Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Wilma on June 01, 2011, 10:19:32 AM
Yes, it has.  It is owned by the people that belong to and support it.  Even I, in my diminished capacities can figure that one out.

It is owned, by law, by those who are admitted members/managers of the limited liability company and who share in the profits/losses (if any).  Just supporting Boeing does not make me an owner.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


There have been suggestions here, and on other threads, that if a crime exists then proper authorities should be notified.  I couldn't agree more.  However, this thread is about ethics and a public debate regarding government actions, use of taxpayer funds, government interaction with private entities and the actions of private entities to influence government action using unconventional methods that purport to represent overall public opinion.  It is not about criminal wrong doing... are you suggesting such a thing?

I, for one, have come to the conclusion that the 'outcomes' of community 'conversations' probably do not represent a majority of public opinion, do little to offer solutions in the arenas of community development & growth, and may be highly manipulative in their methods.  The response I have received privately seem to support those views.  I'm sure you and yours differ.  But that doesn't change the questions.

Who really owns Elk Konnected LLC, and what are their detailed long term plans to ensure jobs and growth in Elk County?  What is the next 'consensus' of public opinion will they present to government officials?  How will the next batch of taxpayer monies they receive be used?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Wilma on June 01, 2011, 10:19:32 AM
Even I, in my diminished capacities can figure that one out.
I don't care how old/young you are, you can not convince me of that. No way.


Based upon your experience at the Elk Connected meeting and what you've since read about the Delphi Tecnique, was the Delphie Technique used to conduct the meeting?


Quote from: redcliffsw on June 01, 2011, 12:05:40 PM
Based upon your experience at the Elk Connected meeting and what you've since read about the Delphi Tecnique, was the Delphie Technique used to conduct the meeting?

Ross would be better suited to answer, but my understanding is:  Verbatim. Only a blind person could look at the two side by side and not see the picture.

Why does Elk Konnected LLC need to pay $3000 a year or so for the services of a professional out of county 'facilitator' from Public Square Communities, LLC to 'lead' conversations in our communities?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


I wanted to revisit this document provided by Elk Konnected, LLC the night of the so called Wind Farm Community Conversation.
Community Conversation Committee Report

Purpose of committee: Analyze input comments from Elk County residents as to how wind energy dollars should be invested. This is a very poor analysis in my opinion. Looks like poor thought processes were used. And that the control mechanism was more interested in control than producing anything worth while. They didn't seem to know the difference between city and county and state functions and private business.
This process was launched with a community meeting where community members presented
ideas for the expenditure of the income from the newly formed wind farm. At the community
conversation meeting, residents present at the meeting were asked to give their input in the
categories of "Ideas", "Big Ideas", and IITop Ideas". All residents present were divided into
small "round table"  (they mean circle of chairs, no tables) discussion groups in order to discuss and bring forward the ideas.

After the community conversation, a representative from each "round table" (they mean circle of chairs, no tables) group was
assigned to be on a special committee. From there, the committee was assembled to take the
ideas and organize them. The committee meeting resulted in the following analysis of data.

The committee felt as if most all comment could be grouped into 1 of 6 primary categories. How did the every day citizens know to come up with categories unless someone from Elk Konnected, LLC trained in this situation was there to tell them what to do? It's just not something every day citizens think of.Then after analyzing, the committee prioritized the 6 groups by group discussion and vote. The
6 categories, and order of priority, are:

These are normal community operating tools to operate under, don't you think?
So nothing new here right.
1. Financial

2. Infrastructure/Utilities

3. Economic Development

4. Services

5. Education

6. Miscellaneous

After assigning every single comment from the community meeting into a certain category, the
data in each category was grouped into sub-topics (see appendix to review grouping). It should
be noted that several comments were "cross-over" comments, meaning that the committee
felt like the comment actually fell into more than one category, and therefore they analyzed it
in both categories when forming sub-topics. This committee seemed to be very well versed in Obama skills for every day citizens. I believe community organizers and facilitators get college educations to think like this. Not everyday citizens think this way.
I think perhaps this committee might have been Elk Konnected, LLC's own registered members.

Some of the sub-topics that garnered the most comments were as follows:

Financial category: 50% of the comments related to lowering taxes and 25% of the comments
related to paying off debt.

Infrastructure/Utilities: Slightly less than 50% of the comments related to road improvements
ranging from city streets to county roads and 20% of the comments related to community
improvements ranging from restoration/clean-up, to improving parks, to building community
Since when is city streets and city improvements and city centers County Government business. If Howard wants all that take it up with their city council.
Economic Development: Over 50% of comments related to the generic (as in no specific
details) topic of job creation and 20% related to assisted living &/or day care.
Howard already has a nursing home and there are day cares out there. But these are private business concerns --- not County Government business. I suppose if Howard's city council wants it citizens to cough up more tax dollars to support private business. I say more power to them.
Services: Many different ideas fell into this category with a large majority of the comments
being "cross-over" ideas that also fell into Financial, Infrastructure/Utilities, or Economic

Education: The generic (as in no specific details) topic of schools/libraries garnered 50% of the
comments in this category Education is not a County Government responsibility.
That is the school district and elected school board members following state laws and state school board regulations.
Committee's Conclusion of the data:

Focus should be on the first three categories of Financial, Infastructure/Utilities, and Economic

In the Financial category: Lowering taxes will help with the creation of jobs and the act of
lowering taxes will benefit all residents that pay taxes. It will also create a more business
friendly environment. Paying off debt will also decrease the tax burden. It was also agreed that
banking a certain percentage of the income is needed. No new idea here.

In the Infrastructure/Utilities category: County roads are a must for improvements, as well as
city streets. Water and trash services are a key to fostering business growth. The committee
also felt that this is the best category to set long, medium and short term goals and that
prioritizing will be necessary in this category.
Water and trash service and city streets are city government not County Government responsibilities. I suggest Elk Konnected, LLC attend their City Council meeting.
Economic Development: The committee realizes it is not the responsibility of local government
to create jobs, but rather, create a business friendly environment. Assisting and promoting
growth in existing businesses should be a key consideration. Because the comments relating to
assisted living and/or daycare came up so often (which these were also cross-over topics
mentioned in other categories), the committee feels that it is relevant to point out that this
could be a way to help with job creation. The committee felt that it was a valid consideration
that deserves its own separate action team, if decided to pursue this idea. What? Is the county suppose to give money, to Howard to rebuild the whole town? I don't think so.
Services: Youth activities, assisted living, and daycare led the way with the greatest number of        
comments. The committee expressed concern of government versus private industry in
creating these services. There was some discussion about how the government needs to help
grow these services, but without having the control and responsibility. Not County business so no problem. Elk Konnected if it's such a good idea and money maker go do it.
Though not garnering a
lot of comments, the committee felt it was relevant to reiterate the importance of the
emergency services of ambulance and fire that serve all citizens of our county. Already taken care of.
Education: The committee felt that ultimately, this is the school board's responsibility, but if
taxes are lowered, it may draw in more people that could afford to live within the county,
thereby having an impact on the school. The committee felt that the comments relating to
scholarships to help attract Elk County raised students back to Elk County did deserve some
consideration, and again, would need its own separate action team, if decided to pursue this
idea. It's been tried across the country and doesn't work. And in today's economy people with degrees are working at McDonalds. Housing prices are dropping again. Our country is still in a financial crises. College kids can not repay their college loans. Colleges are in financial trouble.
Miscellaneous: The committee decided that there were comments that did not fit into the
above mentioned categories and therefore these comments were listed as miscellaneous.

Side note: Without overlapping with federally subsidized programs, the committee was
surprised that more comments about the support of the agriculture industry in Elk County were
not mentioned. What's to understand, the farmers/ ranchers don't want Elk Konnected. LLC in their personal business.The committee felt like this topic does warrant more attention since this is the
primary industry in Elk County. What does the average citizen know about federally subsidized programs or grants for that matter? These were not average everyday citizens writing this stuff. In fact, I think this was probably written up and printed and collated and stapled before the meeting. There was no real thought put into this. Unless it was Elk Konnected's ideas for fixing up Howard.
Appendix is attached with data breakdown of how the committee sorted all comments that
were generated from the community conversation.


Lower Taxes - 20 (Idea's)
Lower Taxes - 10 (Top 3 idea's)
Payoff Debt - 8 (Idea's)

Pay off Debt- 7 (Top 3 idea's)

Save the 1 st million for the future as a cushion - l(Idea's)
Bank 1st million - 2 (Big Idea's)

1 st million in bank - 3 (Top 3 idea's)
Matching Funds -1 (Idea's)

A fund for matching grant funds - 1 (Big Idea's)

Spend money all over the county not in just to towns - 1 (Idea's) Vague
Spend it as an investment not as expenditure (Big Idea's) Vague
Divide equally to all communities - 3 (Top 3 idea's) Vague
County employee compensation - 2 (Idea's)
How about a pay raise for the Elk Konnected, LLC County Commissioner.
Improve Roads - 17 (Idea's)
Help cities improve streets - 2 (Idea's) Not County business. Howard city council's responsibility.
Funds for roads and bridges - 1 (Big Idea's) County roads and bridges, gut hey that's what the county does right?
Road Improvements - 10 (Top 3 idea's)
County roads and bridges, gut hey that's what the county does right?Infrastructure improvement - 3 (Idea's) So vague it doesn't make sense.
Water supply (Idea's) Not County business.
Water - 2 (Top 3 idea's) Not County business.

Rural water all over county - 2 (Big Idea's)
Clean up properties and restore buildings - 2 (Idea's) Not County business. Cuty business.
Community Building -1 (Idea's) Not County business.

Improving parks - community centers - 1 (Idea's) Not County business. City business.
Improvements in each community. Clean-up, repair roads and buildings etc. (Idea's)  Not County business. City business.

Rebuild public squares in each community - 1 (Big Idea's)  Not County business. City business.

Centralized community facility w/ transportation=Ig and sm meeting rms, commercial kitchen,
(cont.) fitness center, indoor pool, physical therapy (Moline Rodeo Grounds) (Big Idea's)  Not County business. City business.
Funds for each community for improvements - 1 (Big Idea's) Vague
Divide equally to all communities - 3 (Top 3 idea's) Vague

Centrally located county fairgrounds with 1 fair - I (Big Idea's)
Courthouse Improvements - 2 (Idea's)

Safe Shelters - 2(Idea's) Not county business. Howard see your city council. The idea to build a community shelter outside of Howard as an attachment to the school bond failed didn't it. If Howard wants a community shelter they should build one inside the city limits  and Elk Konnected, LLC like's to say centralized for all citizens.
Broadband initiative countywide - 2 (Big Idea's)
Build new jail- l(ldea's) Why? Just to spend money. Or do you expect a large influx of prisoners? We won't be housing anyone for Sedan soon. Because they are building a new jail.
Transfer Station - 1 (Idea's) Not county business. Howard see your city council.
Maintain and promote rail service - l(Idea's) Huh? Get a little money and run a railroad??
New ambulance - l(Idea's)

Sewer systems in small towns - 1 (Idea's) Not county business. Howard see your city council.
Economic Development

Jobs -11 (Idea's) Not county business. Create Jobs - 10 (Top 3 idea's) Not county business.

Create Jobs/ Bring in business - 6 (Big Idea's) Not county business.
Assisted Living - 3 (Idea's) Private business. Not county business.
Assisted Living - 2 (Big Idea's) Private business. Not county business.

Assisted Living and Daycare - 4 (Top 3 idea's) Private business. Not county business.
Community Wide day care facility - 1 (Big Idea's) Private business. Not county business.
Tourism - 2 (Idea's) State working on that.

Transfer Station - 1 (Idea's) City business. Not county business.
Golf Course - 1 (Idea's) Private business. Not county business.

New swimming pool and golf course - 1 (Big Idea's) Private business or city business, Not county business.
Grocery store in Moline - 1 (Idea's) Private business. Not county business.

Preserving Moline school- 1 (Idea's) Not County business. School Board and School district.
Land Purchase for possible population expansion (Idea's) Private businesing .
Clean-up and revitalize lakes and recreation sites - 1 (Big Idea's) If owned by the county.
Historical preservation, Swinging Bridge and Elevator Museum - 1 (Big Idea's) City business, state business, Not county business.
Rebuild public squares in each community - 1 (Big Idea's) City business. Not county business.

Airport - Heliport - 1 (Big Idea's) Already have one, not expecting any 747's.

Centralized community facility w/ transportation-Ig and sm meeting rms, commercial kitchen, fitness center, indoor pool,
(cont.) physical therapy (Moline Rodeo Grounds) (Big Idea's) Not County business.

Improved/more housing (Big Idea's) Not County business. Private business.
Certify/Train a group of local residents to work on wind mills - 1 (Top 3 idea's) Not County business. Private business.

Youth Facility - 9 (Idea's) Not County business. Private business, or city business.
More $ invested for youth in each town - 1 (Big Idea's) Not County business.
Invest in Youth Activities - 1 (Top 3 idea's)

Assisted Living - 3 (Idea's) Not County business. Private business.
Assisted Living - 2 (Big Idea's) Not County business. Private business.
Assisted Living and Daycare - 4 (Top 3 idea's) Not County business. Private business.
Community Wide day care facility - 1 (Big Idea's) Not County business. Private business.

Community Building -1 (Idea's) Not County business. City business.

Centralized community facility w/ transportation--lg and sm meeting rms, commercial kitchen, fitness center, indoor pool,
(cont.) physical therapy (Moline Rodeo Grounds) (Big Idea's) Not County business. Private business.

Funds for each community for improvements - 1 (Big Idea's) If the County Commissioners decide to give equal sums to each community for their own use.

Improving parks - community centers - 1 (Idea's) Not County business. City business.

Improvements in each community. Clean-up, repair roads and buildings etc. (Idea's) Not County business.
Countywide clean-up - 3 (Big Idea's)  They already do it their own way.

Clean-up and revitalize lakes and recreation sites - 1 (Big Idea's) If they are county owned.

Safe Shelters - 2(Idea's) Not County business. City business.

Broad brand initiative countywide - 2 (Big Idea's)
Libraries - 2 (Idea's) Not County business. City business.

Scholarships with the obligation to return after school- 2(Top 3 idea's) Not County business.
Transportation for elderly and children - l(Idea's) Already available

Transfer Station - 1 (Idea's) Not County business. City business.

Historical preservation, Swinging Bridge and Elevator Museum - 1 (Big Idea's) Not County business. State or City business.

Rec center w/\ indoor pool- 1 (Big Idea's) Not County business.
New swimming pool and golf course - 1 (Big Idea's) Not County business.
Professional golf course tournament - 1 (Top 3 idea's) Not County business.

New ambulance - 1 (Idea's) In the process of buying one now, I believe. normal county business.

Food Services to elderly - l(Idea's) Doesn't this already go on?
Grocery store in Moline - 1 (Idea's) Not County business.
More Tourist Attractions (Idea's) Not County business.
Airport - Heliport - 1 (Big Idea's) Already have.

Centrally located county fairgrounds with 1 fair - 1 (Big Idea's) How about in Longton, or the rodeo grounds near Moline.

Education Not County business. School Board and School district.

Schools - 5 (Idea's) Not County business. School Board and School district.
Libraries - 2 (Idea's) Not County business. City Business.

Scholarships - 2 (Idea's) Not County business.

Sponsor scholarships for trade within county - 1 (Big Idea's) Not County business.
Scholarships with the obligation to return after school- 2(Top 3 idea's) Not County business.
Enrich the education - 1 (Big Idea's) Not County business. School district and school board.

More $ invested for youth in each town -1 (Big Idea's) Not county business, city business.

Be able to keep and reopen schools in small towns as population grows _ 1 (Big Idea's) Not County business. School district and school board.


Drug Test before can get food stamps or welfare - 1 (Idea's) Does the county have control over food stamps and welfare??? NO ! State Business
Spend within our budget - l(Idea's) This has been a good idea since the development of the dollar and government.

Get engineer - 1 (Idea's) Why? Just to spend money.

Unified Gov't (w/in the county) to save money and become more unified (do away with city gov't, councils­
(cont.) all centrally located-one managing body) (Big Ideas's) Not County business. Reeks of communism to this US Veteran.

Invest in Stock Shares - 1 (Top 3 idea's)

Raise taxes on brushy residential land - 1 (Top 3 idea's) Not County business. City business.

So anyway in my opinion nothing was accomplished by Elk Konnected, LLC' s so called Community Conversation. Just a poor presentation in my opinion. It appears the meeting was more for practice in people control.
All my personal opinion as I have often stated in this forum. So slap me silly. Go.

Who are the officialy registered Elk Konnected, LLC members??????????????????????????????


Quote from: redcliffsw on June 01, 2011, 12:05:40 PM
Based upon your experience at the Elk Connected meeting and what you've since read about the Delphi Tecnique, was the Delphie Technique used to conduct the meeting?

Okay. This is what I saw and heard. I walked in the door and was suppose to sign in and accept a name tag with a little colored star on it. You know the little stars used in grade school. This star is significant. I did not do that. I just walked in.

Once inside the door I saw a bunch of chairs all set up in little circles of maybe 8 or 10 chairs. Well I  chose to sit on the edge of the stage which was at the back of the room, the way they had things set up. Quite a bunch of people chose to do the same thing. When all the chairs that were set up were filled a bunch of people started setting up more circles. And that is when the facilitator from Wichita County started approaching  people individually along the stage. He was telling them they had to sit in the circles or they would not be permitted to participate. Some people did move into the circles but most stayed on the edge of the stage, as I did. When the man was telling me the same thing he appeared worried about all the papers I had in my hand, he kept looking at the papers and then at me.

Any way he moved back up to the front and addressed the crowd. He told them to look at each others name tag and if anyone had the same colored star in the circle please get up and move. People shuffled around. Then he said if you are sitting with your spouse or friend please get up and move. We don't want you sitting together with your spouse or friend because we feel we get better ideas that way, and you get to meet new people. A few more people shifted around.

When it appeared to be settling down. I politely walked to the front and asked to speak the facilitator. He told me outside and that's when I turned to the people and I said I thought this was a community conversation and I want speak with you in front of the community. The man then politely lifted his microphone to his mouth and said very nicely, "Where is the sheriff." Welll I saw nothing else to do but to politely walk out. I was met half way out by deputies who then followed me out of the building. They saw nor heard any of what took place.

I have been told on this forum since I attended Elk Konnected, LLC's Community Conversation that I am now a member. I hardly think so, no I know I'm not. But that is what they are doing, counting people that attend a Community Conversation as members even though the people may disagree with them.


now Ross:  either you adjust your meds and tell it like it really happened, or you will get bomblasted on here!  ;D
    Duck!  Everyone is ready, right?????


Quote from: readyaimduck on June 01, 2011, 05:41:08 PM
now Ross:  either you adjust your meds and tell it like it really happened, or you will get bomblasted on here!  ;D
   Duck!  Everyone is ready, right?????
Okay, boss. ya got anything good. I get loopy on aspirin. Actually, all kidding aside, asprin is the strongest pain medication I take.
I get high on real rich chocolate. Will that work? oh and I'm high on life, too.


readyaimduck it was like a 20 ring circus. how could anyone know what was going on? Think about it.

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