Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Remember when I complained  on here, about not receiving my West Elk USD282 School Board meeting Agenda until after the meeting. The administration told me it some times takes a week for the Post Office to deliver. Well since that time that I complained, I have never received another one late.

My most recent Agenda arrived yesterday 0n 5/10/2014 and the post mark was 7/9/2014. Less than a 24 our delivery and each and every one has been delivered just like that. Good Job Post Office. Shame on the West Elk-282 administration.

But let me tell you about just one item on the agenda.

Under Roman Numeral IV. Discussions/Action Items

Under Letter A.

The Agenda states - AOG Update-Wayne Wilhite

For those that might not know AOG stands for the Assembly of God Church

Actually, I don't think they want to be recognized as a church, but as a Community Center or Family Center or some such thing. And the use of AOG instead of Assembly of God strikes me as denial of God. 

What a shame, no use of the word Church, no use of the word God just AOG.
I really wonder why?
Is it because of political correctness or what?
Is it a leadership decision?

With what I see of leadership, all the way up to the President of the US of A, I feel the questions must be asked. No. I don't really expect an answer not with today's world of so called leadership.

Now, if I recollect the School Board opted to drop the $1000 a month, to the Church plan!
So is the church hurting for money and going to call in some favors, just asking?

Is the church perhaps Konnected and planning to use Konnected School Board Members to gain that $1000 a month rent money?

Can't a person ask a simple question? And get an honest answer?

it will be interesting to see if the church shows up to beg, after all, they surely spent extra money to make the church usable by the West Elk-USD 282 School District, didn't they?

I'll be there, Lord willing, to see what that is all about. Oh the drama. LOL
I hope it's not a let down.

i tried reading the School Board of Education Meeting Minutes, but guess what the only meetings posted are from 2011-07-25 to 2013-07-08. These so called leaders of the Community are hi-behind on their leading, aren't they? Which Leader accepts any responsibility on the School Board?
Check out the posting of Board Minutes at http://www.westelk.us/boe-minutes/ .

While we are at it, let's take a look at what the (I guess what could be called  the minority leaders!) Site Council is doing, shall we ? They have listed Minutes for February 4. 2013, March 7, 2013, March 28. 2013 and finally September 24, 2013. Where are the rest of the minutes?

The last posting for the Site Council stated and I quote, "The next site council meeting will be
November 12th at 6:30 p.m.in the West Elk Library." So were there no more meetings of the Site Council?

Or are they too failing, at getting their Minutes posted.

I'd like to know what the Site Council has accomplished, if anything?

Has the Site Council discussed or addressed Common Core?

Do they provide any information to the School Board?

What is the deal at West Elk-USD 282?

Does Education, even get a little bit of attention?

Or is it strictly Sports, Professional Style Football and Baseball Fields and un-needed Construction that get's attention?
No, no, no, I'm sorry, I'm wrong! Un-needed Taxation of the School District Property owners is in the lime light right now.

People please do not mistake the mail-in ballot for junk mail. It was brought to my attention by a resident, that, may be the main reason for a mail in ballot. Hoping most people would think of it as junk mail and throw it away. I will be especially alert to my mail starting tomorrow, because they have changed the voting date, so what is to keep them from changing the mailing date?

Oh I know, the board would say a mail-in ballot is cheaper but I would not believe that reason. After all look at the just getting here.

And they wasted all that money knowing that this Bond issue will fail if everyone votes. If it is only Howard people vote it will most likely pass. That was shown in the last Bond Issue Ballot, remember?

So keep a sharp eye for those mail-in ballots and get them sent back as soon as possible.

May the Force of the Vote be with the landowners and Tax Relief not Tax Increase.

Just Say

Here's hoping everyone is having great day.


I borrowed this from one of Warph's posts and changed it up a little, okay a lot.  LOL

"You might be a liberal-progressive if you paid $500,000.00 for some portable class rooms
once used by some one else and are now ready to dispose of them".

"You might be a liberal-progressive if you vote to pass an un-needed School Bond for $4,000 ,000.00, for an un-needed gymnasium, just to appease a School Board President, that cried, that his children will grow up and graduate, without having the pleasure and use of a Brand New Gymnasium."

I'm sorry, Mr. President, I sure would hate to see that happen.
But it is not the taxpayers responsibility to provide for a new Gymnasium for your children.

I'd suggest you ask Elk Konnected to help you erect a new Gymnasium in your back yard --- problem solved. Perhaps through the Elk Konnected leadershp, you could build it as a Kommunity Project and  in the fashion of an old style Barn Raising.

Call them Kommunity Organizers     NOW.

Good Luck and Best Wishes.


It's late and I'm tired so I'll keep this short.

Our Konnected School Board Member Whetstone showed up at 9 p.m. He may have showed up in time for the Executive session. I don't know because I was in the parking lot getting in my vehicle to head home, because the meeting is virtually over for observers. 

Mr. Wayne Wilhite of the Assembly of God Church, did not show up to provide his update, as listed on the agenda. I wonder what happened. I hope all is well with him.

Guess what, I think someone is watching this thread, so if you have any ideas try posting them here.  I think they saw the comparison, I posted of the set up of board meeting tables between West Elk and Elk Valley School Boards. LOL

The Technician during his report made a suggestion about setting up the School Board tables in a "U" shape. I noticed a couple of the school board members faces cringe on the thought. But the technician went on to explain that people talking to the board are standing in front of the audience blocking the view. Then a conversation pursued.

Mr. Evans in the audience was some how recognized, and explained that the board members were difficult to be heard and therefore he relies on lip reading. (I can appreciate that because, I do the same thing.) Mr. Evans explained that when people get up in front of the board, then he can not see the board members in order to read their lips. Excellent job Mr. Evans.

Perhaps this will lead to a more dignified meeting. By that, I mean perhaps the picnic will end. Just think you are sitting there observing the schools business meeting, watching these people stuffing their face, eating,  Well, it makes me think of one of my cows chewing their cud.  Just how dignified is that?

So folks, we may get a new arrangement at school board meetings, which will be a major improvement.

Basic communication skills include facing audience, Any good leader realizes that.

Good night folks.


A little more about last night's School Board Meeting for you.

Maintenance stated Harrods removed the bad dirt from the football field and it is to late in the season to build that hump in the football field. They also need to find somewhere to get good dirt.

The superintendent stated that the dirt had large rocks and large roots in it. Super for a football field isn't. Great delivery --- NOT!

It was asked if the maintenance man could find grass that stayed green longer. Someone joked it's out there, it's called artificial turf. Ha, ha!

How much of the taxpayers money needs to be spent on sports at this school?
Oh yea, that's right, until they have a professional sports complex, right?

Still under maintenance: going to pay $6000.00 for carpet to replace or cover a tile floor. Isn't tile less expensive and easier to maintain? Oh well it's only taxpayer money and doesn't need to be spent towards the children's education. A Taj Mahal is more important, isn't it? I'm still waiting for the Crystal Chandelier.
Oh yes, we gotta get a big screen monitor for the School Board Meetings, so when someone wants to give a presentation they don't have to use the expensive computer projectors.
We can't even get this years School Board Minutes posted on the School Web site, what is with that?

A School Board Member was concerned about West Elk people sitting at third base while playing at home. I think it made him feel like a second class citizen or something! Such sensitivity about sports, wow! I wish they had that kind of sensitivity about taxpayer dollars, don't you?

Well folks the coach was there and graciously explained, " The head coach of the home team coaches third base and the assistant coach, coaches first base.And the head coach likes to have his team in the dug out at third base where he is." I sure hope I got that correct! But really is that School Board Business?

Under Student Growth Measures:

Figure out teacher Evaluations.
Use Dibbles or what?
Dibble is being used for Title 1 right now.

The Superintendent said, it is the School Boards Responsibility and that the State won't help.
The Superintendent repeated, School Board is suppose to tell him what tools to use to evaluate the teachers.

The Superintendent said, he doesn't know what is being used right now for math, that isn't happening right now.

This is me talking right now, I do know that the School Board can require more frequent evaluations than just the required State minimum. And as far as the State not helping! This is the State helping.
Try the 2014-2015 Kansas Model for Adding Student Growth Measures to All Kansas Educator Evaluation Systems at http://community.ksde.org/Default.aspx?tabid=4400

i sure hope the School Board finds this helpful. There is also a lot of other help from KSDE on line, all of the following information is available as help from the STATE at www.ksde.org , And you folks claimed us old folks did not understand the importance of technology, really look in the mirror. And I got no edumaction paper, i.e. College Diploma, LOL!
    School Finance
        Affordable Care Act
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main image
Kansas' ESEA Flexibility Request

The Kansas' ESEA Flexibility Request
granting waivers from certain
provisions of the federal Elementary
and Secondary Education Act (ESEA),
currently known as the No Child
Left Behind (NCLB) legislation,
was approved by the U.S.
Department of Education on July 19, 2012.

Time for School Board Members to do some studying in order to do ther jobs, isn't it?

Next we had the Principal report only she wasn't there.
So the Superintendent said, she was only going say we will be getting more kids next year. He also said she has been getting calls.

Back to me again, to me that statement means absolutely nothing!
I'd like to ask her the following:
Where are the kids coming from?
Is there going to be a sudden increase in the population of Elk County?
How many kids are we going to be getting 2 or 200?
What happened to the thirty kids from Grenola that you told us about that were coming to West Elk?
Doesn't accepting kids from other school districts in such great numbers, hurt that school district?
Is that a West Elk Goal, to hurt other school districts in Elk County?
Why do thirty kids all of a sudden, after the school year has all ready started, decide to come to West Elk and then leave before, the end of the school year?

And if what the Superintendent says about not having room for the kids you have, why take in other district kids?

Does taking in those thirty kids have anything to do with sports and when football season and basketball season end they go back to their home school?

Really what is going on? Is it possible? How do the professional sports do it, they more or less recruit don't they?

Some real answers would be nice?

The School Board Members will be canvassing the District for votes for the Bond Issue.
They may be calling on you at home or at your place of business.
Whatever they tell you, ask for proof, other than just verbal words.
Ask some of the hard questions shown in this post.

Folks, I think that is enough for this School Board Meeting.
I have a lot of my own work to get back to.

Remember Just Say "No"!

Remember now, this is all just my opinion ad nothing more. You know like he Editorials in any newspaper. LOL (I ain't no Editor.)

Goodnight Folks.


Lookie here, I and Bill Curtis both have something in common.

We were both born and raised i Independence. How about that?
We both grew up and left home, Independence, Ks that is.
We neither one returned to live in Independence, not yet anyway.

But I wanted to show this video Bill Curtis narrates for the benefit of Elk Konnected, because it is supposedly about quality of life. If that is what a person considers quality of life. And it shows all the large industrial companies that provide the monies that provide that quality of life.

Mr. Curtis is good enough to explain that Independence is and always been open to outsiders, without calling them outsiders.

The major thing left out of video the video are the run down parts of town and the people that do not   have the good paying jobs and can not afford to pay to go to the Inge plays. Yes, Independence has the poor and the run down right along with the better paid.

I bet Independence also has far more crime than all of Elk County does.

So I believe I have the better quality of life right here in Elk County, just the way it is.

If I want all the glamor I can go visit and then come back home to Elk County.

Durn, I missed my 50th class reunion in Independence, oh well, no big deal.

Prior to Sinclair Oil there was Prairie Oil and then Sinclair and Atlantic Richfield merged and then it became ARCO Pipeline. Who I worked for, for thirteen years. Then British Petroleum out and moved them (BP) bought the corporate office to Houston. I believe they simply gave the Arco building to Independence,

Here is that beautiful video of my home town, is this the quality of life you want? It is just 40 miles away.

2014 City of Independence, Kansas Quality of Life Video

For some reason I could not get the video to post so here is the link:


Good Friday Morning,

I finally got my laptop computer running again, but only after putting in a new hard drive.
I am still recovering programs, lot of fun. LOL

I noticed the West Elk USD 282 web site finally placed the school board meetings up there for everyone to see. Good Job whoever is responsible and thank you.

I don't have adobe reader at the moment so I can't read them. I'll download it later.

But, I wanted to ask if anyone has read the minutes posted in this weeks paper?

Just to show you that the school board is a real mess, Id only suggest you read the minutes. I'd ask that you note how many times a motion was made and seconded and failed on selecting one of the architects. I must ask a very simple question, what is the school board members problem with communicating with each other? Do they  lack the ability to have a decent discussion as to why they want or don't want to use a particular architects? What I have observed at these meetings is pathetic as far as  board members with each other communicating. Perhaps, that is why they won't video the meetings and post them on the web site for the community to see.

My personal opinion is that we need to get rid of elites that are incapable of communicating amongst themselves let alone incapable of keeping the School District patrons and mostly the taxpayer citizens. What I think would serve the district and the children's education far better would be a bunch of hard working, taxpaying rednecks that know how to communicate with each other.

I sure hope you can agree that this board is only interested in putting us further and further in debt to only satisfy the elite in our district, of their own importance. And a foolish attempt at economic development as always with only the interest of Howard.

I hope you will read those minutes and also read about how they are going to reach out to you to vote for this foolishness. And also notice that they can not say that 4 Million Dollars may not pay  for all they want.

Frawin alludes in a politically correct way that I am lying to you in my posts. Here is what I think of politically correct, cowardly B.S. used to confuse the people it is directed at. You decide:

Quote from: frawin on May 14, 2014, 07:31:48 PM
Crosstimber a big thank you for getting the facts on the Chisholm View wind project. Ross never likes the facts unless they agree with his always negative view. I think if the West Elk taxpayers would get the facts from the school board they would find a lot if not most of what Ross has put out there is not true.

I responded that there were no facts at least not backed by any links. So doesn't the facts only equate to personal opinion?
That is why I don't asks you to believe what I post, because it is mainly only my opinion. Just like the editor of the newspaper in his editorials, they are just his opinion. Those opinions called Editorials are only to create thinking on the part of the reader, possibly to start communications amongst the readers.

Oh, one more thought and that is about "Quality of Life".
To me "Quality of Life" is not about a big fancy building, it's not about a big fancy parade, it's not about being a very important  person with lots and lots of money. None of that impresses me.

Quality of Life to me, is my family and the love involved, it's about friends and the love and trust involved, it's is about living amongst a few good people as neighbors. Quality of Life is not about a bunch of bells and whistles as some would have us believe.

Quality of life is the little parade where a boy saddles his cow and rides it down main street in a small town parade and the cow sits down mid-way down the street. And everyone enjoys it.

Quality of life is a fishing rod in your hand and your child or grand child with one in their hand. Maybe even the whole family with fishing rods.

Quality of Life is where people help each other when needed and when possible without some Non Governmental Organization dictating what you should do and how you should do it. and demanding that you have to volunteer for them. No organization can dictate quality of life in my opinion.

There is so much more to "Quality of Life" than I can express in a single post, so I will stop right here.

I hope each and everyone of you that read this have a great weekend.


These notes were copied and pasted from:
MINUTES-of the regular meeting of the West Elk USD #282 Board of Education, held Monday, March 10, 2014 at 6:31 p.m. at the West Elk District Office, Howard, Kansas.

Discussion continued.

At 7:55 p.m. Whetstone declared a conflict of interest and exited the meeting.

Further discussion regarding hiring an architect.

Bellar moved to hire Esprit Architecture. Walker seconded. Motion failed. (3-2) Hilton and Hare voted no.

Hare moved to hire PBA Architect firm. Black seconded. Motion failed. (3-2) (Walker and Bellar voted no.)

Black moved to table hiring an architect. Walker seconded and motion passed. (4-1) (Hilton voted no.)


Where was the discussion about the Architects?

Where were the: Who, What, Where, When, Why and How of a discussion?

Are college educated people taught not to ask questions, i.e.:
1.   Why do you want to hire this particular firm?
2.   Why do you not to hire this Firm?
3.   Who would you suggest and why?
4.   How is firm one better than firm 2?
Where is there any real discussions?

Just what was Konnected Whetstone's declared conflict of interest?

Was it something to do with the Architects?

Is it possible he has a financial interest in one of the firms?

Would there by some chance be one or two people on the board that know what the conflict of interest is, and could be supportive of that conflict of interest?

Is that perhaps why there is no real discussion?

If an agency is involved in that conflict of interest, wouldn't it be best to remove that firm to alleviate any doubt?

So what is the conflict of interest? Shouldn't that be aired, not hidden?


I sure wouldn't trust this group with any major decisions.
After all, due to a lack of communications, they screwed UP (big time) a simple matter, like getting dirt for the football field, didn't they?

And get a load of the opening statement of the minutes, please. Even here they try to make it appear West Elk is in Howard. Now if they were wanting to show the address, they would  show it correctly as 1201 State Highway 99. Howard, KS 67349, don't you reckon?

Here take another look:

MINUTES-of the regular meeting of the West Elk USD #282 Board of Education, held Monday, March 10, 2014 at 6:31 p.m. at the West Elk District Office, Howard, Kansas.

Just as if it is located in Howard, so tell me again how it isn't, "all about Howard." Even the last bond issue election showed it was all about Howard.

Howard 75% of voters, voted for it.

While 75% of the rest of the District voters, voted against it.
It has Howard written all over it.

If it wasn't "all about Howard" we would still have our Grade Schools open, don't you think?

It goes along with that brilliant idea of doing away with all the city governments and having one centrally located government, doesn't it?

And doesn't Howard consider itself centrally located?

Good night my friends.


An economist says:  Just as every action is motivated by an underlying incentive (really who is behind this foolishness), every decision has a related consequence.  (We the taxpayers with wallets will pay the consequences.)

These very same people will complain about the conduct and spending of the Federal Government, then they do the same thing on the local level! (To you)

The school board has discussed teaching the students Critical Thinking Skills.

Using Critical Thinking Skills-  Debate issues with friends, family and peers. Argue using evidence, not your opinions or emotions.

Biden accused of making, "erroneous and one-sided remarks," in Bejing.
And so is the school board, right here locally.
Where are their Critical Thinking Skills?
Or is it they have no idea what Critical Thinking Skills?
Math and science problems require Critical Thinking Skills and creativity. 
So the kids are already being taught Critical Thinking Skills, right? Right!
Critical Thinking Skills requires thinking critically - negative and positive ask the questions.

Critical Thinking Skills requires Debating issues with friends, family and peers and School Board Members .
Argue using evidence, not your opinions or emotions, i.e.,
I guess my kids will have to grow up and graduate without knowing the pleasure of playing in a new gymnasium.

Not a good reason to vote "YES".
But exactly the opposite, a very excellent reason to vote "NO".
What happened to that mans Critical Thinking Skills he want's taught in school?

Just a reminder of information and facts you can download to your computer or read o line, about West Elk USD282 and Elk County information.

Check out the facts. Aren't they wasting enough money that should be used for a better education of the children in the class room?

USD 282 Documents

Documents Pertaining To The Survey

Piper Jafrey Financial

Elk County Government

Be SMART, be SENSIBLE, be FRUGAL, re-open the Moline Grade School and save millions and ALL problems solved.

Just because Howard doesn't want to bus their kids to Moline, is no reason to keep the Moline Grade School Closed, in my opinion.

Be SMART, Be SENSIBLE, Be FRUGAL,   Just say," NO "


School Board Members should read this about Common Core and any others that may be interested and/or have children in school. Perhaps then our School Board Members can  tell us where they stand on Common Core?

Simply click on my name in  the quote jus below.

Quote from: ROSS on May 20, 2014, 09:01:48 PM
Thorner: Chilling truth behind Common Core

May 20, 2014


A school building designed for 600 students
and only 300 Students attending,
does not need expansions.

That is foolishness.

Besides The School Board Members Don't Expect You To Pass It.

They Have Said So At Several School Board Meetings.

Let's Not Disappoint Them.

They Are Already Planning To Run The Bond Issue Again In November.

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