Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Are you registered to vote on the June mail-in West Elk USD 282 School Bond issue?

Do you know someone who is not registered?

Want to register or help a friend to register?

Go to this link and either download a printed registration form or register on line.

I am not plugging the politician that making this registration method available.

Let's get anyone not registered right away, so they can vote.

Let's get this done and tell them "NO".

Then we can sit back and see if they attempt to bully us, by coming back at us again in November.

Thank You.


West Elk USD-282 School Board Meeting 04/14/14

They are basically holding a private meeting, due to the inability of the use of a voice, that can be heard the length of the small room they are using. And holding what appears to be private conversations as well as talking over each other. Some board members have their backs to the public. A lesson from grade school and my parents was to face the people you are talking to. It is simple you direct your voice the direction you face. And these meeting are equally aimed at the public as well as the other members.

Other wise how do you inform the public?

How do you run a respectable Public Meeting?

One of the many things mentioned in the Roberts Rules of Order is, "Speak in a clear and concise manner."

I do believe that means during a Public Meeting, speak so the public can hear what is being said.
And for one member to be talking while another has the floor is an improper action under the Roberts Rules of Order. Yet the president of the board will not correct such action, because he is guilty of it too. I don't think they know anything about Roberts Rules of Order, at least they don't show it.

And the School Board doesn't follow their own policies as pointed out in the previous post.

Board Member Whetstone arrives an hour and a fifteen minutes late at 7:45 p.m.

Board Member Bellar, said he would be voting no, on what every the motion they were going to vote on. He said he wanted people to understand why.  He said the $4 million bond would never pass.
So the vote was taken and true to his word, Board Member Bellar voted no.

Now to interject my thoughts, none on that School Board expect it will pass, that is why at previous meetings they set up this June vote and they said, so they can come back at us in November for another try.

In my opinion it is just a form of bullying the taxpayer and wasting money. I personally think they have wasted enough of the property tax payers money already. That wasted Money should have been used on the children's education or on repairing the leaky roof.
Yes, there has been a considerable amount wasted just to attempt to acquire a second gymnasium.

More input from architects. The architects said they need at least 3 more meetings with the School Board to work out the plan details and discussing doing a lot less for $4 million. Also, they say there are a lot of ways to be creative.

I say, sure there is lots of ways to be creative, one great way of being creative would be to drop this foolish bond issue and idea of a Taj Mahal for Howard.

Board Member Bellar, asked an architect if there were movable walls available for school buildings. The architect said yes there are, but they are expensive. I ask you folks, what in construction isn't expensive. Good Question in my opinion.

At a previous school Board meeting, an architect told the board they had luxurious class rooms and that two rooms could be down sized to make a third room. Now, what better way to use a portable wall?       The room sizes could be adjusted back and forth as needed.

Nobody liked the idea, most likely, because it would not include a gymnasium, IMO.

My observation is that the school board presents, that they have no knowledge of construction or cost or what they think they can buy for $4 million. They don't show any confidence in their own actions, after two years of talking about this project.      Yes, two years and still no confidence.

Hell, they were advised two years ago by Emporia State College to commence repairs on the leaking roof and replacing the roof top air conditioners a portion at a time, so they would not have to put out all the money at one time.        And two years later they have still done nothing.        Do you want to trust these people with $4 million? They receive expert advice and ignore it. More about the roof in a later post.

Here is why, I ask if you want to trust these people with $4 Million. The football field what a mess, that's why I ask. They want a professional football field and can't get it right, at great expense, which appears to be getting even more expensive. They contracted to have dirt hauled in and spread on the football field. Not much of a big deal, right? Not until you look and see that it is a whole lot of clay and large rocks. Anyway, that is what I heard at the meeting. Most likely, because the contract did not stipulate "top soil". So, the board will most likely have to pay, to have all that garbage dirt removed and pay to have more dirt, oops I mean "top soil" hauled in. If  they are incapable of such a simple task how can you willfully entrust them with $4 million?

Two years of planning and they are still incomplete and insecure in their own actions.

That is a "WOW", just "WOW".
I guess all them diplomas sitting around that table are not up to par, up to par with rednecks that Git-R-Done. That's what a redneck does, he gets the job done. LOL! Oh yea, rednecks have more respect for taxpayers money in my way of thinking.

Where does a redneck get his redneck from? He earns it working outside tending to his mowing and haying and tending to his livestock. A redneck should be damned proud of his redneck.

I have some more to share with you later, maybe even tomorrow.

I'm tired and heading for bed. Good night all.


Well before I get into the rest of the School Board meeting of 4/14/2014, I wanted to get this off my chest.

I went to the district office this morning and filled out their Freedom of Information Act form and specifically asked to see their Purchase Order/Contract concerning repairs to the West Elk Football field which was discussed during the School Board Meeting of 4/14/2014.

I was told that it was not available right now and that they would call me when it is available.

I didn't ask why, that was my mistake. The original should never leave the District Office and should be on file, IMO. So anyway I didn't exactly leave empty handed. I took a picture of a sign hanging in the district, seems entirely appropriate where it is to me. Here it is:

I then stopped by the Schools Football field and found Harrods removing the bad dirt.
Brilliant planning don't you think. Oh well, it is only taxpayers money being wasted to build a professional football field.

Here are some pictures for you:

I hope this helps you understand how your West Elk School Board wastes your tax dollars.

Do you want to risk a 4 Million Dollar waste for something the district does not need.


Well, I just received a call from USD-282 District office ant 3:45 p. to pick up my copies of the contract for the Professional Football field. I asked if tomorrow would be okay, because I was very busy right now and didn't know how soon I'd be done. They said yes, and that it would cost me $1.50.

I really don't want them to provide me copies because I can scan the papers myself. So, in the future I will write on there Freedom of Action form no copies please.

I learn something every day. LOL

I may post the contract tomorrow.


What is really going on?
About tenure how, many people working for a living have a guarantee they won't be fired if they don't do their jobs. Or at least a very slim chance of being fired. The teachers have their unions, something a lot of people don't have. But their other recourse's for being unlawfully fired. Live with it.

About legislation to provide more money to poor schools, here is an article.
However I guess West Elk USD must not fall into the category based on all the money they spend on sports, or waste money on the Professional Football Field. But that remains to be seen.

Here is the article for those that  may not have not seen it:

Court Orders Kansas Legislature to Spend More on Schools


Gov. Sam Brownback of Kansas, pictured at an elementary school in January, praised Friday's
ruling for not setting an exact dollar amount that must be spent to create equality among the
districts. Credit Craig Hacker for The New York Times

TOPEKA, Kan. — Kansas's highest court ruled on Friday that funding disparities between school districts violated the state's Constitution and ordered the Legislature to bridge the gap, setting the stage for a messy budget battle in the capital this year.

With its ruling, the State Supreme Court averted, for now, a larger constitutional showdown by ordering a lower court to reconsider the most controversial part of the case — whether the public school system statewide was adequately funded. The lower court originally ordered an increase of more than $400 million in school spending, and the conservative-led majority in the Legislature had vowed to defy that order if it were upheld. Legislators said it was the job of lawmakers, not judges, to appropriate money.

Still, the unanimous court decision Friday would seem to leave some Republican lawmakers in Kansas unsettled because it orders them, by July 1, to potentially appropriate tens of millions of dollars in payments to poorer districts to make the school system more equitable. The Legislature had been withholding those constitutionally mandated payments in recent years.

The issue of increasing base aid per student was politically charged because at the same time that lawmakers, led by the Republican governor, Sam Brownback, refused to increase funding, they passed the largest tax cuts in state history.

"I think the bottom line is that you still have a constitutional issue here as to which branch has the power of the purse," said State Representative Kasha Kelley, a Republican who is chairwoman of the House Education Committee. "And clearly that duty lies with the legislative branch. I don't believe that's the place of the court."

The court rejected the contention that it lacked the authority to make decisions on school funding, saying that it has the duty to determine whether legislative acts comply with the Kansas Constitution. "The judiciary is not at liberty to surrender, ignore or waive this duty," the decision said.

Most of the attention in the case, Gannon v. Kansas, had been focused on the trial court's order to raise base aid per student to $4,492, a 17 percent increase over the current level, to provide an adequate education for all Kansas students. On Friday, the Supreme Court held that the district court had not applied the proper standard to determine what constituted an adequate funding level and asked the lower court to re-examine that issue.

"Regardless of the source or amount of funding, total spending is not the touchstone for adequacy in education" under the State Constitution, the decision read.

Mr. Brownback and his fellow Republicans who are legislative leaders cast that point as a victory during a news conference at the Capitol on Friday afternoon. "It says schools should be measured by performance and outcomes, not by just money spent," Mr. Brownback said. "It focuses on equity — that a child in the poorer part of the state should have an equal opportunity at an education as someone from the richer part of the state, and I agree."

But divorcing money and outcomes was off the mark, said John S. Robb, the lawyer for the school districts that sued the state. "Outcomes are all that matter, but it takes resources to get there," he said.

The standard that the Supreme Court asked the lower court to use when it reconsiders whether there is adequate statewide funding accounts for the fact that money produces adequate educational outcomes, Mr. Robb said. So he was confident that the district court would reach the same result and again rule that base aid per student needed to be increased.

Mr. Brownback and his allies praised Friday's ruling for not setting a specific dollar amount that must be spent in order to create equality among the districts. The court held that the Legislature had to provide equitable funding "as contemplated by present statutes."

"I don't know that we have a number for that, and we aren't going to restrict ourselves," said Susan Wagle, the Senate president.

But Mr. Robb said the formula the state previously used for those supplemental funds for poor districts had totaled nearly $120 million. It would be difficult to see the court allow anything less than that, he said, because that formula was what the judges used when deciding the case.

"It takes a willing Legislature to comply with this order," Mr. Robb said. "I am confident they will follow their constitutional oaths and do what's right for kids."

In 2005, the court approved an agreement to gradually raise per-pupil spending, but the goals were never reached because of the nationwide recession and, more recently, the tax cuts.

In arguing the case last year, lawyers for the state asserted that it was unreasonable to restrict the Legislature's role in making financial decisions. The Kansas Constitution is "neither a suicide pact nor a bankruptcy pact," Stephen R. McAllister, a lawyer for the state, told the court.

In January, with the justices sitting nearby, Mr. Brownback essentially fired a warning shot during his State of the State address, saying that "the Constitution empowers the Legislature, the people's representatives, to fund our schools," and that the state should ensure that "our schools remain open and are not closed by the courts or anyone else."

Moderate and liberal legislators have said the case has highlighted the failure of the state to provide an adequate education for Kansas children.

For critics of legislative leaders and the governor, the shortfall in school funding provides fodder for a broader criticism of the path Kansas officials have set the state on. In the past two legislative sessions, the Legislature, backed by Mr. Brownback, passed tax cuts that are projected to decrease state revenue by about $3.9 billion over the next six years.

Those who believe the courts overstepped their bounds in previous rulings by mandating a dollar amount said lawmakers and schools needed to focus on efficient spending, rather than a pure dollar figure.

The debate over school funding in Kansas heated up in the 1960s when the Legislature added an article to the Constitution that read, "the Legislature shall make suitable provision for finance" of public education. That led to a court case decades later that ended with lawmakers agreeing to provide $4,492 in base aid per student.

But because of the nationwide financial crisis, the Legislature never reached that level of spending. It went as high as $4,400 by the 2008-9 school year, but under Gov. Mark V. Parkinson, a Democrat, the figure began a downward slide, which has continued under Mr. Brownback. The figure is now $3,838, and Mr. Brownback called for maintaining it in a budget proposal he released in January.

The reduction in school financing over the years led to the current lawsuit. A state appeals court ruled in January 2013 in favor of the plaintiffs, saying that the Legislature was failing to meet its constitutional obligation to adequately fund schools.

Fiscal conservatives argue that the base state aid does not represent the actual amount spent on education. Including federal sources, the amount was $12,656 in 2011-12. Those in favor of increased funding said that figure included money for things like pensions that are not directly related to helping students learn.

Trevor Graff reported from Topeka, and John Eligon from Kansas City, Mo.

A version of this article appears in print on March 8, 2014, on page A9 of the New York edition with the headline: Kansas School Funding Is Faulted.



West Elk USD-282 School Board Meeting 04/14/14 continued.

My version and my opinions.

The maintenance man is addressing the School Board about the roof leaking and having had to repair it. Everything seems to be a joke to this bunch. One of them says buy a can of that spray stuff to seal leaks shown on TV and shakes his hand as if he has a spray can in his hand. Very funny right. As I have mentioned before the School Board was advised two years ago by Emporia State University to start repairs on the roof, do a part of the roof each year, so they wouldn't have to spend all their money at one time. Yet, nothing is being done and inflation is making things much more expensive. Can we hear them laughing now? School Board Member Bellar has tried to get the board to take action on the roof, but has been talking to deaf ears, even with my hearing aids, I have heard him several times at different School Board Meetings. Because he speaks up like a man. But the board turns a deaf ear. Go figure.

The Maintenance man continues and is discussing replacing a fire door and mentions a price which I could not hear, and say's he is going with a certain company because they know the building. Where upon one of the Architects in the audience, says he is paying to much. My opinion is a company that replaces this type of door, does not have to be familiar with the building, because they will only be dealing with the door. And I feel these types of jobs should be put out for bid, to several companies with the specifications attached, in order to get the best prices.

Oh this one is a real goody in my opinion.
Two first grade teachers addressing the school board about a trip to Las Vegas this summer. They try to perform a computer projected presentation and can not log onto their computer, really good show there teachers. So they go on to say, that there is a "I teach First Grade Conference" in Las Vegas this summer and they could not get a grant for it. So they want the School District to pay for their trip and there fees to attend the conference. Cost, I believe, I heard them say for the Conference is only $599.00 each and also askng the School Board to pay for their lodging and meals and air line tickets. The jokes again about spending taxpayers dollars, one of them say's, they could gamble to pay for it --- laughs everywhere. I also imagine they will need rental car expenses, which were not mentioned. They said, they would represent West Elk at a national convention. I got news for them, they most likely won't even be noticed, unless they perhaps get drunk and do something foolish. Conventions after all are for the promoters to make money. One of the teachers said, she follows one of the speakers blog. I'm thrilled all about that, to the point of spending thousands of tax payers dollars, for two teachers to have an all expense paid vacation to sin city. Since their computer presentation didn't work properly, they went ahead and handed each School Board Member a very colorful brochure about the conference, but the Board voted to pay the teachers way without taking enough time to read the handout. It's just taxpayer dollars paying for a trip to Las Vegas, no big deal.

I looked up the handout on the internet and guess what it is? Would you believe Common Core. That's right Obama's liberal/ socialistic teaching Common Core.
I personally think the gambling trip is more important. I am not joking.

The brochure handed out, the one I feel certain, they handed out is at 
It is a PDF but opens as a web page.

Look at the top right hand corner for Common Core. It says, "Common Core Immersed Through Out".

I thought Kansas is trying to opt out of Obama's Common Core.
I will be researching Kansas' stand on Common Core.

Oh one more thing.
The report from School Board Member Mr. Elk Konnected Whetstone on the Assembly of God Church meeting. He didn't have much to say. But I could not hear him any way, he can't seem to speak up like School Board Member Bellar. And once again, anyway, the school superintendent took over the Report and ditto, I couldn't hear him either. He has such a soft voice. But none of that matters. I heard the important thing. If they don't get the bond issue passed they won't have a secondary gymnasium  nest year. Sorry for all the extra work you did Assembly of God Church to provide for West Elk USD-282 . Sorry Assembly of God Church, of getting your hopes up, of getting $1000,00 a month, of the taxpayers money. But no thank you ! Another great job done by the West Elk USD-282 School Board.

Okay, I'm done. Ya'all can slap me down now. I can handle it.

Good night All.


A quick google on Kansas
Common Core.

I have turned up several links for you to read if you so desire.

Kansans Against Common Core

Kansas House committee hears debate on Common Core standards
The Wichita Eagle

Kansas Reclaims Control of Testing, Drops Common Core Assessments
The Foundry

Kansas HB 2289
Prohibiting the use of common core standards.

I'll be doing some reading and studying tomorrow.

Bed time for me.


A lot of this reminds me of Elk Konnected. Liberals looking for handouts. Watch this video and see just how the liberals can run shit into the ground. I wonder how many grants these people got and still couldn't manage shit. Remember all of this when it comes time to vote.




West Elk USD-282 School Board Meeting 04/14/14 continued.

Well I went to the West Elk USD 282 District Office to pick up a copy of the Contract for the football to be made more Professional and you won't believe what I got.

After the School Board said they would have to check their contract to determine what they had stipulated for the dirt. I naturally had to do the same thing. I wanted to see to see what they stipulated in this contract for $5,000.

I arrive at the school at 07:30 to pick it up, so I can get on with my personal business of the day. The lady that waited on me is really a sweet and polite lady. She brings me the papers and I pay her the $1.50 they charged me and I thank her and head for my truck in the parking lot while looking at the papers. And I say to my self whoa, this is not what I asked for. I specifically, specified on their Freedom of Information act I wanted the purchase order and or the contract on the football field that was discussed at the School Board Meeting on 04/14/14. I did not ask for copies of the School Board Meeting Minutes.

So I do a 180 and walk back into the office and explain I clearly asked for specifically the purchase order and or the contract. The sweet lady said there is no contract and I reminded her that a contract was mentioned at the School Board Meeting and that if it did not specify precisely what dirt was to be delivered that the School would probably have to pay to have all that dirt removed and pay to have good dirt hauled in. She said, nope no contract. I thank her and take my leave. 

Really folks ----- "NO Contract on a $5,000 Job" ? ? ?
WHY ? ? ?


Do you really want to allow these incompetents on the School Board to have 5,000,000.00 of our taxpayer dollars?

While they may consider themselves the elite and community leaders all they are, are business owners or so called management people.
And all they have shown me is incompetents AS School Board Members especially the Konnected ones.

They don't get bids on expensive jobs to save taxpayers money.
They don't run a proper School Board Meeting.
They don't utilize Roberts Rules of Order per their on by-laws.
Have they declared a position on Common Core?
Have the even discussed Common Core?
Why are they paying thousands of tax payer dollars for two first grade teachers to go to a Los Vegas first grade convention that is saturated in Common Core, while Kansas is in the process of opting out of Common Core along with many other states?
Oh, I know why, it's just taxpayer money and the Children's education money.
I hope the teachers enjoy the all expense paid vacation to Sin City, Las Vegas at the expense of the children and the taxpayers.
They want a professional sports complex, but not a professional School Board.

So folks remember you have the power to change things for the positive.
Your local vote carries much more power than your national vote.
Please remember you have the POWER of the VOTE.
When this comes about encourage your friends to vote as well.

Be SMART, be SENSIBLE, be FRUGAL, re-open the Moline Grade School and save millions and problems solved.

Be SMART, Be SENSIBLE, Be FRUGAL, Just Tell The Elite " NO "


No is a very positive word in this instance and I'm sure it is very positive in many other instances. Yes in this instance would most likely have very negative effects on Elk County and sure enough negative effects on your property taxes



I had to share this one. I do have a sense of humor about most things.

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