Elk Konnected

Come out; come out where ever you are? LOL
Please come out and communicate with me and the Elk County Citizens.
It would be excellent advertisement for your business!
You still are an LLC aren't you?

The sky is falling: the sky is falling!
No really, we have got some sprikles so far this morning. Sweet.
Can we have some more, please! Rain that is.

What a beautiful three day weekend we are forcast to have for labor day weekend.


Quoted from Alan Caruba, TPPN (http://www.tpnn.com/ )
On the home page of the Communist Party USA (http://www.cpusa.org/ ) it says "A better and peaceful world is possible—a world where people and nature come before profits. That's socialism. That's our vision. We are the Communist Party USA."

For several generations since the last century, Americans have been indoctrinated to accept an ever-growing central government, but even so an August Reason-Rupe survey poll found that fully 54% favored a smaller government providing fewer services. Just 18% of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing, while 75% disapprove.


Quote from: ROSS on April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

Unified Gov't (w/in the county) to save money and become more unified (do away with city gov't, councils­
(cont.) all centrally located-one managing body) (Big Ideas's)


Though education is never mentioned in the Constitution, we have a Department of Education and the same applies to the Department of Energy, both created by Jimmy Carter. A Nixon executive order brought about the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency that is masterminding an attack on private property along with the manufacturing, agricultural and energy sectors of the economy.

As for those "greenhouse" gases, nitrogen and oxygen are the most abundant in the atmosphere, followed by nothing more dangerous than water vapor! Carbon dioxide is a very minor gas at 0.04%. And most importantly, the Earth is not a greenhouse. When the Sun's radiation is reduced due to its own natural cycles, it gets colder.


Someone not telling us the truth about theDollar store man says he has signed the paper work to sell  land to them.  Maybe they started the story see  how fast it spread


Quote from: oldfart on September 01, 2014, 12:30:04 PM
Someone not telling us the truth about theDollar store man says he has signed the paper work to sell  land to them.  Maybe they started the story see  how fast it spread

Oh, rumors usually travel pretty fast.

I did email the Dollar General Regional Manager and as you read, there has been some talk about a possibility of building in Howard but that's all.

I don't believe anyone is lying, not intentionally anyway, we will just have to wait and see what happens.

Our famous Elk Konnected won't even share their opinion as to whether the store would be good or bad for Elk County and in particular the Howard Retail Merchants. After all doesn't Elk Konnected  have experience in failure of providing services? Don't their failures provide valuable experience, which they could share with Elk County Citizens? What Konnections does Elk Konnected have that are of any value?

Remember when we had a Konnected Kounty Economic Development Employee?
We got nothing then either? Just wasted tax dollars, in my opinion!

What the heck kind of business is Elk Konnected, LLC?
What kind of service or merchandise does Elk Konnected, LLC provide?

What does Elk Konnected do for Elk County?

Why won't Elk Konnected be open and honest and transparent with Elk County?

Why won't Elk Konnected have an Konnected Konversation right here with all of us in Elk County?

What Konnections does Elk Konnected have and what are the Konnections importance?

It's like a turtle withdrawing into its shell !                  What's with that?   


Now I why no one likes getting on here anymore as well as me cough cough that would be Connie Avalos Owner of Sweet&Spicy in Howard,Ks. It has been brought up to my attention that my name was brought up on here by who ever JANE May be about the Dollar General talk if You or Anyone else want to know anything about this MATTER then you need to go to the source or whom you think might be involved  instead of accusing that I am pushing for Dollar General to come here and if you must know I SUPPORT OUR LOCAL FAMILY MARKET AND APPRECIATE JULIE PERKINS, BUY GAS AT P&J'S  when I NEED TO, IF YOU MUST KNOW WHERE I GO TO SHOP FOR MY BUSINESS IT CAN' T ALL BE BOUGHT LOCAL BUT WHY DO I NEED TO POST WHERE I GO BUY MY PRODUCTS AND IF YOU DON'T SUPPORT OUR BUSINESS YOUR LOSS NOT MINE. IF YOU MUST KNOW I DO HAVE A I HAVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE SERVICE TO ANYONE SIGN POSTED. I AND MY FAMILY LOVE LIVING IN HOWARD AND PLAN ON STAYING HERE FOR AWHILE. OOHHH!! I DO SHOP DOLLAR GENERAL........


Quote from: connie on September 02, 2014, 11:20:19 AM
Now I why no one likes getting on here anymore as well as me cough cough that would be Connie Avalos Owner of Sweet&Spicy in Howard,Ks. It has been brought up to my attention that my name was brought up on here by who ever JANE May be about the Dollar General talk if You or Anyone else want to know anything about this MATTER then you need to go to the source or whom you think might be involved  instead of accusing that I am pushing for Dollar General to come here and if you must know I SUPPORT OUR LOCAL FAMILY MARKET AND APPRECIATE JULIE PERKINS, BUY GAS AT P&J'S  when I NEED TO, IF YOU MUST KNOW WHERE I GO TO SHOP FOR MY BUSINESS IT CAN' T ALL BE BOUGHT LOCAL BUT WHY DO I NEED TO POST WHERE I GO BUY MY PRODUCTS AND IF YOU DON'T SUPPORT OUR BUSINESS YOUR LOSS NOT MINE. IF YOU MUST KNOW I DO HAVE A I HAVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE SERVICE TO ANYONE SIGN POSTED. I AND MY FAMILY LOVE LIVING IN HOWARD AND PLAN ON STAYING HERE FOR AWHILE. OOHHH!! I DO SHOP DOLLAR GENERAL........

That is just terrible of people to claim things about you that they don't know or understand.
I do believe you have done a good job setting them straight.
I feel the same as you and I also support our local merchants.
I don't get to Howard very often but when I have, I have enjoyed eating at your Sweet and Spicy.
I have also enjoyed the service and atmosphere and attitudes at your restrauant.

Thanks for sounding off.


Well lookie there on page 20 of my monthly rag called Kansas Country Living, its Public Squares Communities. Wow!

Look Up there in the upper right hand corner of the article, it says and I quote:

"In addition to long-term community work. Public Squares facilitates short
–term projects that alter and strengthen organizations."

Them there are a lot of words, but what the hell are they talking about?
That bunch of words are about as clear as mud to me, sounds a lot like a used car salesman or snake oil salesman doesn't it? Where is the who, what, where, when and how's of these statements?

The second paragraph says and I quote again:

"Our primary product is grassroots, bottom-up mobilizing of the entire community that takes up to two years, and can continue indefinitely if the community chooses to sustain the process and host a peer review by four other communities every two years."

Now, in my opinion that is just another bunch of words that means gobble-de-gook. Where is the who, what, where, when and how's of these statements?

I mean bottom-up, give me a break! Here in Elk County it was the supposedly county elite and it appeared to be manipulating the lower class as dummies with telling them where they could sit and who they could sit with. And putting them in 25 circles of chairs wearing their little name tags with different colored kindergarten stars. How demeaning is that? We don't want you sitting with your wife, we don't want you sitting with your friend, we don't want you sitting with your neighbor.  And if you don't play our game, we will, call the Sheriff. What kind of Community Conversation is that?

He also says in that paragraph, "host a peer review by four other communities every two years."
When has Elk Konnected ever hosted a peer review by four other communities and if they have where are the results?

What has Elk Konnected accomplished since April 2011?
Oh their web site http://www.publicsquarecommunities.com/accredited-communities/elk-konnected/success-stories/ they list their "Success Stories" (and there is only 1 (one)), it is covered on page one of this thread. To me it still appears to be a disaster, just my opinion.

Oh and they started the Elk Konnected Communication Fitness Center in Howard, KS with Other Peoples Money and it failed, didn't it?

I seem to remember they were pushing a day care center at the old Moline Grade School. It's not there any longer, did it fail too?

Elk Konnected please tell us what you have successfully completed? Is there anything?

How do you maintain your accredation?

I see Elk Konnected changed up their Steering Committee listing. Now each member has a category – that's new.

Oh and adding a Konnected Kounty Kommissioner in the category of Government: County Commissioner Kenny Liebau that's new.

And under the Business category we find Liz Hendricks. Well of course she owns Public Squares Communities doesn't she?

And the Education Category, that would be Liz's brother-in-law and a West Elk, Elk Konnected School Board Member, right?

There ain't no conflict of interest in any of this is there?
Will the next County Commissioner get a position on the Steering Committee as well?

Who do you serve, the folks that elected you to the School Board and the County Commissioner Board or do you serve Elk Konnected? Or does it matter? 
There are no blurred lines here. Check it out at http://www.publicsquarecommunities.com/accredited-communities/elk-konnected/steering-committee/ , go look for your self please.

Steering Committee
Liz Hendricks
Dr. Dave Whetstone
Jennifer Montgomery
Kenny Liebau
Human Services:
Tommie Barnaby

Now about that peer review, what could Elk Konnected tell four other peer communities that they have accomplished since 2011 so they could maintain their Accreditation? What?

Oh but wait a minute, who in their right mind would diss-allow Accreditation to Elk Konnected which is ran by the owner of Public Squares Communities?

Let's see what wikipedia says about Accreditation:
Accreditation is a process in which certification of competency, authority, or credibility is presented.
Organizations that issue credentials or certify third parties against official standards are themselves formally accredited by accreditation bodies (such as UKAS); hence they are sometimes known as "accredited certification bodies".[2] The accreditation process ensures that their certification practices are acceptable, typically meaning that they are competent to test and certify third parties, behave ethically and employ suitable quality assurance.

So who accredits Public Squares Communities?
This is all just so cornfusing ain't it?

Oh and discussing County Commissioners and Konnected Kounty Kommissioners, I heard yet another another rumor in Elk County.

Nope, I won't drop no names of who told me. 

The rumor is that Kaminska who won the primary election has made it known that she wants to hire another Elk County Economic Development Employee for $40,000 a year? Got news for ya it doesn't stop at $40,000 ya gotta add in a lot of other costs added to such a position. But why waste the money? I'd like to know why? The county has had a couple of Economic Development Employees and never received anythng for the money, so why? It's just a rumor for now, but will it come true and waste thousands of dollars? Will we have two Konnected Kounty Kommissioners, once again controlling the county's purse strings? I guess we will have to wait and see, won't we?

Oh, what a tangled web we weave or not or maybe?   
Who knows? Lot's of questions go unanswered don't they?  LOL
Really it's not funny!
Where is the transparency?
Where is the line?

Now remember this is just me voicing m opinion and asking what I consider to be legitimate questions.
You of course don't have to take any of this to heart.

I hope every one has a great weekend.


Quote from: ROSS on September 11, 2014, 01:00:55 PM
What do you think you know about the Federal Government and Bill Gates Common Core.
I thought I knew enough, I thought it sounded wrong from everything I had read.

And yes in my opinion that is enough to raise questions.

BUT. I am reading a book about Common Core that is terrifying. The book is entitled
"The Cult of Common Core"
by Brad McQueen. This is far more than wrong.

Do you have children or grand children in school, if so this is a must read.
It is worse than a horror story.

The book is available in print or digital download at Amazon.com
and I bet at other places on the internet.

Common Core = Rotten Control = Complete Control

This is something I just read, separate from the book, "It also is a source if indoctrination of progressive and communist principles."

So, I'm wondering why our West Elk Konnected School Board Members are not discussing this topic at their meetings? Perhaps because it is easier to ignore a problem than to address it. Do they simply lead by following from behind like Obama?

What is West Elks School Boards Stand on Obama Common Core?
Do they care even a smidgen about Education or is it just Sports that interest them?
Oh let's not forget an interest i all the goodies on the table.
That sure looked like a very rich chocolate piece of cake on the table for eveyone!
What's next filet mingnon?
If they don't have any answers perhaps they have some questions about Common Core?

And speaking of Konnected wouldn't this be a major Quality Of Life issue for Elk Konnected?

Just where is all that leadership in Elk County, don't they care about the children any longer?

Where are all the Konnected Followers, don't you care about your children or grand childrens educations,
and future generations of childrens educations?

Followers what is your stand on Common Core?


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